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Cameron 4

Page 17

by Jade Jones

  Cameron wanted to cry, but strangely, no tears would fall. It was as if she were void of all emotions. After lying on the floor for what felt like an eternity, Cam finally picked herself up and limped towards her clothing. Some parts of her body were so sore that they felt numb. Her left eye was swollen shut, and her nose was twisted at an awkward angle. Aso had really went in on her.

  Cameron stepped out the empty, run-down home looking worse than Emmett Till during his open casket funeral. Her bloodstained pajamas made her look like a character straight out Nightmare on Elm Street. Only Freddy Kruegar wasn’t the villain. Instead it was a cynical thug by the name of Abel Soden, also known as Aso.

  Taking slow awkward steps, Cameron gradually made her way up Rock Springs Road barefoot. Oddly enough, she didn’t feel anything. Initially, she felt disgusted, hurt, and confused…but now her mind was like a blank canvas.

  Cameron wondered if this was how Rumor felt when she was tempted to commit suicide.

  Staring straight ahead with an expressionless look on her face, Cameron staggered past an old graveyard. Each step she took caused major discomfort. The smell of urine coupled with sweat filled her nostrils. Aso’s cum had dried, causing it to harden and stick to her skin.

  Cameron wouldn’t wish this type of treatment on her worst enemy. She knew without a doubt that it’d be a while before she used the bathroom the same.

  After walking for what felt like forever, Cameron made it to Evan Mills Road. She didn’t know where the hell she was or which direction to go. A hunch prompted her to turn left so she did. Trees surrounded her on either side, and she walked along the curb to keep from being swallowed up by the woods.

  Suddenly, a ’98 Jeep Grand Cherokee pulled alongside Cameron as she traipsed up the dark street barefoot.


  The passenger window to the Jeep rolled down. “Hey, you need a ride or somethin’, Miss Lady?” a deep, raspy voice shouted out.

  Cameron ignored the help offered. As a matter of fact, it was like she didn’t even see or hear him. She seemingly had tunnel vision as she walked to no destination in particular.

  “Hello?! Are you deaf or something?” the stranger asked.

  No response.

  “Well, fuck you then, trash ass hoe!”


  The driver skirted off in haste after insulting Cam, but she didn’t care. After tonight, she just didn’t give a damn about anything. She didn’t feel anything. She hurt…but she wasn’t in pain. Her feet were sore…but she was numb all over.

  Cameron finally saw a Citgo when she reached the intersection of Evans Mills Road and Mall Parkway. The station was filled with a couple cars. A strung out white woman leaned against the building, begging for spare change or a cigarette.

  Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing when they saw Cameron walk up. Her left eye was swollen shut, her cheeks were puffy and bruised, and two speed knots had quickly formed on her forehead. Blood dripped from her busted mouth down her chin.

  A cigarette dropped out of a man’s mouth when he saw the battered women limp past him. A middle-aged woman covered her mouth in shock. Cameron pretended she didn’t see the many stares as she traipsed down the walk of shame.

  Using what little strength she had left, Cam opened the station’s door and hobbled to the counter. “Do you…have a phone…I can use?” she asked the clerk through a swollen mouth.


  Jude slammed his fist repeatedly on Rumor’s front door. His heart beat so fast that it felt like it would explode out his chest. It didn’t take rocket science to figure out something was wrong. It was unlike Cam to just up and bounce like that, especially with Justin home alone.

  After knocking on Rumor’s door for what felt like hours she finally opened it, but barely. “Do you know what time it is?” she asked with an attitude. She had no real legitimate reason to dislike Jude.

  “Did you talk to Cameron? Do you know where she is?” There was urgency in Jude’s voice as he berated her with questions.

  “I haven’t talked to her all day,” Rumor said.

  “Everything aight?” Calix asked, coming up behind Rumor. He sized Jude up wondering why he was on his girlfriend’s doorstep.

  It was as if the whole garage ordeal had never happened. The damage was still there, but they loved one another too much to leave. Aside from that, they were bound by a mutual sickness that plagued. It would take some time for their wounds to heal, but with patience anything was possible.

  “Ya’ll been up each other’s ass since the day we moved here, and now you don’t know where the fuck she at?” Jude yelled. He was taking his frustrations out on Rumor. “Bitch, I swear to God if you lying—”

  “Aye! Aye!” Calix moved Rumor out the way and stepped up to Jude. Just a few weeks ago he was ready to kill Rumor, but he would be damned if he stood by and let Jude insult his girl.

  Just then Jude’s cellphone began ringing, breaking up the tense moment. Jude was just about to steal on Calix, so he should’ve considered himself saved by the bell.

  The unrecognizable number had a 770 area code. “Hello?” Jude answered.

  “Jude…I need you to come and get me…”

  Jude breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Cameron’s voice.

  “Is that her?” Rumor asked in concern. “Is everything okay?”

  Jude ignored her question since she was of no help anyway. He ran back to his car and hopped inside. “Tell me where you’re at, baby,” he said calmly.

  Jude drove over 80 mph on the freeway, and he didn’t slow down until he reached exit 74. Justin sat asleep inside his car seat, thankfully able to rest through all the madness.

  When Jude reached the Citgo he jumped out the car so fast that he almost forgot to put the gears into park. The moment he saw Cameron standing in front of the store he wanted to knock out the first motherfucker that he laid his eyes on—which just so happened to be an older African man standing beside her.

  “Who the fuck did this shit, Cam?” Jude’s voice cracked as he spoke. He was so overwhelmed with emotions seeing his girl like that. He almost didn’t even recognize her because of how badly she’d been beaten. “YOU DID THIS SHIT, MOTHAFUCKA?!” Jude yelled, grabbing the guy up by the collar of his shirt.

  “No, he didn’t, Jude! Let him go!” Cameron pleaded. Her voice came out muffled, and she could barely communicate clearly.

  Jude hesitantly released his hold on the clerk who was polite enough to wait with Cameron. Returning his attention back to his injured wife, Jude lifted Cam and carried her to the truck. The stench of Aso’s urine reeked from her skin, and her blood smeared his clothing, but Jude didn’t give a damn about that. All he cared about was her health and safety.

  Jude carefully placed Cameron in the passenger, circled the truck, and hopped into the driver’s side. “Tell me who the fuck did this shit, man?” Tears spilled over his lower lids. “I’ma kill the mothafucka with my bare hands and that’s on everything, Cam.” He looked down at her bloodstained hands trembling uncontrollably in her lap, and it nearly killed him inside.

  Cameron remained silent as she stared straight ahead.

  “Don’t just sit there quiet. Tell me who did this shit!”

  No response.

  Accepting that Cameron wasn’t going to give him an answer, he wiped his tears with the back of his hand, and snatched the gears into Drive.


  A cracked skull, fractured ribs, broken hand and nose, and internal bleeding and tearing were only a few of the injuries Cameron had sustained at the hands of Aso. She still didn’t understand why he’d treated her in such a way. It was like she could feel his hatred as he penetrated her roughly. Cameron would never be the same after tonight.

  Jude held her hand while he sat at her bedside. His thoughts were all over the place, and he’d even given himself a headache. He couldn’t figure out why Cameron chose to protect the person who had hurt her. It didn’t make any sense.
r />   Jude licked his dry lips. “Cam…please…Tell me who did this to you,” he pled. “A nigga ain’t gon’ be able to sleep until I know. You gotta tell me, bay. Please…I’m fuckin’ beggin’ you. This shit is killin’ me, man. Who did this?”

  Cameron looked straight ahead. She was unsure of how he’d react, and if he did something reckless she’d never forgive herself.

  Jude kissed the back of her hand. “Please, Cam…I deserve to know…,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Her head and torso were bandaged. She wore a cast on her hand and forearm, and her nose was covered with a splint. In a low tone she finally said, “Aso…”

  Jude froze in place after hearing his cousin’s name. He wanted to believe he’d misheard Cameron, but she would never lie about such a thing. Anger built up inside of him and made his blood boil. Overwhelmed with fury, Jude hopped out his seat, causing the chair to topple over. He then raced out the door.

  “Jude!” Cameron called after him.

  Jude didn’t stop until he made it to the parking lot. When he reached Cam’s Audi q7, he placed a hand against it, and tried to catch his breath. His emotions were a wreck. “I’ma snap this mothafucka’s neck,” Jude promised himself. After hopping inside the truck he called Aso’s cell number.

  Surprisingly, his treacherous cousin answered. “What’s good, cuz?” he asked casually.

  The fact that Aso spoke as if everything was okay pissed Jude off even more. It made him feel as if he were taunting him. “For yo’ sake you better hope I never find yo’ ass, nigga!”

  Aso cackled in amusement. “Bruh, that shit was A-one,” he teased. “How the fuck she keep that thang so tight?”

  Jude’s grip tightened on the steering wheel. Gritting his teeth in anger, he envisioned himself strangling Aso. “I’ma rip ya mothafuckin’ eyes out, nigga,” Jude threatened.

  “Whoa! Whoa! You mad at the wrong nigga anyway, cuz. I just carried out ya boy King’s orders. He was the one who wanted this shit to go down.”

  “The fuck you talkin’ ‘bout?”


  Aso disconnected the call.

  “FUCK!” Jude screamed. He punched the center of his steering wheel, causing the horn to blare.

  Jude thought about him and King’s earlier conversation. Everything seemed cool, and King seemed understanding towards his decision to leave The Ring. Jude couldn’t figure out why his boss would want to hurt Cam…but he was definitely about to get to the bottom of it. Snatching the gears into drive, Jude headed to the Warehouse.


  Jude boldly burst into King’s office. His fists were clenched tightly, and he was ready for answers, and if he didn’t get them he’d beat them out of King.

  “Man, what the fuck is wrong witchu?” Jude yelled.

  King grabbed a pistol out the holster underneath his desk, and aimed it at Jude. “Nah, nigga what the fuck is wrong witchu bustin’ in my office like you crazy?”

  Jude stopped in his tracks when he saw the loaded gun.

  “Sit yo’ mothafuckin’ ass down,” King demanded.

  Jude’s nostrils flared wildly. Apart of him still wanted to take his chances by fighting the older man.

  King cocked the gun.

  Rethinking his actions, Jude hesitantly took a seat behind the desk. His rage-filled gaze settled on King’s light brown eyes.

  “Like I told you before, without consequences there ain’t no lessons to be learned, ya dig? And you had to learn a valuable mufuckin’ lesson.”

  Jude’s jaw muscle tensed. “Are you telling me you had Cameron…,” he paused, not even wanting to use the word ‘rape’. “You had Aso hurt my wife ‘cuz I wanted out…”

  King chuckled. “Ain’t no such as out, blood,” he said.

  If looks could kill Jude would’ve murdered King a thousand times over.

  King stood to his feet, rounded the desk, and sat on the edge of it beside Jude. “I know how you feelin’. You wanna murk a nigga right now, huh? But look at it like this, I did you a favor. I’m giving you a second chance—somethin’ I don’t do for most niggas, ‘cuz I fucks with you. I respect you. But I also gotta business to run,” he explained.

  Jude didn’t respond as he stared daggers at King. If it wasn’t for the gun in his hand he would’ve attacked him without a second thought.

  King chuckled. “I know what you thinkin’. You probably wanna kill me. Maybe you even thinkin’ about runnin’ and takin’ ya family with you,” he said. “But I guarantee I will find you…and then I will kill everything you love before killin’ you. That shit I did to Vado, it was nothin’. I can and will put yo’ ass through the worst pain imaginable. You heard me?”

  Jude swallowed the lump that had formed in his dry throat, but he didn’t respond. His fists were still clenched, and he was tempted to pummel the man who’d had Cameron attacked.

  “You made a mistake—it ain’t a big dead…But you had to learn from it,” King told him. “Now you wanna sit here, huff and puff, and be mad at the world? Or do you wanna get this money with me? It’s up to you, patna?” He extended his hand in hopes that Jude would make the right decision and shake it.

  Jude wanted revenge, plain and simple. He would’ve loved to take the pistol from King and put a bullet between his eyes. He anticipated seeing Aso take his last breath after hurting Cameron. He absolutely despised them for hurting his girl. Besides that, he hated the person he was letting the business turn him into.

  Fleeing the state seemed like a great option. However, Jude knew that he could only run for so long. He was only twenty-four. He was just one person, and King had a whole army of niggas. He was a powerful man with powerful connections. Jude really didn’t see any other way around his dilemma.

  Swallowing his pride, Jude shook King’s hand…fighting the urge to spit in his face as well. At the end of the day, he had to do what he had to protect his family.

  King smiled, pleased with his protégée’s wise choice. “I knew you were a smart guy,” he said. “I really ain’t wanna have to kill you. You’re too big of an asset.”


  Aso had just rolled out of bed, and stepped into the bathroom for his morning pee. Suffering from a hangover, he felt no remorse for the vicious assault he’d inflicted on Cameron. He was so jealous about Jude coming down to Atlanta, and stealing his shine that he couldn’t wait to take it out on Cameron.

  Aso reclined his head, and allowed his urine to splash into the toilet bowl—


  The sound of his front door flying off the hinges caused Aso to accidentally urinate on the toilet seat and floor. “Fuck was that?” Before he could investigate several armed police officers rushed inside the bathroom and forced him to get down. He felt like an absolute fool as he kneeled in his own urine while being read his rights.

  “Abel Soden, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be held against you in the court of law.”

  “What did I do?” Aso asked as he was handcuffed.

  “You are being charged with the murder of Lana Princeton—”

  “Man, get the fuck out of here!” Aso screamed in anger.

  Apparently, Lana’s parents had filed a missing person’s report. When they finally found her decomposing body in a dumpster all fingers pointed to Aso. He never thought he’d have to pay for that sin. However, he would be damned if he went down alone.


  Jude stepped into Cameron’s hospital room the following morning carrying a bouquet of gerbera daisies and a Get Well Soon card. He hadn’t slept all night, and the weariness was evident from the look on his face. However, Jude tried his best to force a smile.

  “Good morning,” Cameron greeted. She was starting to feel a little better with her son by her side. He reminded her that she had made something worth living for.

  Jude placed the bouquet of flowers on the counter, and kissed Cameron on the forehead. “How do you feel?” he asked.

  “A little sore…
but I’m alive…,” she paused. “I prayed that you wouldn’t do anything stupid after you stormed out of here last night.”

  Jude grimaced. Inadvertently, she’d saved lives with her prayer. “You my wife,” he said. “I would die for you…kill for you…Cam, I would do whatever to protect you.”

  Cameron reached over and touched Jude’s hand. “I know…”

  Jude kissed each finger on her hand and held it against his warm cheek. “I really love you, baby…and I wish I could tell you I don’t know why this happened to you—but that shit would be a lie.

  Cameron’s hand went limp. “What do you mean? You know why Aso did this to me?” Her voice cracked as emotions washed over her.

  Jude dropped his head in shame. “I done got into some shit…and I don’t know how to get myself out of it,” he admitted. “I can’t stop fuckin’ with this car shit—I wish I could be the legit husband you want but I can’t. And I don’t wanna lie to you anymore. If you don’t wanna fuck with me no more, I understand. The last thing I want is to be the reason something happens to you or Justin.”

  Cameron tilted Jude’s chin toward her so that she could look in his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere,” she told him. “We’ve been through worse than this together. I’m staying right here…with you. Whatever you go through, I’ma go through it with you because we’re in this together.”

  Jude felt relieved to hear her response. He smiled and kissed the back of her hand. “I—”

  His sentence was immediately cut off after an army of police officers barged inside. Cameron was completely shocked as she watched them grab and arrest Jude. “Wait—what’s going on?!” she asked. Cam struggled to climb out the bed even though her body was in so much pain.

  “Jude Patterson, you’re being charged with the murder of Lana Wright—”


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