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Jude (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 5)

Page 7

by Arcadia Shield

  “We believe it’s Dinnorm language,” said Danni.

  “So Jude’s been telling me,” said Octavia. “I’m still surprised they even exist.”

  “So were we,” said Jude.

  “Anyway, they don’t use the same channel,” said Octavia. “They frequency hop like I do to avoid detection. I’m still working out the pattern they use so I don’t have a break in their messaging.”

  Danni leaned forward, setting her mug down. “You have more recordings of their communications?”

  “I’ve got eighty percent of a single communication,” said Octavia. “They’re clever. They change their pattern of frequency hopping every seven days. I thought I’d had it figured out, then had to start from scratch.”

  Danni let out a sigh. “Which suggests they’re keen on avoiding detection. Normally, they use basic encryption. They’ve never been this difficult to hack into.”

  “I can show you the program I use to keep up with the messages,” said Octavia. “It might help.”

  “That would be great,” said Jude. “It’s not so much a language problem, but we’re missing letters, which means we struggle to get a complete sentence.”

  Octavia grinned at him. “We’ll figure it out. Frequency hopping is my speciality. We just need to keep up with them.”

  “Between the two of us, we can do that.”

  Jude’s warm smile made her feel fuller than the food she’d eaten. With him by her side, she felt like she could achieve anything.

  Chapter 6

  Despite Jude’s protests, Octavia had refused to sleep. After they’d finished talking to Danni and she’d finished eating her second tray of food, Jude had taken her to the communications room.

  Octavia was settled in a seat to his left, loading up a program that tracked the Dinnorm language.

  He loved the fact she was working alongside him. She was smart and switched on. And now that he could hear her voice unfiltered through the radio channels, it was even sexier. Couple that with her blonde hair, and he was entranced.

  Jude noticed she kept her distance from him, though. She always sat away from him. Maybe she wasn’t used to close contact, and was getting used to things. She also used her cap as a shield, always keeping it low over her eyes. He wanted to take it off and run his hands through her hair.

  “The program is ready to go.” Octavia glanced at him. “I’ll play what I’ve recorded so far. I reckon if we record a few more messages, we could splice it all together and figure out what they’re saying.”

  “Sounds good.” Jude sat back in his seat as she pressed play. They listened to the babble from the State. The message went on for five minutes before it cut out.

  “That’s the message I’ve pieced together as I frequency hopped along with the conversation,” said Octavia. “Are you noticing the pattern?”

  Jude nodded. “There are reoccurring sounds. Some of those sounds must correspond to different letters.”

  “It’s frustrating, I must have missed a couple of frequency hops. I had a blank thirty-second recording. That will be crucial to fill in, otherwise we could make a mistake with the translation.”

  “I’ve got a program of my own that’s worth trying,” said Jude. “If we run the programs side by side once we pick up the latest message, it could be all we need to fill in the blanks. If one of us misses the frequency hop, the other program should pick it up.”

  “We just need to find where the State are first.”

  “Shall we have music to work to?” Jude grinned at her. “I always work better when there’s a good rock tune in the background.”

  “Is it okay to broadcast live?” Octavia picked up her backpack and pulled out a data chip. “I don’t like to think of people out there wondering what’s happened to the tunes.”

  “Go for it,” said Jude. He opened an empty comm line. “This is as secure as it gets.”

  She handed him the data chip. “Choose the second folder. They’re my favorite tunes. I always have them on when I’m working on something complicated.”

  Jude inserted the data chip and opened the folder. Within seconds, a rousing rock anthem was pounding through the comms room.

  He opened his program and set it to run alongside Octavia’s. He’d always loved his work, whether it had been working in the military or helping everyone in the bunker.

  Jude glanced sideways at Octavia. She was focused on the screen as the programs synced. Seeing her in the flesh, it made him realize there was more to life than work. He had his fantasies about Octavia that he lived out alone at night when the lights were out. Now that she was here, the reality was much more exciting than any fantasy he’d had.

  “The programs look good,” said Octavia. “Let’s give them a test run and see what we pick up.”

  “Show me how you access this sub channel.” He stood and walked over to her computer. Instantly, she shifted away and turned her head.

  He backed up a couple of steps, not wanting to crowd her.

  She gave him a guilty glance. “Sorry. I’m not used to being around other people.”

  Jude raised a placating hand. “No worries. All of this must be weird.”

  “It is, but it’s also amazing,” said Octavia. “And the food is out of this world.”

  “I can always get you more.”

  “No, I need to pace myself,” said Octavia. “I’ve worked hard to get this figure.”

  Jude’s gaze ran over her skinny form. She might make a joke of it, but he could see she’d been suffering. “Any time you get hungry, go help yourself to more food. The canteen is open at all hours. If Juliet’s on a break, there’s always food out. And if you get desperate, you can risk going in the kitchen and making yourself something. But I warn you, Juliet does not like people interfering with her kitchen.”

  “Duly noted,” said Octavia. “No stealing of food.”

  “You can steal, just don’t get caught.”

  She grinned and ducked her head. “This is the sub channel I found.” Octavia gestured to the screen, where a series of jagged lines flashed up and down. “Do you see, it’s hidden under the main network? There’s only a slight difference in frequency. You would skip it if you were searching for a specific channel.”

  “They are clever,” muttered Jude.

  “They are. And it’s active.”

  Jude plugged in an earbud and listened. He hit record so they’d capture the message. “Do you know what their current frequency hopping pattern is?”

  “No. It changed a day ago. I haven’t been able to keep track of them. We’ll have to figure it out now. Then we can follow them for the next five days until it changes again.”

  “That should be all we need. If we can get a few hours of solid chatter from this channel, we can decode the message.”

  Octavia’s fingers flew across the keyboard. “I’m activating tracking.”

  Jude was impressed to see how efficient she was. She was focused on the screen, scanning multiple frequencies. “Log the first pattern tag as soon as you’re locked on.”

  She nodded. “I’m way ahead of you.”

  For the next hour, they worked side by side, frequency hopping, searching and tagging whenever they found a link in the chain.

  It felt good to be working with someone so proficient. Someone who got him and the way he saw patterns and links in networks.

  “Dammit!” Octavia thumped her hand on the desk and pushed her sleeves up.

  “What is it?”

  “I lost part of the message,” said Octavia. “Those sneaky bastards jumped early.”

  “They can’t have changed the frequency pattern so quickly.”

  “They can do whatever the hell they like.” Octavia flipped her cap back and grumbled under her breath as she stared at the screen.

  “It’s a good start,” said Jude. “We’ve picked up several messages.”

  “Not a complete one,” said Octavia. “That’s what we need.”

  Jude reached
over but then hesitated. Octavia had made it clear she wasn’t crazy keen on being touched. He dropped his hand, stood, and went to check the monitors on the other side of the room.

  Octavia yawned and tipped her head back. As she did so, the blonde hair that was tucked into her scarf slid out.

  Jude turned and his eyes widened as he saw the scars crossing Octavia’s cheek. There were three long jagged red lines tracking from her high cheekbone down to her jaw line. The flesh looked tender and sore.

  Her head suddenly shot up as she scrabbled with her hair, turning toward him as she did so.

  Their gazes met. Jude saw blind panic on her face.

  OCTAVIA SAW THE HORROR written all over Jude’s face as she hid the scars with her hair and hands. Her heart thudded painfully in her chest, and color flared on her cheeks.

  Jude blinked and shook his head. “It’s okay.”

  Octavia jumped to her feet, her stomach flipping over. “I need to leave. It’s time I got some rest.”

  “Wait!” Jude caught hold of her arm. “Really, it’s fine. You don’t have to hide anything, not from me.”

  Octavia blinked away angry tears. She had been meaning to tell Jude about her scars. She’d been weak and vain by not showing them to him, putting it off, and not wanting to see his expression. This expression. The pity and sadness and discomfort her disfigurement always caused.

  “Can I see?” His hand hovered an inch over her cheek, where her fingers masked the scars.

  “There’s nothing to see.”

  His gaze met hers and he stared at her in silence. “We all have scars. Some of them a harder to see than others.”

  Letting out a shaky breath, Octavia slowly lowered her hand. Her cheeks felt on fire as she watched Jude’s gaze run down the hateful scars.

  “Will it hurt if I touch them?”

  “It’s fine,” said Octavia. “They don’t hurt anymore.” She averted her gaze as his fingers gently brushed across the damaged skin. His closeness and his touch made her insides warm. She liked Jude, more than she cared to admit. She didn’t want her disfigurement to put him off.

  “What happened?”

  She swallowed. “It was the first wave of the State attack. They targeted the terrorist cell I was working undercover in.”

  Jude nodded. “They took out the competition first.”

  “That’s right.” Octavia noticed Jude’s hand had remained on her cheek, cupping her jaw, his thumb brushing the scars. That touch made her shiver. “It was like hell had arrived on the doorstep. One minute, we were in this room, discussing an attack on key government officials. The next, everyone in government was dead, and the State were hammering down the door. They blew the place to pieces.”

  “And you were in the way?” Jude’s fingers remained on Octavia’s damaged skin.

  “I remember little about what happened,” said Octavia. “There was an enormous flash of light and a huge bang. I was knocked out. I woke up buried under rubble and covered in blood. I must have been there at least two days before I came to.”

  “Who got you out?”

  “I got myself out. A few things were broken, which I mended. But this,” Octavia gestured at her face, “there was nothing I could do. I needed surgery, some professional who could stitch me up and take away the worst of the damage. Of course, there was no chance of that happening.” Tears threatened, and she looked away. She’d never felt so ugly. She was not worthy to be so close to this gorgeous guy. It wasn’t just that he was good to look at, but he understood her. Jude knew her, but this mess of a face would drive him away.

  Jude tilted her chin up with a finger. “Look at me.”

  Her eyes widened when she didn’t see disgust reflected back at her. She saw something else, something that made her grow warm inside. Was he going to kiss her?

  “You must have been in a lot of pain,” said Jude. “That was wrong.”

  Octavia felt herself weaken. “I got by thanks to some strong painkillers I found in a pharmacy and a bottle of whiskey. Every time the pain got too bad, I overdosed on both. Part of me hoped I’d never wake up.”

  “Don’t say that,” said Jude. “You have a lot to live for.”

  She hated herself for admitting it, but there were dark days she’d fought through, days when she’d wished she never opened her eyes again. There had been nothing left for her. At least, there hadn’t been until she’d heard Jude and had learned all about the resistance movement.

  “You’re a fighter,” said Jude. “You must be. To set up Flame radio on your own, to avoid being taken by the State, to survive your injuries.”

  “It was fight or die,” said Octavia. “I have my training to thank for that. We were told never to give up. No matter how dire the situation, there would always be a way out.”

  “Sometimes it feels that way around here,” said Jude. “You will fit right in.”

  Octavia nodded, but her memories overwhelmed her. She could almost taste the blood in the back of her throat again. She remembered screaming repeatedly as she’d forced her broken body out from under the debris and dragged herself somewhere safe. Not that anywhere had been safe. She’d survived because she was lucky.

  “Maybe this was a mistake.” The words came out shaky as she shook the memories away.

  “No, it’s right you’re here,” said Jude. “The scars are a part of you. Don’t hide them.”

  “Everyone will think I’m a freak.”

  “I’m not talking about the scars on your face.”

  She looked up at him and a tear slid down her cheek. “You can’t know me that well.”

  “We know each other pretty well.” He gave her a lopsided smile. “We’ve been talking for months. I think I told you all my secrets. You even know about the time I super-glued Heath’s lock and trapped him inside his bedroom, then blamed it on Lincoln. Nobody knows about that.”

  Octavia had to smile. They had shared a lot since they’d been in contact. It had always felt like having a magical pen-friend. Someone who lived in another dimension, someone just out of her reach, who she’d never meet. Now she was standing just inches from Jude, and it terrified her.

  “You see, you don’t have to hide anything from me.”

  Octavia let out a breath. Jude’s solid, calm nature was soothing. The look in his eyes hinted at desire, which confused her. She’d seen that look so many times in other guys’ eyes, when they’d admired her curves, her long blonde hair, and her flawless skin. Why would Jude find her attractive looking the way she did now?

  “We should get back to work,” she said.

  Jude’s hand stroked down her cheek and slid onto her shoulder. “I thought you needed to go to bed?”

  There was that look in his eyes again. As if any second, he would capture her mouth with his. She wanted that.

  “I was. I mean, I probably should.” Octavia gritted her teeth and forced herself to relax. “It’s late. Or early. I’ve lost track of time since we came in here.”

  “It is early,” said Jude. “It’s four in the morning.”

  “So, time for bed?” She looked up and saw Jude’s nostrils flare. He bent slowly, his gaze not leaving hers as he kissed her lips.

  The taste of him was like trying candy for the first time. Her senses felt like they exploded as her lips parted and their tongues met.

  “You are beautiful,” whispered Jude.

  Doubt flashed in Octavia’s mind, but she pushed it away. Nothing would ruin this moment. She’d dreamt about this for months. She pulled him in for another kiss, wanting a second taste.

  It was even better than the first. Jude’s stubble scraped across her chin as she pressed against him. As he wrapped his arms around her, she’d never felt safer.

  Jude backed Octavia against the desk. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he lifted her onto it. Holy dragons, she wanted this guy. From the pulsing throb against her thigh, he felt the same.

  She shuddered as his hands slid down her sides, ignitin
g a heat inside her. Octavia remembered she wasn’t wearing underwear. It would take Jude seconds to get her naked.

  He broke their kiss, and his mouth traveled over her scars.

  Octavia froze. What the hell was he doing? How could he find those attractive? Why would he want to touch them? She pulled back and pushed against his chest.

  Jude’s lust-filled gaze met hers. “What’s wrong?”

  She pushed his chest again and he stepped back, giving her room. Octavia hopped off the table and straightened her clothing. “I do need to rest.” She adjusted her hair, so it covered the scars.

  “There’s no need to do that.” Jude went to push her hair out of the way, but she shoved his hand back.

  “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

  Confusion crossed his face. “I’m not. I meant that you don’t need to hide your scars. There’s nothing wrong with them.”

  “Of course there is,” she snapped. “I don’t need to look at myself in the mirror to know what I am.”

  “Octavia, you’re incredible.”

  She brushed away his compliment and stalked to the door. This was all wrong. Jude must feel sorry for her. Why the hell would he want to go near a scarred freak when he could have someone as gorgeous as that woman in the canteen? She would not be anyone’s sympathy fuck.

  “Wait! Don’t leave.” Jude caught hold of her arm and turned her toward him. “I didn’t mean to come on so strong. It’s just, being so near you, it made me a little crazy.”

  “You mean, you were living out some stupid fantasy.” Octavia shoved his hand away, anger and frustration clouding her judgment. “You’ve built up some image of me and you can’t see the reality now it’s in front of you.” Her fingers stroked the scars on her cheek, and she grimaced.

  “Fuck! Octavia, those scars don’t make you what you are,” said Jude. “For a second I was surprised. You’ve never mentioned them. I didn’t know what you looked like. You’d told me the color of your hair and your eyes, but that’s it. Sure, I built up an idea of my head, but that’s not important. Not now that you’re here and I’m really seeing you.”


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