Stone Cold Foxe

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Stone Cold Foxe Page 17

by Haley Walsh

“Isn’t that nice of you. You could not pay me to go.”

  They laughed, and Skyler waved over the waiter to get Macy a drink. Soon they were laughing like loons over their fruity drinks, while Keith and Brian were going at it about percentages and point spreads. Brian said that the pool big screen often showed the games, and Keith seemed interested in that.

  “You two are real cute together,” said Macy.

  “Why thank you, Macy. So are you two.”

  “We are not! We’re just an old married couple.”

  “Is it good, though? I was a little anxious making the commitment at first.”

  She sipped her strawberry drink down to the bottom, sucking loudly. “Oh yeah. Everyone has their ups and downs. We’ve had some loud fights for sure. But in the end, it’s still just us being us. When you have your first fight, you’ll know.”

  “We’ve had some fights.”

  “But you made up. Just take it in stride. I mean, you are two different people after all. There are bound to be disagreements.” She took the strawberry off its skewer and began eating it. “You know, I know Brian doesn’t know very many gay guys, and our church isn’t big on it, but I’ve always liked gay people.”

  Here comes the drunk part of the evening, Skyler mused.

  “People are just people, you know,” she went on.

  “I know.”

  “I’m real glad your Keith is a football player. Cause that will shut up anything Brian’ll have to say about it later.”

  “It will?” he asked innocently.

  “Oh yeah! I bet you anything, the first thing he’ll say to me is, ‘that queer guy wasn’t half bad,’” she said, mocking her husband’s voice. “And then he’ll say something like, ‘he was real macho, too. Not like I expected at all.’”

  “That’s good.”

  “I know. You try to open a person’s mind, but it’s hard.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  She pushed at his shoulder. “Like I have to tell you. But cruises are real good places for LGBT people. There’s so much partying to do, no one has time to be a bigot about it.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  “No, really. Hey, I know I’m talking out of my you-know-what—alcohol always loosens me up—but I mean it. This is going to be fine. Listen. I better get out of here before I totally wrinkle up. Brian, you’ve talked that poor man’s ear off enough. Let’s get cleaned up for dinner.”

  Brian shook Keith’s hand. “It was sure nice meeting you, Coach. Hope we can watch the game poolside Monday.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “All right, Macy. I’m coming.” He climbed out and toweled off, and before he got too far away, Skyler just caught his saying, “You know, Macy, that queer guy wasn’t half bad—”

  He looked at Keith who was drinking his beer and nearly spat it across the hot tub.

  “They weren’t so bad,” said Skyler.

  “They weren’t half bad for straights.”

  Now it was Skyler’s turn to spit his drink.

  A flash and Skyler got his picture taken again. He looked up and saw a man in a Hawaiian shirt. “Hey! I’m Mark. I didn’t mean to disturb you, but this is what I do. Take pictures.”

  “I suppose you have a business card.”

  “Look, I know it seems like a pain, but if you do connect with a photographer, then the other ones leave you alone. Maybe I can do a few. You’re under no obligation to pay for them. Just a few here and there, at dinner, that sort of thing.”

  “Well…we are on our honeymoon.”

  “That’s awesome. Congratulations.”

  “Mark, leave your card. And yeah, you know what? Why don’t you snap a few. We’ll be in the Poseidon Room tonight for the later seating.”

  “Dude, that’s awesome. Okay. I’m leaving my card on your towels. See you later. I’ll be discreet, too. Tell me to scram and I will. Don’t want to be keel-hauled. I’ll shoot one more, then leave, okay?”

  “Come on, Keith, scoot over.” Keith floated over, put his arm around him, and they both smiled for the camera.

  “Beautiful. So you are Keith and…”

  “Skyler. We’re in room 8202.”

  “Catch you later, guys.”

  Once the man left, Keith gave Skyler a peck. “Everyone is so friendly here.”

  Skyler agreed. “I know. It’s too good to be true.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  SIDNEY WAS ON HER LAST NERVE. THEY WAITED IN the huge terminal as far away from Skyler and Keith as they could get. She’d spotted them right away and managed to herd his friends behind a counter and made them plunk themselves down.

  “Honestly, you are like a bunch of children. This isn’t a pleasure cruise.”

  “Well, actually,” said Philip, “that’s exactly what this is.”

  She speared him with a poison stare, and he shrank back. “For a minute there I thought your hair was going to turn into serpents,” he muttered.

  “Okay, listen up,” she said as people started to board. “We check into our room and you stay there until I tell you to come out again.”

  “What?” cried Jamie. “I’m not going to be stuck in a tiny room until you say we can leave.”

  “I am in charge of this. What I say goes. If you don’t like it you can stay behind.”

  “It’s just that more eyes are better, aren’t they? That’s why we’re here. No.” He postured, hand on his hip. “We won’t stay in the room.”

  “Jamie is right,” said Rodolfo. “More eyes to watch Skyler. That is our primary goal.”

  “Jesus, all right! But honestly, you have got to stay out of the way. And for God’s sake, don’t let him see you.”

  They let the couple get far ahead of them before they moved en masse to the gangplank. Once checked in they headed for deck four, traveled down the long hallway, and found their room. It was just as she expected. No window, two bunk beds, two twins, and a pullout sofa. “I feel like I’m in a Marx Brothers movie,” she sighed, “and all of you are Zeppo.”

  “No, he was the bland one,” said Philip. “We are all far from bland.”

  “I’m going to tell all of you right now. There is to be no hanky panky. No masturbation, mutual or otherwise.”

  Rodolfo made a scoffing noise.

  “I’m not kidding. I don’t want to listen to any of that. And no nudity. I do not want any of that burned into my retinas.”

  “Well, then likewise, missy,” said Jamie. “Keep the tits incognito, capice?”

  “I don’t mind,” said Rodolfo.

  “You don’t mind about breasts?” asked Philip.

  Rodolfo shrugged. “We are all friends here. And we are here for Skyler. And these are tight accommodations,” he said, looking around with a scowl.

  “All right,” she said. “Suit yourself. I’m getting back out there. I’m calling one of the twin beds,” and she tossed her small bag onto the one on the right.

  “I want the bunk,” chirped Jamie. “Dave, get the other one!”

  “I feel like I’m back at the station,” he grumbled, throwing his small gym bag up on the bunk opposite. He put Jamie’s up on the other one.

  “Sweetheart,” said Philip to Rodolfo, “do you want the other twin, or the sofa?”

  “Oh no, my Philip. You choose.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of imposing.”

  “But I don’t want you to be uncomfortable…”

  “Oh for fuck’s sake!” Sidney grabbed each of their bags and heaved one at the twin, and the other at the sofa. “All sorted. Let’s go!”

  “You know,” said Philip, arms crossed over his chest. “A little courtesy goes a long way. We are just as worried about Skyler as you are.”

  She paused in the doorway, recalling a similar conversation with Mike. “You don’t always have to be so brash,” he’d told her. “Rudeness doesn’t always help.”

  She took a deep breath and blew it out. “Okay. You’re right. I’m sorry. And I appreciate you
guys all coming. Thanks for doing that.”

  There were sighs all around and then they maneuvered into a group hug before she squirmed out of it. “But we really need to go.”

  With her badge, she had ascertained Skyler’s room number, but with the configuration of the hallways, it would be impossible to stake it out without being seen. “Let’s split up. Everyone take a section of the ship. See if you can find them. And stay out of sight. That won’t be easy.”

  “You’re telling us,” said Dave. He kissed Jamie. “See you later.”

  Rodolfo kissed Philip as if he wouldn’t see him again till the end of the voyage. They parted, and Sidney was finally alone.

  She appreciated them. She really did. But it was times like these that she wished she was with Mike or some other police partner. She might have to move fast, and she didn’t want to worry about their safety either. But when you’ve got friends as determined as that…well. It was probably best just to let them help. She had to grudgingly admit that she was proud of those idiots for insisting.

  She decided to stake out the glass elevators. After all, she doubted they would take the stairs from the eighth floor. It didn’t take long from her vantage to spot them. She counted the decks. Looking down at the map of the ship on her phone, she realized they were on the Lido deck. The pool. Seemed a bit brisk for the pool so they were likely headed for the Jacuzzi.

  She took the elevator up and texted the others.

  They’re headed for the pool area. Likely the hot tub.

  How were they going to do this for four days? Was it practical? She’d talk to their cabin steward, see if she couldn’t get him to keep an eye out, too.

  According to the map, the elevators on this end, opened nearly to the hot tub. She turned her back as the lift opened and hurried out, skirting around the Jacuzzis. She needn’t have worried. They were raised up on a platform above the pool. Now to settle in and patrol the area.

  She spotted Philip and Dave arriving from the other end of the pool.

  Philip spotted her, and like Paul Newman in The Sting, he flicked his finger alongside of his nose to indicate he’d spotted her and them.

  Another couple joined them in the hot tub and it all seemed friendly enough. Sidney took a seat at the outdoor bar and ordered a plain tonic. She watched the pool, the people milling and finding seats. She didn’t notice anyone, man or woman, who seemed to pay them any particular attention.

  When the other couple left them, a photographer came over, took their picture, talked for a moment, and then moved on. He and Keith stayed side by side, even kissed a little in the hot tub. Skyler looked so happy. She’d never seen him look quite like that. And then she felt like a perv watching them. This was a private moment. They never expected anyone to be watching them. She felt like a heel…except that that note kept her on edge. Mike had waited for the forensic people. They looked at the footage, saw a little girl—one of Keith’s relatives, she thought—place it on the table. She was probably asked to by the would-be killer. They’d have to find her and ask her what they looked like. She was glad Mike was on it. He’d turn up something. And then, looking around, she wondered if Mike would like to take a cruise. She’d have to look into it when all this was over.

  Philip made his way over to her and sat on a stool beside her. “This is hard work.”

  She toyed with the straw in her untouched drink. “Yeah, I know. A stakeout is never easy.”

  “Have you noted anything suspicious? I haven’t seen a thing.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Any word from Mike?”


  They both watched the happy couple, touching and kissing, eyes only for each other, and Philip sighed. “You know, I never thought I’d see the day where Skyler fell for anyone, let alone marry him.”

  “You and me both. Except that…he really did want someone for his own. He would just never admit it.”

  “Was he lonely?”

  “I think in a way he was. He was just too busy to notice. Until he wasn’t.”

  “I see what you mean. When I knew him in college, he was a very busy boy indeed. There wasn’t a night where he was sleeping alone.”

  “By that time I was at the academy. Hoo, how I worried about that kid.”

  “And you still worry.”

  “Who wouldn’t? Why and how he got himself into this mess I will never know.”

  Philip grabbed her glass, took a sip from the watery drink, grimaced, and put it down again. “Do you really think this person is on board?”

  “There was every indication. The cruise line just emailed me the passenger list. We can go over it tonight.”

  “But we don’t know if we’re looking for a man or a woman.”

  “I have a gut feeling it’s a woman. Just the way everything was done; the stair step, the car brakes, the letter bomb. It’s distant. I feel like a man would have done more already, moved on it more personally. And if she did get on this ship, that meant she did more than just watch Skyler’s house. She had to have hacked into their wifi somehow. How else did she know Keith was making these reservations?”

  “This is pretty elaborate.”

  “But it’s just the thing an obsessed person would do. I’m really worried, Philip.”

  “Well, she’d have to get through Keith first.”

  “Yeah. That worries me, too. We’d best keep an eye out on anything food and drinkwise that comes to them. Follow it from bar or kitchen to table. Let’s find out what they’re doing for dinner tonight.”

  “Isn’t it group seating?”

  “Yes, but there are restaurants now on cruise ships, too. Mr. Romance might have reserved one of the restaurants tonight so they could dine alone.”

  “Wow. Have you profiled all of us?”

  “Of course. God, you people are the easiest in the world.”

  “Well thanks. So much for feeling like an original.”

  She squeezed his arm. “I’m sorry. It’s just a cop thing. I’ll bet you anything Keith has done it for you guys, too.”

  “I don’t know that I’m encouraged by that.”

  “So what do you think of all this, about Skyler getting married?” She studied him earnestly. For a while in college, she was almost sure Skyler might start dating Philip, and was slightly disappointed that he hadn’t.

  “Do you mean do I think it was a good thing that Skyler got married?” said Philip. “Yes. Yes I do. Of all the men I’d seen Skyler with—and God knows that list is long—I’d never seen him act like he did when Keith showed up. Talk about obsessed.”

  “He was, wasn’t he? He was well and truly caught. It was something to see. And encouraging. I think it’s what made me make a move on Mike. That was such a delicate thing at the station. You are definitely not supposed to fraternize with your partner, let alone marry him. Fortunately, my captain is a mensch and it all worked out. I can’t see working with anyone else but Mike.”

  “I’m glad it worked out for you both. Mike is a great guy.”

  “Thanks. Oh! They’re on the move. Can you watch them to the elevators? I’m sure they’ll be returning to their room. I’ll contact the others and we’ll rendezvous back at whatever restaurant.”

  She watched Philip leave, almost a little sorry Skyler didn’t choose him. But she liked Keith. He might be a little pushy but she couldn’t help liking the cop in him. He was definitely a take charge kind of guy. Maybe that’s what Skyler had needed most. Not that Skyler wasn’t a take charge kind of guy, too, just with a different kind of priority.

  God, but she hated watching him.

  They all met back in the lobby, keeping an eye on the elevators at the aft of the ship. She’d found out that they had made reservations at the Poseidon main room, not a restaurant after all.

  “What about us?” asked Jamie. “I don’t know about anyone else but I’m feeling peckish.”

  “Tell you what,” said Sidney. “Two of you take off and eat in one of the di
ning rooms or the bar and grill, and two of you can watch with me at the main dining room.”

  It was decided that Jamie and Dave would get to the pub first, and Philip and Rodolfo hung with her.

  “So you think we are looking for a woman?” asked Rodolfo, glancing around.

  “I think so. I mean, let’s not rule out a man, but my instincts say it’s a woman. Listen, after they retire for the night, I have an appointment with security and I can go over the tapes, see if we missed anything.”

  “That will be useful,” said Philip. “But they might go dancing or something.”

  Sidney gave him a side-eye, and Philip conceded it. “Of course you’re right. They’ll be fucking like crazed weasels.”

  Rodolfo lifted a finger. “Weasels?”

  “It’s just an expression, darling.”

  Sidney’s stomach growled. A few appetizers wouldn’t go amiss about now. But either way, she was looking at a long night.

  Chapter Sixteen

  KEITH AND SKYLER GOT READY FOR DINNER, PUTTING on their tuxes. Their cabin steward, Guillermo, had left a note welcoming them aboard and letting them know that he would provide ice twice daily.

  Skyler watched Keith getting ready. “Have I mentioned how romantic this whole thing is.”

  “I am nothing if not romantic.”

  “Actually, you’re pretty amazing.”

  They got to the main dining room at the aft of the ship, and were seated immediately at a table for eight. An older couple was already seated there and they greeted Skyler and Keith.

  Keith ordered the T-bone, while Skyler went with a fish dish. He noticed Mark with his camera and waved. Mark was slender and wore a dark suit. He arrived at their table and took his shots, and then left them alone to dine.

  The man seated across from them looked at them over the rim of his glasses. “What’s the story with you fellas? Looking to find some sexy women on this voyage?”

  Skyler placed his napkin in his lap and toyed with it. “Uh…no, actually. We—Keith and I—are on our honeymoon. Together.”

  “Well, I’ll be darned. Beverly, they’re on their honeymoon.”

  “I heard him, Francis.”


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