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Honeymoon Seduction: A Hotwife Novel

Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  Whitney grinned and started across the room, though it would be more fair to say that she slinked across the room. She oozed a seductive sexiness with every step she took, with every sway of her hips. I swallowed as she approached. What was she up to? What was her game? I’d seen her look like this before, and it was welcome even though I had a sneaking suspicion exactly what the reason was. I had a sneaking suspicion exactly what she wanted with this little routine, and the kicker was I was in such a weird state of mind after my one month’s celibacy that she just might get it.

  Whitney got down on her knees in front of me and I couldn’t help but notice the way her bright red lips looked as they quirked up into a smile. Lips that I’d felt wrapped around my cock so many times, lips that were so close to my cock right now. Whitney looked up and locked eyes with me and I nearly came in my pants just from that look.

  “You poor thing,” she said.

  “Me? Poor?”

  “You’ve been so good, so patient with all the traveling and our one month break and everything, and I haven’t given you anything. I’ve just been mad at you,” she said.

  I shrugged. “Well, yeah. I guess that’s true.”

  Something flashed in her eyes as I agreed with her. A brief flash of the same anger I’d seen earlier after my premature issue in the ocean. I realize that was one of those statements I was supposed to disagree with, not something I was supposed to agree with right away. But whatever, the damage was done and there was some truth to it. There was a lot of truth to it.

  Whitney ran one of her delicate fingers along the length of my cock. I took in a sharp breath and looked down at her. That felt amazing, and it felt even more amazing because I’d been deprived for so long. It was difficult to quit cold turkey. Especially now that I was right in the middle of the one week when I knew I was finally supposed to get laid again.

  “Maybe we can do something about that though,” Whitney said.

  Her other hand went up to join her first one and then they were both running up and down my cock, almost giving me a hand job through my shorts. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I let out a strangled gasp as she finally paid attention to my cock in a real way for the first time in a month.

  “Of course I want to be nice and help my husband out,” she said in a cute little voice as she bit her lip. As her hands hooked around the waistband of my shorts and pulled them down causing my cock to spring free. She giggled as she looked down at my cock, something she always did when it was hovering right in front of her nose like that. My breath was coming in shallow gasps as I looked down at my wife. As I looked at her down between my legs with my cock just in front of her. As she leaned forward and opened her mouth, as I anticipated the incredible feeling I loved so much of her lips wrapping around my cock.

  Only she stopped just before her lips made contact with the tip of my cock. I wanted to let out a strangled gasp of frustration, but I held back. That would just make her mad, and making her mad would make the fun stop. I didn’t want the fun stop.

  Whitney looked up at me and her hand stroked up and down my cock. I couldn’t help it. I gasped as I stared down at this beauty in her black dress on her knees in front of me. Ready to take my cock but hovering just on the edge. I needed some sort of release. I needed to get off! All the teasing, all the anticipation, all the denial was driving me crazy.

  “Of course if I’m going to be nice to you maybe you could be nice to me?” Whitney asked.

  I raised an eyebrow. She was bargaining? She’d never really done that before. Usually I was the one who was doing the bargaining when she was on her knees in front of me. Willing to do anything for her if she’d just suck my cock. This was definitely an interesting role reversal.

  “Like what?”

  I knew exactly what she wanted, but I was going to play the game.

  Whitney leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and I wanted to scream. Only I held it in. I didn’t want to let on exactly how great this was making me feel. Not until she admitted what her game was. Her tongue swirled around the head of my cock as it was buried in her mouth and I very nearly had another premature problem like in the ocean earlier.

  Whitney pulled away from my cock and I watched in fascination as her lips bulged out as they trailed along the length of my shaft. Then her lips were free of my cock and they made a little popping sound as she pulled away and looked up at me. Her delicate hand continued its work, her fingers so small that they made my cock looked massive in comparison.

  “Maybe if I’m good to you we could go to that dance club?”

  Alarms were sounding in the back of my head. I wanted to get up and say of course we were going to that club. I wanted to say that getting a blowjob wasn’t worth risking her going to some local establishment where she could potentially get drugged and abducted. I wanted to tell her that no club was worth seeing her throwing herself at that guy again.

  Only it was odd. As I thought of her going to the club, as I thought of her in that little black dress dancing against Claude, as I thought of her acting like a very bad girl, my cock started to pulse. The fantasy world started to take over. The rational part of my mind that told me going to the club was as good as serving my wife up to that Claude asshole was being drowned out by a ravenous beast that was roaring forward wanting nothing more than to see exactly that happen.

  It didn’t help my self-control, my desire to stay on top of the situation, that she chose exactly that moment to lean forward and run her mouth down the length of my shaft again. No taking in just the head and swirling her tongue around this time. No, she was buried to the hilt with my cock in the back of her throat in one quick thrust. A quick thrust that had me grabbing at the bed sheets on either side. A quick thrust that had me buried deeper in her throat than I’d ever been before. Usually she went with shallow strokes, only taking my cock about halfway where it hit the back of her mouth, but in one stroke she’d managed to deep throat me!

  Now where the hell did she learn how to do that?

  Then she was pulling back and my gorgeous wife, her hair done up perfectly for a night out on the town, or I guess a night out on the island would be more accurate, was bobbing up and down. I was face fucking her with reckless abandon. I was thrusting up to meet her every stroke, loving the feeling of my cock buried in her throat. Loving the sensation of her mouth around me, of her tongue running up and down my cock, of her tongue swirling around my cockhead and teasing the slit at the tip of my cock every time she pulled back.

  Her hands reached down and she started playing with my balls. I didn’t know if this was an indication of what blow jobs were going to be like now that we were married or if it was just an indication of what blow jobs were like when she was trying to get something out of me, but either way it was the best damned blowjob I’d ever gotten in my life! I was gasping and panting every time she bottomed out. I was astonished I’d managed to last this long. I knew it was only a matter of moments before I reached the moment of inevitability.

  As I watched my wife’s head bobbing up and down on my cock once again thoughts started filling my head unbidden, unwanted. Thoughts of her bobbing that gorgeous mouth up and down on another man’s cock. On a very dark cock. Thoughts of her in that same a black dress on the dance floor in some seedy island club, on her knees as people stood around, as lights flashed and music pumped, as a huge black cock pumped in and out of her mouth. As a massive muscled hand wrapped around her hair and used it to face fuck her. As she took every bit of it because she hadn’t realized until too late the game she was playing when she flirted with that guy was a very serious one, only in my fantasy she also loved every minute of it.

  Those thoughts should have horrified me. Those thoughts should have terrified me. Those thoughts should have led me to say there wasn’t a chance in hell we were leaving the resort and that was final. Only instead those thoughts had me so turned on that the roaring beast inside me, the one taking control and thrustin
g these impossible and oh so erotic thoughts into my head, took control of my brain. Took hold of my mouth. My mouth which opened and said something that horrified the rational part of my brain, though that part of my mind was quickly being squashed by this ravenous beast.

  “I guess we could try the club for a little while,” I said in a strangled gasp.

  Whitney looked up at me and her eyes locked with mine. She buried her lips against my cock one last time, buried my cock down her throat one final time, and the image of her burying her face against another man’s dick, of her nose up against some other guy’s body he thrust up to fuck her face, popped into my the forefront of my imagination and then I was groaning and thrusting up.

  I opened my mouth and screamed as I finally felt an impossible release. Sure I’d gotten off in the ocean earlier that day, but this was the first time I was getting off with Whitney taking an active role. This was the first time I was getting off by putting my cock inside my gorgeous wife. And it was definitely showing.

  I yanked up great handfuls of sheets as my entire body tensed. I felt as though I was going to pull every muscle in my body from the way they were straining as I thrust up to meet my wife’s mouth. She held my gaze until I closed my eyes and threw my head back, and when I looked back down she was still staring at me with that sexy look as load after load of my seed shot out from my cock into the back of her throat.

  I was impossibly hot. I felt a tingle run across my entire body. Running over my skin as though my orgasm was affecting my entire body rather than localized to my cock like normal. And the intensity of the feeling down in my cock was so incredible, so much more powerful than what I usually felt.

  As I locked eyes with her again I waited for her to pull off. Wait for her to spit everything out like she usually did. Only once again I was treated to something new. Whether that was because we were married now or because she wanted something from me was anyone’s guess, but I wasn’t going to knock it since it was something I’d wanted her to try for so long. I felt her throat contracting around me as I emptied my cock inside her, as I emptied my balls into the back of her throat. She swallowed once, twice, three times, and then I was completely spent and couldn’t believe she’d actually done that.

  “Holy shit Whitney!” I said.

  Whitney pulled off of my rapidly deflating cock and smiled up at me. I looked at the corner of her mouth for some sign that she’d missed part of my load, but nothing. She’d managed to swallow every bit of it like a blowjob champ. I didn’t know she had in her, yet here was the evidence right in front of me. The thought of her swallowing my load like that was enough to start my cock hardening again. Which she immediately noticed as she reached out and kissed the tip and then pulled back.

  “Already? My you’re turned on tonight!” Whitney said.

  I grinned down at her, hoping this new mood that had been set would translate to other things as well. “You bet I’m turned on! Maybe we could forget the club tonight, maybe stay back here and finally have a little fun?”

  Once again I saw that look flash across her face. I saw anger flash across her face. I immediately felt like I’d killed whatever mood had been building. It made me wonder if there was ever a mood building in the first place, or if I was just imagining things and she was just giving me what I wanted so she could get what she wanted.

  “You had your chance to have that fun earlier today and you decided it would be more fun for you to dry hump me in the water,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone that had none of the heat, none of the playfulness, none of the flirtation that had been there moments ago.

  I sighed. Damn it. Apparently she still was annoyed by our little problem earlier. Apparently I was still experiencing my drought. Though I guess that answered one question. She was definitely still pissed off about earlier.

  She stood and turned as she made her way towards the bathroom. I watched helplessly as her ass swayed back and forth seductively in her little black dress. All I could think about was her ass swaying back and forth seductively in that little black dress while she was at the club. I was watching her ass and imagining him looking at her. Imagining the thoughts running through his mind as he stared at my wife in that dress. I was wondering how far she’d let things go if she found herself dancing close to him rather than just flirting on a public beach.

  “So we’re still going to the club?” I asked, both dreading and anticipating the answer at the same time.

  Whitney stopped and looked over her shoulder. She smiled a smile that was at the same time gorgeous and slightly unpleasant. “Yes, we’re going to the club. You promised.”

  I sat back on the bed and couldn’t believe it as I heard the sink running in the bathroom. Probably brushing her teeth to make sure everything was absolutely perfect when we made it to the club. I didn’t want to go, I was terrified of going, I was terrified of what might happen with my gorgeous new wife if we went, but at the same time I was a confused mess. Because I was looking forward to nothing more than seeing my wife, seeing her with Claude, seeing how she’d react to him. I was terrified, but I couldn’t wait.

  6: The Club

  “I don’t know about this place Whitney,” I said.

  “Oh come on,” she said. “You promised! You can’t go back on it now that we’re here.”

  I’d promised. What I really wanted was to go back to the cabana for a little post-wedding fun. I was still going crazy despite that incredible blowjob, and I my cock was rock hard, as hard as a diamond, from the strain and frustration.

  When I agreed to our month of celibacy is I’d expected we’d be getting it on as soon as we got married. And damn did I want to get it on with my lovely wife after all that waiting. I’d respected her wishes, but it was difficult.

  As I looked her up and down in her little black dress it was easy to see why I was having such a hard time both literally and figuratively. That dress was like pure sex in silk draped over her incredible body and it had been driving me wild since she first put it on.

  I looked at her amazing ass swaying back and forth as we walked down the road. Of course there was no panty outline because of that bright red thong which was even more enticing. Whatever. That thong meant I could enjoy the curve of her ass cheeks peeking out from under the dress.

  “I’m still not sure about this place,” I said. “And the travel advisories said we weren’t supposed to leave the resort anyways…”

  “Oh come on,” Whitney said. “Would you give up and just live a little?”

  That wasn’t the problem. I looked at the bar Claude pointed us to and all I could think about was news reports of people going missing in places like this. Whitney was the perfect candidate with her long flowing blonde hair, her gorgeous body. Only before I could say anything she was through the door. Loud music blasted out as she walked through the door and I had no choice but to follow.

  I stepped through the door right behind my gorgeous wife and I swear it was like one of those movies where someone steps into a bar and there’s a record scratching as everyone turns to look at you. The music didn’t exactly stop, but everyone in the room did turn to stare. Everyone in there had the same dark skin as Claude. There wasn’t a single fair complexion in there aside from me and my wife.

  I glanced around nervously. Definitely not a tourist destination. “Whitney…”

  Only Whitney wasn’t paying attention. She moved up to the bar. I figured there might be a language barrier, but the bartender immediately smiled and gestured to the booze behind him.

  “What will you have?” he asked with a slight accent.

  Whitney opened her mouth to say something, but I quickly stepped in. “Two beers. In the bottles please.”

  Whitney looked over to me and rolled her eyes, but I was standing firm on this one. I’d heard plenty of stories about things being slipped into drinks on trips like this, and I had no intention of us becoming another crime statistic.

  Only if the bartender noticed that a subtext to
my quick change to Whitney’s order he didn’t say anything. He just smiled and produced to beer bottles.

  “Come on Mike! Let’s dance!” Whitney said.

  And once again my hot tornado of a wife was moving before I could react. I quickly followed her out on the dance floor and for a few minutes I was able to forget all of my worries as I felt her incredible body grinding against me. I was so keyed up, so ready to be with her after waiting for so long. I was so turned on despite getting off twice that I worried I might actually blow a load in my pants. That’d be some trick considering how angry she got over the whole ocean incident earlier.

  Thankfully someone stepped forward and interrupted us before I could get to the point of dry humping my wife to the point that I was blowing my load against her delicious ass for the second time that day. Only I wasn’t sure how thankful I was when I looked at the person interrupting us and realized who it was.

  Tall. Impossibly dark skin. Broad muscular shoulders. A tight fitting tank top under a Hawaiian shirt of all things, though it was the wrong end of the world for that, and it was opened revealing massive rippling muscles underneath. Muscles that had been on display more openly at the beach earlier in the day, though from the way Whitney gasped when he came into view she didn’t care. I blinked.

  It looked like Claude made it to the club tonight.

  I noticed something else. Something odd but not completely unexpected considering everything else that had happened today. Whitney was grinding against my cock, but as soon as Claude approached, as soon as he was facing my petite and oh so sexy wife, that grinding picked up in intensity.

  “You made it!” he said. A broad grin split his face.

  I nodded, but Whitney shrieked. “Yes! This is great!”

  “I’m glad you like it,” he said. “You didn’t have trouble getting here from the resort?”


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