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Her Reluctant Bear: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 5)

Page 10

by Vella Day

  She chuckled. “About the only tragedy we experienced was cutting the stems off a few flowers. You?”

  “Same ole, same ole. The troublemakers seem to be on vacation. Kalan and I were just talking about how calm things have been. With the red moon coming next week, I’m thinking something will go down soon, so don’t get too used to my company every night.”

  “Oh, boo.”

  Dalton had kept her informed of the Changeling’s movements, and these creatures weren’t nice. If there were any of those mutant animals in Los Angeles, she was blissfully unaware. “Do you want me to make dinner?” she asked.

  He looked up at her and smiled. “Will the sun rise tomorrow?”

  Guess that was a yes. She’d gone shopping the other day and had bought ingredients for a tuna noodle casserole. When they were growing up, it was one of his favorite meals. Dalton was more of a carnivore now, but she bet he’d enjoy it nonetheless.

  She pulled out the pan to boil water for the noodles and set out the ingredients.

  “Did Brian contact you today?” Dalton asked.

  She stilled at his question. “No. Do you know something to indicate he would?”

  Dalton swung his legs to the ground, picked up his beer, and came over. “I’m thinking he’ll have questions.”

  He should have, but she doubted he’d come to her for them. “Some men are in denial.”

  “You talking about me?”

  She hadn’t been, but her brother did have some issues he needed to resolve—mostly about how he didn’t believe he fit in. How he could say that when he had Kalan as a partner, she didn’t know. “No, but the things I told Brian would shock anyone.”

  “What happens if he doesn’t call? If he’s your mate, can you stay away from him?”

  “Probably not, but I don’t want to make things worse for him.” It had taken all of her energy just to push his image out of her head today. She kept picturing them romping in the woods then rolling around. He’d laugh. She’d tease, and eventually, he’d let down his guard.

  They were halfway through dinner when Dalton’s phone rang. He checked the caller ID. “Hey, Kalan.” His jaw tightened. “Sure.” He handed her his cell. “It’s Brian.”

  Her pulse soared. “Hey, what’s up?” She was pleased she’d kept an upbeat tone.

  “I spoke with Elana and Kalan about shifters. My curiosity got the best of me.”

  At least he hadn’t completely rejected what she’d told him. “What did they say?”

  “She told me you spoke with her.” Oh, crap. “Thank you. It made our conversation easier.”

  Jillian was thrilled he wasn’t angry. “I’m happy for you and for Elana.”

  “I have more questions for you though.”

  That sounded hopeful. “Sure. Ask away.”

  “Can I come over?”

  Jillian glanced at her brother who was chowing down on the casserole, trying not to listen, but no doubt heard not only her part of the conversation but Brian’s too. She kicked him under the table. He looked up and nodded. “Sure.”

  Once she gave Brian directions, he said he’d be over shortly. Brian disconnected, and she handed Dalton back his phone.

  “I guess Brian’s coming over?” he asked as he pocketed his cell.

  “Yes. Even though he talked with Elana and Kalan, he wants to speak with me, though I don’t know what about.”

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  He probably thought they’d be engaging in wild sex. As much as she would enjoy the dalliance, now wasn’t the time. “I’d like you to stay. You might be able to help.”

  “If you think so.”

  She snapped her fingers. “I forgot to tell you. I spoke with Camille right before I came home.”

  “Your cop friend?”

  “Yes. She told me the detective leading the case wants to ask me a few questions.”

  His eyes widened. “You mean the cop who killed Dad?”

  “Yes. His name is Detective Whitlaw.”

  “Whitlaw, huh? I might just have to make some inquiries.”

  She smiled. “I was hoping you would.”

  Chapter Ten


  Frank Whitlaw leaned back in his office chair and smiled. Jillian had finally contacted her good friend, Camille Williams. He’d put a trace on his fellow officer’s phone, figuring Jillian would call to check in at some point. And she had.

  Of course, he’d known where Jillian was, but it was nice to get confirmation. The fact she was staying with her brother who was a cop didn’t really bother him. Frank was way smarter than any hick from Tennessee ever could be.

  The hardest part in tying up loose ends was in covering his tracks. Given her location, it shouldn’t be too difficult. He was working the murder case that he’d committed, and he was doing a fine job muddying the waters to throw all suspicions away from him. Since the investigation had stalled, his boss might grant him time off. Naturally, he would say it was personal reasons, like his mother had fallen ill again. That had worked in the past, so why not try again?

  To make sure he succeeded in shutting Jillian up for the final time, he needed a good week to learn her habits and figure out a foolproof way to kill her. After all, she was a shifter. If she were a wolf like him, it would be easy, but he never liked to assume anything. She could be a bear, and that would make it more challenging, but still doable.

  Sneaking into her brother’s house and shooting her wouldn’t work since he didn’t want to do battle with two shifters at once. If they heard him enter, they’d both come out to investigate. He knew all too well that pulling off the perfect murder took planning and time. And time wasn’t on his side yet again.


  Brian checked the directions to Dalton’s house once more before heading north on Robin’s Ridge. His head was exploding with all this new information Elana, Kalan, and Ainsley had given him about Changelings, shifters, goddesses, and immortals.

  Speaking of immortals, Kalan promised to speak with James to see if he’d grant an audience. The recluse usually only dealt with the Alpha and the Beta of the local Clan, but he might make an exception given the unusual circumstances. Kalan bet James had never met a man who was unaware he was a shifter.

  When Brian had asked what advice a non-shifter could offer, Kalan said not to underestimate him. Apparently, the immortal had many talents, most of which were not understood. Rye and Kalan suspected that James’s abilities came directly from his wife, the goddess Naliana. As much as Brian wanted to buy into this goddess thing, he was an atheist. He was, however, willing to alter his opinion should she prove him wrong.

  Right now, Brian’s biggest concern was whether a man his age could learn to shift—and if so, would it tear his body apart? Not only was he curious to experience something this fantastic, he wanted to do this for Jillian. She seemed intent on him giving this new opportunity a try.

  Another thing he’d have to deal with was his volatile personality. What if he became angry and inadvertently turned into a clumsy bear? That scenario scared the shit out of him, as did the conversation he was about to have with Jillian.

  Hell, he’d already tried to kick her out of his apartment more than once, had insulted her by telling her to put clothes on her beautifully naked body, and had practically called her a liar when she told him he was a shifter. Hopefully, she understood why he had been so hesitant to accept everything she’d told him.

  A quick check of the instructions assured him he’d found her brother’s place. Dalton’s rental was one block off the main road, and the illuminated numbers by the door made it easy to locate.

  Here goes. He marched up to the front door and knocked. Jillian answered, and as soon as her scent enveloped his body, his chest began to vibrate with an over-the-top sexual urge. If that wasn’t a kick in the balls, he also had an insane need to protect her from danger, and the confusing combination threw him off his game once more.

  “Hi,” was all he managed to sa
y, a little pissed he’d never developed any kind of slickness when around women.

  As much as he wanted to tell her how hot she looked in her tight blue jeans and her bright green top, and how pretty she was with her hair falling gently around her face, he wouldn’t. Experience had taught him he’d just mess it up.

  “Come in.” She clasped his arm, and her mere touch set his cock in motion. Not good at all. “This is Dalton, my brother,” she said.

  Brian peeled off his jacket and held it in front of him to cover his erection before offering one hand to shake. Damn. Compared to her brother, Brian felt average and even homely. Dalton stood six foot two, had thick brown hair and startling golden brown eyes, looking every bit like a celebrity. His shoulders were broad, and he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him. “Nice to meet you.”

  From the outside, the cop appeared totally normal, but apparently he was just like Jillian—a white tiger. Brian was unconvinced he could ever get used to this whole shifter persona, despite having seen Jillian transform into a beautiful animal and then turn back to a human—albeit a gorgeous naked one.

  “Come sit down,” she said. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  He’d had enough today and didn’t need anything else messing with his already scrambled brain. “I’m good.”

  Brian waited to see where Jillian and Dalton sat before choosing his own seat. Dalton took the chair and Jillian the sofa, so he dropped down next to her. His pulse spiked and his gut tightened. Jillian’s nearness messed with his ability to think clearly, and he didn’t like it one bit.

  They both watched him, clearly waiting for him to begin. After all, he had called and asked to discuss something with her. I can do this. “When I stopped over at Elana’s, Jackson’s girlfriend Ainsley came by to see the baby and to tell Kalan something about some Changeling activity. If I recall, those are the bad shifters, right?”

  Jillian grabbed his hand. “They told you about that? By the way, Ainsley is Jackson’s mate, which is a lot more than a girlfriend. And, yes, the Changelings are very bad.” She glanced over at Dalton who nodded.

  “Mate, girlfriend, whatever. I’m still trying to process everything. I learned about James and Naliana, though their place in this world confounds me. Shifters are hard enough to comprehend, let alone immortals and goddesses.”

  Jillian squeezed his hand then let go. “Even I’m not so sure about those two, though Dalton has tried to clear up some of my confusion.”

  “Just so you know,” Dalton said, “I’ve never met either of them. James deals mostly with Rye and Kalan, and Naliana supposedly returns to earth once a month on the white moon.”

  Brian nodded. “Kalan mentioned that too. Besides those two, I learned something important. Ainsley can tell one shifter from another, and apparently, I’m a bear shifter even though she said my signature was weak.”

  Jillian’s smile nearly blinded him. “That’s fantastic. I had no idea anyone could tell one shifter from another.” She ran her gaze up and down his body. “Are you convinced that you are a shifter then?”

  “I suppose, but until I shift, I can’t be completely sure.”

  “Does this mean you want to try?” she asked.

  His chest constricted, and his pulse soared. “Yes. Maybe. Not right now though. I’m overwhelmed.” She ran a hand down his arm, and his thoughts changed from worry to excitement.

  Jillian chuckled. “I wasn’t thinking about doing it now. I’m thrilled you’re willing to consider it though. It will open up a whole new world to you.”

  But would he like what he saw? “Kalan said he’d contact this James person to see if maybe he’ll talk to me about it, and I wanted to see if you’d be willing to come with me.”

  Her perfect mouth opened. “You want me to go with you to meet James?”

  “Yes. Would you?”

  “If Kalan says it’s okay, of course I will.”

  “What do you hope to accomplish by seeing him?” Dalton asked.

  He’d given this a lot of thought. “I’d like to know my chances of succeeding. I’m no cub, you know.”

  A brief smile crossed Dalton’s lips. “True, but I’m not sure that matters. Understand that James might not know the answer since he’s not a shifter.”

  Brian lifted one shoulder. “Can’t hurt to ask.”

  “Then I wish you luck,” Dalton said.


  Jillian couldn’t believe she was on her way to meet a real immortal. It had been three days since Brian told her Kalan would ask James for an audience and she was more nervous now than at her first trial. Kalan had mentioned James looked like a youngish sixty-year-old, and she wondered if she’d be able to sense any other differences between him and a mortal. Thanks to her Wendayan mother, Jillian was more intuitive than most.

  Dalton had told her stories he’d received second hand from Kalan about the strange hermit and his ability to understand things that a mere human couldn’t possibly know. It would be an understatement to say that she couldn’t wait to meet him.

  They decided to take two vehicles. Since Kalan knew the way, Brian rode with Jillian as she followed closely behind. Kalan said he normally would have suggested they all ride together, but he wanted to play it by ear in case the two of them needed more time to speak with James alone. Elana was a lucky woman to have such a considerate mate.

  “Are you nervous?” she asked Brian, who’d barely said a word since they’d left her brother’s place.

  “Yes, even though I took an anxiety pill. In retrospect, I probably didn’t need to worry since I don’t think James can tell me anything that will surprise me. Due to everything I’ve been hit with recently, I think I’m a few miles past total shock.”

  Jillian appreciated his attitude. “Well, I’m not so calm. Before we see him, I need to tell you something else.”

  “What’s that?”

  The bend in the road was rather severe, forcing Jillian to hold on to the wheel with both hands. This part wasn’t paved, and the ruts in the road hadn’t been attended to in a while.

  She’d debated for a few hours today whether to bring this up. In the end, she decided it was best to have all issues out in the open. “According to your sister, James’s mate, Naliana, is in charge of pairing people together.”

  “Pairing people? As in mating?”

  She glanced over at him, surprised he was so well-versed in the concept. Then again, he had spent hours with Elana, Kalan, and Ainsley a few days ago. “Yes. What did Elana have to say about that?” Jillian glanced over at him, but Brian was looking out the window at the pure blackness that had painted the night sky.

  “When you find your mate, you know it, because all you can think about is being with that person, and you want to protect her with your life.”

  “What a nice way to put it.” She wanted to ask him if he had any of those feelings toward her, but it was too soon to throw that out. “I’ve been told that in order for the couple to be true mates, they must both agree to this bonding, and their consent is shown by biting each other on the neck.” If that didn’t toss him off the reality cliff, nothing would.

  He twisted toward her. “That sounds barbaric.”

  Her shoulders sagged. How did she expect him to react? With joy? “I’ve never been bitten, but supposedly, it’s not painful as long as it’s done in the heat of the moment. When I’m excited, my animal teeth extend, but that’s all I know about the mating process.”

  “Are they like your tiger teeth?” he asked. She quickly glanced over at him, and the whites of his eyes were showing even in the dark.

  She felt herself sinking lower and lower. Stupid, Jillian. I never should have brought up the concept of mating so soon. Hell, they hadn’t even kissed. “I can’t really tell. They’ve sharpened a few times, but not by much. I think it’s because I hadn’t met my mate when it happened.”

  “Why are you telling me about this mate stuff?”

  Why was she? Because I need to know if you’
re feeling anything close to what I’m feeling. “Because you’re my mate,” she blurted, immediately sensing a wave of hope coming from Brian.

  Don’t get too excited, her tiger warned. Be cautious.

  So now her tiger decides to go the slow route? What was up with that? They’d have a heart-to-heart talk later.

  “Back up a minute. You actually believe we’re destined to be with each other? Like Kalan and Elana are?”

  He didn’t have to sound so surprised. “From the way I’ve been reacting to you, yes, but don’t worry. I promise to control myself when I’m around you unless I know you feel the same way about me.” Her heart jumped to her throat and remained lodged there. “The moment I walked into Teagan’s party—before I even set eyes on you—my body went kind of crazy with lust. At first, I couldn’t understand it, but the air smelled sweeter, and my heart practically fluttered. It was only after a day or so that I realized what that meant.” She wouldn’t go into any more detail.

  “The way you described it, mating is purely physical without much emotional attachment.” His tone came out bitter.

  She was really messing this up. “That’s not what I meant—or rather what I’ve been told. Just ask Elana or Kalan. At first, maybe yes, it is lust filled. Think of this mating call as a fire starter. That’s all. The emotional part is left up to the couple. At least, I think that’s how it works. My dad was a shifter, but he died when I was six, so he wasn’t around to explain it to me. My mom did the best she could.”

  He reached out and placed a hand on her thigh. “I’m sorry.”

  “Thanks.” She pushed aside the rush of excitement at his touch.

  “I have a confession to make too,” he said.

  Her body tensed. “What’s that?”

  “I experienced the same reaction to you. I felt you before I saw you, and the moment you walked around the corner, my brain froze. Other parts did not freeze, however, which was why I had to leave. I had this overwhelming urge to touch you, but I’d been taught to take things slow. I’m not always good at reading people. Besides, I didn’t want to mess it up. It’s not every day a beautiful woman walks up to me at a party.”


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