Llama and the Lady

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Llama and the Lady Page 1

by Madison Johns

  Llama and the Lady

  Madison Johns





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  About the Author

  Other Books by this Author


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Note for readers: not intended for anyone under 18 due to adult content, violence, language and sexual situations.


  Copyright © 2016 Madison Johns

  Llama and the Lady Madison Johns

  All rights reserved.


  Angus Rayburn’s life takes an unexpected turn when he goes from ranch hand to bodyguard for actress Angelina Foxworth. Llama shifters are natural bodyguards, but how will he guard his heart from Angelina when their plane crashes and the only person they can count on is each other?

  Angelina didn’t know what to think about having a shifter who happens to be a llama as a bodyguard, but when they’re stranded in the wilderness of Wyoming, she has to rely on him more than ever. Would she lose her heart in the process?

  Who wants Angelina dead, and how far will Angus go to keep her alive?

  Chapter 1

  Angus approached the gray-haired man sitting in a swivel-back chair in an office somewhere in Hollywood. “Have a seat,” the man barked. “I’m Ted Foxworth. To get right to the point, I’d like to hire you as a bodyguard for my daughter, Angelina Foxworth.”

  “I don’t have time to babysit your daughter. I’m certain you can find plenty of bodyguards here in California.”

  Ted’s brow furrowed. “I wouldn’t ask you to. There have been attempts on her life and I’d feel better if she left Los Angeles.”

  Angus rubbed his razor stubble. “So there’s danger involved?”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.” He motioned to his many Hollywood movie posters. “As you can see, I can afford your services.”

  Angus stared at his palm when a check was handed to him. “Isn’t fifty thousand a lot for a bodyguard?”

  “Not when I have no idea how long your services will be required. I have a home in Montana where you’ll be staying with Angelina until I feel it’s safe for her to return.”

  “Shouldn’t the police be involved if her life has been threatened?”

  “I assure you they have been, but Angelina is a well-known actress and she’s already aboard the plane waiting for you.”

  Angus frowned. “You Hollywood folks sure move fast. How did you even know I wanted the job?”

  “You’ve come highly recommended by the sheriff in Creeksboro. I’ve heard llama shifters make excellent bodyguards.”

  “When did you say the plane is leaving?”

  “In an hour if you can make it there in time.”

  “I imagine you’ll have to tell her to hold off until I get there. If you want to hire me as a bodyguard.”

  “Thank you, Angus,” Ted said, giving his hand a firm shake.

  Angus shook his head as he hopped into a taxi headed for LAX. His impression of Ted was that he was a man used to getting what he wanted. It just didn’t make sense that he requested Angus to travel all the way there from the ranch in Wyoming. Angus didn’t want to leave but he had been coaxed into it. Chase, one of the owners of Silver Creek, insisted it would do him some good if he had a little adventure in his life and found himself a mate. Something this shifter had never even thought about. He was content to work as a ranch hand and watch over the cattle, which he knew would be much easier than tangling with a woman. He only hoped the actress wouldn’t be too annoying.

  Angus knew he was headed for trouble from the moment he stepped onto the private jet. He spotted Angelina Foxworth easily enough since she was the only one on the plane. She didn't look as she did in the newspapers, but the leopard print dress she wore offered a view of her shapely legs. Her blonde hair cascaded off her shoulders and the sunglasses she held abruptly fell to her lap, her eyes widening when they locked on his.

  Angus calmly walked over and offered his hand for her to shake. “I’m Angus. I was—”

  She stared at his raised arm, shaking it after a moment. “Sorry, you must be the man my father hired. I still don’t understand why he did that. I’m quite capable of taking care of myself.”

  Angus emitted a strong sigh. “Oh, so there haven’t been any attempts on your life?”

  Angelina snapped up the magazine she had been reading and dismissed him for a moment. Then she gave in. “My father is a worrywart. I’m no longer in danger. The man who tried to murder me is in jail.”

  “You’ll have to speak with him about that. I’m just a hired hand.”

  “Bodyguard if you listen to my father,” Angelina murmured as she stared up at him, flashing those green eyes of hers. Angus had a feeling she was able to bend any man to her will easily enough. Of course he knew that wouldn’t happen with him. He didn’t exactly expect more from a woman than a courtesy nod. He’d even say he was unlucky in love, but the truth was he never was… in love. Being a llama shifter didn’t exactly bring the women around. Llamas weren’t known as sexy, but they were known to be good protectors, which was why he was there today.

  Angus had the feeling that Angelina might have wanted him to sit across the aisle from her, but he wasn’t willing to accommodate her. “Scoot over, or would you rather I take the window seat.” He smiled. There was something about the innocent look in her eyes that made him want to stay close to her and protect her even if he wasn’t hired to do it.

  Her mouth hung open at that. Angus could have chosen his words more carefully, but he was there to protect her from being murdered. And if that meant he’d have to be close enough to smell Angelina’s sweet perfume then it was worth the risk.

  “Go ahead and take the window seat if you must, but I don’t understand why you can’t sit across the aisle. It’s not like anyone else is on the plane except us.”

  “Well, that and the pilot.”

  Angus put his carry-on bag away and slipped into his seat when a woman clambered inside, waving an embroidered bag. “You forgot this, Angelina,” the woman said, her eyes briefly traveling over Angus.

  “Thanks, Julia.” Angelina gave her a pointed look before the woman could say anything about Angus. “Remember, nobody is to know where I’m going.”

  “How do you expect me to put off your agent?”

  “Tell him I’m going on vacation. I’m counting on your discretion.”

  Julia gave Angus another glance before she reluctantly shuffled off the plane. He cocked a brow at Angelina. “Who is that?”

  “My assistant. Don’t worry, she won’t tell anyone where I'm heading.”

  The door to the plane was closed by a man in a white uniform worn by pilots, or co-pilot in this case. “You should buckle up now,” he told them as he disappeared into the cock

  “That was my line,” the curvy stewardess said as she walked to the front of the plane. She sat down and buckled up, and Angus and Angelina followed suit. He glanced out the window, watching with interest as men scurried about, one of them motioning with hand gestures as the plane slowly made a turn, heading for the runway. Angus's pulse raced as they were on one runway while another plane was landing on another. It occurred to him how easy it could be for a collision to occur. He relaxed when the other plane moved out of the way as theirs positioned to takeoff.

  The plane taxied down the runway and Angus squeezed his armrest.

  “Is this your first flight?” Angelina asked with a slight smile.

  “Yes, does it show?” he replied, suddenly pale.

  She squeezed his hand and said, “Relax.”

  Angus felt something most unexpected when her hand was on his, and from the way Angelina dropped his hand he half expected she felt it, too. He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable with him, but he was certainly uncomfortable sitting so close to her now that his pants were so snug in the crotch. This certainly wasn’t a situation he’d ever been in. Back at the Shadow Creek Ranch, the women all had mates and he had long ago given up that any woman would be interested in him. He was only a ranch hand, which didn’t scream sexy.

  Angus relaxed when the plane was finally in the air. It was quite a smooth ride, although the climb into the clouds jarred his stomach.

  “Congratulations, you’ve survived your first takeoff.”

  “Barely,” he said stiffly.

  They were able to unbuckle their seatbelt at that point, although Angus kept his on for safety’s sake. It wasn’t the manliest thing to do, but he felt out of control at the moment.

  “So Angus, where did my father drum you up?” Angelina asked suspiciously.

  “Just know that I’ll protect you if the need arises.”

  “But I do want to know. How do I know I can trust you?”

  The stewardess pushed the snack cart down the aisle, obviously having overheard their conversation when she stuttered, “W-Would you care for something to drink?”

  “Yes, Mary. I’d love a cosmopolitan,” Angelina said. “How about you, Angus?”

  “A bottled water would be fine.”

  “I’d have thought you’d want something stronger. It will calm your nerves,” Angelina suggested.

  “I don’t have any problems with my nerves, and I don’t drink.”

  Mary made the cosmopolitan and handed Angelina the bottled water to pass to Angus. “Relax, Mary,” he said. “I don’t bite.”

  Angelina laughed when Mary quickly darted away. “I think I’ve changed my mind about you. I think this trip won’t be so bad after all.”

  Angus’s brow furrowed. “Oh?”

  “No offense, but it’s not like I’ve ever needed a bodyguard before.”

  “I find that hard to believe. Is it safe for an actress to go out by herself?”

  “It was until someone nearly ran me off the road. That’s when it all began.”

  “Your father didn’t give me that many details,” Angus said.

  “That makes us even. He didn’t tell me much about you either.”

  “I think it’s more important if you tell me why you need a bodyguard.”

  Angelina quickly changed the subject. “What kind of shifter are you?”

  Angus stiffened. “I didn’t know your father told you I was a shifter.”

  “Let me guess. Werewolf? Boar? Lion?”


  “Llama?” Angelina giggled. “You can’t be serious.”

  Angus tried not to get angry with her. “I’ll have you know llamas are known protectors. They’re hired by ranchers to watch over their herds.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? So you’ve spent your days guarding cattle.”

  “No,” he said stiffly. “I work at a ranch in Wyoming. I barely have the need to shift when I work as a hired hand. The Silver Creek Ranch is owned by two mountain lion shifters, but their mate is human.”

  “Their mate? You mean they share a mate?”

  “Yes, but can we get back to the threat on your life?”

  Angelina sighed. “If you insist. After the near accident, I began receiving phone calls. They never say anything when I answer, only heavy breathing.”

  “What else?”

  “My house was set on fire two weeks ago, but fortunately I wasn’t home at the time.”

  “Did the police tell you if the fire was the result of arson?”

  “No, it’s still under investigation.”

  “So where were you the night of the fire?”

  “I was partying all night with a friend in the Hollywood Hills.” She sighed when Angus gave her a disapproving look. “I usually don’t do that, but all the phone calls have me on edge.”

  “Why not change your number?”

  “You think I didn’t? I’ve changed it several times, but it’s like the person stalking me works for the telephone company.” She laughed hysterically. “I recently had an intruder and the police arrested him, insisting he was my stalker.”

  Angus’s brow shot up. “You have your doubts that he was the right guy?”

  “Yes, because the phone calls didn’t stop. I even told the police my concerns, but they suggested I was overreacting.”

  “So they kept the man in jail?”

  “Far as I know they have, but the police have been dealing with my dad directly on my behalf.”

  “Do you normally have your father handle your affairs?”

  “I do when it’s this stressful.”

  “So your father decided it would be better if you left town?”

  “After I was shot—or nearly shot, I should say. The bullet grazed my head.” She pulled her hair back to show Angus the reddened mark. “It’s a good thing I zigged when I should have zagged.”

  “Surely the police took that seriously.”

  “Yes, but I’m not sticking around Los Angeles waiting for them to find who the suspect is. My dad is right. Leaving town is the best thing to do.”

  “Do you have any idea who might want you dead?”

  “I don’t have a clue. I’ve never had problems like this before.”

  “How about a boyfriend or former one?”

  “Nope, I haven’t had one in a few years now.”

  “Any stalkers that you know of?”

  Angelina sighed. “Besides the man the police arrested, you mean?”

  “Have you ever been stalked before?”

  “I’d have told you if that were the case,” she exclaimed.

  “I didn’t mean to make you upset. It’s just important that I have all the facts.”

  “You’re only here to keep me safe. The police in California are handling the investigation there.”

  Angus squeezed her arm for a moment to reassure her, but quickly moved it back to his armrest when she pulled away. “I assure you that I’ll keep you safe. It’s what we llamas do.” He smiled.

  Angus eased back in his seat and took a healthy drink of his water before closing his eyes. He imagined it would be safe to take a nap at the very least. If only he didn’t see Angelina when he closed his eyes. It wasn’t that she was beautiful which struck a chord with him; there was something fragile about her and innocent. On the big screen she was a temptress, but in that moment she was delicate and in need of protection. He looked forward to getting to know her better.

  Angus managed to lean back and shut his eyes, but Angelina just couldn’t. She was too busy admiring his physique. He was almost intimidating at six foot, and his muscles bulged beneath his shirt. For a brief second she could almost imagine being held by him.

  Stop it, Angelina. He’s only your bodyguard.

  He might’ve been, but she couldn’t wait to find out if there was more to Angus than met the eye. A llama shifter certainly was interesting. At least she didn’t have to worry about him biting her. But the thought did have some app

  Angus opened one eye. “Can I help you with something?”

  “N-No, of course not. It’s hard to see out the window with you sitting there.”

  “It might be because the window isn’t open.” He smiled before closing his eyes again.

  Angelina’s face reddened, but not in embarrassment. She was angry how smug her bodyguard was even though she had been gawking at him. It was so unlike her. She had sworn off men a few years back, not wanting to be the latest story in a tabloid. What she wanted was to meet a decent man who wasn’t in the business and didn’t have secret motives to be with her.

  She went back to reading the script her agent, Johnny Bass, gave to her right before she left to board the plane. Another romantic comedy. For once it would be nice to land a part that really could show her acting abilities, something of substance. Lord knew her last few movies hadn’t done that well, which put even more pressure on her. Pressure she didn’t need with a psycho hell-bent on ending her life lurking around every corner.

  It was her turn to close her eyes, although she always found it hard to sleep on a plane. And now she found it hard to sleep with Angus sitting next to her. If only they weren’t from two different worlds, but now that she thought about it… wasn’t that what she wanted?

  Angus awoke abruptly to a specific scent, and it wasn’t Angelina’s perfume. He smelled smoke. He eased up and began to search the plane for his client. She had that floral suitcase her assistant brought her and it was indeed smoking, with a startled Angelina holding it.

  “Keep still,” Angus ordered. “I’m coming to you.”

  She trembled. “I can’t imagine what could be in this bag. Certainly not something that should be smoking.”

  He took the bag and stared at the partially open case. “Did you open this?”

  “I started to, but that’s when I smelled smoke.”

  “From the sulfur scent, I’d guess gas. I’m going to take the case from you, and when I do, I want you to go to the cockpit and tell the captain to land this plane now!”


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