Jude (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 5)

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Jude (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 5) Page 15

by Arcadia Shield

  “You’ve been shot. You need to get to medical.”

  “That can wait. I have other priorities.” His gaze drifted down Octavia before shifting to Jude. “I see we have another criminal.”

  Jude glowered at him. “We are not the criminals here.”

  “You’ve broken into a secure State facility and aided a prisoner in an escape attempt,” said Commander West. “You also tried to kill me. All of that is criminal activity.”

  Jude twisted in the guard’s grip, longing to slam a fist into the man’s smug face. “We’ve done nothing wrong.”

  Commander West gestured to the guard. “Bring the traitor closer.”

  The guard yanked Jude nearer until he could smell the sourness on his breath.

  “You Ember brothers are all the same. Fighting for a cause you cannot win.”

  “We are winning,” said Jude. “Have you checked the comms feed?”

  Commander West’s top lip curled. “We assumed that was you. You think you will win over the public with your lies about us?”

  “Some of them will believe,” said Jude. “It will plant seeds of doubt. You might discover your hypnotic suggestions aren’t so effective. You can’t control everyone forever.”

  “We don’t need forever,” said Commander West. “We just need to control you until our plans are complete.”

  “Then you will kill everybody?”

  “You will become surplus to our requirements,” said Commander West, testing his injury by swinging his arms. “At which point, a few of you might be saved. It’s always good not to exterminate an entire species. We will need willing participants for future experimentations.”

  Jude glowered at him. “We’re not your test subjects.”

  “You are if we choose that for you.” Commander West smirked at Octavia. “I see you consider this one of value. But not valuable enough to surrender yourselves. Still, I knew you would come for your woman. I wanted to see how far you would go.”

  “She’s her own woman,” growled Jude. “And she was doing a damn good job of taking care of herself.”

  Commander West frowned. “She has been tainted by her association with you. That will be to her detriment.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” said Octavia.

  Jude winked at her. “Nothing he can say worries me.”

  “Before I have you both killed,” said Commander West, “I am interested in learning how you discovered our true form.”

  “It’s easy to work out. There’s no way you can be human,” said Octavia. “You’re too cruel.”

  “Humanity is not always benevolent,” said Commander West.

  “It’s the rank breath that’s the real giveaway,” said Jude. “You all have the same foul stench. No disguise can hide that.”

  Commander West scowled. “You humans arrogantly assumed you were the superior species. We saw the dragons grow fat and weak as they served you. It was a disgrace. It had to be stopped.”

  “Now everyone knows the truth about you,” said Jude. “They know you cannot be trusted.”

  “But how do you know?” Commander West raised an eyebrow. “How did you discover our true identity?”

  “It was thanks to the dragon hybrids,” said Jude.

  Commander West tilted his head. “Explain. A freak of nature knows about us?”

  “You shouldn’t discount their abilities. They helped us figure out what you are.”

  “Sir, perhaps we should get you to medical?” The guard next to Commander West gestured to the door.

  “I am already healing. You humans are downed by the simplest of injuries. No wonder you were so easy to conquer.”

  “Yes, sir.” The guard bowed his head. “Sorry, sir.”

  Commander West dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

  “You haven’t conquered us,” said Jude. “We’re still fighting against you.”

  Commander West slammed his fist into Jude’s stomach. “Enough! You are to be made an example of. You will renounce the lies about the State before your public execution.”

  Jude tried to grab air, his tender ribs protesting at the assault. “It’s never going to happen.”

  Commander West hit him again. “It will. Or I’ll kill the lovely Octavia in front of you. The last thing you’ll hear before you die will be her tortured screams as she blames you for her death.”

  Jude stared at Octavia. She was hiding it well, but he could see she was scared. He focused on Commander West. “Admit it, you are losing control.”

  “I am not concerned. We will have the population back under our control soon enough.”

  “Our broadcast is working. People are questioning you.”

  “Fetch me a port screen,” snapped Commander West to the guard next to him.

  The guard ran from the room and returned with a port screen. “Sir, there do appear to be disturbances in some sectors.”

  Commander West grabbed the port screen and stared at it. He hissed angrily. “The militia will control the troublemakers. The disturbances will be minor.”

  “Our broadcast went everywhere.” Jude saw a flare of panic in Commander West’s eyes. “People are confused. They want answers.”

  “If they question us, we will kill them,” said Commander West. “How’s that for an answer? The only thing you’ve done by sending out that information is kill innocent members of society. Are you prepared to have that on your conscience?”

  Guilt bit at Jude, but he refused to back down. “When enough rise up against you, there will be nothing you can do. Your twisted reign will be over.”

  “It is far from over.” Commander West watched the screen for a moment. “We need more militia out there.”

  Jude saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t need to turn his head. He knew it was Tobias lurking in the shadows. They’d come together, but Jude had raced ahead, ignoring Tobias’s protests, determined to find Octavia.

  He glanced at Octavia and winked again. “Get ready, beautiful.”

  OCTAVIA WATCHED AS Commander West’s head shot up. He glared at Jude. “Take them to a cell. I will arrange their executions as soon as the troubles have died down. We need people focused on what will happen if their disobedience continues.”

  What did Jude mean by get ready?

  She struggled in the guard’s grip as Jude was dragged to the door. She didn’t want to let him out of her sight. She would not lose him again.

  He caught her gaze again and smiled. What the hell did he have to smile about? They were about to be killed.

  Two flashes of pulse laser shot out from the shadows. One slammed into the guard holding Jude, and the second skimmed past Octavia and slammed into the other guard’s chest.

  She dropped to the ground, her frantic gaze seeking out whoever was shooting.

  Commander West also dropped to the ground. “Kill the traitors!”

  Octavia eased herself up, relief flooding through her as Tobias emerged from the shadows, his pulse laser trained on Commander West.

  “It looks like you don’t get to give any more orders,” she spat at the commander.

  “You will die for this,” he hissed, his cold gaze locked on Octavia.

  Jude ran to Tobias. “Get these damn restraints off me.” The second his hands were free, Jude dashed to Octavia, threw his arms around her, and pulled her against his chest.

  She let out a shaky breath as his scent filled her nose. He was alive. He was really here. “I knew you were still alive.”

  “They did their best to kill me.” Jude kissed her lips, then untied her hands. “As you can see, they failed.” His fingers touched the burned fabric where the laser had sliced into her.

  She squeezed him against her, still not able to believe this was happening. “You’re okay.”

  “Unlike you.” Jude shifted to look at her laser wound.

  “It’s not bad. They wanted me wounded, but alive.” She tightened her hold on Jude. He groaned, and she loosened her grip. “It s
ounds like they did a good job of messing you up, though.”

  “It’s my ribs,” said Jude. “They’re healing, but they’re taking their sweet time.”

  “We need to get out of here,” said Tobias. “Cameras are watching us and more guards will be on their way.”

  “You’ll never escape,” growled Commander West. “I will execute you myself.”

  “To do that, you need to be alive.” Jude scooped up a dead guard’s pulse laser and shot Commander West. He wrapped an arm around Octavia’s waist. “Let’s get out of here, beautiful.”

  Chapter 15

  Jude nestled Octavia beside him in the Cobra, his arm around her shoulders, keeping her close.

  “We’re all good,” said Tobias from the front seat where he was driving. “No one’s on our tail.”

  “Let’s keep it that way,” said Jude. He wanted Octavia back safe in the bunker, where he’d keep her forever.

  “How did you find me?” she whispered.

  “The message you sent,” said Jude. “I traced it here.”

  She raised her head and smiled. “I should have known you’d find out where I was.”

  “I was never going to stop looking. I knew you were out there somewhere.”

  “All we could see was bare earth when we scanned this area,” said Tobias. “The State wanted to trade you for our surrender.”

  Octavia’s head rose. “Commander West said that’s what he was planning to do.”

  Jude encouraged her to relax by stroking a hand down her arm. “We played along, and talked about a negotiation.”

  “And all the time we were on our way here,” said Tobias. “They didn’t see it coming.”

  “The Dinnorms are not as smart as they think,” said Jude.

  “Where is here?” asked Octavia.

  “The far side of Alpha zone five,” said Jude.

  “And the others? Heath and Malachi?”

  “Safe. We got them, and some other prisoners, just before they were about to be executed on a death wall.”

  “I heard about that. I figured you might have something to do with it.”

  Jude’s eyebrows rose. “How did you hear?”

  “I escaped my cell. I found a data room and spent time scanning the comms networks. Their tech is out-of-this-world advanced. It took me a while to figure it all out.”

  Jude tightened his grip around her. Of course she escaped. She was his superwoman. “Did you hear anything useful?”

  “I think so. I sent recordings to my message box. I hope they got through. The security in there was tight.”

  “I’m sure it will be useful.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. His heartbeat was only just returning to normal now that she was in his arms. He’d come so close to losing her. “We’ll get you to the medical bay when we get back and treat your injuries.”

  “I probably feel better than I look.” Octavia grimaced as her hand skimmed across her bald head.

  “Don’t worry about your hair,” said Jude. “It will grow back.”

  “They were going to mind wipe me,” said Octavia softly. “Commander West wanted me to work for him. He wanted me to be his pet.”

  Jude gritted his teeth. “I’m glad they failed.”

  “I had to punch him a few times to convince him it was a bad idea. I’m no one’s pet.”

  Tobias gave a startled laugh. “That’s something I’d love to have seen.”

  “He can’t bother us anymore,” said Jude. “You’re safe now.”

  Octavia sighed and rested her cheek on Jude’s shoulder. “He was using me to get you here. You shouldn’t have come.”

  “I was never going to leave you,” said Jude. “You know that. He didn’t... hurt you, did he?” Heat flooded his veins.

  “He was thinking about it,” said Octavia. “But other than a few backhanded slaps, I got off lightly.”

  “At least he paid for that.” Jude realized Octavia wasn’t wearing her usual cap and scarf. He lifted a discarded green baseball cap from the bench and passed it to her.

  She took it and then shook her head. “It’s too late to worry about that.” Her fingers drifted over the scars on her cheek, and she glanced at Tobias.

  “Tobias is cool.” Jude looked at his brother.

  Tobias caught his eye in the rearview mirror. He smiled and shrugged. “Scars show character. They show you’ve lived a life.”

  “I’m not sure I’d choose to have them,” said Octavia, “but I’m used to them.”

  “We’re almost at the bunker,” said Tobias.

  Jude felt the familiar dip of the Cobra as it headed underground. He saw Tobias’s fingers tighten on the steering wheel. It was tough for him, having to go back underground. He appreciated what he’d done, helping him get Octavia out. He owed Tobias a few beers. That was if he could get him to stick around long enough to drink them.

  The vehicle stopped, and they climbed out.

  “Let’s get you to the medical bay.” Jude kept hold of Octavia.

  “I think you need it more than me.” Her gaze ran over him.

  “I’ve already had a shot of dragon serum.” Jude nodded thanks to Tobias as he left him by the Cobra. He walked with Octavia toward the medical bay.

  “That doesn’t mean you’re not still hurting,” she said. “When we get there, you’re getting checked over too.”

  “You first. You’re the priority.” Jude shoved open the medical bay door, ignoring the irritated sigh Octavia gave him.

  Sophia Slade was in there, examining a dragon hybrid with a cut on his hand. She glanced up, peering over the top of her black-framed glasses. “You two have seen better days.”

  Daisy Saunders, her assistant, looked up from her task of decanting liquid into a tray of beakers.

  Jude ushered Octavia in front of him. “We could do with some help.”

  “Stop fussing,” said Octavia. “I told you already, I’m fine.”

  “Neither of you are fine.” Sophia moved away from her patient. “Daisy, find them beds. Give them a check over. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “You’d better do as she says.” Daisy gestured to the empty beds. “Sophia doesn’t like to be argued with.”

  Jude knew that was true. He guided Octavia to the bed.

  She sat on the edge of it, watching Daisy with a cautious gaze as she ran an electro scanner over her.

  Jude noticed Octavia kept stroking her scars and looking around the room. “You’ve got nothing to worry about here.”

  She sighed. “I know. Old habits die hard.”

  Daisy checked the readings on the scanner. “You have damage to your cheek.”

  “You don’t need your fancy scanner to tell me that.”

  Daisy looked up, and her cheeks flushed. “No, not those. I meant fresh damage. You know, a recent injury. Those scars look... old.”

  “Sorry. I’m just tired,” said Octavia. “Almost getting killed does that to a person.”

  Daisy nodded. “The laser burn to your shoulder is deep. How does it feel?”

  “Like shit. Actually, pretty numb. I just feel a gentle throb.”

  Daisy walked to a glass cabinet and returned with a syringe. “This will take the edge off while it heals.” Once she’d given Octavia the injection of pain meds, she gestured at Jude. “You’d better let me check you over.”

  He shrugged and watched as she ran the scanner over him. “There’s nothing wrong with me.”

  Daisy worried her bottom lip with her teeth as she looked at the scanner results. “You have cracked ribs.”

  “See! You’re in worse shape than me,” said Octavia.

  His ribs did ache, but they were healing. “I’ve had a shot of serum.”

  Daisy placed the scanner by the bed. “I heard about what happened. I’m glad you both made it back.”

  Jude gently pushed Octavia’s hand away from where it was worrying her scars. “So am I.”

  She glared at him before lowering her hand. “I’m sti
ll getting used to my new look.”

  He smiled. “I must admit, your new hair cut is on the dramatic side.”

  She scowled at him. “Believe me, it wasn’t by choice.”

  Jude’s smile faded. “You’re as beautiful as ever.” And she was. That long blonde hair and her piercing blue eyes were stunning, but it was her determination that he loved the most. She hadn’t given up. Even when she’d been threatened with a mind wipe, she’d still kept on fighting and looking for a way out, a way back to him.

  “Sophia, both patients are ready for you.” Daisy nodded at them before hurrying away.

  Sophia strode over to Octavia. “Lie on the bed.”

  “There’s no need.”

  “There’s every need. You look like you’ve gone five rounds with a giant millipede.” Sophia folded her arms and waited until Octavia finally lay down.

  Jude hovered next to the bed, wanting to help, not wanting to leave Octavia’s side.

  Sophia checked the scanner results. “You have a fracture on your cheekbone.”

  “I figured as much. That’s what being punched in the face can do.”

  Jude’s anger flared at the thought of someone hitting Octavia.

  “The laser blast to your shoulder hit nothing vital, but it’ll take a couple of days to heal, even with some dragon serum.” Sophia studied Octavia’s facial scars. “How did you get those?”

  Octavia winced. “I was in a building when the State blew it up. Some shrapnel shredded my face.”

  “You didn’t get reconstructive surgery?”

  “When you’re on the run from the State, plastic surgery is the last thing you think about.”

  Sophia snorted. “The dragon serum might improve them.”

  Octavia’s eyebrows rose. “Are you serious? After all this time, you think it can make a difference?”

  “I doubt it will completely restore the damage, but there’s no harm in seeing how effective it is.” She stepped back from the bed. Her gaze ran over Octavia. “As for the hair, there’s nothing I can do about that.”

  “I can live with the new hairstyle. If you can improve this,” Octavia waved her hand in front of her face, “I’ll be so grateful.”


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