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The King & His Queen (Pict King Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Donna Fletcher

  Talon turned and looked at Hemera sleeping peacefully. Even with her swollen lip, she was beautiful even more so having suffered her injury without complaint and still wanting to kiss him when it pained her to do so. She was an extraordinary woman, though some thought otherwise. They thought her slow in mind and while there were times she took the time to think on things, her mind was far from slow.

  He turned away from her. He should have never touched her and if he had not allowed his heart to rule him, he never would have touched her. It was not a difficult decision. He should leave her be before someone discovered they had mated or worse...that he cared for her.


  His name was a bare, yet urgent whisper on her lips and he did not hesitate... he went to her. He slipped in beside her and she snuggled and settled quietly against him as his arms wrapped protectively around her.

  He rested his cheek on the top of her head, the familiar sweet scent that always permeated her rushing up his nose and pleasing his senses. He could fight it all he wanted to, but in the end it would always remain the same.


  Hemera belonged to him and he would never let her go.

  Hemera woke and rubbed the sleep from her eyes to make sure what she saw was not a dream. Talon was hurrying into his garments. “You are leaving?” she asked upset. “We have not mated.”

  A twinge of guilt hit him as he finished dressing. “I slept far too late. Dawn is almost upon us.”

  Hemera threw the blanket off her.

  “Do not come near me!”

  His stern order halted her and brought a frown to her face.

  “I want you as badly as you want me, but I want our secret to remain a secret more badly than anything or else our time together may come to an abrupt end.”

  “What difference does it make if it is known that I am the woman who warms your sleeping pallet? I have no plans to ever wed and if you grow tired of me or I grow tired of you, we can part ways.”

  Talon gave not a thought to his actions, he went to her, grabbing her arm and lifting her to her knees. “You are mine and will always remain mine.”

  Hemera did not know why his words sent a thrill through her when he could not possibly know what the future held for them.

  “You will get no sleep tonight when I return,” he said and hurried to the door. Her naked body was much too distracting and much too inviting. He had to leave or he risked mating with her and risked them being discovered.

  “That is too long to go without you.” She grew silent, turning her head to the fire pit to stare at the flames.

  Talon had to leave, he could not stay watching her naked, kneeling on the sleeping pallet, her back arched slightly, her breasts thrusting forward, her nipples hard—he turned his head before turning his whole body and reaching for the door.

  “Meet me at the pond just after mid-morn,” she called out to him.

  He swerved around. “You are not to go into the woods alone.”

  She smiled. “I cannot wait until tonight to feel you inside me. Meet me at the pond.”

  His anger, desire, frustration came out in a growling rumble. “Do not disobey me on this.” He turned once again and finally left the dwelling.

  Talon stalked the shadows that were quickly fading with the light that suddenly peeked in the sky. If he did not quicken his steps, he would soon be discovered and while none would know of his time with Hemera, there would be questions of how he left his sleeping chambers without being seen.

  He made it through the hidden door just as light sprung over the land and, not long after, he left his sleeping quarters to take his morning fare in the feasting hall for all to see him. Gelhard joined him shortly after he sat.

  “How proves the skies this morn?” Talon asked.

  “Pleasant enough. Do not forget the High Council meeting at mid-morn.”

  Meet me just after mid-morn.

  Talon shook his head, trying to chase her tempting words away.

  “There will be no High Council meeting this morn?” Gelhard asked.

  “No... aye,” Talon said, shaking his head again. “There will be a council meeting. My thoughts were on another matter.”

  “Is all well, my King?” Gelhard asked his voice a whisper.

  “Everything is fine, Gelhard,” Talon assured him.

  Gelhard cleared his throat.

  “Have your say and be done with it so I may enjoy my meal,” Talon ordered, familiar enough with the man to know his throat clearing was a sign of his hesitation to approach a matter.

  Gelhard spoke bluntly. “You have not taken a woman to your sleeping pallet in some time.”

  Talon’s blue eyes burned bright with annoyance. “That does not concern you, Gelhard.”

  “Forgive me, my King, but it does when there is damaging gossip.”

  “What is being said now?”

  “Some fear you are ill, not having produced an heir, and now having no interest in coupling,” Gelhard explained.

  “I am surprised they are not complaining that I grow soft since I changed Hemera’s punishment.”

  “That is one thing they seemed pleased with,” Gelhard said with a nod. “The people thought it good of you to spare her such an ordeal since she has a slow mind and does not understand things. The people also think it is good of you to find her a husband that would see to her care.”

  That annoyed Talon more than the people thinking him ill, especially since he could not rescind the edict he had put forth. How he would stop it, he did not know. He did know that Hemera would not wed anyone.

  Right now Gelhard needed reassuring. “All is well with me. There is no cause for alarm. I await my future queen with great impatience.”

  Gelhard cleared his throat again.

  “Do not tell me there is a further delay with the future queen’s arrival.”

  Gelhard spilled it out fast. “She is still not well enough to travel.”

  “This does not pose well for her. I want a strong woman. A fearless woman. A woman to match my strength and courage.”

  “That is not possible, my King. Such a woman does not exist.”


  Talon bit his tongue, keeping from saying her name aloud. A sudden thought came to him. She was of Pict blood, why not wed her?

  No one would approve. His own answer annoyed him.

  They believed her slow-minded and her mother had birthed two daughters, no sons. She would not be considered a good candidate to be queen, and his enemies would use her against him.

  “Continue your search for a queen,” Talon ordered with anger bubbling inside him.

  “What of the one already chosen?” Gelhard asked.

  “I will meet with her and see if she is fit to be queen. In the meantime, you will search for another woman to take the other’s place if she should prove unworthy.”

  “A wise choice, my King,” Gelhard said.

  “A necessary one,” Talon corrected.

  Talon discussed a few more issues with Gelhard and when the High Council members began arriving Talon and Gelhard convened with them in the High Council Chambers. Several matters were discussed and decisions made. No progress was being made on finding out the leader of the group who opposed the King.

  Talon hoped he would hear from some of the men he had planted in various places to see what they could learn, especially Vard. He was a trusted warrior of Egot, chieftain of the Ancrum Tribe and Talon’s uncle. Vard had infiltrated one of the opposing groups and the last time Talon had spoken with him, he had been close to meeting the head leader. It had been some time since last he had heard from him and hoped the loyal warrior was well and unharmed and that he would receive a message soon.

  “Many are pleased to see that Hemera and Bower are spending time together. He will make her a good husband and keep her in tow.”

  Talon turned to Ebit, having heard what he said to Gelhard. He fought down the anger that rushed up and almost choked his words. “You saw
Hemera and Bower together?”

  “Aye, my King, they went for a walk in the woods.” Ebit smiled. “Hemera had hold of his arm and Bower wore a pleasant smile. They are a good match.”

  Talon stood suddenly, his chair almost tumbling over if Gelhard had not grabbed it quickly. “This meeting is done. I have matters to see to.”

  No one took note of the King’s sudden dismissal. He was wont to do that at times. What did surprise them was that he stormed out of the Council Chamber before any one of them did. Usually he was the last to leave or he would spend time alone in the chambers, working on one of his many building projects.

  Talon ordered the two personal guards assigned to him for the morn not to follow him. “You will wait here.” When Tarnis went to speak, a quick raise of Talon’s hand silenced him. “I will hear no excuses and I will give none. Do not follow me.”

  Talon made his way through the village, ignoring the unusually bright sun and the touch of warmth in the air. He also paid no heed to the people who bobbed their heads respectfully while rushing out of his path. It was obvious to them that their King was in a foul mood, his hardened frown and scrunched brow confirming it.

  He had had an escape exit made in the fence and a storage dwelling built in front of it to make it easier for him to take his leave when he wished or if escape became necessary. Escape was now necessary.

  Talon’s strides were quick and determined as he made his away along in the woods. He thought he knew where Hemera would be and he followed his instincts. As he got closer to the area, he thought he heard laughter.

  That she should be enjoying herself with another man infuriated him. That she was in the woods when he had forbidden her to come here enraged him even more. But that anger did not come close to the rage that filled him when he spied Hemera and Bower a short distance ahead, rolling around on the ground together.

  Chapter 14

  “You must lie on your back and study the branches overhead if you are to know which ones will serve you well,” Hemera explained. “The young sturdy branches will make the best bows, but you cannot just take your axe to a branch and cut it from its source of life without asking permission. Everything here in the forest has a voice and will tell you all you need to know if you listen carefully.”

  “You believe the forest speaks to you?” Bower asked, his brow wrinkling in confusion.

  “Everything speaks to us,” she said and patted the ground. “Put your hand on the earth and see what it says to you.”

  Bower hesitated, feeling foolish, but surrendered to her whim or it could have been her exuberant smile that had him yielding.

  “Feel its chill? By now you must feel it in your body as well, the layer of pine needles beneath us not sufficient to protect us from the cold the ground continues to harbor.” Hemera suddenly cocked her head to the left, something catching her eye. Her arm swung up from her side and pointed. “There that branch where the squirrel sits. It will make a bow fit for a king.”

  She scrambled to get to her feet and lost her footing. Bower tried to hurry to his feet to help her, but instead he bumped into her legs, causing her to completely lose her balance and topple over. His hand shot out, trying to grab her and stop her from slamming against the ground, but rapid momentum dragged him along with her and sent them both into a roll.

  “What goes on here?” The thunderous roar sent the nearby animals scurrying, birds fleeing the trees, and Hemera and Bower falling over each other.

  Nostrils flaring, jaw tightening, anger ready to burst in flames from his eyes, Talon took hasty steps over to the entangled couple, his hand closing powerfully around Hemera’s upper arm and yanking her away from Bower to stand beside him, though he gave her no choice since he kept tight hold of her.

  “Get up!” Talon ordered Bower and the man hurried to his feet, not able to hide the tremble that quivered his body. Talon attempted to keep the deep anger out of his voice, but his snarling timbre sounded much worse. “Explain your actions!”

  “Bower made a gallant attempt to stop me from falling,” Hemera said.

  Talon snapped his head to the side to look at Hemera and, seeing twigs and pine needles sticking out of her hair flaming as red as a setting sun, grew furious that another man had laid hands on her. “I did not ask you and did I not order you to stay out of the woods?”

  “Alone,” Hemera reminded, “and I obeyed. I did not go into the woods alone. Bower escorted me.”

  Talon had negotiated peace with various tribes, arranged trading agreements with leaders of foreign lands, settled endless disputes amongst his people, yet this supposedly slow-minded woman had managed to outwit him at every turn.

  “Bower has been kind and gallant,” Hemera said.

  It was not what Talon wanted to hear. He was looking for an excuse to order Bower to stay away from Hemera and here she stood, defending the man.

  “And Hemera has been most gracious,” Bower said in her defense.

  “See to your chores, Bower,” Talon ordered sharply and was surprised when the man hesitated to take his leave. “You hesitate to obey me?”

  “I wait to escort Hemera back to the stronghold,” Bower was quick to explain.

  Talon was impressed that though the man was obviously fearful of him, he had not allowed his fear to stop him from protecting Hemera even from the King himself. But Talon was King and he owed no explanation to anyone. His sharp response reflected that. “Leave us!”

  Bower bobbed his head, turned, and with quick strides was soon gone from sight.

  “Why are you angry at Bower?” Hemera asked. “He was doing what you gave him permission to do, seeking my company with thought of marriage.”

  Talon brought his face close to hers and with a harsh whisper said, “Do you actually think I would ever let you wed anyone?”

  Hemera stared at him a moment before she gave a slight shake of her head. “That matters not, since I have told you often I will not wed.”

  “If I command it, you will,” he said, as if pronouncing it an edict.

  She stared at him again and shook her head more strenuously this time. “That makes no sense. You all but tell me you will never let me wed and now you say if you command it I must obey. And do you realize that your grip is painful to my arm?”

  Talon dropped his hand off her as if her flesh suddenly scorched him. He almost apologized but held his tongue. He was King. He apologized to no one.

  “The forest often has eyes and ears we cannot see. We should go to the secluded pond where little can be heard or seen.”

  Talon walked ahead of her in response and Hemera followed.

  Once in the safety of the secluded area, Talon pulled Hemera into his arms and kissed her gently, mindful of her wound. He meant it to be a quick kiss, but once his lips touched hers all was lost. She was familiar in so many ways to him that when her arms wrapped around him, it felt as if she had welcomed him home, and he never wanted to leave.

  He moved his lips to her neck as he slipped his hand inside her cloak, running them down along her back, imagining her naked in his arms. His hands went to her backside and gave her soft bottom a gentle squeeze as he maneuvered her to fit against his arousal.

  She whispered in his ear, “I have missed you terribly. Do not make me wait to have you inside me.”

  Her words fueled his desire as quick as a flame to a wick and he bit back the oaths ready to spew from his lips that she should fire his loins so easily. His passion controlled him when it came to Hemera and that could prove dangerous, yet at the moment, he did not care. His only thought was of burying himself inside her and bringing them both to pleasure.

  Hemera kept her lips closed tightly to keep a moan from rushing out and ringing through the forest as Talon’s hands cupped her bottom, lifting her. She forced another moan from surfacing when he braced her against the trunk of a tree. She hurried her hands to help him get her garment out of the way before her hands went to push his tunic up.

  She turned her h
ead to the side, closed her eyes, and fought to keep her moans from escaping. The tip of his manhood sunk into her wetness as his teeth came down on her exposed neck and his teeth sunk into the soft flesh to tease it with sensual nips

  Her eyes flew open and she let out a sudden gasp.

  Talon’s head shot up, hearing the fear in Hemera’s voice. The shock on her face had him following where her eyes focused.

  It was a body, a short distance from them, the man’s eyes staring lifeless in their direction.

  Talon moved away from her, adjusted his garment and ordered, “Stay here.”

  Hemera shook her head and grabbed hold of his hand.

  Talon did not argue with her, though he kept her tucked partially behind him as they approached the body. Pine needles, sticks, and decayed leaves covered the lower part of his body. The upper part of his body had been left exposed and it revealed the awful torture he must have suffered before finally dying.

  Talon fisted his hands, not realizing he held Hemera’s hand until she winced. He did not let go of her, though he eased his grip.

  “You knew him?” she asked.

  “Aye, I knew him,” Talon said.


  Talon shoved Hemera behind him, the bushes rustling as someone made their way through them.

  “Wrath,” Talon said once the man emerged.

  “Am I the commander of your personal guard or not?” Wrath demanded, laying eyes on Talon and giving him no chance to respond. “If so, then I expect the King to follow the rules he, himself, has set forth. Otherwise, why bother to have personal guards. Need I remind you how dangerous it presently—” Wrath stopped abruptly when he caught sight of the body.


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