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Her Marine Next Door

Page 11

by Burke, Aliyah

  Hand on the small of her back, he guided her through the parking lot to the truck. Jaw clenched, he tried to control his rage. And embarrassment.

  “You can breathe a bit easier now, Parker. It’s okay.”

  He spun her into his chest. “Bull-fucking-shit it’s okay. I’m so sorry they treated you like that.”

  Her smile was sad. “It’s not anything I haven’t had directed my way before. In fact, I’ve had worse things said. You can’t let it get to you. I’ll survive. I did. We both did. And you have to remember, this isn’t something permanent.”

  He cupped her nape, then unlocked her door, her words bothering him more than ever. Never before had he wanted to push, to ask about someone more. He’d grown up in a house where it wasn’t done. It was said or it wasn’t, and you moved on. But with her, he wanted to know more. Problem was, he wasn’t sure how to broach it without her shutting down. “Whether we’re permanent or not, she had no reason to behave like that. As far as they know, you are my fiancée, and they should have been welcoming.”

  She waited one beat, two, then slid her arms around his neck and touched their lips together. He froze, shocked by the kiss but unwilling to move back.

  His cock strained against the material of his slacks when her tongue slid along his lower lip. Then she pushed in. He was there to welcome her. His lids closed as he wrapped her tightly to him, hands splayed along her back and the swell of her ass.

  Everything within him screamed at him to not let her go when she backed up, but he loosened his hold and allowed her to step back. Passion swam in those incredible brown eyes. He skimmed his tongue along his lips, indulging in the flavor of her mint lip gloss.

  “I’ll be okay, Parker.”

  Even though her words were confident, he heard the wobble in her voice and cursed his parents once more. He didn’t stop there—he added himself to the beratement list, because he was the one who’d insisted on the dinner and made her stay, suffering his mom’s behavior because he hadn’t believed she’d act that way. One thing was for sure—he wouldn’t let that happen again.

  “Come on, baby. I promised you an explanation, and I owe you something to make up for that shitty dinner.”

  Thunder rolled and again, her eyes cut to the left and out over the water.

  Parker unlocked the truck and helped her up. After a lingering caress on her leg, he closed the door and went to his side and pulled himself in.

  He didn’t say anything when he turned off far before they got home.

  In the beachfront parking, he backed the truck up as close as he could to the sand and turned off the ignition. Then he went back to her side.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “Did you think I wouldn’t notice how often your gaze cut to the water and the storm over it? I know you love watching them. Come on, let’s go down to the beach and watch your storm come ashore.”

  The excitement in her gaze made him feel as if he’d handed her a key to the world. “I just need to take off my shoes.”

  “I got them.”

  He crouched by her and unhooked the dual buckles on her shoes before removing each one and placing them on the floorboard of the truck. Her joy was worth any existing pain he had in his leg. She took his offered hand and hopped out. “Oh God, that feels so much better.”

  He slammed the door behind her and tugged her back against him. “Uncomfortable, were they?”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Well, you did mention the thong was uncomfortable, as well. I’m more than willing to remove that for you, too.”

  She gazed up at him over her shoulder. “What makes you think I didn’t already take it off in the restaurant?”

  His dick was ready to declare mutiny on him. Holy fuck, this woman. What she did to him.

  She laced their fingers and dragged him down over the sand to the water. He didn’t go farther, because he still wore his dress shoes, so she released him and went in until the water was up to her ankles.

  “I don’t trust my mom to keep her mouth shut,” he blurted out as she came back to his side, her face aglow in the flashes of light from the incoming storm. “Once it comes out about this thing between us being fake.”

  She paused before him, hands at her sides and head canted a tiny bit to the left. He loved how she gave him her full attention; even if they weren’t on the same page, she always gave him the respect of all her focus.

  “And you think you’ll be pushed more toward Cullen’s mother.”

  He nodded, reaching out and twining two fingers in her hair, which moved in the strengthening wind.

  “My mom isn’t exactly known for her subtlety.”

  “Really?” she deadpanned. “I hadn’t noticed.”

  A laugh burst from him and pressed tiny kisses along her lips. This woman amazed him.

  “I don’t want Gemma in my life in the way she’s angling for. My mom’s like a pit bull when she gets something in her head.”

  “She’s your mom. I’m sure she feels she knows what’s best for her baby boy.”

  “I’m not in diapers.”

  She rested her head against his arm as they walked. “I know that, Parker. I just mean that to her, you’ll always be her baby. No matter how old you are. Kind of the same way I suspect you’d be if you had a little girl. No man who came close to her would be good enough.”

  “Fuck no they wouldn’t.”

  He tried to imagine a baby girl with anyone but her and fell short. Even as they strolled, he couldn’t help but feel more admiration for this woman who, despite the boorish behavior shown her by his own mother, defended her actions.

  They walked for a while in silence, picking up shells and watching as the storm grew more impressive the closer it got. When he wanted to get her away from it, he steered them back to their starting point and up to the truck.

  The first drops of rain had begun as he left the lot and pointed the truck toward home.


  That’s what it was with the woman in the passenger seat.

  But would he find a way to keep her in his life after this blew up? It was bound to; he knew this, understood she did, too. Tonight with his parents proved that. It had been about getting into her bed, then to keep Gemma at bay and his mom off her planning a wedding, but he could still see there was something huge Skylar was keeping from him. She said all the right words, had all the correct action, but still, something lingered in her eyes that was full of pain in her past. Something he wanted to know.

  Chapter Eight

  Skylar walked out of her house a few days after the calamitous dinner, stomach grumbling as she made her way to her truck and reached for the driver’s door, only to stop when Parker snorted and drew her back by him. She hadn’t even heard him approach. She’d had another setback in the garage this morning, and this was seriously fucking pissing her off. She had enough to worry about with her hand slowing her down, but her pieces had been disfigured and broken. This was too much. Until she had proof it was Gemma, however, she couldn’t broach the subject with her current houseguest and bed partner.

  Last she knew, Parker been inside talking about food, Cullen spending the day with either his mom or grandparents. She wasn’t sure and didn’t ask. They were still putting on a front for baby momma but since the arrival of his parents, Gemma was doing what she could to come off as better than Skylar. Seemed to be working, to his parents at least. More specifically his mom. Parker hovered protectively when his family was there, and while she thought it was nice, she didn’t need it. She didn’t need him to play knight in shining armor. She needed the nightmares to stop, the dreams and the guilt to go away.

  She needed space. She hated the fact that her mind had pulled Cullen in and begun putting him in place of Brennen. Not like a permanent replacement, instead showing her what she could have. She wasn’t ready
for that.

  Was she?

  “You’re not driving,” he growled. “And when we’re on the way to get some food, you’re going to tell me what the fuck is going on that you had to get back to the doctor.”

  He opened the driver’s door and lifted her to the seat.

  “This is my truck,” she protested. “Why do you think I went to the doctor? Checkup on my hand.”

  He cocked a dark blond brow in her direction, a taunting smirk on his face. “Keys are down the front of my pants. Want to go after them?”

  Hell yes. “Aren’t you afraid something down there is going to be jealous with the keys outsizing them?”

  His eyes, more green than blue right now, blazed with heat. “We both know my cock doesn’t have a damn thing to be jealous of. Although if you’re a little hazy on that, we could do a refresher course. I’m up for that, and I know he would be.”

  Her pulse jumped and skittered out of control. The quirk of his lips told her he’d caught it.

  Part of her wanted to lean closer, put her lips to his and brush the hair falling forward over his forehead away from his eyes. This Parker, right here, the one who looked at her like she truly meant something to him and they weren’t playing for the crowd, had already stolen her heart.

  But this wasn’t real, and she had to keep remembering that. This was going to be a motherfucking painful lesson when it was over. When he went back to being the asshole neighbor who threw loud parties and allowed his guests to park in her driveway and use her yard like their own personal trash receptacle. Then again, perhaps he would be nicer after the fact.

  “Why not? The doctor said I wasn’t supposed to hold anything heavy,” she quipped. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

  He narrowed his gaze. She waited for his comeback but didn’t get one. He kissed her instead. Put his mouth on hers and claimed more of her soul.

  Parker nipped her lower lip, then pushed his tongue deep in her mouth. Flicking it along hers twice before he swept it through, and she purred in response. Her wrapped hand settled along his chest while she gripped his side with her right.

  As he edged in closer to her, she willingly widened her legs, wanting him there, needing him at her core. Lightning moved from his touch to her clit and back.

  His fingertips scored along the top of her waistband beneath her shirt and she whimpered, craving his touch everywhere.

  “You’re wet for me, aren’t you, Skylar? If I pushed my fingers down the front of these fucking jeans you’re wearing, you’d soak my fingers.”

  “Yes.” She shifted against the cloth of her seat.

  He kissed her again, and she was grateful; she didn’t know if she had it in her to disagree with him, even though logically, she should.

  Parker slid her to the passenger seat. The drive to grab some food was silent. When she turned to observe him as he drove, she spied the car seat Cullen used when they took him places together. She’d been the one to install it for him, showing him the proper way. And he’d let her, his expression appreciative of her gesture.

  Like a family.

  That thought deserved a strong mental reprimand. She adjusted once more and faced out the front, needing that to vanish from her mind.

  “You okay over there? Want to tell me what’s going on with your hand?”

  No, she wasn’t, and no, she didn’t, but it was better than thinking about being this man’s wife and mother to Cullen.

  “I got my ass reamed by the doc for doing too much with my hand. He said I wasn’t letting it heal, and if I wasn’t careful, I could do permanent damage.” Dr. Morse had scared her. If she couldn’t work, she lost her income. It’s not like she was hurting for money, but she didn’t want to be in a situation where she was. At least she’d finished all her soonest-coming-due contracts.

  His cell rang, and he answered it after holding up a finger. “Everything okay, sir?”

  Another reminder of what she no longer had. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to pretend the entire situation was fine and not tearing her apart a little more each day.

  “Sorry,” Parker said. “They’re taking Cullen out to a park, then dinner.”

  She rested her head against the window. “Sounds nice.”

  “What else did the doc say?”

  “That I should accept help, and if I need someone to help move wood, he would.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense, and I’ve told you that numerous times. I’ll do it.”

  “I don’t—”

  “Don’t,” he ground out. “You’re going to accept my help. I know I’m on leave for an injury, but I’m still fucking capable of carrying some wood for you. I’m not a goddamn invalid.”

  Yes, he was still bitter about that.

  Turning her focus to the city rushing by, she took several deep breaths. “Okay.” The physical therapy was a huge sore subject for him, and one she wasn’t going to brave. Perhaps if they’d been a real couple she’d force it, but they weren’t, and it wasn’t her job to make him talk about his fears and frustrations that came with being sidelined from active duty.


  “So how does that work exactly?” Skylar paused in her sweeping to watch the man who took up more than his fair share of her thoughts as he finished loading the dishwasher from dinner. Cullen was seated at the table, head bent, tongue out as he worked studiously on his drawing. Murray was sitting in the chair beside him. They were having dinner with just the three of them as often as they could.

  He lifted his head and stared at her. “How does what work? I mean, I’m all for a hands-on tutorial.”

  She pointed to her hair. “How does that work?”

  He raked a hand through his hair. “My hair?”

  “It’s longer than most military guys I’ve seen. Ioan has a ponytail, and even Gibson is sporting longer hair.’’

  He prowled toward her, pausing between her and Cullen and her. “One, their hair is not up for discussion. Two.” He blinked. “We’re allowed.”

  She cut her gaze to the left. “Because you’re Recon.”

  “How did you know I was Recon?”

  Skylar couldn’t stop the snort. “All your women talking about it. Or you boys doing stupid things, laughing and lifting your beers before yelling out ‘Recon.’ Just a few thoughts.”

  Parker grabbed her and pulled her flush to him. “I don’t have women. I have a woman. You. Come on, let’s go outside. Cullen. You, too. You can draw on the porch.”

  He tugged her beside him to the porch swing and draped his arm around her.

  “Yes. We tend to not look like your typical service member. Our code is more relaxed.”

  “Did you always want to be a marine?” She had this urge to know so much more about him.

  He had a pensive look on his face before he gave a single nod. “I did. With my old man as one, I think part of me believed I was expected to follow in his footsteps. Once I got there though, I loved it. My men, they depend on me, and I on them.”

  He couldn’t have made it clearer he had every intention of going back. She got it, or at least she thought she did. She’d never been in the situations like he was, where you relied on someone so heavily to make it. So she understood, truly. But on some level, she was hoping this farcical arrangement was meaning more to him, like it was to her.

  She shouldn’t be so fanciful. There had been very definite guidelines set for their sham. They had the fake—perhaps no longer so fake—attraction between them. They were okay with exclusivity and sex during the time he was home. Then, depending on what the results were, they would go from there.

  Cullen climbed up into the seat and settled between them. Her heart reminded her, yet again, she’d also fallen for the little boy.

  “How about you? What got you into woodworking?”

  Pain welled up in her at the thou
ght of Reggie. More so, because that led to thoughts of her sweet, sweet boy…

  “I learned from a guy I was dating.” That was the truth. “He taught me, and I found not only did I love it, but I was pretty good at it.”

  He gave a chuckle, sliding his hand to cup her nape. “You’re goddamn amazing.”

  “Potty mouth.” Cullen’s laugh made her smile. “He owes the jar.”

  “You’re right. I do.” He squeezed her hand, imprinting his mark on her further. “Never any desire to do anything else?”

  She closed her eyes as he moved his fingers along her while Cullen tucked himself right against her, making it so her arm was around him. “Not sure.”

  Parker’s touch was making her a puddle of mush, and it wasn’t overtly sexual. He was just touching her. “Meaning?”

  “Never gave it much thought.”

  “So, no push from your parents?”

  “I lost them when I was younger. Just kind of on my own except for Ryliee.”

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  The tender moment splintered when she heard Gemma’s high-pitched voice as she, no doubt, crossed the yards.

  “’Night, Cullen,” she whispered, and kissed him on the head. Then she walked away, knowing if she stayed, there would be ugliness.

  The evening had been pleasant, and they were learning more about each other, and while nice, she still hesitated to allow him all the way in. To be witness to her darkest secrets.

  She’d just carried her cup of hot tea to her usual side of the couch, Alpin on his bed, when Parker walked in. Her heart kicked up a few notches, and she averted her gaze to the crossword puzzle beside her.

  Seconds after she’d gotten to her page, he lowered himself to the couch beside her.


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