Jude (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 5)

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Jude (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 5) Page 14

by Arcadia Shield

  “Holy dragons,” she whispered. It was like all of her birthdays had come at once.

  Octavia pulled out a chair and sat. If she couldn’t get out of here, the least she could do was help finish what she’d started. She could monitor the States comms from here, see what they were sending out, and maybe even decipher the rest of their language. She could also find out what happened to Jude and the others.

  Her fingers skimmed over the keyboard as she opened a private dark website and scanned for messages about them.

  She’d find Jude, and find out where he was. Octavia didn’t believe he was dead. He was out there. She could feel it. If she couldn’t get herself free, she’d make sure he had everything he needed to stop the State.

  Chapter 13

  Jude had been working for fifteen hours straight. Other than a forced ten-minute break by Heath when he’d ordered him to get some food, Jude had been putting together the information stream about what the State were. He needed it transmitted across as many comms channels as possible, reaching all the Alpha zones to make sure people heard and saw the broadcast.

  The public would know the true, dangerous face of the State. It had to wake some of them up and shake them free from the hypnotic suggestions they lived under every day. With this distraction in place, Jude could focus on getting Octavia back.

  “The next security breach is ready.” Kade sat opposite Jude in the comms room. He was methodically working his way through the security systems the State had in place on their communications network. Each time he broke one, Jude slipped in a piece of code that would ensure their message was broadcast when the time was right.

  Tobias sat next to Kade. He was plotting and monitoring the comms hubs the State had across the country, processing data streams coming from them and passing them to Jude to upload the message into.

  Although his eyes burned with tiredness, Jude wouldn’t stop working. This had to succeed. This had to distract the State enough so he could get to Octavia. The tiny voice in his head warned him he was being an idiot. If he angered the State, they might take revenge by killing her.

  “What’s that?” Tobias leaned over and pointed to the right-hand corner of Jude’s screen.

  His breath hitched in his throat. He’d been so focused on the comms streams that he hadn’t noticed the tiny flashing message envelope. It was from his private in-box.

  Jude opened the message. His eyes widened and a smile inched across his face. “She’s alive!”

  Kade and Tobias looked at him.

  “Octavia?” asked Kade.

  Jude laughed. “I don’t know how she’s done it, but she’s sent me a message. She’s okay.” He checked the time stamp and frowned. “This was sent hours ago.”

  “Where is she?” asked Tobias.

  “The message doesn’t say.” Jude read through the message again. “There’s nothing in here that hints at where she is, other than it’s a secure facility.”

  “We can still find her,” said Kade.

  “I’m already on it.” Jude began tracking the source of the message. If he could figure out where this had come from, he’d find out where she was.

  Hope fired him with determination as his fingers flew across the keyboard. “It’s from Alpha zone five.” He watched the data stream across his monitor.

  “That’s the same zone as the planned meet-up,” said Tobias.

  Danni had arranged for a group of them to meet with someone called Commander West, with the false promise of surrendering in exchange for Octavia.

  “Something doesn’t look right,” said Jude.

  Kade walked over and looked at the screen as Jude pulled up images of the location. “There’s nothing there. There are no buildings. Are you sure you tracked the signal right?”

  “Of course.” Jude stared at the barren landscape on the screen. “Where the fuck is she?”

  Tobias frowned. “I bet they’re holding her underground. Some interrogations sites are located below ground.”

  “Dinnorms don’t like being underground,” said Kade.

  “It’s not a problem for the brain-washed humans, though,” said Tobias.

  “Then that’s where we need to go.” Jude was already on his feet.

  The door behind them opened. Danni and Heath walked in.

  “Is everything ready for the transmission?” asked Danni.

  Jude stared at the open message. “I’ve had word from Octavia. She’s okay.”

  “That’s good to know,” said Danni. “Do you know her location?”

  “It’s in the same zone where Commander West wants to meet to do the exchange.”

  “We send out the information just before you get to the site,” said Danni. “That should distract the State while you get to her. We go early, and surprise this commander.”

  Jude nodded. “I’ll message her, let her know what’s happened.”

  “No. We can’t risk the State knowing we’re coming for her,” said Danni.

  Jude raked a hand through his hair. “She’s alone and needs us.”

  “It seems like she’s managing.” Danni’s sharp features softened. “This isn’t easy for you, but we’ll have her back soon enough.”

  Jude gritted his teeth. Octavia would be frantic with worry. She had no clue where he was or what had happened. Just a few words to let her know what was going on; that’s all she needed.

  Heath’s hand rested on his shoulder. “Listen to Danni. We get to the site, transmit this information to the public, and get your girl back. We have to stick to the plan.”

  Jude sighed before focusing back on the data streams. He couldn’t mess this up. “We’ve got another two systems to break through and then we’re ready to go.” This had to work. For Octavia’s sake, he would not let her down.

  OCTAVIA’S BACK ACHED and her fingers throbbed. She’d been working nonstop monitoring State comms streams. She’d even discovered a couple of signals in the Dinnorm language, but without her equipment, she hadn’t been able to follow it.

  But she’d found something much more valuable. She couldn’t believe it when she saw the pattern coding program. Her stomach had churned with excitement as she’d scanned the data. This was what they were using to frequency hop and keep one step ahead. Now she knew how they did it, and the patterns they used. If she could get out of here, this would change everything. She could figure out their language and what their plans were.

  Octavia hadn’t heard from Jude, and that made her sick with worry. Maybe the message hadn’t gotten through. There could be a security system that prevented external communications getting out. She’d come across a block in the system that she couldn’t get through. It was a sophisticated wetware wall that filtered outgoing messages. Her message to Jude could be stuck there, and he had no clue where she was or how she was doing.

  Twice she’d had to hide when people came into the room. They never stayed long, simply checked data on a screen and left. It seemed this was a data processing area that ran on automation. It was perfect for Octavia. She had access to high-speed processing networks and had listened to numerous comms. One, in particular, had caught her attention. It discussed the recent attack on a death wall and the escape of all prisoners.

  The news brought her a glimmer of hope. That could have been Jude and the others. Maybe they were taken to be executed and got away.

  Octavia still wasn’t prepared to believe Jude was dead. Every time that thought entered her head, her heart curled in on itself. No, he was alive. He was a fighter; he had to live.

  But she was worried. Jude might come after her. Trying to access this place would be a suicide mission.

  Octavia tapped her fingers on the desk. She was surprised no one had found her. The camera in her cell must have been faulty. Or maybe they didn’t consider her a threat. One escaped prisoner wasn’t such a big deal. She’d show them.

  It was time to try to get out again. If she didn’t go soon, someone really would find her. She couldn’t hide a
ny longer. There was nothing more she could do to help from here.

  Easing out of the chair and checking the corridor was clear, Octavia hurried out, keeping a close watch for any cameras or guards.

  She made it through the next set of doors with no problem.

  “Hey! Where are you going?”

  Octavia’s heart pounded as she heard the male voice behind her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw a guard walking toward her.

  “I’m going this way.” She kept on walking. Maybe if she acted as if she should be there, he would let her keep going.

  “Hold on. No unauthorized personnel are allowed in this area. It’s for prisoners and guards only.”

  “I was delivering a message.” She increased her pace. “I’ll be out of here in a second.” Octavia held the security pass out as she accessed the next door.

  “Hold it,” yelled the guard. “I need to see your clearance.”

  Octavia grabbed the door and pulled it shut behind her. She pounded along the corridor and turned left. There was a set of double doors in front of her, which she raced toward.

  She looked through the glass in the door. There was a group of people staring at an enormous flat screen on the wall. She couldn’t see any guards.

  Octavia shoved the door open and hurried to the edge of the group. She pushed her way through, but then slowed as she heard a familiar voice. She stared at the screen with wide eyes. It was Heath. He was alive!

  “We need to make you aware of what’s going on. We have discovered information that the State are not who they claim to be.”

  Octavia looked around at everyone. Some expressions were curious, but most were blank, their eyes unfocused.

  Heath continued. “The creatures in charge of this country, in charge of this planet, are not human.”

  Octavia heard several surprised gasps. Most people remained silent.

  “We have been deceived. In truth, Dinnorms are ruling us.”

  There were a few murmurs around her.

  “They have lied to us about why they are here. They are not protecting us or keeping us safe. They use us as a slave labor force. They hunt down and kill anyone who speaks out against them. We have to stop this. Everybody must know the truth.”

  “What’s he saying?” asked the woman next to Octavia. “It makes no sense.”

  “Do you believe him?”

  The woman blinked and shook her head. “I’m... not sure. I mean, the State are our rulers. Why would they deceive us?”

  “Look beyond the masks the leaders wear and see the truth,” said Heath. “These are the true faces of the creatures in charge.” Several images of Dinnorms flashed onto the screen, showing them in their true form, with long serpentine bodies and sharp teeth.

  There were more startled gasps.

  The woman beside Octavia frowned. “He can’t mean it. Isn’t he a fugitive? Why is he talking to us? The State shouldn’t allow this.”

  “He’s trying to help,” muttered Octavia. She looked over her shoulder and tensed as she saw the guard who’d been following her enter the room.

  She slid deeper into the group, making her way to the other side of the room where she’d spotted a door. Her fingers tightened around the security pass as she approached it, forcing herself not to run and draw attention.

  “You! Stop right there.” The guard was behind her. His hand fell on her shoulder.

  Taking a deep breath, Octavia turned and smiled at him. “How may I help you?”

  The guard’s gaze ran over her shaved head and the scars on her face. “What are you doing?”

  “I told you before, I had to deliver a message. I’m running late and must get back to my station.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Where is your station?”

  “At the other end of the building.”

  “If that’s true, why are you heading toward the maintenance area?”

  Octavia’s mouth felt dry. “I need fresh air after hearing that broadcast. Can you believe the message?”

  “I don’t care about that,” said the guard. “Show me your security pass. I need to see what clearance you have. You shouldn’t have been near the interrogation rooms.”

  “No problem.” Octavia raised the pass.

  The guard looked at it. His hand rested on his pulse laser. “That’s not you.”

  She looked at the security pass and shrugged. “I must have picked up the wrong one.”

  He shook his head. “Who are you?”

  This was not going to end well, for him. “I’m just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Octavia slammed her fist into the guard’s stomach, before smashing his face against her knee. Then she turned, unlocked the door, and raced out.

  She’d made it to the end of the corridor, the smell of bleach and cleaning fluids in the air, when footsteps behind her echoed along the walls.

  “That’s her!”

  Octavia turned, and horror raced through her veins. Commander West was with two guards, and he looked pissed.

  She turned toward the door she’d reached, the security pass in her hand. A searing pain slammed into her right shoulder. She fell against the door. The smell of burnt flesh drifted up her nose.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” yelled Commander West.

  Gritting her teeth against the pain, Octavia got the door open. She pulled it shut behind her, fighting against the sick feeling in her stomach. Her shoulder throbbed, but was going numb as the adrenaline kicked in.

  She staggered along the corridor, black dots in front of her eyes. “Keep it together. You need to get out of here.”

  The door behind her opened, and she froze.

  “Octavia, there’s nowhere to go.” It was Commander West.

  She shoved herself in between two closets, one hand gripping her injured shoulder. There had to be a way out. She couldn’t let this sick bastard get hold of her again. If she did, there’d be no getting away. He’d take pleasure in ensuring that.

  “Give yourself up,” said Commander West. “You’re only making this harder on yourself. And, don’t forget, you need to have your mind wiped.”

  Octavia took a slow, deep breath, fighting against the pain in her shoulder. She risked looking out from her hiding place. There was no one in sight. Commander West and the guards hadn’t passed her. They must be checking the rows of boxes and cleaning equipment stacked on the other side of the room.

  She slid out from the space, listening for any sounds. Where the hell were they?

  She’d made it a dozen steps before an arm slid around her waist. “I’ve got you now.”

  Octavia kicked back, but fingers dug into her injured shoulder, and she screamed.

  “No more fighting,” said Commander West. “It’s time for your treatment.” He dragged her around and shoved her toward the door she’d come through.

  “You’re not mind wiping me.” Octavia fought against tears of frustration.

  “Would you like to be killed, instead?”

  Octavia hesitated. Maybe she would. Being dead was better than living a false life under the control of these monsters.

  “Enough with the heroics. You cannot beat us. How many times do I need to tell you that?”

  “We will beat you,” hissed Octavia.

  A blast of pulse laser slammed Commander West forward. He fell into Octavia, and she staggered into the wall.

  She stared past Commander West, whose weight pinned her against the wall. It was Jude, racing toward her, his weapon raised and fury in his eyes.

  Her breath hitched. How could he be here?

  “Look out,” yelled Octavia, seeing Jude was totally focused on her. “He’s not alone.”

  Icy terror flooded her veins as she realized she was too late. She could do nothing but watch as a guard emerged and fired at Jude.

  Chapter 14

  Jude ducked the pulse laser fire, rolling on the floor and back onto his feet. He punched the first guard who reached him, sending him reeling backwards. The
next was more cautious. He kept his weapon trained on Jude but didn’t get too close.

  “Lower your gun,” said the guard.

  “Go to hell,” said Jude.

  “Don’t do it,” yelled Octavia. She shoved the unconscious commander off her and stepped toward Jude.

  Jude looked at her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. You shouldn’t have come.”

  “I couldn’t leave you here.” Jude’s gaze ran over her. He could see she was injured, her face was puffy and bruised, and she was clutching her arm. Her beautiful hair was also gone. What the hell had they done to her?

  “Lower your weapon,” said the guard. “I will shoot you.”

  A second guard emerged from the shadows. “Or we’ll shoot her.” He trained his weapon toward Octavia. “Is she worth dying for?”

  Jude let out a slow breath and lowered his pulse laser. Of course she was. He couldn’t imagine his life without Octavia in it.

  “Hands behind your back,” said the first guard. “Try anything, and we’ll shoot you both.” He inclined his head at his colleague. “Go check on the commander.”

  The other guard approached Commander West’s body. His gaze flicked to Octavia. “Give me an excuse to shoot you. I’ll be happy to oblige.”

  Octavia grimaced but kept her attention on Jude, watching as his hands were tied.

  “It will be okay.” Jude was focused only on Octavia. His joy at seeing her alive was mingled with rage. He wanted to bring this place down as revenge for risking her life.

  The guard checking on the commander smirked. “It won’t be okay for either of you.”

  “How’s the commander doing?” asked the other guard.

  “He’s breathing. It’s not a serious injury. I’ll get him to medical.”

  The commander groaned, and his eyes flickered open. They narrowed as he saw Octavia.

  “Sir, can I help you?” asked the guard by his side.

  “Help me up.” Commander West stood slowly and shook out his arms, wincing as he did so.


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