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How to Defeat Obama and Repeal His Socialist Programs—A Patriot’s Guide
Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
To the memory of Eugene J. Morris
(1910–2010), and
To the millions of patriots who joined
the Tea Party movement to save our
country from socialism
Introduction: A Labor of Necessity
Part One: Defeating Obama
First Order of Business: Barack Obama
How to Beat Obama
And the Republican Contender Is…?
Part Two: How Obama Has Screwed Up Our Economy
Out-of-Control Federal Spending
Federal Spending Goes Wild
The Federal Reserve’s Monetary Mayhem
But It Didn’t Work
Obama’s Real Agenda
America Becomes a Debt Slave
Obama’s Pending Tax Hikes Paralyze the Economy
Tax Hikes Won’t Cut the Deficit
Part Three: How the Republican House Can Undo the Damage Obama Has Done
How to Reduce the Deficit Without Raising Taxes
How to Cut Federal Spending
How to Cut Spending
Hold Down Defense Spending
Block Grant Medicaid
Warning: Hands Off Social Security and Medicare!!!
How to Save Social Security
How to Defeat Obama’s Tax-and-Spend Budgets
Threats to Republican Unity—Keep an Eye on ’Em
Defunding ObamaCare
Defunding the IRS
Defunding Medicare Cuts
Defunding Medicaid Expansion
Defunding Health Insurance Exchanges
Repealing the Death Tax
Ending the Banking Reign of Terror
Stopping the EPA from Killing U.S. Manufacturing
Keeping the Secret Ballot in Union Elections
Killing Earmarks
Protecting Free Speech
The Coming State Bankruptcies
Reforming Public Education and Medicaid
Part Four: Democrats We Must Defeat
Democrats Involuntarily Retired: A Progress Report
The Senate
The House of Representatives
Members of Congress We Must Defeat
Lessons Learned
Part Five: Why We Need to Closely Monitor the Members of Congress and Make Them Accountable to the Voters…and How to Do It
“Knowledge is Power”
The Health Care Debacle as a Metaphor for What’s Wrong with Washington
Reid Bribes Senators for Their Votes
Who Cares What the Voters Think?
Help from the Health Care Industry
A Citizen-Patriot’s Guide to Everything Congress Doesn’t Want You to Know
Congressional Voting Records
Attendance Records
Follow the Money
Reviewing Financial Disclosure Reports
Hinchey’s Earmark: Helping Himself?
Congressional Spouses
There’s More Out There!
Ethical Reforms That Are Needed Immediately
Part Six: The New Leaders
Jenny Beth Martin
Mark Meckler
Charles and David Koch
Tim Phillips
Bill O’Reilly
Glenn Beck
Sean Hannity
David N. Bossie
Jim Martin
About the Authors
Other Books by Dick Morris and Eileen McGann
About the Publisher
On December 6, 2010, President Barack Obama publicly surrendered.
And although the red, white, and blue flag still furled over the White House on that wintry day, it might as well have been all white.
Because when Obama ditched his seminal campaign pledge—to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire and to raise taxes on families making more than $250,000 a year—he acknowledged that the game had changed.
For him and for us.
It was a humbling moment and a stunning admission. Only two years into his term, Obama was in retreat on the very cornerstone of his presidency—a massive and audacious income redistribution scheme to be achieved by increasing taxes on the wealthy (families making over $250,000) to pay for expansive programs to benefit the poor.
Americans never supported it and Republicans blocked it. Left with no other choice, Obama capitulated.
The White House called it a “compromise.” But Barack Obama’s “compromise” with the Republicans was no more of a compromise than the deal that Japan’s Emperor Hirohito cut with General Douglas MacArthur on the deck of the battleship Missouri after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was an abject surrender, not a compromise; an utter submission, not triangulation.
There’s a big difference.
Obama was not making a calculated, voluntary move to the center, as some have suggested. Not at all. Those who think he was are altogether mistaken.
Moving to the center is not just a two-dimensional process of taking the best from the left and the right and synthesizing it all into a new paradigm that is palatable to some of the left and some of the right. That’s the essence of it, but there’s more to it—an additional third dimension that reflects the difference between arriving there from a position of strength or from a position of weakness.
In the course of coming in from the cold of his extreme far-left positions, the president looked like a wimp, openly abandoning his long-held fervent views in the face of electoral defeats, adverse court rulings, recalcitrant Democrats, and strong, united Republican opposition.
It was not courage that propelled him to change his position; it was weakness that forced him to back down. And the future will only bring more and more surrenders.
The game change for us is that he is vulnerable; he can be beaten. Weak presidents don’t get reelected.
But he’s hasn’t been knocked out yet. We have work to do.
The liberal media tried to spin Obama’s successes in the lame duck session of Congress—held right after the election—as major achievements. But how could he fail with a Congress filled with defeated Democrats who were no longer even marginally accountable to us?
The fact is that Obama blinked in the tax cut fight and he will blink again and again and again if we confront him and stand firm.
Stay tuned.
Now is the time for us to force him to back down over and over, until he backs out of the White House on January 20, 2013!
But that’s just part of what we need to accomplish. It’s not just Obama who must be defeated. For the next two years, we have our work cut out for us—rolling back Obama’s disastrous programs, sending his Democratic cronies back home, capturing the Senate, and building bigger Republican majorities in the House.
We need to revolt.
This is a labor of necessity that we cannot turn our backs on.
Because we’ve all had enough. Enough ObamaCare, enough corporate bailouts, enough repeated attempts to raise our taxes, enough failed economic policies that generate class warfare and pit neighbor against neighbor. Enough of Congress and the White House ignoring us.
It’s time to fight back, time to rebel, time to say “No more.” Time to remind Obama and the Democrats that this is our country, our lives, our families that they are endangering with their drastic policies. We won’t stand for it any longer.
And we don’t have to.
Because the astonishing events that started with the T
ea Party Patriots and culminated in the voting booths across America on Tuesday, November 2, 2010, were only the first phase in a long and unavoidable journey that lies ahead of us for the next two years.
A journey of necessity that we must complete; a journey of necessity that we must start today.
The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives and the diminished power of the Democratic establishment in the Senate have given us the means, the motive, and the opportunity to reject the Obama agenda, repeal his ill-advised programs, and show him the door out of the White House.
That is our mandate: to save us all from the socialist ideas of Obama and his Democratic cronies.
These ideas, if realized, will transform our country, our culture, and our economy into an unrecognizable society and will obliterate the values that have been inherent in these United States for more than two hundred years and are the very basis of our liberty and freedom.
Most Americans don’t agree with the ideas this administration is trying to force on us.
Ideas that are naive and don’t work.
Ideas that must be rejected.
Let’s not mince words. Barack Obama is a socialist! He wants to expand the role of the government until it mirrors the bloated size of modern Europe. He wants universal, government-controlled health care. He wants banks under direct federal control, subservient to the government’s economic directives. He wants indirect government control over manufacturing. By controlling what comes out the smokestack, he realizes, he can control what gets made in the factory. He wants to ban the use of coal no matter how much it makes us dependent on foreign oil. He seeks to change our tax laws into a massive scheme for income redistribution. And he wants the poor to have upward mobility, not through hard work and education, but through increasing government handouts, aid paid for by outvoted rich people.
That’s what Barack Obama wants. But we can—and must—stop his plans to transform our country into a European socialist nanny-state with an oversize government that dictates just about everything that we do. We can’t afford not to.
We can—and must—stop Obama’s health care debacle that will inevitably lead to the intentional rationing of critical health care to the sickest and most vulnerable, while costs skyrocket. We owe it to our parents and to those who have no one to fight for them.
We can—and must—stop Obama’s madcap economic policies, which are just plain wrong. Simply look around. He’s on the brink of destroying everything that we’ve worked for. He’s given us no choice.
We can—and must—stop him from raising taxes on the very people who create jobs and lift the economy.
We can—and must—stop him from implementing endless federal regulations that will paralyze our ability to do business or to live our lives without constant government intrusion.
And, finally, we can—and must—stop his unprecedented and astronomical spending, which is driving the deficit through the roof and bankrupting our future.
How can we do these things?
By continuing the Revolt that started in November 2010; by continuing our expression of vigorous dissent.
This book is a guide to beating Obama’s policies over the next two years so that we can beat him in the next presidential election and, ultimately, increase the Republican majority in Congress so that we can get America back on the right track.
We can do it. Join us in this labor of necessity.
Think about it: Obama is checkmated as long as Republicans hold firm, challenge him on solid grounds anchored in public opinion, and remain united. He can either lose the election of 2012 because he is an obstinate ideologue who won’t compromise and won’t abandon his socialist principles or he can lose it because he totally surrenders and is too weak to be president.
He does not have a third option—winning the budget fights and winning reelection—as long as the Republicans properly mount their challenge, because public opinion, the essential element for victory, is not with him.
Americans want spending cuts, not tax increases.
Americans believe that cutting spending is more important even than cutting the deficit.
Americans oppose ObamaCare.
Americans are against letting the EPA impose carbon dioxide restrictions without consulting Congress.
Americans are against an administrative fiat by the NLRB to eliminate the secret ballot in union elections.
Americans oppose earmarks.
Americans do not want the FCC to limit or censor talk radio or to control the Internet.
These are the battlegrounds for 2011–2012. It is on this turf that the Republican House majority must fight. The fearful “moderate” Democratic senators will cave in. And then Obama will be forced to surrender because the Force—public opinion—is not with him. In 2009 and 2010, Obama could ignore the opinions of the majority of Americans because his Congressional majority was so overwhelming that he could ram through anything he wanted. Now he has lost his majority and he will have to back down when the public turns against him.
And with each surrender—over his desire to raise the debt limit without mandated spending cuts, over his support for bailing out states in trouble, and over his demand to raise taxes in the 2012 budget, Obama will get weaker and weaker.
His inability to fight and win the war on terror and his choice to become mired in Afghanistan with no real plan for winning will contribute to the image of weakness.
In 2012 he will face America, denuded of all the programs he passed in 2009–2010, with an economy still struggling with 7–8% unemployment, and with a manifest inability to measure up to the job of president.
Former British prime minister Tony Blair said it best in his new memoir, A Journey: My Political Life. He described how voters can bring down a politician: “…once public opinion had gone sour it didn’t seem to matter whether what [the government] did was right or wrong; and that once the mood had turned from the government and embraced us [the opposition], the mood was merciless in its pursuit, indifferent to anything other than satisfying itself.”1
Now it is up to us.
Obama’s surrender on the extension of the Bush tax cuts at the end of last year is a case study of what can—and must—be done in the next two years. We don’t have to cave in—he does!
We learned in November 2010 that we can win, we can prevail. And we will. But we have a lot more to do in 2011 and 2012.
Now we need to work together to vigorously reject Obama’s fanatical agenda, repeal his reckless legislative follies, and replace him as president.
We have no choice.
It’s that serious. Because it is our obligation, our duty, to save America.
By continuing the Revolt that started in November 2010.
This book is a guide to beating Obama’s policies over the next two years so that we can ultimately beat him in the next presidential election.
Join us in this labor of necessity.
Author’s Note: As of the date Revolt! went to press,
all the information in this book was current and accurate.
There is only one way to defeat Obama’s misguided and dangerous socialist agenda for America, and that is to resoundingly and categorically defeat Barack Obama.
It’s that simple: He and his fanatical policies have got to go.
We know that. We’ve already started the process by taking over the House of Representatives. With the leadership of courageous Tea Party members and other activists across the country, along with the support of so many disgusted and alienated voters, we threw out a large number of arrogant and self-serving congressmen, who deserved exactly what they got. We also sent Obama a message about our plans for him.
In case there’s any doubt about it, we’re planning to send him back to Illinois. For good.
Accomplishing this will require a disciplined twofold strategy: First we have to block him in Congress by repealing his most offensive
programs and impeding any new catastrophic legislation. Then we need to rout him in the voting booth.
And we can—and must—do both.
Let’s start with Congress first. During the next two years, we have to capitalize on our control of the House in order to systematically undo the damage that Obama and his naive policies have already done. That includes using the budget to defund health care “reform” and his other extravagant follies, and doing whatever else it takes to reject and repeal his colossal blunders.
At the same time, we have to thwart any fresh attempts by Obama to further devastate our fragile economy. There’s no doubt about it, he’ll be back with more and more outlandish legislative schemes to implement his radical dreams. That’s why we have to be both vigilant in recognizing what he is up to and rigorous in stopping him. Each and every time one of his wacky and expensive programs comes up for a vote, we need to beat him.
But it won’t be enough just to thrash his initiatives and reverse his mistakes. We also need to trounce him in the voting booth and get him out of the White House. So, our next step, on November 6, 2012, is to vote him out of office.