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Foreign Exchange

Page 4

by Rachel Cade

  Lorna’s face grazed his as she turned to him. Her gaze engulfed Simon’s blue-green stare, his eyes didn’t waver from hers, not even a fraction. They stayed huddled in the cab talking yet looking as if they were about to kiss. “I like to read. And I am a curious sort. What better way to find out what a woman really wants than to read about her fantasies?”

  Why? Why did that sound so good coming from him?

  “A book is only one woman’s fantasy.”

  He lifted a brow. “Is that why they sell millions of copies? I’d like to know what you fantasize about, Lorna.”

  You. She didn’t say that right? No. Just a thought.

  Pulling back, she glanced at the cabdriver before straightening her back against the seat.

  Simon leaned over to her. “You know, when I came the other night over the phone, I was imagining myself moving in and out of you. I was imagining you being very tight—like you said. Remember that?”

  Lorna blew a long breath out through her nostrils. She wanted to unbutton her coat. It felt like ninety-degrees in the cab. Simon made her feel that way; sitting across from her with his long legs stretched out in from of him, looking every bit the perfect British gentleman, but the words that came from his mouth, completely different story.

  Staring at the back of the front seat, she wished she could just get some air.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  They were at a stoplight. Lorna felt her fingertips itching. It seemed as if her skin was going to leap off her body. She wasn’t aware of any conscious thought as she opened the cab door and got out. Slamming the door, she took two quick steps to the sidewalk and started going up the street.

  As she walked, from the corner of her eye she saw the cab moving at a slow pace up next to the curb, along side her. Simon rolled down the window and rested both arms over the edge, watching her intently.

  She watched and her eyes widened before she tuned her head away biting her bottom lip to keep from smiling.

  “Lorna, you know you are doing that thing again. You know that thing you do that makes me so—”

  “Simon!” She cut him off yelling, her hands clenched into fists.

  Lorna continued to walk as she heard him say, “You know it’s freezing out there. I would invite you back into the cab but you would probably decline. I had to pay this very hardworking man extra to drive like this. I should say it was worth it though because I do like watching your breasts bounce when you walk.”

  That stopped her. She looked back at Simon’s face. Amusement was in his eyes but he didn’t smile. His mouth twitched slightly before he said, “Come little Lorna, get back into the cab, let us go shopping.”

  They continued that way for a full block then Simon finally paid the driver and got out of the car.

  “You are just too much for me, Lorna,” he said when he caught up with her.

  “Please,” she said, rolling her eyes. If anything it was the other way around.

  Lorna’s phone rang. It was her friend Tianna who was just calling to shoot the breeze. Lorna told her, in a joking way of course, that she was wasting her minutes and that she would be at home soon and would call her back. When she hung up the phone she glanced over at Simon.

  “I better get home, the sun is going down and it’s going to get even colder out here.”

  Simon made a face as if hurt. “But what kind of adventure is that? You came to my job and stalked me, and now you’re going home? That is a sorry end to an adventure.”

  “And who are you, Indiana Jones? I was not stalking you by the way.” Thank God she wasn’t hooked up to a lie detector.

  “Oh, so you really were there to diversify your portfolio?”

  After a minute of brisk walking, she said, “Damn, that was a terrible lie wasn’t it?”

  He laughed. “Yes, yes it was.”

  Lorna put both of her hands over her face as she kept walking, shaking her head.

  “Oh, little Lorna, you don’t have to be embarrassed. I am quite flattered you decided to do a follow up. Delighted even, because that means I made an impression.”

  Pulling her hands away from her face she kept her face forward, even though she was walking down the street in obvious conversation with someone she knew; she knew she couldn’t look up at his face.

  “Perhaps you’ll let me know where you’ll be tomorrow around noon, and I will come and watch you on my lunch break.”

  She shook her head. “You don’t want to do that.”

  “You just know everything don’t you?” He chuckled. “Come on, let’s cut through. I’ll get you another cab and you can take your round teasing ass home.”

  They cut through a small street, which had puddles along the sides from the earlier rain. Tired looking men were unloading a truck on the left side of the street; they paid her and Simon no attention.

  Simon’s long legs carried him up ahead of her and she realized that the leather coat he wore today was much shorter than the others she’d seen him in. This one showed off two wonderfully well-muscled thighs wrapped in pressed navy slacks. And then there was that walk, that walk she loved so much.

  “Do you work out?” she mouthed silently behind him. “If so can I watch?”

  “Ugh,” she groaned as her foot stepped into a puddle.

  Simon turned around. “Not watching where you are going hmmm?” Taking her hand, he easily hopped over the puddle and helped her up to the little sidewalk.

  “Thanks—” A quick spin that sent her world reeling and she was in a short dark doorway she hadn’t even noticed before.

  It was about five feet long and from the site of leaves and various bits of paper that littered the ground it wasn’t used very often. Her heart started pumping adrenalin into her veins and her pleasure points instantly came to attention. She turned to leave and managed a few steps when he tugged her jacket, yanking her awkwardly back into the darkness.

  “Simon—” He had both of his gloved hands cradling her face, she could feel them going from cold to cool against her body heat, “Simon—” she said again, her eyes tremulous as they stared into his.

  “I like the way you say my name,” her cheeks flamed as his eyes wandered over her face, “it always sounds so soft and breathless.” He leaned forward until his body pressed hers against the wall. “I like you soft and breathless.”

  A breath hissed from her lips when, as the heels from her shoes scratched against the ground and the shift in stance caused her body to rub against his. Her nipples went turgid against the fabric of her suit.

  “Do you like me, Lorna?” The question was asked very gentle, almost inaudible. When she looked at him in a way that showed how crazy she thought the question was, he said, “Humor me, I’m a needy man. I want to hear you say it.”

  Her mouth felt as if she’d just eaten sand. He pushed an inch closer and the contours of his solid body molded against hers.

  She swallowed, and croaked out, “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?”

  His hand was against the wall, his arm outlining her body against it as it moved down the side of her hip.

  “Yes, I like you Simon.”

  He made a small sound of approval and moved his hand up to her breast. Gently he squeezed as if he wanted his hand to leave his mark into her skin. She sighed raggedly when his finger skimmed the inside of her cleavage. He went all the way across until his finger made contact with a ripe nipple.

  “I think this deserves a closer inspection,” he said, as he pulled the gloves from his hands.

  He took the same hand and hooked his finger into her cleavage right at the nipple so that his knuckle pressed against her ripe flesh. Then he pulled at the top just so the nipple was revealed.

  “Oh,” he said quietly, “this is so nice, Lorna. You must have gotten a great deal of pleasure touching yourself the other night. Do you mind if I give it a try?”

  Lorna had to force herself to exhale, his voice was just
as intoxicating as the rest of him, and he was so close. She could feel his breath raining down on her skin. Even though it couldn’t have been more than thirty-five degrees outside, she felt like she was standing in an inferno.

  Simon circled his finger around her dark brown nipple clockwise. Then he switched and started moving it counter clockwise, adding and lightening the pressure. Lorna let her head fall back against the wall.

  Closing her eyes briefly, she felt his finger leave her body. When it touched her nipple again it was wet. He flicked over it until it puckered out as far as it could go, and then began circling the top with his finger, letting the wetness glide it over with ease. Her chest was moving up and down as she kept forcing air in and out of her body. She was cold then she was hot, in the far reaches of her mind she recalled that she was letting this man touch her so intimately again—outside in plain view. When he turned his finger and his short fingernail gently scraped the surface of her nipple she gasped and moved toward him.

  “I’m sorry, Lorna,” he murmured. “Did I hurt you?” Taking her shoulders, he pushed her back against the wall. “Let me kiss it and make it better.”

  He dipped his head and kissed her nipple, actually kissed it, puckering his lips as he did so. Still poised over her breast his voice vibrated against it, making it tingle. “Is that better? No? Maybe a deeper kiss.”

  Simon’s mouth covered her whole nipple and he let his long winding tongue caress it. He pressed his mouth so hard against her that the rest of her breast covered his mouth. He lapped and sucked on her until she thought she was going to fall on her knees in front of him. She couldn’t do anything but stand there and let him, squeezing her thighs together, hoping to quiet the throbbing—it wasn’t working. Her fingernails scraped against the wall behind her.

  He turned his face and that sent another wave of hot sensations over her. He lapped at her nipple in long sweet strokes until she moaned and trembled under him.

  With her nipple in between his teeth, he murmured, “Mmmm.” Then he released it.

  Lorna tried to swallow. Just swallow. When had breathing and swallowing gotten so hard? Standing upright was like trying to do Geometry.

  Simon’s hands were on her waist as he nuzzled his face into her cleavage, he let his fingers graze over her tummy before they started making their way into her pants.

  Lorna shook her head. “No, Simon—”

  He was staring down at his hand as it disappeared into her pants past her underwear. “Are you ready to go beyond fantasy, Lorna?”

  Chapter Four

  Beyond fantasy.

  That sounded good. It sounded damn good. He looked damn good. But still she said, “Simon, listen, someone is going to come by and see us—”

  “You’re frightened, it’s okay.” Cool fingers slid down into her panties, touching her pubic hair, gasping she reached for his hand wondering if she was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. She couldn’t breathe. This was Simon. A guy, that if she’d seen him three days ago, she would have easily filed as wanted but unattainable. And here he was touching her—

  “Simon, listen, don’t—” Lorna squeezed her thighs together. Her grip grew stronger on his arm but he still kept sneaking it lower. She squirmed against the wall as his fingertips made tiny circles against her cunt, right above the folds. Using both of her arms and putting all her strength behind it she still couldn’t move his hand.

  “You enjoy teasing me, Lorna, don’t you?”

  “I’m not teasing you, Simon. We can’t do this.”

  “Shh,” he said as they continued their physical battle. A smile tugged his lips as he spoke. “Do you want someone to come by and hear us? We are in a rather compromising situation here.”

  “We won’t be if you just take your fucking hand out of my pants!” she hissed.

  He raised a brow. “If you keep making noise, we’ll be discovered and I will be forced to tell them the truth, that you were soliciting me for sex.”

  Lorna’s head jerked up. “What?”

  A broken cry that probably went beyond the doorway as Simon’s middle finger slid into her slick folds. It grazed down her slit but didn’t penetrate her. She hunched over, grabbing his coat at the shoulder and fisting it with her hand.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist, keeping her close.

  “You know,” he began, his mouth against her forehead, “three of my fingers are a lot different than three of your fingers.” He moved his finger gently up her slit like a toy boat moving down a stream.

  Lorna groaned and her hand gripped him tighter. “You’re such a bastard, Simon.”

  The object of her scorn laughed. “Would you like me to be a gentle bastard or a barbaric bastard?”

  Her head was pressed against his chest and she didn’t move it as she asked, “What kind of choices are those?”

  His tongue clicked against her mouth. “Well, here’s what a gentle bastard can do.”

  He made a vise with his middle and index finger with her pulsing clit in the middle. Slowly he bent his fingers, allowing them to move up and down only a fraction of and inch against her burning skin. She leaned further into him, hot breath coming through her lips as vapor before disappearing into the crisp air around them.

  Lorna squeezed her eyes shut as she felt herself on the edge of an erotic spasm that seemed so close she thought surely she would orgasm at any moment. Her hips squirmed over his hand as she felt it building and she panted hard as he continued to stroke her.

  Somehow, she was able to wrestle his hand from her body. She pulled it away and pushed him back, holding him off at arms length. “Just stop.”

  He didn’t press forward. He stood back and watched her, his own breath heavy.

  They just stood there in silence watching each other. Then Simon backed off, moving away from her until his back rested against the wall.

  “It’s not that you don’t want it. You’re just afraid.” She closed her coat as he continued. “But that excites you too. I know it does because it excites me.”

  “I don’t have to feel something just because you feel it,” she said, as her body still shook from his touch.

  “I know you feel it, Lorna. I knew from the very first time I saw you. That same look in your eyes—fear and desire. And I wanted you.”

  Her hand clenched her coat. How was it possible that he read her emotions and thoughts so well? Yes, she was afraid, but not of him, she was afraid of her own desires for him.

  “Turn around and put your hands on the wall.”

  Lorna’s eyelids fluttered. “Simon, I am not going to keep playing this—”

  “So, she’s interested in seeing the barbaric bastard?” Simon’s brow rose as he spoke. “It is what got your attention the first time.”

  Taking Lorna’s hands, Simon gently unwrapped them and placed them in his own. Slowly he turned her around until she was facing the wall. Then he lifted her coat so that it was up past her waist. She felt the crisp air penetrate the thin pants she was wearing. But all of that dissipated when she felt the huge bulge in his pants against the side of her hip. She trembled and her breath caught as he slowly caressed it across her until it was right at her the bottom. Exhaling deeply, she pressed her face against the cool stone.

  His hand was at the waistband of her pants now and moving back inside. She didn’t try to stop him this time. Wetness was pooling out of her and her body was wired and tuned to his. Taking his fingers, he skimmed them along her inner thigh, keeping his erection pressed against her ass. Lorna sucked in her lower lip turning her head slightly, her nose bent against the wall.

  “Aren’t we nice and slippery,” he said against her ear as he continued to lightly pinch her clit. He kept stroking his fingers up and down, up and down. “You wouldn’t be getting turned on by all of this would you?”

  She gasped and clenched her thighs. He was breathing heavily against her hair, moving his head to her other ear he kept her in a cocoon near the wall. “Ladies choice. What
would you like, two or three of my fingers inside you?”

  Lorna threw her arms against the wall to rest her face against them; her expression agonized. When she didn’t respond, Simon added more pressure to his fingers. Her hand snapped into a fist and she pushed her forehead against it. She just wanted to cry out—to scream his name or something. But she couldn’t, so she just squirmed against him choking on her own air.

  “I’m sorry, Lorna, I didn’t hear you. What did you want?” He moved his fingers across her moist flesh down to her entrance.

  “Two,” she squealed. “Two.”

  He chuckled next to her ear.

  Two long tanned fingers crept their way inside of her pulsing body.

  A muffled cry came out of her and she tried to clamp her mouth against it. Simon curved his fingers and rhythmically pushed them in and out of her. At the same time he began to grind his cock into her from behind. She could feel him, every inch pushing into her skin causing her to throb even more.

  “My God, you weren’t lying, you are tight,” he whispered.

  He quickened his pace, and she could feel him leaning into her, his mouth on the back of her neck. His lips were warm as he kissed her, a contrast to the cold wind that whipped against her nape.

  They continued to grind against the wall as a movement caught her eye from the open end of the doorway. It was a middle-aged man in a suit, talking and laughing into his cell phone, he couldn’t have been more than seven feet away from them. Lorna immediately tensed up under Simon, sobering as the sounds of the man’s conversation reached her ears.

  Simon slowed down. “What’s wrong? Are you nervous because he’s there?”


  His voice was a deep rumble behind her. “Relax, he can’t see us. He’ll move along.”

  Lorna didn’t really care about that. The fact that he was that close to them and what they were doing made her scared as shit.

  But Simon wouldn’t stop moving his fingers. She continued to stare at the man who was having his cheerful conversation, completely oblivious to what was going on so near him. Her eyes slid shut as Simon’s fingers made a sucking sound as they pumped within her.


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