Llama and the Lady

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Llama and the Lady Page 2

by Madison Johns

  “But I don’t even know where we are.”

  Angus took the case and carried it into the bathroom. Angelina didn’t really understand what was going on, but she was on the move. She headed into the cockpit and was about to tell the pilots to land, but they were unconscious. And worse yet, the plane was going nose down!

  She didn’t have time to give it any thought as she kicked a pilot out of his seat and pulled back on the control wheel. The plane veered to the left sharply just as Angus entered the cockpit.

  “What happened to the pilots?”

  “They were unconscious when I got up here,” Angelina told him. “You might want to take a seat. This is going to be a bumpy ride.”

  Angus removed the other pilot and jumped into the seat, fastening his seatbelt. “Are you trained as a pilot?” he asked.

  “No, but I played one once.”

  “Put your seatbelt on. This plane is going to crash.”

  “I know that!” Angelina shrieked. She hastily snapped her belt on and told Angus, “We need to pull down on the throttle levers together. Hopefully it will slow the plane down before we hit those trees.”

  The throttle seemed to make it worse as the plane began to free fall, crashing through the tops of the trees.

  “What’s happening?” Mary screamed as metal ripped away from behind the cockpit, taking her with it. Next the wings tore off. Their belts ripped away and Angus quickly gathered Angelina in his arms as he jumped from the plane.

  Chapter 2

  Angus watched in horror as what was left of the plane hit the branches of the tree. The same tree he knew he had to move away from before the remainder of the plane came crashing down.

  He hurried away from the tree carrying Angelina, both of them tumbling to the ground when the remainder of the plane made a crash landing. A huge fireball erupted and Angus covered her body with his, the lick of the flames not far away. He hoisted her over his shoulder and stumbled through a stream, collapsing on the other side.

  Angelina blinked her lids for a fraction of a second before she closed them. Angus panicked for a moment until he saw the rise and fall of her chest. She had a long gash on her upper arm, and he quickly ripped his shirt and tied it around the wound. Droplets of blood trickled down his abdomen, but he wasn’t concerned about that, only about Angelina’s prone frame.

  He stared over at the still burning plane and thought it would be a good idea if they left the scene. Whoever had tried to kill Angelina this time was someone close to her, and ruthless enough to have no regard for human life as they took the lives of the pilots and stewardess. Although it wasn’t clear to him how the pilots were knocked out. Was the stewardess part of the murder plot? But that would make it a suicide mission. If that were the case, why wouldn’t she have killed them both when she could have?

  Angus winced as he picked Angelina up and walked into the forest. The farther in they went the safer he felt they’d be. He stared overhead at the ominous clouds that were moving in, realizing they needed shelter and soon. He carefully chose his steps to not leave a trail or footprints. He didn’t feel the blood seeping from his wound; shifter blood ran in his veins and clotted easily if an infection didn’t set in.

  He wandered through the thick mass of tightly packed trees and picked up the scent of water, thinking it could be another stream or river. In any case, Angus trudged on to put more distance between them and the crash.

  Angelina awoke with a start when something tickled her chin. She slowly opened her eyes and discovered she was snuggling up to a llama that sat in a kneeling position. She would have moved if she hadn’t been so cold. She admired the woolen feel of the llama’s coat and pressed closer to Angus. She then spotted a pile of clothing folded nearby. Staring up at the thick moss that covered the top of the cave, she saw discarded picks and small hammers and… a skeleton!

  She tried to calm down but it was hard. Where were they? She tried to sit up but pain ripped through her. She had a piece of cloth tied around a wound on her arm that she’d apparently received in the plane, although she certainly didn’t remember it. The last thing she remembered was the plane striking that tree, and not long afterward an explosion.

  This predicament would be a good movie, but this was really happening to her and all she had to count on was her llama shifter bodyguard. It struggled to stand and Angelina wasn’t sure what the problem was, but what did she know about llamas? Maybe they were like horses and didn’t lie down unless they were injured or sick.

  She bit a fist at the blood on Angus’s now bare chest as he shifted easily back to human form. She had to admire his sexy butt as he turned to dress. If only he hadn’t turned so quickly.

  Why am I thinking about that when we’re hopelessly lost in the wilderness?

  “How is your arm?” he asked with concern.

  Angelina was lost in his hazel eyes before she stumbled over her words. “It’s okay. I mean, are you okay? You were injured from the crash, too,” she replied as she reached out to touch his wound.

  He quickly stepped back. “I’m fine,” he mumbled. “We should get moving while the sun is up.”

  Her eyes widened as she once again stared at the skeleton. “What is this place?”

  “An old mine shaft. It looks like the tunnel collapsed at one point. At least I was able to find a way in. We wouldn’t have done well without shelter last night.”

  “Where exactly are we going?”

  “Out of the wilderness would be nice.”

  “Are you saying we’re out in the middle of nowhere?”

  Angus nodded. “Yup, we crashed right into it. I’m not even sure where we really are.”

  “Shouldn’t we scavenge for supplies from the plane?”

  “It exploded.”

  “I know that, but something might have fallen out during the crash landing. Shouldn’t we at least check?”

  “Let’s get out of here and we’ll discuss it.”

  Angus motioned for Angelina to crawl out of a crevice then followed her. She took a look around, a real good look. They were so deep in the wilderness the trees blocked out most of the sun.

  “I think we should get moving. It might not be safe to go back to the crash site.”

  “Why can’t you take my advice and look for supplies?”

  “We’re not going back. In case you didn’t realize it, you were supposed to have died in that plane crash.”

  “You can’t possibly think that someone could orchestrate a plane crash.”

  “No? Then why did the plane crash? There was gas coming from that suitcase your assistant brought you.”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t tampered with before she brought it,” Angelina quickly stood up for Julia. “We still don’t know what knocked out the pilots.”

  “Did you smell gas when you went in the cockpit?”

  “I was too frightened to think logically.”

  “I wonder if they were served tainted food. It could be easily set up beforehand unless the stewardess prepared all the food.”

  “I suppose that could happen, but that’s certainly an elaborate plot. Who would go to all that trouble?”

  “Someone who wants you dead. Don’t worry, Angelina, I take my job very seriously. I’ll get us out of the wilderness and make sure you’re safe.”

  “Maybe whoever wants me dead knows the plane crashed by now. I’m sure they’ll think we perished.”

  “They might want to make sure, which is why we can’t risk going back,” Angus pointed out. “We’re going this way.”

  “Are you sure you’re up to it. You’re injured, Angus.”

  “There’s nothing to worry for you to about. I can handle pain,” he said as he pushed past her.

  Under any other circumstances Angelina would have been angry. She wasn't used to men barking orders, but she was compelled to listen to Angus. After all, he was her bodyguard and had already proven himself very capable when he carried her away from the crashing plane be
fore they were both killed. Angelina could still feel his strong arms around her. She couldn't help but wonder if all shifters were that strong.

  Chapter 3


  “Would you stop putting emphasis on your s’s, Caleb? You should know snake shifters make people nervous.”

  “Spoken like a true hyena.”

  “I don’t need to lose this job before we even get it.”

  “If we don’t have it, how can we lose it?” Caleb smirked.

  “I hear a car. Let’s head outside. I’d like to see who’s hiring us before he sees us.”

  Caleb and Salem disappeared momentarily, exchanging a look as a woman with short blonde hair and a tight white business suit with short skirt walked toward the warehouse, her heels clacking on the concrete drive. Her eyes narrowed as she called out, “I know you’re here. It’s safe to come out.”

  Caleb led the way, smiling. “I think you might be in the wrong place, miss.”

  “Oh, of course. How did I guess a male shifter would be a chauvinist?”

  “Apparently you’ve never met one before,” Salem said. “We don’t treat our women like that.”

  “It doesn’t matter, I suppose. I’m sorry for misjudging you.” She forced a smile. “Let’s go inside where we can speak without being seen.”

  Salem had worked for all kinds of humans. He could tell already that this woman would make this job difficult.

  She opened the door and motioned them inside. The warehouse was quite large and filled with large wooden crates and two limousines.

  “Are we alone?” Salem snapped, the hair on the back of his neck rising.

  “Quite alone.”

  “Open the doors of the vehicles and prove it or we’re leaving.”

  The woman swallowed hard. “I don’t have the keys, I swear,” she said nervously. “We could go somewhere else if you’d like.”

  “Like your home?”

  “I was hoping to talk about business.” She pulled out an envelope. “Here’s half of the forty thousand we’re paying you for the job. We’ll pay the remainder when the job is done.”

  “We’re hired just like that?” Salem asked.

  “You’ve come highly recommended. We want Angelina Foxworth dead.”

  Caleb’s brow shot up. “As in the actress Angelina Foxworth?”

  “Yes, is that a problem?”

  “No,” Salem said. “Where will we find her?”

  “Her plane went down in Wyoming.”

  “It crashed?”

  “We went through great pains to make sure that plane would crash without any survivors. We’ve confirmed the plane went down, but we know she survived.”

  “How can you be so certain?” Salem asked.

  “She has a tracking device implant under her arm.” The woman handed them a small black box with a red light. “You’ll be able to find Angelina with this.”

  “Why not kill her here?” Caleb asked. “Before she left.”

  “We don’t need the scandal here in Hollywood. It would be much easier if people thought she died in that crash. Hopefully her bodyguard didn’t make it either. He’s a shifter.”

  “You hired a shifter to guard her?”

  “My partner did, but he’s only a llama shifter. I’m sure that won’t be much of a problem for you.”

  Salem laughed. “You humans know absolutely nothing about shifters. For your information, llama shifters are born protectors. I’m quite positive that if Angelina survived, it had everything to do with that llama shifter.”

  “You’re right, I don’t know all that much about shifters. When I was told one of you were a snake shifter, I must admit I had my reservations about hiring you.”

  With a roar and the cracking of bones and shedding of skin, Caleb transformed into his snake form. Salem shook his head as Caleb wrapped himself around the woman with just enough pressure to make her eyes widen and call out, “Please stop, I-I’m sorry… I’m sorry!”

  Caleb slipped from her body and slithered out the door.

  “Sorry about that, Caleb can be—”

  “The map is in the envelope,” the woman said as she tossed the envelope at him, ran back to her car, and sped off.

  Salem sighed as he joined Caleb in the car. “I really wish you hadn’t done that. If we want to work in this town again, I’d much rather keep a good rapport with our clients.”

  Caleb shifted back to human form. “Do you really think any of our clients will spread the word that they procured two hired killers who happen to be shifters? I hardly think so.” He laughed.

  “You have a point,” Salem said as he opened the envelope and tossed the map to Caleb in the backseat. “She gave us the GPS coordinates, too. I’m sure our pilot will be able to locate the crash site.”

  “It looks like we’ll be heading to Wyoming, just like she said,” Caleb said as he pointed to the map. “Or I should say in the wilderness of Wyoming.”

  Salem’s brow furrowed. “What part?”

  “What does it matter? We’ll find her.”

  “It matters because Wyoming is shifter territory.”

  “You must know we’re shifters, too, right?”

  “Of course I do! We might have obstacles this time is all I’m saying.”

  “I hardly think so. We’re heading to the Platte River area. With any luck, the river will be flooded,” Caleb pointed out.

  “Pull up the weather reports. We’re heading to the airport now.”

  Salem had learned long ago to be wary of other shifters, especially the ones in the wild. They didn’t follow the rules most shifters did when forced to live among the humans. They were unpredictable and deadly, especially if they dared go too near to their mates. He knew how important it was to plan ahead, making certain that mistakes weren’t made. Caleb was more of a wild card, but an effective killer, which was why Salem worked with him.

  It wasn’t part of their job to ask their client why they wanted the actress dead, but he was tempted to. What could she have possibly done to warrant a hit be taken out on her?

  Angelina practically ran into Angus when he knelt, receiving a narrowed-eyed look for a fraction of a second.

  “Sorry,” she said, her brow knitted. “What are you doing, looking for tracks?” She laughed.

  “Actually, yes. These are coyote tracks.”

  “They look like dog tracks to me.”

  Angus smiled slightly. “Oh, are you an authority on tracking animals?”

  “I didn’t think we were here to track animals.”

  Angus straightened his frame to tower over Angelina. “You’re right, but I like to be aware of the animals lurking nearby, especially when they get a whiff of our blood.”

  “Shouldn’t we bury our clothes?”

  “Everything we packed burned up in the plane, remember? I don’t think we’ll get anywhere if we walk around stark naked.”

  Angus regretted what he said as soon as the words left his mouth. It wasn't like him to speak that way to a woman, but it was hard to ignore Angelina's curves. He had vowed to keep his distance from all women; he couldn’t risk losing his heart to Angelina or any woman. Angus had to quit thinking about her like that. She’s way out of your league. Besides, you were hired to protect her!

  Angelina swallowed hard as Angus turned and said over his shoulder, “We’re heading this way.”

  He walked deeper into the forest when he heard the rush of water. He’d be able to find out just where they were. He breathed in deeply of the scent of pine and the fresh spray of water from a raging river not far off.

  “Is that a river I hear?” Angelina asked, pushing past him.

  “Wait—” was all Angus had time to say as he raced after the actress he’d sworn to protect.

  “Hurry up,” Angelina called over her shoulder, running ahead of him. She screamed as she lost her footing at the edge of the woods and fell over the side of a cliff.

  Angus burst through the brush, where h
e spotted Angelina holding part of a branch that jutted over the side of the gray cliff.

  “Don’t let go, I’m coming.”

  “I-I can’t hold on!” she screamed.

  He jumped and caught Angelina before she plummeted to the raging river below, grabbing her wrists and pulling her to safety.

  She sat on the ground, attempting to catch her breath as Angus knelt nearby. “Th-Thank y-you. It would be kinda pointless if I killed myself. I can’t imagine you’d get another bodyguard job after that.”

  Angus smiled slightly, brushing a strand of her hair to the side so he could have a better look at her. “I don’t work as a bodyguard normally. I’m not sure why I took this job, but your father was quite insistent that your life was in danger. Strange that he’d trust a shifter to see you to safety.”

  “I don’t know about that. You did say llamas are known protectors.”

  “I’d appreciate it if you let me do my job and not run off like that again. I’ll take a look at the river to see if I can figure out where the hell we are.”

  Angus walked over to the edge of the cliff, examining the state of the river. It was wide and rough with rapids caused by the water pouring from the surface of the reservoir. It was meant to keep water in so this was probably an unscheduled release, the kind the recent storms in Wyoming created.

  He made his way back to Angelina, who was brushing herself off. “So do you know where we are?”

  “This is the swelling Platte River. The water is running off the reservoir from all the rain of late.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a good thing. How far do you live from here?”

  “About three and a half hours.”

  “That’s not so bad.” Angelina smiled.

  “Not by car. It’s only about seventy hours on foot, providing we could make it that far.”

  Angelina’s smile quickly faded. “I doubt anyone is going to come looking for me here. I’m certain they think we’re both dead.”


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