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In the Black: Black Star Security

Page 7

by Cynthia Rayne

The sexual tension between them crackled to life like a banked fire exposed to a gust of wind. It had been there the whole time, hidden.

  It was thrilling. Exciting.

  Ellie dipped her head once more and brushed her mouth against his. Lord help me, I can’t keep my hands or my mouth to myself.

  He shuddered but didn’t jump away this time.

  Ellie pulled back, kicking herself for giving into the moment.

  This wasn’t going anywhere. It couldn’t. Ellie was on her way to jail, and she’d just gotten out of a terrible relationship. Zane kept crooking his finger at her, only to push her away later.

  This was never going to work.

  She cleared her throat. “You’d better get some rest, Zane. You need to heal.”

  Zane patted the covers. “Stay with me until I fall asleep?”


  “Come on,” he said with the ghost of a grin. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

  What If I don’t want you to be?

  Regardless, Ellie didn’t have the heart to turn him down.

  “Come here,” he whispered, drawing her in close to him. Zane breathed into her hair, rubbing his chin against the strands. “This is what I needed.”

  “Me too.” Ellie closed her eyes.

  “I need you, Ellie. Always have.”

  Ellie swallowed, waiting for him to elaborate, but all she heard was his soft snore filling the silence.

  Must be the whiskey talking. Had to be.

  Chapter 5

  Someone was in bed with him.

  Zane hadn’t even opened his eyes, and yet he knew he wasn’t alone. He could sense another presence in the bed.

  And it wasn’t just Bomber, who snoozed at his feet.

  Behind him, a feminine body had snuggled in close against him. Funny. He didn’t remember going to bed with anyone.

  He cautiously moved, careful not to disturb his female companion. He gingerly slipped out of her embrace and turned to see who it was.

  Ellie. Ellie was in bed with him.

  Holy Hell. Ellie was in bed with him! How the fuck had that happened?

  He glanced down at his lower half underneath the covers, relieved to see his pants were still on. Thank God, he hadn’t lost his mind and slept with her.

  Wait a minute. Memories of last night came flooding back to him. Had he seriously asked her to stay?

  Yeah, I did.

  His plan to maintain some distance had been blown all to hell, by a selfish moment of weakness. So, Zane only had himself to blame for this fuck up.

  She clutched at the pillow, fiery hair streaming down her back, eyes shut. She was so damn beautiful, Ellie made his breath catch.

  Unable to stop himself, Zane laid back down, watched her sleep, enjoying the view. This was like one of his fantasies made flesh.

  Dammit. Wrong choice of words.

  He wanted to touch her so badly he ached. Sometimes, he felt starved for affection. Although he had plenty of sexual partners, they meant nothing to him. He certainly didn’t cuddle with them.

  But Ellie was a different story. And since he craved Ellie so much, he’d deliberately pushed her away, fearful of giving into his desires. Zane had kept her at arm’s length.

  So why had she stayed with him?

  He’d have to wake Ellie up to ask her. And that meant, he wouldn’t have the chance to just stare at her, enjoy the vision of her in his bed. He needed to take a mental picture.

  She shifted, and the collar of her t-shirt slipped further down, revealing the creamy mounds of her breasts.

  Zane swallowed thickly.

  Make that gloriously rounded tits. Damn but she made him feel earthy, needy. On edge.

  And they would fit perfectly in his palms. The fabric had wrapped around her form, clung to her body, cupping her breasts and outlining them for his viewing pleasure.

  The material stopped just before the areolas were revealed. He had the wild urge to hook his finger on the edge, pull the fabric down slightly so he could see for himself. He just knew they’d be pink.

  Did she have large nipples? Or small ones? He bet they were large, like her breasts. He pictured sucking them, edging the tender flesh with his teeth, making her gasp and moan.

  Zane licked his suddenly dry lips.

  Surely, one little peek wouldn’t hurt.

  All I wanna do is look. I won’t touch. Promise.

  As though they had a mind of their own, his fingertips brushed the top of her breasts, and she sighed into his touch. Her skin was soft to the touch, like velvet.

  It would be so easy, and I know she wouldn’t mind.

  Ellie was attracted to him, which made keeping his hands to himself even harder. Hadn’t she wrapped her arms around him? Kissed him? And long ago on that damned beach, she’d offered herself to him.

  His fingertips slipped beneath the fabric and he yanked his hand away, horrified by his actions.

  Oh, God. What the fuck’s wrong with me?

  As if hit with a cattle prod, he leaped out of bed.

  With a muttered curse, he retreated to the bathroom and shut the door, locking it for good measure. He stared at his reflection in the mirror as he leaned over the counter.

  Zane’s eyes were shiny and bright, his cheeks were red.

  And his cock was so swollen, it hurt.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doin’?” Zane whispered fiercely to his own reflection. “That’s King’s little sister in there. And she deserves better than a murderer like you.”

  Ellie had already escaped from one bastard. She didn’t need another one.

  Zane splashed his face with cold water, more determined than ever to keep his distance.


  “Morning,” Mack said, as Zane walked into the kitchen.

  He nodded in greeting, lost in his own thoughts. His body had cooled, but his thoughts were still heated.

  Zane had left Ellie sleeping in his bed. He didn’t have the heart to wake her up, or maybe he was avoiding the awkward morning-after conversation.

  Morning after? You didn’t sleep with her. Unfortunately.

  He shook his head, trying to focus. “Where is everybody?” The place was empty, which was unusual. Mack was at the end of the table, with a cup of coffee.

  “Storm took everybody for a three-mile hike through the woods. Again. He’s kind of obsessed with running.” She made a face. “I told him I pulled a hamstring in the gym yesterday.”

  He grimaced, clutching his shoulder. “At least I’ve got a good excuse.”

  The wound ached, and he had the slightest touch of a hangover. Nothing some caffeine and aspirin wouldn’t fix.

  She nodded to the staircase. “Is Ellie still asleep?”

  He blinked. Does she know Ellie slept with me?

  “Yes. No. How would I know?” He turned around and kept himself busy by making a cup of coffee, hoping she’d drop the subject. When he turned around, Mack was facing him.

  Mack raised a brow.

  “What? What are you lookin’ at?”

  “You seem guilty.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Oh, my God.”

  “What?” Zane nearly dropped his coffee cup.

  “What happened?” She pointed at him. “You did something you’re ashamed of.”

  “Nothin’. Not a damn thing.”

  She snickered. “Yeah, I don’t believe you. Wait a minute, this is about Ellie, huh? You’ve got a thing for her, don’t you?”

  He flung himself down in a chair. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”

  Zane didn’t mind saving on the rent, by living together, but he really hated having everybody all up in his business. They needed to have a meeting about boundaries. And they could address Nox’s nudity. Again. Won’t that be fun?

  “Come on, seriously.” She scooted closer. “You can tell me.”

  “I don’t want to.” Oh fuck. “I mean, there’s nothin’ to tell.”

“Okay, stop. I’ve been schooled in the ways of psychology. For years, I talked people down, convinced them not to kill another person, or commit suicide. And you think I don’t know how to read people?”

  God. This was worse than his re-occurring dream about being naked in front of his high school class.

  He opened his mouth to deny it once and for all, but she held up a finger in warning.

  “Don’t make me prove you wrong.”

  There was a mulish set to her mouth. While Mac was tiny, she was mighty. And he really didn’t want to be on her list. Something told him, she might forget, but Mack didn’t forgive.

  “Fine. I like her. Are you happy?”

  “Very.” Her grin was slightly smug.

  “I’d appreciate it if you kept this quiet.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m discreet.” She leaned forward to whisper, “When are you gonna tell her?”

  “Never.” Despite his moment of weakness last night, he hadn’t changed his mind.

  She rolled her eyes. “What is it with you guys and the ‘l’ word?”

  “Lesbian?” He smirked. “Because I’m pro girl on girl action, especially if they’re wearin’ lace. And maybe—”

  She made a face. “Don’t deflect with humor.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “Yeah, you were. It’s called a defense mechanism.”

  Busted. Right now, Zane wished he’d gone on that damn hike. It was way better than being psychoanalyzed over a cup of coffee.

  “She likes you too, you know.”

  “Ellie doesn’t like me.” She couldn’t. Not, if she really knew him. Ellie was attracted to him, but that was a totally different story. “And it ain’t goin’ anywhere, even if she did.”

  “I think she does. Like you, I mean.”

  “How do you know?” He cleared his throat. “I mean, oh…? Interesting.”

  She smirked and didn’t offer any more insight. Instead, she poured more cereal to soak up the rest of the milk and watched him. Mack was playing with him, making him ask, enjoying his discomfort.

  Dammit. He had to know. “Seriously, how can you tell?”

  “I thought it didn’t matter because you weren’t pursuing it.” She blinked, all wide-eyed and innocent.

  He gritted his teeth. “Mack…”

  “Fine, I’ll tell you. Ellie watches you almost as much as you stare at her. I’ve been observing you two for a bit.”

  He felt a rush of pleasure, followed by a flood of disappointment. It would be so much easier, if Ellie hated his guts.

  “You make it sound like we’re a science project.”

  “Why aren’t you pursuing her?”

  “Like I said, it can’t go anywhere.”

  “Yes, it can, but you won’t let it. Why? What are you afraid of?” Mack studied him once more, and this time she was in full on psych-mode. “Let me take a stab in the dark here. You don’t think you’re worthy of love, huh?”

  Zane wasn’t sure which was worse, talking to Mack, or Nox about this. Right now, it was a toss-up.

  “Let’s talk about you instead.”

  It was time to shut this conversation down before he started telling her about his horrific childhood. He’d done his best to bottle it up and keep it tightly corked. But Mack had a way of getting to the bottom of a situation.

  “What about me? I’m not pining for anyone.”

  Oh, I beg to differ. “Heard from John Doe?”

  She nearly choked, coughing into her hand.

  “Need a minute?” he asked, with a grin.

  “No.” Her tone was flat, cold.

  “He didn’t send you any more jewelry?”

  A while back, he’d sent her a very fancy present. John Doe was one of the fugitives they’d been hunting. Unfortunately, he’d escaped to Canada, and they didn’t have the budget to go after him.

  No one even knew Doe’s real name. The FBI was forced to charge him under the alias because he’d refused to give them his real name. According to records, they’d interrogated him for days, but he never blinked. In other words, he was one tough customer, and his interest in Mack was troubling.

  Although, she didn’t seem concerned about it at all.

  She shrugged. “It was a watch, not a necklace, or a ring.”

  “Yeah, a diamond encrusted one.” He didn’t care what kind of spin she put on it, the man had given her a love token. “Did he send you another present?”

  “No, I haven’t heard from him.”

  Was it just his imagination, or did she sound disappointed? Yeah, definitely troubling.

  She stood and picked up her bowl, then stomped over to the sink and plunked it down. Zane leaned back in his chair, enjoying the victory. At least he wasn’t the only one with an inappropriate crush.

  “You’re right.” Mack stopped beside his chair.

  “I am?” He’d been expecting an argument. “About what…?”

  “Ellie, of course. It’s much better to pine after her silently. Good luck with that.” She patted him on the shoulder, none too gently, and then walked away.

  And now his win felt like a defeat.


  “So, what are they up to?” West asked.

  A couple of hours later, they were sitting around the table in the meeting room, speculating on the terrorists’ plans.

  Zane was in a funk. The conversation he’d had with Mac struck a chord with him, and he hadn’t been able to think about anything else.

  When he’d gone upstairs to check on Ellie, she’d already left his room.

  At the moment, she sat across from him, listening to West and ignoring him. He couldn’t tell whether it was deliberate or not.

  Was she angry with him?

  “All we really know is, they’ve gone dark, which is yet another bad sign,” Mack said.

  “What does that mean?” Ellie asked. “Zane mentioned it yesterday.”

  Nox scratched his chin. “When a cell goes dark, they’re getting ready to attack. I’d say, this is imminent.”

  “It’s like suicide bombers,” King said. “The men running the operation, remove the so-called martyrs from their friends and family. Basically, they don’t want the bombers to speak with anyone who could talk them out of it. They’re sequestered until it’s time to attack. And I’d say our sovereigns are holed up somewhere, gettin’ ready.”

  Zane was familiar with Al-Qaida and the operations they ran.

  The men who volunteered to kill themselves didn’t have anything to lose. They were usually young, unmarried, with no jobs, or prospects. The men in charge offered them a large amount of money. Killing themselves for a “good cause” ensured their families’ lives were more comfortable.

  The assholes planning this domestic attack were also disenfranchised. The system had let them down, and they were getting their revenge, only they were harming innocent people in the process.

  It was senseless.

  “So, what do we do now?” Ellie asked.

  “Did they have any hideouts?” Storm asked. “Places that are out of the way or off the grid altogether?”

  “They never mentioned anythin’ like that.” Ellie sighed. “Now, we don’t have a clue where they went.”

  “Never fear, Storm is here.”

  Nox rolled his eyes. “Stop doing that. Stop rhyming.”

  Storm ignored him. “I’m going to borrow some satellites and look at the surrounding area, see what I can find.”

  Ellie’s eyes widened. “Y’all have satellite access?”

  “No, not exactly,” Zane explained. “But he can use them, just the same.”

  She didn’t even glance his way.

  Storm said “borrow,” but he meant “steal.” In the military, they called it a midnight requisition. After he’d resigned from the CIA, Storm had been working for an Internet startup in Silicon Valley.

  He was a computer whizz and an information guru. And he had a way of gaining access to people’s financial records, their wor
k history, you name it.

  Zane deliberately caught her eye and Ellie flinched.

  And Zane bit the inside of his cheek. They had to talk this out before it became a beach-sized situation.

  “And you’ll be able to find them?” Ellie asked.

  Storm clasped his hands together. “Yes, if they’re anywhere in the area. I’m going to use facial recognition to search for them.” He scribbled some notes on a legal pad. “And I’ll write an algorithm, in case any of their buddies are talking online.”

  “What the hell for?” Nox asked.

  “To listen in.” The duh was silent.

  “He means spyin’,” King clarified for the group. “Eavesdroppin’ on private conversations.”

  “First of all, I challenge your logic. There’s no such thing as privacy on the internet. And, yes, I meant spying. I’ll deploy my algorithm at places domestic terrorists are likely to go and bam.” Storm clapped his hands together. “We’ll nab them.”

  “How do you know where they’d go?” Ellie bit her lip. “The CIA doesn’t even operate on domestic soil.”

  He winked. “Of course, it doesn’t.”

  As if Zane didn’t have enough nightmares.

  The government did all kinds of shady things. In some respects, he could relate to the sovereign citizen movement. Obviously, he’d never hurt anyone. Zane believed in protecting civilians at all costs. However, the United States only had itself to blame for egging these kinds of people on with the crap they pulled.

  Christ. I sound like I’m ready to join up.

  “Would the FBI do the same thing, if they were workin’ this case?” Ellie asked.

  “Yeah, it’s exactly what they’d do,” Storm said quietly, glancing at Mack who confirmed it with a nod.

  Zane glanced at Storm, silently thanking him for reassuring Ellie. He was afraid she’d take off for the nearest FBI office any second, to turn herself in.

  “Back to the listening algorithm. How does it work?” West asked.

  “Just picture a gigantic ear on the internet.” He grimaced. “No, that’s kind of gross. Anyway, it’s a method of tracking useful conversations. When companies do it, it’s called social listening, but mine’s a bit more black hat.”

  He’d heard the hacker term before. There were white hat and black hat hackers. Basically, good nerds and bad nerds. In Storm’s case, he was a decent guy, using underhanded techniques for everyone’s safety. And Zane was fine with it.


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