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The Lost Time Probe

Page 5

by V Bertolaccini

  When he reached the bottom he never saw it and landed on the ground without looking and immediately removed the harness off him and removed a can of beer from his side pocket and started drinking, and started examining the surrounding well, and the ground and lower wall going around him, and examined it in more detail, and recognized part of something covered in a thick layer of dried out muck.

  He rushed over and he pulled chunks of muck away, but all he found was a black slab of rock embedded in the dried muck, and that it looked like some form of black stone, but it interested him, and he wondered where the hell the treasure could be, and realized he had not realized how far he had to hunt for it.

  While he dug up the muck below him, near the wall, he realized there was no water below, and in it anymore.

  For fifteen minutes he patiently dug away at it and removed boulders, and he successfully reached where the bottom had been, and heard Kurt arrive at the top of the well and shout down, and he shouted back that he was still searching.

  Clouds of powdered dirt came rushing down the walls and swirled about through the well in the torchlight and he searched above to see if he was coming down.

  When Kurt never appeared he raced to find it, and tried to imagine where it would have been put, and he dug down in the exact central region and straightaway started to find pieces of pottery – and was sure it proved that there had been something there – and he wondered what the outcome of it would be, and with astonishment he slowly wrenched up a long slab of stone and started revealing incredible valuable large glittering diamonds and jewels and gold statues.

  Chapter 19

  The Museum

  The Museum captivated Eisenberg as he entered its confines, and he strolled about, and he wondered why he had just unsuccessfully tried to meet Howard Eisenberg, and he wondered why he would not meet him, and wondered if they wanted him to believe he was alive for some reason.

  He strolled through the exhibitions eating, and I thought of staying longer to see the other exhibitions, and was surprised when he spotted the artifact exhibition in the distance and nearly choked on his meal, with its glowing shape under the bright lights staggering him, and the people standing around it were speechless, and he was left confused wondering what they thought it was, and realized the dangers of it.

  He realized the treasure might be worth more as Indian treasure than what its normal value was, and again realized how much Dracula’s treasure could be worth someday.

  While he slowly made his way over to the artifact exhibition he removed the newspapers he bought that morning and read the headlines with amazement and of vampire and zombie sightings and realized that they would have to get rid of it.

  He was sure they could find a better museum for the artifact exhibition, and realized again why he had gone through with the idea, as well as to get the thing out the mansion before it did something, as he was sure it was deadly, and they had still not been able to activate or open it, and he again wondered what the hell it was.

  While he approached it he saw how much it had altered and tried to detect the difference, and why it was there, and realized it looked incredible, and at it he stood glaring at it in amazement, and studied it repeatedly trying to grasp some vague unseen detail to it, and he saw its incredible characteristics and features as he viewed it at angles.

  Again it surprised him that the scientists that discovered it under the mansion, with its immense powers, and it surprised him that the scientists had less interest in it now, especially after they had checked it with everything they now had, but he was left confused, and he was sure they would have far more future experiments and investigations to carry out.

  While he walked around its glass exhibition case, with his mouth open, he wondered why the hell it was there, as he never fully intended it to go into such an exhibition, but perhaps to some famous research place, and he observed its strange, perfectly symmetrical, black shape glowing in the museum’s hall, and he realized the last look it had, and realized its alterations and it altering its appearance could ruin the exhibition.

  It was as though it had some form of energy they had not detected, and he wondered why it was there, and it was more of a danger to the public than he had realized, and he realized the mistake they had made, and realized that now it had been discovered, and observed by the public and media, that he should remove it and find a place for it where it was not a danger to the public, and he stood observing it influencing the tourists as they approached it.

  Chapter 20

  The Museum Conference

  When Eisenberg returned to the museum he was left baffled at what was occurring, as nobody had told him anything, and at first he thought it was to do with him removing the artifact from the museum exhibitions.

  The scientists were on a stage in a museum hall and were going to show the artifact exhibition to a large audience and were giving some of the latest findings by the scientists.

  It confused Kurt and the paranormal investigator as the scientists never really gave anything new and had not come out with anything new for weeks and they believed that they would have discovered virtually everything of importance; but they realized they had something important.

  The audience baffled Eisenberg when he noticed their astonished behavior and vague accounts of the discovery; which they never gave anything directly of anything.

  At the side of the stage he spotted scientists shifting something in, which was covered over, and they gradually shifted it into the center of the stage, in front of the audience, which he realized was the artifact; which most of the audience seemed to be watching.

  Eisenberg started spotting scientists and famous people everywhere he looked, and the atmosphere was turning unbelievable, and as though something unbelievable and dangerous could occur.

  One of the scientists led Eisenberg, Kurt, and the paranormal investigator away and up the central aisle to front seats, and he felt a shiver run through him as he sensed something could occur there, and he could not grasp why, and he slowly noticed the appearance of the artifact under the cover.

  The thing seemed deadly now and he sensed its pulsating energy, and he sensed more, and he wondered what the hell they had done to it, and he heard silent sounds from it, which sounded like it was on the brink of something.

  He sat examining everything he could, considering what had happened, and perhaps why they had not mentioned anything of the alterations.

  When they removed the cover off the artifact the whole hall turned silent and he studied the artifact’s deadly appearance staggered, trying to grasp what had happened to it, and saw it looked like it had also turned vaguely translucent and he thought he saw the shape of something inside it, and gasped, and considered what the hell it could be, and wondered if it had turned into its true state, or was turning into it, and after long carefully examinations he thought he saw a life form, in some form of rest.

  It looked powerful, deadly, and he swiftly tried to grasp why!

  He glared into it trying to grasp a clue about it and he heard some of the scientists and realized that they wanted everyone to get everything about it from the scientists that were going to appear on stage, and he wondered why they were no longer keeping it a secret, and wondered if it was an extraterrestrial, but if it was something else what the hell was it and why the hell did they want the media there, further along from him, to know of it, and he realized the scientists only wanted the media not to get any information until they gave it.

  It looked like a form of weird exhibition when they put colored lights over it, and he realized that Kurt and the paranormal scientist only vaguely knew what was being revealed.

  On stage, a few scientists shifted over to the artifact, and one gasped when he glanced sideways at the artifact, in its new state, and he ignored it and rushed over to the microphone and started giving detailed descriptions of what they had detected from the artifact, and their detection methods.

  Eisenberg saw a group of scientists
bringing in equipment, and watched them arranging it around the artifact, and he gasped and wondered what the hell they were doing, and dealing with, and for a moment thought he saw something inside it shift.

  He wondered what the scientists were doing with it, and what was happening, and what their confidential research of it had revealed – and them trying to make contact with what was there, and if there was anything there.

  The scientists gave vague information on what they had found and their discovery of it, and scientific accounts.

  New leading scientists arrived and were allowed to investigate it on the stage and they crowded around it loudly discussing it.

  Most of the audience silently watched on in wonder, and many watched on wondering what the hell it was, and why they never properly gave any detailed accounts of what it was, as it was far more different than anything seen, and what was mentioned, and Eisenberg realized that he had not heard anything that could properly explain anything, and he studied the main scientists hoping to pick something up.

  Many of the scientists that had been working on it showed detailed information that had been accumulated, and Eisenberg saw that they had been keeping most of their work confidential, and wondered what else they had.

  Chapter 21

  The Monster Returns

  Eisenberg sat down in the mansion library staggered at what he had just found along the corridor, and the Dracula monster in the chamber they had found the vampires in, and had seen its black shape shifting about the tombs.

  Its shape was a humanoid formation and he realized how it had altered itself, and just how fast and deadly it now was, and he wondered how they would rid the world of it.

  It had been killed before in its Transylvanian castle and he violently shuddered as he recalled it altering its shape and he realized it might have detected him where he was hidden, and for some reason it ignored him, and he wondered why.

  He had watched it silently and it alter into a large black flying demon creature, and had shifted up into the hole in the chamber roof, over the tombs, and up into the attic.

  In the room next to the chamber he had watched it fly away into distant black clouds, going back to New York.

  Eisenberg was staggered at the occurrences, and how easily the vampires could kill, and realized he had not heard them using objects that protected them from vampires.

  He tried to solve what the outcome would be, and wondered what the hell the artifact was, as he and the others had not classified it as far as he was concerned, and it had altered into something else, and going by what the scientists had he knew they never, and only had theories, and he could not grasp how perilous it was, and he did believe it could be if it was fully activated.

  He picked up a newspaper and spread it across his front, and watched Kurt and the paranormal investigator investigating books, and realized from the newspaper that the artifact had been moved out the museum and over to a special facility, for them to investigate it as an extraterrestrial object, and he wondered if they might even take it to Area 51.

  It was amazing the paranormal researcher was still searching through the books with amazement, and he wondered what he was up to, as they had solved most of the mysteries.

  It was incredible that Howard Eisenberg had actually arrived at the mansion, and he had met him after so many years, and he had been amazed at their discovery of the Red Indian treasure, and that it had been buried close to where he had eaten his meals in the mansion, and he was surprised at the artifact, and had been unable to identify it, and was having people investigate what they were doing with it.

  Chapter 22

  The Other Universe

  Eisenberg studied the paranormal researcher, and his partially opened mouth, and saw he had found something in the book he was translating, and he waited, and wondered what the hell it was.

  He was surprised when Kurt walked in the library and he wondered what he had been doing.

  He saw him notice the paranormal researcher and his reactions.

  “What?” Kurt asked. “What’ve you found?”

  “This place is dreadful …” the paranormal researcher gasped, reacting to things he read. “I think I’m getting their true identity … I’ve not been able to trace anything up until now … Many of the people they fought did not know who they were fighting, and there are accounts of them massacring massive armies and there being no survivors …”

  Kurt just shrugged, wondering what he was talking of.

  “There’s some form of cannibalism they carried out … I think … They mention them feasting on the bodies of the soldiers … Them being vampires!”

  The paranormal investigator looked energetic, and he watched him finally place the book on the table, staggered.

  “I think they were some form of extraterrestrial … Yet from either another universe or dimension … A supernatural universe … Yet with similarities to this universe ... I think they got trapped here or something …”

  “Dracula might have been altered from being in this universe or something …”

  Eisenberg wondered what he had found and sat wondering what it had been written for, and he saw the book was different from the rest, and he saw how the paranormal investigator studied it scrupulously, and he knew it could be a conclusion to something.

  Eisenberg recalled when all of the scientists had entered the chamber with the vampire tombs and had set up all their equipment all over the area of the tombs, and that their descriptions of what they had found there went far beyond anything that they previously had found, and most of the scientists working there had been replaced by far more advanced ones, and most were thunderstruck by the giant supernatural being resting in the central tomb, Dracula in his tomb, and what they found out about it.

  “What else is there?” Eisenberg gasped, seeking a conclusion.

  “There’s more … I think this book was written by one of them … A different form of them or something … Who arrived afterwards … I think they were trapped here, and that they traced them and followed them to this castle in Transylvanian by some means … I believe it was them that captured Dracula and put him in the tomb!”

  Chapter 23

  The Extraterrestrial Investigation Center

  Eisenberg, the paranormal investigator, and Kurt swiftly followed the scientists, who investigated the artifact at the mansion and the museum, through a building and into a massive chamber that was the confidential research area of the Extraterrestrial Investigation Center, and stood staggered at the colossal amount of equipment and scientists, and the inconceivable technology.

  Eisenberg was staggered at it all, and began to realize how far they had gone, and how much had been hidden from the public, and stood wondering why they were carrying out so much work, and he realized how deadly the universe could be.

  Kurt spotted the artifact first, with groups of scientists surrounding it, with equipment everywhere, and they watched them monitoring its powerful forces, and Eisenberg saw that the artifact itself had altered dramatically since it had been in the museum, and he stood trying to see if he could notice anything.

  When they arrived at it, he spotted them making it make movements, by some means, and that they were carrying out a series of experiments.

  A scientist walked over and handed them documents, and he studied them with interest.

  One document gave some history of the site and that it had been originally established in the search for extraterrestrials, and basically from research carried out in the last century, and had advanced searching for extraterrestrial civilizations, with help from many countries, NASA, SETI institute, and many others, and had superseded the others in the race to detect extraterrestrial intelligence on other worlds.

  They had helped develop many new forms of confidential and known detection methods and at an inconceivable rate and had searched far deeper and with more accuracy into the depths of deep space, and expanded knowledge of the cosmos, and anticipated many future breakthroughs.

  They had repetitively advanced technology to detect inhabited exoplanets, with highly advanced extraterrestrial life, and explored worlds in the depths of newly discovered solar systems, and sent out messages with new highly advanced technology, and into the invisible black depths of space where hidden worlds could exist.

  What surprised Eisenberg was they insisted a signal had been detected from a nearby star and they had analyzed it under the assumption it was an unidentified phenomenon, as well as an extraterrestrial phenomenon, and its highly advanced symmetrical pulsations had been documented and they established its properties and significance, with its pulsations beating out through the depths of space.

  Yet it never actually showed any extraterrestrial encounters, flying saucer landings, but he knew they had, and sensed it, and that it was little, and he saw their fascination in the artifact, and its existence was unbelievable, and they constantly worked on trying to discover its origins.

  Chapter 24

  The Extraterrestrial

  The artifact looked deadlier than he had ever seen it, and was pulsating with energy, which looked and sounded like it was on the brink of a colossal explosion, and Eisenberg, Kurt, and the paranormal investigator timidly shifted into the Extraterrestrial Investigation Center research chamber.

  At a closer investigation they stood confused as they believed something was occurring as scientists were nervously standing around it monitoring it, and they spotted vigorous activity all about the place, and they started working like crazy activating and checking things, and they realized that they had done something, and that it was the reason that they wanted them there, and they took them over to the side and seated them.


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