Book Read Free

Sarah's Journey

Page 7

by Susan Bella Ikin

  Eventually the tender docked at the pier, and there was an orderly stampede of people trying to get off quickly and get ashore, where at least the breeze would temper the heat a little. As we walked along the pier, I breathed in deeply, and Adam turned to me queryingly.

  “I am just enjoying the smell of the tropics – the smell of foliage, and flowers, and ocean, isn’t it just the best?” I both answered his silent query, and asked him a question at the same time.

  Adam nodded a reply and motioned towards groups of locals standing around wearing matching tropical shirts.

  “I would guess that those people are working for a tour company or something. Maybe we should check out times of tours first, then I can see a bar where we can probably get a cold drink while we wait for our bus”.

  I nodded my assent, and shortly afterwards we had purchased two tickets for the tour, Adam paying for both despite my protests.

  “You can get the drinks”, he said, “They probably cost about the same as your ticket anyway”.

  Thinking of why I needed a drink, being so hot, made me have another thought and I turned to the ticket seller and asked:

  “Are the buses air-conditioned?”

  He affirmed that they were, and Adam and I walked to the bar which overlooked the pier. We ordered two drinks, and thankfully Adam didn’t go all Neanderthal and insist on paying, so once the drinks were made we found a vacant table and sat sipping them contentedly. Our bus wasn’t due to leave for half an hour, we had been asked to make our way around to the back of the shops in twenty minutes to hand over our tickets and board the bus. In the meantime, this was a beautiful place to be, sipping a cold drink, sitting next to a handsome man, looking out over the water.

  After a while, I noticed that Adam was looking around at the various shops, and asked him what he wanted – was he on a souvenir hunt for someone back home?

  Adam looked at me with a cheeky grin and said:

  “Well, actually I was thinking of stocking up on condoms. Last night’s efforts put a serious dent in my supplies, and although I think there will be enough until we reach Suva tomorrow, it wouldn’t hurt to get some extras, just to be safe”.

  At this, I pretended outrage.

  “How presumptuous of you” I said - unable to hide my smile which belied my words – “assuming that I will just fall into bed with you tonight!”

  Adam again looked at me with that devilish grin of his:

  “Well, if bed is a problem for you, we don’t actually have to make it to the bed – I have a perfectly good couch you know”.

  I openly belly laughed at this, and finished my drink quickly, as soon as I could drink it without choking.

  “Well, in that case, we had better check out the shops before we have to meet the bus, your idea has merit and I think we should test it out when we get back to the ship”.

  After delivering this provocative statement, I walked towards the shops, allowing my hips to sway a little, knowing that Adam was right behind me and would probably be watching my backside anyway. I was enjoying myself with this lighthearted play, secure in the knowledge that Adam was happy to play the same game, and that he genuinely liked being with me, in bed or out of it.


  When we saw the bus, I was dismayed. It certainly wasn’t a coach, and barely seemed to be a bus. As we boarded, I turned to the ticket seller, who was now taking the tickets and queried:

  “I thought you said it had air-conditioning?”

  “Yes,” he said with a smile, “Fiji air-conditioning, see?” and he motioned to the windows.

  With a humph I sat down. Oh well, it wasn’t like I had a health condition or anything, I was sure I could put up with the heat for a couple of hours.

  Port Denarau is a private island, only separated from the mainland by what seems to be a river, and is operated by the proprietors of the big hotels that all had resorts nearby. Once across the bridge and past the gate, what passed for formality was over. The man on our bus who was our tour guide motioned to the driver to open the door, which combined with the open skylights and windows, let in lots of air as the bus was in motion, and helped cool the passengers down somewhat. He then spoke of what we were going to see, the bus would take us to a Temple where we could get out and take photos (again, I had my bulky camera with me) and then on to his village, where the chief would perform a Kava ceremony with someone from the bus acting as our chief, to represent us and accept the welcome offered by the village. He also said proudly that we were lucky, there was a wedding occurring today in the village church, and we were welcome to step in to witness the proceedings as long as we didn’t interrupt. We might also get to visit the chief’s house if his wife was home (the chief would be on village business in the hall) and after all of that, we would spend a bit of time in the town of Denarau where there would be a short period of time allowed for shopping. That was a lot to pack into a few short hours!

  As I had the window seat, I watched the landscape go by as we drove, my side and thigh pressed against Adam’s side and thigh, holding his hand. I was really beginning to wish that this could go on forever. Going home was bound to change things somewhat – just settling back into our everyday lives would bring a different angle to our relationship, and we would not be able to spend all day and night with each other like we were now.

  Shortly we arrived at the temple, and we duly got off the bus to walk around. I wasn’t interested in going inside, just wanting to take shots of the outside, and of other passengers doing random things. Of course, I seemed to take lots of photos of Adam, both posed shots and candid ones, until he called time and insisted on turning the camera on me. Then one of the other passengers volunteered to take a photo of the two of us together, so I showed him how to aim and shoot the camera. I hoped that one turned out well.

  We got back on the bus, and drove the short distance to the village, with our tour guide telling us how his chief was the chief of several villages, and although sometimes he had to go to one of the other villages to attend to some business, today he was at home. As we drove into the village, I was amazed to see the smallness of some of the houses we passed. They were only about half the size of my unit back home, and they housed an entire family! Several children ran after the bus, as either there was no school today, or it was already finished, I didn’t hear which.

  We all trooped into the hall, and took seats on some benches at the back. Several villagers (all male, apparently this ceremony was only for men) were seated on mats near the front. One of them took to his feet, scanning the group of passengers, and then he seemed to come to a decision. Approaching Adam, he invited him to join them on the mat. Apparently Adam had been selected as the “Chief of the Bus Passengers” and was to participate in the Kava ceremony. I was a bit apprehensive, as ship’s literature had warned against Kava, advising passengers not to drink it. Apparently it was some sort of fermented drink, and could be quite potent. Adam did not seem worried however, so I tried to relax.

  I watched the Kava ceremony with interest. It involved the Kava being poured from one receptacle into another, and then the liquid was scooped out of a big bowl with a cup, which was passed from man to man. I held my breath when it was Adam’s turn to drink, but as he was seated with his back to me, I couldn’t see his face. As he didn’t keel over, I hoped that everything was ok. After the drinking, there was a demonstration of song and dance, and then the ceremony was over and the guests were then invited outside, where the women of the village had set up tables displaying handmade jewellery for sale.

  I thought of Emily, but first had to check on Adam.

  “Are you ok?” I asked quietly, making sure no-one could overhear as I didn’t want to offend anyone.

  “Yes, I think so,” said Adam “but I feel numb. I can see the attraction of this stuff for occasional use, but I wouldn’t want to feel like this all the time”.

  I guided Adam outside, and put an arm around him, partly to make sure he was steady, and part
ly because I enjoyed feeling his body against mine. Together we looked at the jewellery, and I chose a pretty necklace for Emily. It looked like paua shell, which was common throughout the Pacific region, but as it was mostly blue and Emily liked blue things, I bought it and put it in my bag. While putting the necklace away, I saw the water bottles I had packed, and gave one to Adam, thinking he would have to take special care not to dehydrate.

  We noticed that groups of tourists were heading up the steps of the church, so we went that way as well. We tiptoed in as quietly as we could, and took seats in a back pew. The church was deceptively large, and the ceremony seemed to be taking place a long way away. We sat quietly for quite a long time, then with a furtive look at each other we stole out, as the wedding ceremony seemed as if it had a long time to go, and we did not understand the words anyway.

  Some tourists were walking down the front steps of what had been pointed out earlier as the chief’s house, but we decided not to go as we had sat in the church for a long time, and thought that it must be nearly time to go. I was happy just being with Adam, so if we just had to walk around the village for a while before boarding the bus, I was content to do that.

  After boarding the bus again, we were driven the short distance into town, and dropped off outside a souvenir shop. Spying what looked like a department store across the road, I dragged Adam into that one instead, after we asked how long we had before the bus left. We quickly looked around the departments near the front door, and again I made some purchases, having found some lovely locally manufactured body creams and lotions. I selected a body lotion and a handcream in two fragrances, one for myself and one for Emily. Adam smelled the testers and made some purchases himself, telling me that he really ought to bring a souvenir back to his receptionist as she was a lovely woman who had been badgering him to bring back lots of photos and details of his trip.

  We then hurried over the road again to quickly browse through the souvenir shop, and to keep an eye on the bus driver and tour guide, just to make sure we weren’t left behind! There was nothing that either of us was interested in, so we boarded the bus again when it was time, and headed back to Port Denarau.

  Once back on the island, I found the public restrooms in the port area to use the facilities and splash some cold water on my face. Boy, I would be making use of that pool on the ship later! I met Adam outside and we headed back to that dockside bar we had found earlier, and Adam bought some cool drinks, which we drank rather too quickly, so I went to get a second round before Adam got the chance to rise from his seat.

  We sat by the bar for a while, and as we sat, we saw a catamaran arrive, and passengers disembark. We looked at each other, and at the same time exclaimed:

  “That must be the fast boat!”

  Quickly finishing our drinks, we grabbed our bags and headed for the catamaran, before it either filled up, or left without us. The ride back to the ship was far more pleasant than the ride out. Not only was it a lot shorter, but we could sit out on the open deck and enjoy the breeze. As we had selected seats at the back of the cat, we spent a lot of the journey back to the ship kissing and cuddling like teenagers.

  While the cat was docking at the ship, we discussed how we would spend the rest of the day. I wanted to go back to my stateroom to shower, change, and to put away my purchases, and as Adam was feeling a bit uncomfortable as well, he agreed that this was a good idea. We decided to change into pool gear, and meet on the pool deck, neither of us was terribly hungry because of the heat so thought we wouldn’t miss lunch.

  Adam had arrived at the pool before I did and had grabbed two adjacent loungers, as he liked to do. Although we had planned to spend the rest of the afternoon in the pool, that plan did not work out all that well for us. As I took off my sarong, and Adam pulled his t-shirt over his head, we were obviously both aware of each other, and as we grabbed hands to head to the pool, a frisson of electricity sprung up between us, which made us both aware that our time at the pool would be short lived.

  After a brief swim we both, by unspoken agreement, returned to our sun loungers and grabbed our things, walking back towards Adam’s suite. As we neared the room, I found myself walking faster, earning a chuckle from Adam. Well, there was no point in pretending that I wasn’t looking forward to this, was there?

  Adam seemed to take his time getting the card to open the door, and I rebuked him for his teasing. With a smile he opened the door and stood aside for me to enter in front of him. I was barely through the door when he grabbed me and pushed me back against the wall, pressing his wet body against mine, and flinging the little bag of condoms in the direction of the couch.

  “Now”, he said breathily against my lips, “You didn’t want to go to bed today, was that right?”

  “I don’t care where we do it” I responded, “so long as we do it sooooon”.

  Adam started to try to peel off my wet bikini, but as the wet material was clinging to my skin, this was difficult, especially as I was sure that his fingers were shaking. I had to help him, and as the two pieces fell to the floor with a squishy plop sound, I also pushed his swim trunks downwards as well. Even though he had just been swimming, his shaft sprang forward large and erect and full of promise. My hand instinctively reached towards it, and I stroked and cupped Adam while we kissed, and he in turn reached between us and stroked me until I was panting in ecstasy. Suddenly Adam picked me up by putting his hands under my buttocks, and carried me over to the couch, sitting himself down but seating me to the side instead of on top of him as I wanted to do. At my little moan of dismay, he offered the explanation:

  “I threw those new condoms I bought this morning somewhere near the couch, so we need to be here”.

  Frantically I searched for the little bag, found it and extracted one of the little packets, tearing it loose and rolling it onto Adam, stroking him the whole way down. I then raised myself up over him and impaled myself on his shaft, gasping with pleasure as his pubic bone came into contact with that spot that Adam had already sensitized, and sent me over the edge. I quivered for a minute, and then started moving. I had found release, but Adam had not, and I knew there was still more pleasure for us both. I rose up and down, gently at first, and then after seeing the ecstasy on Adam’s face, harder and harder until he tensed and pushed himself up off the couch, seeming to try to push himself right into me. At this I went over the edge again and held tight to Adam as we both convulsed in pleasure.


  The afternoon passed in a blur of lovemaking. I am not sure how many of those little packets we went through, but by late in the afternoon I was exhausted. We had made love on the couch twice, against the wall once (thankfully it was the internal wall between the bedroom and the loungeroom, not the wall that Adam shared with his neighbours, as we were very noisy), and a couple of times on the bed. We lay stretched out on top of the bed, and slept the sleep of two people who were both very tired, and very satisfied.

  We awoke when we sensed the ship was moving, and realized that it had already pulled up the anchor and was sailing on to our next stop, Suva, the capital of Fiji. It was past our dinner time, and I sat up, thinking that I would have to get dressed in my wet swimwear to go back to my stateroom to change quickly. Adam quickly vetoed this idea by throwing a lazy leg over mine, his arm around my waist and pulling me back down, smiling at me sleepily and reminding me that we could always order room service. I thought this was an excellent idea, and told him so both with words, and with my hands. Adam pushed my hands away and told me that if we didn’t order, we wouldn’t get any dinner, and I could have my way with him after he had time to eat and replenish his strength!

  Adam got up from the bed and fetched the menu from the coffee table in the lounge room, and once we had chosen our meals he called room service from the bedside phone. Then he went out to the lounge room and collected all of our still wet swimming gear, and put it in the bathroom, out of sight of the stewards when they came. I just lay in the bed lazily and watch
ed him as he walked around the suite, completely naked. This was certainly something I could do more often, I thought to myself.

  Adam rummaged around in his wardrobe, pulling on some clothes and then found a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt and brought them over to me.

  “You might like to dress when we eat, in case you spill hot soup on yourself”, he said with a wry grin. “Although it is going to be difficult sitting across the table from you, with you wearing that t-shirt and no bra, but it will certainly be interesting”.

  No sooner had he said that, but there was a knock at the door, it was the steward with our tray. As I stayed in the bedroom and quickly pulled on the clothes, Adam took the tray from the steward and brought it to the small dinner table near the window. I headed over to the table and watched as Adam lifted dish covers and worked out what was what. He placed a bowl of soup in front of each chair, winking at me as he did so. We ate slowly, staring at each other over our spoons and although I could not know what he was thinking, I know I was reliving various events of the afternoon, anticipating still more for the evening. I can’t even remember what I had ordered for main, and don’t think I ate much of it. I had ordered strawberries and cream for dessert, and as I looked at the luscious fruit, a wicked idea came to me.

  “I am hot all of a sudden, is it hot in here?” I asked as I peeled off the t-shirt. Adam gulped as he swallowed a bite of his cheesecake, and stared at my breasts as I freed them from the cotton material. I picked up a strawberry, and trying to remember what I had seen on television, put it in my mouth and sucked the cream off the end of the fruit. Adam dropped his fork. I then took the strawberry, dipped it back in the cream and lightly traced it over my breasts, holding Adam’s eyes as I did so, and then said quietly “Oops”.

  Adam quickly got to his feet and then pulled me to mine. Just as quickly he was then lapping at the cream that was traced over my breasts with his tongue. I allowed my head to fall back to give him full access. After he teased my nipples to erectness with his tongue, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of the sweat pants I was wearing and quickly pulled them down. Now that I was naked, I slightly pulled away from Adam, and turned towards the bedroom. I briefly looked back over my shoulder to make sure he was following, then sauntered over to the bed, and sat on the side, waiting. Adam did not disappoint and somehow in his brief journey from the lounge room, he had managed to remove his clothes and appeared at my side, also naked.


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