A Modern Day Persuasion

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A Modern Day Persuasion Page 20

by Kaitlin Saunders

  To Anne, Will looked like a child who hadn’t gotten his way and was tattling to her dad—it was disturbing to say the least. But to Will’s bitter disappointment, instead of looking shocked and disgusted, Mr. Elliot seemed pleasantly surprised.

  “Really? Engaged?” Walter asked, turning to Anne for confirmation. “Anne? Is this true?” Without hesitation, Anne answered her father with an instant smile and an affirmative nod. Walter, wanting further clarification asked, “…to be married?” and Anne once again smiled.

  “That is, with your blessing, sir,” Rick added respectfully.

  Anne peered over at Elizabeth who was standing silently in the background, her face exhibiting a raging battlefield of pain, regret and anger. Anne felt pity for her sister at seeing the bitter tears stream down her cheeks. Elizabeth had always thought she’d be the first to get married. After all, she was the prettiest, wasn’t she? And the favorite? What right did her younger sister, the one Elizabeth had secretly been jealous of, to get married before herself? And worse of all, to a man like Rick who had it all—looks, status, and money.

  Mr. Elliot turned around to consult with Elizabeth. “How much did you say he was worth, again?” he asked in a low voice, though not so low that Anne couldn’t hear.

  “Millions, Dad, literally millions,” Elizabeth hissed through clenched teeth, her voice filled with raw jealousy.

  Mr. Elliot turned around again to face the couple, extending his hand towards Rick, adding with a huge smile, “Welcome to the family, son.”

  Chapter 46

  The day had finally arrived. In less than an hour, Anne would officially be Mrs. Rick Wentworth. The dream she’d held onto for the past seven and a half years had not been in vain. Even though the time spent apart had been long, strangely it seemed as if they had never been separated. Anne was amazed at how they’d been able to pick right up from where they had left off, and fortunately this time, much more prepared to meet whatever tomorrow would bring.

  The past three months of planning their wedding had been a complete joy for the couple as they came together to make their special day unforgettable. Not wanting anything too elaborate, they chose a simple but timeless old church in the eastern hills of California overlooking the picturesque and scenic vineyards.

  Flying in the week before, Carol worked alongside Anne to bring about all her god-daughter had envisioned, turning Anne’s ideas into reality. The two transformed the chapel, infusing it with soft lighting while incorporating white veil netting that swooped between the banisters lining the aisles. The final touch was the floral arch, decorated with a string of lights where the couple would exchange their vows. The sanctuary had turned out even more magical than Anne dreamed possible.

  And now, Anne stood in the Sunday school room with the glow of the afternoon sun reflecting off her mother’s white wedding gown. Soon, Anne would walk the long aisle to be joined with her groom. Instead of fear, Anne was filled with eagerness to finally make a lifelong covenant with the one she wanted to spend forever with. There were no doubts for Anne, only happiness knowing with Rick by her side, it would be an unforgettable adventure.

  Looking in the full length mirror, Anne viewed the exquisite gown with its flowy train and sheer lace veil that covered her face. Although Anne’s mother’s dress incorporated simple lines, it radiated elegance and class. It meant so much to be able to include the memory of her mom on this day. As Anne fingered the small, precious Bible which had also belonged to Emma, she silently thanked God for all her blessings.

  Inside the Bible was Rick’s letter, used as a bookmarker for the passage in First Corinthians 13, the section Anne planned on reading to Rick during their vows. It read:

  Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

  Hearing a knock at the door, Anne turned to see a moisteyed Carol peeking inside. “Dear, it’s time,” she said with a motherly smile.

  Once Carol had personally witnessed the love and dedication the couple shared for each other, she embraced their engagement wholeheartedly. Yet Carol’s happiness was dimmed with the regret at being partially responsible for having separated them in the past. Anne, however, was quick to reassure her friend that everything happens for a reason, adding she and Rick had needed the time apart to truly be ready for the plans God had in store for them. These words helped to ease her godmother’s mind, and when Anne asked Carol to stand in her mother’s place by lighting the unity candle alongside Rick’s sister during the ceremony, she wept with joy. It was an honor Carol did not take lightly.

  With one final look in the mirror, Anne walked with her godmother to the church’s foyer where Mr. Elliot was waiting anxiously. Walter’s breath caught at the sight of his daughter dressed in white.

  “Anne, you look beautiful,” her father choked out with emotion. “You remind me so of your mother.”

  Anne was touched by this rare display of affection, and felt her eyes begin to glisten. Taking her dad’s arm, Anne kissed him softly on the cheek while Walter wiped away a stray tear at the corner of his eye.

  Carol gave Anne a final hug just before taking the usher’s arm to disappear behind the closed doors. Anne moved forward, and as she did so could hear the music she and Rick selected for their wedding. The next song to play would be “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole, knowing it was her cue to enter.

  As the romantic tune began to sound, the double doors opened, and the crowd stood in respect of the approaching bride. Anne shared a special smile with her father before Walter began to proudly escort her down the aisle to the man who would soon be her husband, the man she loved with all her heart…


  Safely inside the back seat of their chauffeured car, the newlyweds stole a kiss as the driver began to pull away from the church and all its fanfare. Anne turned to wave at her family and friends, grateful for their attendance. She continued to wave as the limo neared the end of the drive, at which point Rick took his wife’s hand to hold it gently.

  Gazing tenderly into her eyes Rick spoke softly, “Well, Mrs. Wentworth,” causing Anne to smile at hearing her new name, “You’ve quite outdone yourself today, my lady…” Anne’s pulse quickened as Rick leaned in and kissed her neck, moving his lips up to her ear and whispering, “…by making me the happiest man in the world.”

  With their eyes locked in mutual admiration, Anne placed her hand tenderly on Rick’s cheek, stroking his chin softly. “…and I, the luckiest woman,” she answered, sealing their love with a kiss.





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