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Wolf and Prejudice (The Alaska Princesses Trilogy, Book 2)

Page 8

by Taylor, Theodora

  Her vagina swelled around his knot, and even if he’d wanted to, he couldn’t have stopped himself from filling her womb with his seed. Her wet folds clenched and unclenched around him, effectively keeping him locked into her and milking his cock at the same time.

  They slid down the refrigerator, her legs around his waist, until they were both sitting on the kitchen floor. Rafe unlocked his teeth from her shoulder and cursed himself for losing control outside of the bedroom. They’d have to remain like this for at least thirty minutes. The first time they’d joined, it had taken a passed out Alisha over an hour before she finished milking him so they could be moved to her apartment to finish out her heat. The linoleum kitchen floor was a less than ideal place to get locked in.

  But then she smiled at him, her brown eyes softer than he’d ever seen them.

  “You’re so cute,” she told him her voice full of wonder, she splayed her hand over his cheek. “So pretty.”

  He laughed at that and used their newly formed connection to push the words into her head, “You’re beautiful. The most beautiful and smartest she-wolf I’ve ever known.” And despite the unforgiving kitchen floor, it was suddenly true when he told her. “There’s no other place I’d rather be, than here with you like this.”

  No answer. She just sat there, smiling at him happily, her eyes hooded with desire and sleepiness.

  And he frowned. “Alisha?” he said out loud. “Did you hear what I just said? Inside your head.”

  “So pretty,” she murmured again. And her pussy pulsed around his knot. “I just want you to fuck me and fuck me and never stop—”

  Her eyes widened and he could feel the sudden orgasm in her G-spot making her tremble around him. He then proceeded to spill more cum than he’d ever thought possible for one wolf to make into her.

  “Alisha,” he croaked, barely able to speak past the sensation of his cock unloading inside of her for a second unexpected time.

  And he was close, close to telling her how he’d been enthralled with her for years, how he’d spent the past year wanting nothing else—not even the Colorado crown—as much as he wanted to be with her, to be mated with her just like this. But just as he opened his mouth to confess all of this, her head fell against his shoulder. She’d passed out again.

  “WELL, IT’S NOT COMPLETELY UNHEARD OF,” said Doc Fisher a couple of hours later. By this time, Rafe had deposited Alisha back in her bed, called in an order for three pizzas, and eaten an entire pie by himself. Now he was staring at his mate sleeping, peaceful as a big game cat, as he talked to Wolf Spring’s long time town doctor.

  “But it’s not normal either,” Rafe said.

  “You say she didn’t respond when you tried to communicate with her telepathically? And she seemed really far gone when you got to her in Alaska?”

  “This is my fault,” Rafe surmised, looking at his sleeping mate with a world of guilt. “I shouldn’t have come back to Colorado, I should have stayed in Alaska.”

  “Well, letting her go unmated for six hours probably didn’t help, but it’s not the whole problem either. This is why it took the North American Lupine Council so long to okay graduate-level education for she-wolves, why councils still haven’t done it in a few other places. Sometimes you get cases of she-wolves who get a little intelligence and decide they’d rather go unmated for the rest of their lives.”

  He thought of what he’d overheard Alisha tell Chloe at the party he’d hosted for Mag. “Maybe that’s the case, but why would that make her want me more? It’s like she’s in super-heat.”

  “Just because you don’t want something to happen on an intellectual level, doesn’t mean it’s not still going to happen on a primal level. It’s like a little boy wishing he’d never grow up. Unless you’re Peter Pan, that’s just not going to happen. That’s why the Lupine Council finally let women into academia. They eventually figured out if a she-wolf didn’t go into heat, it wasn’t because she was intelligent, it was because she wasn’t attracted to male wolves. But it’s not like they made this information widely available. Alisha was probably thinking of all the unmarried wolves she knew in academia, planning to join their ranks, she probably even had a back-up wolf she was planning to mate if she didn’t beat the odds and went into heat.”

  Rafe thought of Matt, the wolf Alisha had been spending most of his time with, the wolf he’d been jealous of, despite knowing he’d been chosen by King Tikaani to befriend Alisha because he was attracted to male wolves.

  “So if she’d had her way she would have never mated—especially not with me.”

  “Yep, that’s about right,” Doc Fisher, who’d never been known for his bedside manner, answered. “But at the end of the day, she doesn’t really have any say over it. She went into heat, you were there. The problem is, some she-wolves can’t handle the reality of going into heat, so their human checks out. You’ve heard of autopilot, right? This is kind of like wolf-pilot. The wolf takes over and the human doesn’t come back until she’s out of heat with a cub in her belly.”

  Rafe cursed. “So you’re telling me, Alisha keeps begging me to take her, is all over me every moment she’s been awake, but her human’s checked out, partly because she doesn’t want to be mated and partly because she plain doesn’t like me?”

  “Her wolf likes you,” Doc Fisher answered with a wry chuckle. “Sounds like her wolf likes you a whole lot.”

  Rafe didn’t join in. “How do I get her human back?” he asked.

  “That might not be the greatest idea,” the doctor answered. “You’re in the middle of a mating she doesn’t want to deal with. Dragging her human out of hiding might make things between you two even more complicated.”

  Rafe shook his head, not believing something that should have been so simple was this messy. But as much as his own wolf liked the wolf-pilot version of Alisha, the honorable alpha he’d been raised to be couldn’t let it stand.

  “Just tell me what to do to bring her human back,” he said to the doctor.

  “ALISHA, COME BACK,” Rafe’s voice said inside her head. “Open your eyes. I want you here with me for this.”

  Alisha’s human came awake suddenly, her breath catching like an unfinished sentence in her throat. The wolf who’d come to her in her office was on top of her again, but this time in missionary position, his teeth buried in her shoulder, as he pushed himself into her, growling low in his throat as he did.

  They were in a bed now, her bed she eventually realized, with its soft chenille comforter blanketing them both as he moved inside her, making it so she could barely think, much less figure out how she had gotten back to her apartment. And then she was coming, liquid heat rippling over her body so intense, she instinctively clamped her arms and legs around this wolf, her wolf—her mate she realized with wonder as she rode the crest of her orgasm, clinging to him.

  Her heart cried out with happy completion, even as she wondered why it had been Rafe’s voice she’d heard inside her head, Rafe’s voice she’d thought had awakened her.

  A pinprick of dread poked into her afterglow, and she pulled back from the wolf, needing to see his face, to know who he was, to make sure—

  The wolf unlatched his teeth from her shoulder and raised up to look into her eyes as he knotted inside of her, his seed flooding into her womb. And Alisha nearly passed out again.

  “I’m going to really like it.”

  “Like what?”

  “Taming you.”

  Her head exploded with horrific realization. The wolf who had rescued her from her mating heat, the wolf who’d had to pin her down to keep her from coming again and again in her office, the wolf who’d brought her to such happy completion, the wolf now looking down at her was none other than Rafe Nightwolf.


  Technically, Rafe had done nothing wrong. Alisha had needed a suitable mate for her first heat. Rafe was a suitable mate. Both their families agreed to this. And even if Alisha had no idea he had been paying Matt for months, using the K
ing of Alaska as a middle man, to ensure certain protocols were put into place as soon as she went into heat, the fact remained that Alisha had begged him to mate with her. Begged him.

  But apparently mating with a she-wolf in super-heat is a bit like performing a necessary foot amputation on a drunk patient. Yes, they might technically agree to it, and yes, they’d die without it, but they’re still going to be pissed when they wake up without their foot.

  “What. The. Hell?” she said now, staring at him like she’d just woken up to find a monster on top of her.

  And once again, Rafe cursed himself for not staying in Alaska. When the protocol had first been put into place, he’d still been in her state’s kingdom town, where it wouldn’t have taken more than two hours tops to get to Alisha and formally offer himself to her as her mate. Her heat might have made her more amenable to accepting him as her wolf, but if she truly felt nothing for him, then she could have named another wolf.

  But, six hours had been too long—he could see that now. Alisha had not realized who he was when she begged him to mate her, and she clearly hadn’t been in her right mind the many times she’d seduced him in the days following.

  Three days. She’d been in the strongest heat frenzy to which he’d ever born witness for three days. Waking up periodically to beg him to mate her in the strongest language he’d ever heard come out of a princess’s mouth. Three days of her smiling and laughing and giving herself fully to the mating, like she was having the time of her life. Three days of her heat smell filling up the entire apartment, blinding his senses, and making it hard to hold on to his own human as he shoveled his thoughts into her head, like Doc Fisher had advised, trying his damnedest to bring her human back, so he could mate with her, all of her, not just her wolf.

  Three days. And now the palpable regret he saw in her eyes cut him to the bone. “Alisha—”

  She slapped him across the face with all her wolf strength, cracking his head to the side.

  Rafe shook it off. “Alisha—”

  She tried to slap him again. But this time he caught her wrist in mid-air.

  “Is this really how you want to start off our mateship?” he asked her.

  Alisha’s arm went weak, and she averted her eyes from his, despite the fact that they could both feel her pussy rhythmically clamping down on his knot. “Get off me,” she whispered. Then she nearly broke his heart when she added a soft, “Please.”

  “I would if I could,” he answered, releasing her hand and stroking her short hair. “But we both know I can’t.”

  As if to back up what he was saying, her pussy clenched around him particularly hard, making her gasp out.

  “That’s me?” she said, her eyes filling with horrified wonder.

  “That’s you,” he confirmed. “I can try moving to make you more comfortable, but that will probably make you come again. You’re, ah… sensitive when it comes to my knot.”

  “Oh.” Her face was a study in painful embarrassment, and he imagined if she had been as light as her older sister, he’d be able to see red in her cheeks as she mumbled, “Okay, then… don’t move, I guess.”

  So they lay there like that, awkward, neither looking at the other, until thirty-five minutes later when his knot spurted out the last of his seed and she released him with a slick wet sound.

  “Alisha,” he started, but she pushed him away, her hands slapping against his chest, until he raised up and let her out from under him.

  Then she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

  SOME SHE-WOLVES HATED WHAT THEY WERE. Both Chloe and Janelle, had pushed their wolves down, preferring their human aspects in every way. Chloe could barely hurt a fly, and she suspected her friend would have been a vegetarian if other wolves hadn’t been there to do the animal killing for her. And Janelle found her wolf so appalling, she'd been changing by herself in a cage since she was twelve, for fear of the embarrassing things she might do in wolf form.

  But Alisha had never been like that. She loved changing out in the wild, and had been more than willing to kill a chicken for Chloe in order to get the treat of one of her fabulous home-cooked meals. A lot of shifters thought intelligence was a sign that you didn’t have teeth. But it had been her wolf that had helped her go against her genteel upbringing and follow her curious heart into academia. It had been her wolf who hadn’t backed down in the face of extreme sexism, and it had been her fierce wolf who had always allowed her to speak her mind, to stand up for herself and other she-wolves as well.

  But it had also been her wolf who agreed to mate with Rafe, and her wolf who had just spent what might have been days fucking him like a nymphomaniac.

  The days were shortest in Juneau during the month of December, and the sun had already set outside her bathroom window. But Alisha, who was sitting naked inside an empty bathtub with her knees hugged to her chest, couldn’t bring herself to get up and turn on the light. Images of what she’d done bombarded her like gut punches, downloading from her unconscious memory into her present mind. She’d sucked Rafe’s cock, not to pleasure him, but to get him hard, so he could pleasure her. She’d all but accosted him in the kitchen. And after that, he’d taken to telling her she had to eat before he would agree to mate with her, because apparently that had been all she wanted to do. Mate with him. More than she wanted to eat or sleep. And the reason he had begun taking her in missionary? Because it had made it easier to hold her down and keep her from compulsively climaxing on his knot.

  Just a few days ago, Alisha had loved her wolf, but today she’d do anything to rip the animal out of her body before her heat cycle came back around, before her wolf made her throw herself at Rafe again and possibly again after that. Never-ending until she was impregnated with his cub.

  “Alisha,” Rafe said outside the door. “You’ve been in there for three hours. You need to let me in.”

  “No,” she called back, even as she felt her heat release at just the sound of his voice. The smell of her arousal filled the room like a canister of tear gas, and she squeezed her nostrils shut, clamping her hand over her nose.

  Outside the door, she heard him curse. “Alisha, I can smell you. You need me. Let me in.”

  “No.” But her refusal sounded weak, even to her ears. She buried her nose in her knees and for only the second time ever, tried to reign in her wolf, as opposed to unleashing it on anyone who pissed her off.

  However, it was all for naught. The door had a human lock and Rafe had inhuman strength. There was a crash when the door hit the wall, then the bathroom’s lights came on overhead. Rafe came to stand over her, now dressed in a pair of flannel pajama bottoms that did little to hide the massive erection underneath them. She shrank away from him, turning her face to the wall, so the sight of him wouldn’t trigger her wolf.

  “Alisha…” she heard him say behind her. Then the sound of the bath’s knob being turned, and a few seconds later, warm water, began to rise around her huddled body.

  “You’re probably sore,” Rafe said, above her. “You should take another bath.”

  “How long?” she asked, keeping her face to the wall. “How long was I like that?”

  “Three days,” he said. He poured Epsom salt into the bath for her. “It would have been less, but it took me a while to realize you were on what my town doctor called ‘wolf pilot.’”

  Shame coursed through her and she asked him, “There are so many wolves you could have mated with. Why me? To get back at me for writing my book about Chloe? Is this some kind of punishment?”

  The water switched off and his voice sounded grim when he answered, “No. I don’t consider mating with you for life ‘some kind of punishment.’ If it was, I’d be a very stupid king.”

  She felt him bend down next to her, and she jerked away, not wanting to give in to him even though she knew on a practical level she would literally die if she didn’t join with him. Her nervous system was pumping an inordinate amount of adrenaline through her body in anticipati
on of being mated. If she didn’t have sex with Rafe, her heart would give out—the science of the current situation was cold and hard and not on her side in this. But she couldn’t bear to look at him right now, much less…

  “It’s okay,” he said behind her. She heard the sound of him swishing something in the bath water, then he pressed a warm washcloth against her back. She didn’t realize just how badly she’d overworked her poor muscles until he started massaging them, kneading them with the small towel.

  “My mom used to do this for me after full moon nights when I was a puppy,” he told her. “I’d let my wolf take control and run myself ragged, not thinking that my human would have to pay for it later.”

  The massage felt so good, she lowered her knees, uncurling her body, so as to better enjoy his ministrations. But then the cloth moved to her breasts…

  And she froze, wanting to knock his hand away and shield her body, which was so much larger than Chloe’s, from his sight. Rafe’s body… memories of her wolf complimenting him on it made her cringe. Rafe was all hard, lean muscle, like Louis-Ernest Barrias’s statue of Spartacus come to life—he clearly worked out on the regular. Whereas she was more like an African fertility sculpture, all breasts and hips and thighs—same medium but miles apart.

  “I’ve seen every inch of your body over the last few days and it’s looked beautiful from every angle.” The words appeared in her head as water from the cloth dripped down onto her dark aureolas. “I know you’re embarrassed right now. I can feel it coming off you, and I want you to stop. You don’t have anything to be embarrassed about.”

  Somehow it was easier to receive words from him this way, as a voice in her head, as opposed to the flesh and bone werewolf behind her. “My father arranged this, didn’t he?” she said in his head. “After Chloe left with the Viking, you came here, and my father practically gave me to you. You don’t think I should be embarrassed about that? And then I…”


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