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Match Made in HeVan

Page 7

by Lucy Kelly

  “Majesty,” the young man said, looking around.

  He saw the emergency entrance was filling with people, warriors and half of the Assembly members.

  “I need a status report on Queen Malpha. Where is my wife?” he asked.

  “If you’ll wait just a moment, Majesty, I’ll check and see,” he said.

  He had come back from his break to find the entire emergency station in an uproar. He rushed to find a doctor or nurse who could give King Ben information on his wife. He returned minutes later with the doctor who had assisted when the queen had arrived.

  “Majesty, if you’ll come with me?” he asked, knowing the king would want to hear this news in private.

  After the king and two of his warriors entered the exam cubicle, the doctor explained in a quiet voice.

  “The scans we did show the knife pierced the lung and nicked the queen’s liver. There is internal bleeding, but not as much as there may have been if the knife had been removed from the wound. She was sent straight into surgery. We will save the queen. It was unknown when she went up, if we would be able to save the baby. If you go to the surgical station on the second floor, you will be met,” he explained, leading the king to the lift.

  Ben, his heart in his throat, went up to the surgical station. Another doctor met him as he stepped out of the lift. He gave the king a more detailed explanation of what was happening in the surgical bay. He wished he could see what was happening. At the same time, he understood that to see Malpha in pain and bleeding, cut open, would be too hard for him.

  An hour later, Thors and BianCa arrived to sit with him. BianCa was trying not to cry. Thors asked Ben if there was anything he could take care of for him. The king raised his head where it was resting in his hands, his eyes blazing.

  “Take care of the traitor. I don’t want to see him again,” he said, his voice rough, cracking a little.

  “It will be done,” Thors said, stepping out of the waiting lounge.

  BianCa walked over to the window and stared out. Looking down, she saw the area surrounding the hospital had begun to fill with people. There had to be over a thousand. Stepping over to the warrior at the door, she asked him to find out why so many had gathered. He explained that since the assassination attempt had been so public, many found out about it right away. His counterpart outside the building had communicated to him the crowd was peaceful. There to support the royal family. When she understood, she went over and sat down next to her brother. Reaching over, she took one of his hands.

  “She’s strong, Ben, she’ll pull through.”

  “They said we may lose the baby,” he whispered.

  “I don’t think Malpha will let that happen, brother. She’s waited too long to have a child. Have faith in your wife.”

  “I do. She’s everything to me, BianCa. I don’t think I could live without her. I know we’ve only been wed for a short while, but I love her already,” he said.

  “You’re not the only one. The hospital is surrounded by those who love her. Even though you’ve only been married for a little more than half a year, that’s plenty of time to fall in love. I loved Thors within minutes of meeting him,” she said.

  “I’m glad you’ve found your one, sister. You deserve to be happy.”

  “So do you. I know Malpha loves you very much, too. She’s looking forward to a long life full of children, laughter, and loving.”

  The two of them sat quietly, waiting to hear the words that Malpha and their babe would be alright.

  A little over an hour later, the doctor who had operated came to the lounge. BianCa and Ben stood to hear the news.

  “We were able to get the bleeding under control. The lung had collapsed but she’s breathing fine. The baby survived the surgery. I’d like to keep the queen in the hospital under observation for a week and then I believe she should remain on bed rest for at least one additional month to avoid complications. The fact that she is in such excellent physical condition overall will help her recover quickly,” he explained.

  “Thank you, doctor. When can I see her?” asked the king.

  “She’s being moved to a private room now. A nurse will be in the room monitoring her life signs at all times. As soon as the transfer is complete, you can go in and see her. She will be awakened when you are there. I’m sure she’d prefer it if you are the first one she sees. We’ve blocked any pain signals from reaching her nervous system, which will enable her to rest comfortably. Do you have any questions?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t. Thank you for taking such good care of her. I’d appreciate it if you’d thank the rest of your team for me,” Ben said.

  After the doctor left, he turned to give his sister a hug.

  “Did you hear? She’s going to be fine,” he said, finally letting a few tears fall.

  BianCa held on tight, sharing the moment with him.

  “You should send a message to all the people outside. They’re waiting to hear how she is,” she told him.

  “Would you do that for me? I need to see her.”

  “Of course I will,” she said.

  She waited until he was being led to Malpha’s room before making her way outside to speak to the crowd. Thors had helped her become comfortable with speaking and dealing with large groups. She was gaining confidence from Malpha, as well. But she was still happy to see her own husband had returned and would be standing next to her when she spoke.

  Someone had set up a crude stage with a voice enhancer. She and Thors stepped up and waited for the crowd to quiet down.

  “Malpha, Queen of KowLer, and who is also my sister-in-law, was stabbed upon her arrival home. She has pulled through her surgery and both she and her babe survived and will recover fully. My brother and I thank you for coming and supporting him and his beloved wife during this ordeal.”

  Several messengers from other clans shouted questions but Thors helped BianCa leave the stage to go back into the hospital. She wanted to see for herself that Malpha was alright. PetruChio, Ben’s closest friend and advisor, stepped up to answer questions and then disperse the crowd.

  Malpha woke up. As the doctor predicted, the first person she saw was Ben. Seeing the fear in his eyes, she reached up and put her hand on his cheek.

  “I’m fine, my love, as is our child. There’s no need to worry,” she said.

  He couldn’t help himself, he had to feel her breath on his face. Leaning over, he gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.

  “I forbid you to ever scare me like that again,” he said in a fierce whisper.

  “I promise I’ll do my best, if you can make the same promise to me,” she answered.

  BianCa and Thors came into the room and Ben reluctantly stepped back so BianCa could weep a little over her sister-in-law. Thors motioned for Ben to step outside into the corridor for a moment. Ben followed him out but then turned so he could still see his wife.

  “It’s done. RubEn will not trouble you or your Queen anymore,” he said.

  “Good,” Ben said with satisfaction, before returning to his wife’s side.

  “I’m sorry if this is going to ruin your plans for a feast day tomorrow,” she said.

  “You haven’t ruined a thing. We’ll have our own private celebration here.”

  “Why do I have to stay here? I feel fine,” she said. Oh, Goddess! Was that a whine coming from me? Have I become a whining female?

  “That’s because the doctor blocked your pain receptors. You need to remain in bed for at least five days before you can return to the palace,” he said, reiterating what the doctor had told him.

  “I’d like to speak to the doctor, too,” she said.

  Not only did she want to find out the full extent of her injuries, she also wanted to convince him to let her be monitored from her home. She disliked being in the hospital because there were so many strangers around and all the nurses and doctors seemed to be men. She didn’t have a huge problem with that before the last seven months, she’d lived surrounded by
men for a very long time. Now that she’d made so many friends with women though, she preferred their company when she was feeling weak.

  Ben promised to have the doctor stop by. He was a little surprised the doctor hadn’t been there when they woke her up. He was about to tell Thors he would arrange for BianCa’s rooms at the palace to be cleaned, when he heard BianCa say something to Malpha, which caught his attention.

  “Glynnis is coming?” he asked.

  He had met the Nephilim Queen’s grandmother and was impressed with her. He would appreciate her counsel and that of her Ankida. Wherever Glynnis went, her Ankida would be there also.

  “Glynnis asked to be with me when I gave birth. I sent a message to her when I passed my third month. She told me she would come and stay through the birth and for the first month at least,” explained Malpha.

  “I’m glad she and her Ankida will be coming. I’m a little surprised she would leave her own granddaughters and great-granddaughters until they are a little older,” he said. He could see he had said something wrong, and that he had hurt her.

  “Glynnis married my mother’s cousins. They are the only blood relations I have. She is standing in place of a mother to me,” she said simply, waiting to see his reaction in her need for family.

  She didn’t want to go into the whole story about her family being so hated on HeVan because of her own grandmother’s actions. The nurse had been very quiet but Malpha hadn’t forgotten his presence, she didn’t want that hatred to spread to the KowLer.

  “I hadn’t realized you were related. I’m glad you have them. It’s good you’ll have her here with you. I know having her near when the baby comes will be comforting,” he said smiling at her. She was willing to accept his apology for hurting her feelings for even a moment.

  “That’s just it, according to the message Thors received from her Ankida, they will be arriving at any time. I wanted to welcome them to our home and now I’m stuck here. Would you please get that doctor and see if there is any way for me to go home to the palace? I promise to stay in bed for a week, if it’s really necessary,” she said.

  “Let me get the doctor in here and we’ll both talk to him.”

  Ben left the room to have the doctor called. BianCa and Thors moved closer to the bed to talk quietly with Malpha. If Malpha truly wanted to go home to the palace, he would try to fix that for her. After asking at the surgical station for the doctor to be found and sent to the queen’s room, he returned. He didn’t like being away from her for too long. He was still having flashbacks of her stabbing. It had happened right in front of him and he hadn’t even seen it. How could I be so blind?

  He spoke to the warrior guard outside her door. She would not go unprotected ever again.

  Stepping inside the room, he was aware that he was angry all over again about the attack on BianCa’s estate. This newest outrage brought it all back again. Seeing the nurse by the bed performing a scan, he was reminded that this wasn’t the time or the place to go into it. But they would, of that he was damn sure.

  Some ten minutes later, the doctor arrived. With one glance, Malpha could see he didn’t like being summoned. Huh, wonder why? Did she have another enemy?

  “Majesty, you asked me here? Did you have a question for me?” the doctor asked, looking at the king.

  “Actually, Malpha has some questions for you,” Ben said, gesturing to his wife.

  The doctor quickly hid his surprised expression and turned to the bed.

  “Exactly what are my injuries and what is the current prognosis?” she asked him.

  “You wouldn’t understand the terminology, Highness. It’s better if you simply follow my direction. Rest quietly and you will be healed in time.”

  Turning away from her, he asked, “Is there anything else?”

  Before Ben could respond, Malpha spoke.

  “Doctor¯I will call you simply doctor, since you haven’t bothered to introduce yourself. Now, doctor, why don’t you answer my question and let me worry about understanding your explanation? I’m sure if I have more questions, your magnificent brain will be able to answer them,” she said in a cold voice.

  The nerve blocker was wearing off. She was uncomfortable. She was in a room with strangers, and the marathon session of sexual escapades she’d planned on having with her husband had been put on indefinite delay. Not a time to be messing with my temper!

  “Very well, since you insist. The intercostals piercing resulted in a hemorrhage to the liver, compounded with internal bleeding and a pneumothorax. We treated the liver injury with a resectional debridement and the pneumothorax with a pleurodesis. We need to watch for infection from the liver injury and, because of the internal bleeding, extra care is required so you don’t lose the king’s baby,” he explained.

  Raising an eyebrow, she answered him, “So, I was stabbed in between my ribs, my lung collapsed due to air seepage. You used a chemical agent to plug the leak and then cut away and removed the damaged portion of my liver. You didn’t mention any injury to my gall bladder, so the possibility of infection is reduced. I can understand you wanting to take extra care in regards to our baby. However, I disagree that I need to remain here in the hospital for a week. Blocking of the pain receptors, wound care and bed rest can all be done at the palace. Am I correct?”

  She could tell he was shocked that a mere female was able to understand all of his medical terminology. He had deliberately tried to make his explanation as unclear as possible. The look on Ben and BianCa’s face said it all.

  “My wife’s aunt and uncles are arriving at any time. She will be well looked after at the palace. I worry that being in an uncomfortable and strange atmosphere here might affect her healing in a negative way. Please make it possible for her to come home,” said the king.

  He’d made it a request, but everyone knew it was really a royal command.

  “As you wish, Majesty. Though it will be against medical advice,” he tacked on.

  Malpha didn’t care, she was just happy to finally be going home.

  Chapter Eleven

  The transfer back to the palace went well, and Malpha ate the evening meal in her own bed. Wanting to be alone with his wife, he sent GemMa off. After eating, she became sleepy, so Ben let her curl up and get the rest she needed. Carrying the tray out of the room, he put it in the hallway, then went to speak with Thors and BianCa. Knocking on the door to their suite, he entered when Thors opened the door.

  “Come in, Majesty, BianCa and I were just viewing the messenger reports on the KowLer communication channel. She wanted to catch up on worldwide events,” he said.

  “When we’re private, please call me Ben. I wanted to talk to you about the attack on the estate. Do you think we have all our traitors now? Do you think the traitors you caught were connected to RubEn’s betrayal?” he asked.

  He gave his sister a smile and sat down on one of the comfortable seats in her lounge.

  BianCa turned off the viewer using the remote. Putting it down on the low table in front of her, she stood.

  “I’ll leave you two to your discussions. I’m going to take a long bath. Unless Malpha needs me?” she asked.

  “Malpha is already asleep. She needs the rest so she can heal,” Ben said as he stood to give his sister a hug.

  “Part of that is the baby. Growing a life takes a lot of energy,” she said, hugging him back.

  Just before she reached the door, she looked back at her husband. “Don’t be too long, I’ve missed having you with me.”

  Thors nodded to her, his eyes heated with lust and pride. She was so beautiful, rounded with their babe. Like the other women of KowLer, she was getting close to term. He thought the way she waddled across the room was adorable.

  “Call for me when you want to leave the bath. I don’t want you to slip and hurt yourself.” He didn’t turn back to Ben until BianCa had given her agreement.

  “Malpha gave BianCa and me a bottle of Seraphian brandy. Would you like to try it? On HeVan,
it’s very hard to come by,” he said.

  “After that build up, I’ll have to try it,” Ben said with a smile.

  “I sent you the images. What more do you want to know?” Thors asked.

  He found some crystal brandy glasses and placed a warmer around them. Opening a locked cabinet, he took out a dark bottle with a faded label. He poured a couple of ounces of the dark liquor into each goblet. Corking the bottle, he locked it back into the cabinet and carried the drinks back to the seating area.

  “Why did you allow the men to get even that close to the estate? Why didn’t you take them earlier?” he asked, lifting up the goblet to smell the aroma coming out of the glass.

  He lifted it and took a small taste. The flavors burst through his mouth and warmth spread through his body as he swallowed. It was glorious¯ambrosia to the taste buds. He looked at Thors and saw the same euphoria reflected in his friend’s eyes. Neither of them spoke for the next little while. They each lay back, drank and relaxed. It had been a long tense day and the brandy helped them push aside their worries for a time.

  A call from the other room broke their silent reveries. Thors got up to help BianCa from the bath and as he did, Ben sat up straighter. That was powerful stuff. He heard some giggling from the other room and then silence. He was interrupting his sister’s reunion with her husband and part of him felt he should leave. But the other part of him knew that protection of his wife and his people was paramount. If there were more traitors and betrayers, they needed to be rooted out.

  Thors reentered the lounge and hoped the brandy had done its job and mellowed the king. He didn’t want the man to go off in a rage when he learned the full truth of what had occurred. Oh, well, it was no use second guessing; it was best to get it over with.

  “I wasn’t there to take the men because, like you, I hadn’t thought of the possibility there were more traitors. Or that they would make an attempt on the females. Even the duke, at his most evil, hadn’t tried to kill any on KowLer until he acted on the Nephilim ship. No, it was Malpha. She is older and has much more experience in plots and strategies. She analyzed the terrain and knew exactly where they would strike. She approached a few of the women and they built and placed the traps. When the first trap was sprung, she was alerted. She contacted me to come in and do the clean-up. She didn’t want to disturb the women.”


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