A Modern Day Persuasion

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A Modern Day Persuasion Page 19

by Kaitlin Saunders

  Anne, I know in my heart we were meant to be together—everything within tells me that. Even still, I fear I am only fooling myself that you might feel the same way. But I must try once more—I won’t let fear rule me. Anne, I offer once again my heart, my everything. But this time I do it as a grown man who loves you more than ever before. Do you remember the first time I asked for your hand on bended knee? It is a moment I will never forget. Please know that you have been my only love, and it is a love I have held constant. You alone have the power to touch my heart and soul.

  Anne forced herself to stop reading, overwhelmed by her surging emotions and finding it difficult to breathe. Sinking into the chair, Anne closed her eyes and tried to remind herself that this was no dream. The note before her was tangible and true, a testimony bearing one of the most beautiful love stories Anne had ever imagined—and surprisingly, it was hers. Glancing again to see if she was still unobserved, Anne resumed her reading.

  You are the reason I came to California. Please trust and know that men can stay true, believe it of me—and know that it is only you of which I think of day and night.

  Harve wants to go, so I hope to draw your attention to this letter. The next time I see you, just one look at your face—the face that has so fully captured my heart—it alone will tell me whether you are to be mine now and forever.

  “Anne, here it is!” Etta announced, draping a flowing bridesmaid’s dress in front of Anne.

  Anne had not even heard Etta approach. Her emotions were already heightened from the letter, so the surprise of finding Etta upon her caused Anne to jump noticeably. Not wanting Rick’s letter to be seen, Anne swiftly stuffed the note into her pocket where her trembling hand remained. But Anne could not so easily hide her shock-white complexion or shaken countenance. Although Anne tried to appear normal, her agitated state was far too obvious, drawing the attention of the women as they began scrutinizing Anne’s odd behavior.

  “Anne, are you alright?” Etta asked with concern. “Mom, come see how pale Anne is.”

  Clara advanced towards Anne for a closer inspection. “Why, Anne, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Clara observed, kneeling next to her.

  “Sis, are you feeling okay? You seem on edge,” Mary remarked.

  Anne found it difficult to speak. Clearing her throat, it took a moment before her vocal chords responded. “No… I…I need to go home,” Anne uttered in a faint voice.

  “Right now? You look too weak to walk!” Etta voiced incredulously.

  “Be serious, Anne,” Mary pressed.

  “Yes!” Anne said with a little more gusto than she had intended. “Right away.”

  Anne got up and made a path across the room to retrieve her purse. She didn’t want all this attention and needed some space to clear her thoughts, not a medical team trying to assess her physical status.

  “Anne, you really should lie down,” Clara suggested, showing her concern.

  Before Anne could refuse, Charles entered with Little Charlie and Nicholas, each boy bounding towards their mother, eager to share about their exciting day with Daddy. Anne was grateful for their arrival, as it created a temporary diversion. Mary greeted both her boys with hugs.

  “Mom! Guess what we saw!” Nicholas exclaimed animatedly. “An octopus!” He wiggled his hands to represent the sea creature’s movement.

  “My goodness!” she said with mock excitement.

  “It had all these legs, and a worker let both of us touch one,” Nicholas answered proudly.

  “A live octopus?” Mary questioned her son, turning to Charles for confirmation while she held Nicholas’ hands at bay.

  “No, Mary, it was a dead one in a jar,” Charles jested, knowing his wife’s aversion to sea creatures.

  “Charles!” Mary said peeved, “You know how I feel about the boys touching stuff like that!” She ushered both boys to the sink to thoroughly wash their hands.

  “Mary, calm down,” Charles replied, “A little sea juice won’t harm them.”

  “Anne, would you like me to drive you?” Etta asked, turning everyone’s attention back towards Anne. Etta had spotted Anne slowly inching her way to the door with her car keys in hand.

  “Really, it’s not necessary. I’m fine,” Anne tried to say convincingly, hoping to not have Charles get involved as well—but with no such luck.

  “Is everything alright?” he asked to Anne’s dismay. Good gravy! All she wanted to do was slip out quietly without turning her departure into a full-blown fanfare.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just my nerves…I really need to go home,” Anne said with determination, reaching for the door. “And Etta…the dress…I think it’s perfect.” Anne smiled kindly at all the concerned faces.

  As if prodded by Clara’s still anxious expression, Charles took a step towards her. “Are you sure you don’t need someone to drive you home?”

  “No, Charles,” Anne said, turning the doorknob before stopping. “But…”

  “Yes, Anne?” Charles answered quickly, hopeful that perhaps she had changed her mind.

  “Could you please be sure to tell Harve and Rick that I hope to see them tonight at my house?” Anne asked.

  “Sure, no problem,” Charles replied, thinking her request odd.

  “It’s important,” Anne urged pleadingly. “You won’t forget, will you?”

  “Harve told me himself he’s planning on coming,” Clara tried to put Anne at ease, “And I’m sure that means Rick will be there as well.”

  Anne thanked Clara then exited the room without further delay. Stepping inside the elevator, she punched the close button, unable to wait for the doors to shut on their own. Even still, the doors moved at what seemed like a snail’s pace and Anne felt her impatience growing. “Dear God, please let this be for real,” Anne prayed out loud, still trying to grasp what was happening.

  To give herself assurance, Anne pulled out Rick’s note from her pocket and read the words over again, only pausing when the elevator signaled it had reached the ground floor. Once the doors opened, Anne rushed out, making her way through the automated entrance doors of the hotel in pursuit of her vehicle.


  At hearing her name, Anne halted in her tracks. Either her mind was playing tricks on her, or it was the voice of her beloved. Her breath caught as she slowly turned to see him standing outside the hotel’s entrance. Rick had waited for her—this wasn’t a dream!

  It was as if time stood still for them while they gazed at each other, both expressing in their look the unlimited love they were now ready to finally share. Anne felt her eyes begin to brim with tears as her happiness threatened to spill over. She was an emotional wreck, not knowing whether to laugh or cry—but when the first tear finally rolled down her cheek, Rick ran quickly to her and enveloped her in his strong arms.

  “Anne, my precious Anne…” Rick said, kissing the top of her head.

  In the comfort of his embrace, Anne felt overwhelmed with blissful gratitude, wishing this moment would never end.

  He pulled back slightly in order to look directly at Anne. “I told myself I couldn’t return to you until I was able to prove myself worthy of not only you, but also of your family,” Rick spoke these words as he gently stroked her cheek. “I’m sorry I took so long.”

  Anne could no longer contain her emotions, and unrestrained tears came streaming down her face. “It was always my wish you’d come back,” she whispered.

  He squeezed her tightly. “You never forgot me?” he asked, his voice raw with emotion.

  “No…never,” Anne answered, cupping his face with her hands before he pulled her in close again. This time she nestled her head into Rick’s chest shyly, breathing in his manly scent—hoping he’d never let her go again.

  Chapter 45

  Anne beamed as she made her way to her bedroom, closing the door behind her. She couldn’t stop smiling. Rick still loved her! And to know he wanted to make her his wife, even planning to approach her father that ve
ry evening to seek her hand in marriage.

  Getting a sudden urge to reminisce, Anne went to her hope chest. Opening it, she pulled out an old photo showing the two of them on one of their very first dates. She had to laugh at the sappy smiles on their youthful faces. It was evident they were in the throes of young puppy love, each having star dust in their eyes and dreaming of a future life together…dreams that amazingly would now come true.

  Stroking the frame gently, Anne was overcome with these tender memories. Anne recalled the first time she saw Rick, and how he had rescued her. The time they gazed under a moonlit sky, making plans for their future. And then there was the gut-wrenching night when Rick walked away. The heartache Anne had experienced through that ordeal was devastating and life altering. But his recent letter had transformed everything. Their love seemed so much richer because of their past, and somehow the years spent apart had only made their love grow deeper. Time had matured them, allowing each to offer a more nurturing and stable love. Anne never would have wished for their separation, but loathe as she was to admit it, now realized it had been for the best. The separation had only given the two of them more wisdom and life experience to better handle the responsibilities of married life. Because of it, Anne knew their future together would thrive and flourish. She felt an immense gratitude for this second chance and was blessed beyond measure.

  Wiping her glistening eyes, Anne got up and walked to her vanity, propping the cherished photo against the mirror. As she did so, Anne caught a glimpse of herself and smiled at her reflection—she was glowing with renewed love.

  Laughter filled the Elliot’s home later that evening as the charity event was well underway. Money, food and drinks were flowing liberally, as well as the haughtiness Anne found so repulsive. Biding her time until Rick showed up, she found solace in the family room apart from the crowd, watching television and eating popcorn with Little Charlie and Nicholas now that her help was no longer needed. Every time her thoughts wandered to that of Rick, a big, silly grin lit up her already glowing face, prompting one of her nephews to ask what was making her so happy.

  “Aunt Anne, why is your smile so big?” Little Charlie asked.

  “Because I feel loved, Charlie,” Anne responded, tucking his hair behind his ear.

  “Yes, but I’ve never seen you smile this huge before,” he mused, taking another bite of popcorn.

  “You’ll find out why soon,” she said with a conspiratorial grin.

  “Is it a secret?” Nicholas asked, joining in.

  “Yes,” Anne answered, wrapping her arms around the boys. “But I can’t say anything more about it right now.”

  “But we can keep a secret—” Nicholas began to object as Elizabeth poked her head into the room.

  “There you are, Anne!” the irritation rang in Elizabeth’s voice. “We’re all out of cherries. Do you know where they are?”

  “Cupboard to the left of the sink, top shelf,” Anne replied without hesitation. She remembered exactly where she’d placed the cherries after returning from the grocery store yesterday afternoon.

  “Can’t you get it?” Elizabeth looked aghast.

  Anne sighed. “Of course,” she said as she stood up, “I’m sorry, I thought you only wanted to know where they were. I didn’t realize you expected me to get them.”

  Elizabeth sent her sister a snide look before leaving the room while Anne begrudgingly moved towards the kitchen. On her way, Anne peeked in on the gaming area with the hope that Rick might have arrived. To her disappointment he had not, but she spied Will in the process and he seemed quite eager to gain Anne’s attention. Will sent her a cocky smile as he held up his winning collection of money chips, thinking it would impress her. Unfazed by his success, Anne only nodded a quick acknowledgment before turning on her heels, leaving Will rather disconcerted. He couldn’t focus on the rest his game, wondering what could have triggered her cool behavior towards him. Folding his hand of poker and cashing in the rest of his chips, Will decided to find out.

  As he was exiting the room, Will noticed Rick just arriving, and it was obvious Wentworth was searching the area, no doubt for Anne. Will found himself beyond irritated by this man’s annoying existence. Out of spite, Will chose to change his route in order to “accidentally” knock shoulders with Rick to assert his manhood. Rick brushed off the juvenile challenge, but made sure Will understood through an unmistakable look he would brook no further stunts of this nature. During this interchange, Rick became aware that Will was not the only one who seemed to find his arrival distasteful.

  Eyeing Wentworth, Mr. Elliot turned to Elizabeth who was playing Yahtzee with him at one of the tables. “There’s that man again!” Mr. Elliot commented, releasing his roll and watching the dice come to a stop just one sequence short of a full house. “Who is he anyway?” Walter continued with even more irritation. “I certainly didn’t invite him. Do you think we should ask him to leave?”

  Elizabeth glanced back at Rick and observed how Wentworth seemed to be in search of someone. She tried to flag him over to their table, but he didn’t seem to notice. “I told you the other night, Dad. That’s Rick Wentworth and I don’t think you’ll want him to leave. I did some research on him the other night and discovered he’s actually a rather celebrated and wealthy author. Apparently even Hollywood is starting to take notice of his books.”

  “Really?” Mr. Elliot’s scowl transformed into an interested smile. “Well, this event is for a good cause. I guess it won’t hurt for him to stay.”

  Back in the kitchen, Anne quickly located the maraschino cherries exactly where she told Elizabeth they would be. “That wasn’t difficult,” she mumbled to herself as she set the jar down on the countertop to search for an appropriate serving dish in which to display them. Anne found a small silver bowl in the shape of a leaf and thought it’d be perfect for the job.

  Giving the lid a few taps on the counter, Anne attempted to open the jar, but the seal refused to budge. Applying more pressure, Anne felt her hand begin to burn as she struggled further to pry it loose. She was just about to place the lid under hot water when Anne felt the jar being taken out of her hands. Startled, she lurched backwards only to find arms steadying her. Letting out a little shriek, Anne looked up to see that it was only Will.

  “Will!” she exclaimed out of breath, “You came out of nowhere!” Anne placed her hand to her heart to calm herself.

  Will chuckled, and with little effort on his part succeeded in opening the jar, handing it back to her. “A bit jumpy, eh?” he said with a smirk.

  Anne ignored the comment but thanked him. She didn’t want to disclose that it was actually him which made her “jumpy”. Attempting to avoid further eye contact, Anne began transferring the cherries from the jar into the decorative bowl. While bent on this task, she became aware that Will had moved closer to her.

  Wasting no time, Will’s lips brushed her ear as he began to whisper, “Did you think some more about what I asked?” he said with a sultry voice.

  “About what?” Anne asked, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as she cringed at Will’s nearness.

  Without warning, Will grasped one of her shoulders, turning her to face him, then placed his other hand around her waist. Anne felt paralyzed in his embrace. “About me…” Will continued, “…about me loving and pampering you all the days of your life.”

  In a state of shock, Anne tried to pull away from Will, but his strength was overpowering. “Will, let me go!” she entreated. But before Anne knew it, his lips were on a collision course with hers. Maneuvering her face away just in time, Will planted a big juicy kiss on Anne’s cheek, and it was wet. “Will, stop!” Anne squirmed, which only caused him to hold her more tightly.

  “Excuse me,” the steely sound of Rick’s masculine voice demanded attention, causing Will to freeze.

  For Anne, the voice, no matter how steely, was ever so welcome. Giving Rick a brilliant smile, Anne was able to communicate to him the instant joy and
relief she felt at seeing him.

  Opposite Anne, Will’s sour expression showed just how infuriated he was by Wentworth’s intrusion. “Look…Ralph is it?” Will began condescendingly.

  “It’s Rick,” Wentworth corrected him.

  “Whatever. Anyway, as you can see, you have rather bad timing. Do you mind?”

  “Actually, I do mind,” Rick said, taking a step closer as Will shrunk back. “And, unlike you, I think my timing is impeccable.” Rick flexed his hand until his knuckles turned white. “A moment later, and it would have been necessary for me to beat the living daylights out of you.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” Will threatened.

  “Actually, I would,” Rick didn’t back down, “You see, I don’t particularly appreciate another man touching my fiancé.”

  Will’s eyes bugged out as he glanced back and forth between Anne and Rick. “Your fiancé?” his once deep voice squeaked. “How come I didn’t know about this?!”

  Rick raised an eyebrow. “Well you’re quite aware of it now, so please kindly take your hands off of Anne.”

  Will immediately complied, realizing Rick was not one to mess with. Finally free, Anne rubbed her sore arms as she moved to Rick, finding safety by his side.

  Having overheard raised voices from the other room, Mr. Elliot and Elizabeth choose to investigate. “Will! What in heaven’s name is going on in here?” Mr. Elliot demanded, embarrassed by the ruckus at his charity event.

  “They’re engaged!” Will exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at the happy couple. “That’s what’s going on in here!”


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