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Honeymoon Seduction: A Hotwife Novel

Page 9

by Lexi Archer

  He didn’t finish that thought. We never found out exactly what it was they’d thought, though I had a pretty good idea from the way they’d acted around my wife exactly what they were expecting when they came out of the crowd and tried to pull her away from Claude. When we ended up getting in a pitched fight, the two of us back to back, trying to keep her away from them. I shuddered thinking about it.

  Next Claude turned to me. That apologetic look was still on his face, and to be perfectly honest it surprised me that I was getting one of those looks. I could understand him being apologetic to Whitney after what had happened, but me? What could he possibly be apologizing to me for? He’d pulled me out of the fire last night!

  “I also want to apologize to you, Mike,” he said. “Your wife, she is so beautiful. I will admit that I had thoughts of pulling her away from you, of getting close with her on the dance floor, but I never should have done this thing. That’s what led to the problems last night, and for that I sincerely apologize.”

  I smiled and shrugged. I almost wanted to laugh. How could he possibly know that I was actually turned on by watching him dance with my wife? Sure, in the moment. I’d had my doubts, but once it started happening those doubts had mostly faded away. Once he’d leapt into the fight on our side all of my doubts about him had definitely faded away.

  Of course he had no way of knowing any of that. All he knew what was that he’d invited a tourist woman to a local club, she’d nearly got abducted or whatever it was they were planning on doing with her, and it had happened while he was trying to seduce her. I’m sure it looked terrible from his end. On my end I was just glad things had turned out the way they did. That we got away safely.

  I shrugged. “You had my back last night. That’s all the apology I need.”

  He grinned, that wide easy-going grin back on his face. He looked a lot more like the Claude we’d met on the beach the day before, a lot less like the hesitant man who’d come up to us probably expecting us to be livid. Maybe he even thought we’d try to get him fired or something. I’m sure people had been fired at the resort for far less than our little escapade the night before.

  Time to really surprise him. Whitney turned and smiled at me. Nodded. That was all the go-ahead I needed.

  Though now that I had the go-ahead from Whitney, now that we were here in the moment, now that I knew we were actually moving forward with our plan of watching my new wife, my girlfriend of many years, getting with another man, I was suddenly hesitant. Suddenly reluctant. I’ll admit I was ridiculously turned on by the idea of watching my wife with another man, but there was still that jealous part of me that was reluctant to go through with this plan. And now that we were so close to fulfilling that impossible fantasy I was suddenly hesitant.

  I looked down at Whitney who was smiling up at me expectantly. I looked over to Claude who was smiling at both of us. Who was finally acknowledging me as a person rather than an inconvenience. I opened my mouth. The words came tumbling out. I seemed to have a problem with words coming tumbling out since I started this honeymoon, but whatever. So far it had led to some pretty interesting experiences, and I didn’t think that was going to stop.

  “Besides Claude,” I started, then stopped again. Whitney smiled at me and reached out to pat my leg. Gave me some encouragement. “I’ll have to admit it was actually kind of hot watching you dancing with my wife like that.”

  Of all the things he probably expected me to say in that moment it was obvious telling him I got turned on by watching my wife dancing with another man was the absolute last thing on that list. He stared at me for a moment, that easy-going smile slipping for just a beat, and then what I’d said actually seemed to register. A look of confusion passed his face even as Whitney grinned up at him. He looked down at her and her grin grew even wider. She leaned to the side, giving him a good view of her entire body in that seductive red bikini.

  “I’m sorry, English is my second language. I don’t think I heard you quite right,” Claude said.

  “I think you heard me just fine Claude,” I said. “I got turned on watching you dancing with my wife. Hell, it’s been turning me on watching you two flirting with each other since you first came up to us on the beach yesterday!”

  I ducked my head down and glanced around the beach to make sure nobody heard that last part. I was getting so excited that I’d started talking a little too loud. This definitely wasn’t the kind of thing I wanted everybody on the beach to hear. Here I was talking to a guy about how turned on I got watching him with my wife. Judging from the looks Whitney had been getting from other guys on the beach over the past couple of days we’d have a line of guys wanting to apply for this particular fantasy we were trying to fulfill if I was too loud.

  Plus, even though I’d made peace with this particular fantasy it was still something I was coming to terms with. It was still something that I wasn’t exactly comfortable sharing with everybody around us. Even if I was comfortable sharing it with my wife and with the man she might potentially be fulfilling this fantasy with.

  Claude blinked in confusion and looked between the two of us as though he still couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. Hell, I was the one telling him about this secret fantasy and I couldn’t quite believe I was saying it!

  “So let me get this straight…” he started, and then stopped.

  It took him a moment of glancing between us then glancing up the beach as though he was looking to make sure there was nobody around to overhear him. Maybe he was worried about falling afoul of some sort of resort regulation or something. He turned back to us. Suddenly the smile was gone from his face and he looked very serious and very confused. Both words that described my mood right about now as well.

  “You liked watching me dance, with your wife?”

  His tone of voice communicated that he clearly didn’t believe a word of what we were saying. Not that I couldn’t blame him. Again, I could hardly believe it.

  I opened my mouth to say the next bit, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to say it. It was weird. We’d been up a good part of the night discussing it. And by “discussing” I mean that we’d spent part of the night talking about this fantasy and the other part of the night fucking wildly as the thought of the indulging in this fantasy got us both worked up to the point that we had to take a break.

  Basically it was one of the most intense nights of lovemaking that I’d enjoyed since we’d gotten together. Definitely the most intense night of lovemaking since we’d gotten married, though, that wasn’t saying quite as much.

  Whitney reached out and squeezed my hand. Gave me a reassuring smile. Nodded to me.

  Meanwhile, Claude was looking between the two of us as though we were absolutely crazy. And I suppose that assessment wasn’t completely off-base. I know I certainly felt like I was crazy as I looked between him and my wife and felt my cock hardening. If I’d told myself I was going to be asking another man to climb into bed with my wife even a week ago I would have looked at future me like I was absolutely nuts. I probably would have also started making plans to keep that future me from ever existing in the first place, but that was just the geek in me coming out.

  I forced myself to look up at Claude. I wanted this. Whitney wanted this. It was just a matter of going through with it now. I had to power through. Now that I was in the moment I had to suck it up and do it.

  “There’s more Claude,” I said.

  Whitney stepped in. “We want to thank you for all you did for us last night. For getting us out of that bind.”

  Claude chuckled. “Me getting him out of the bind? He was the one who was amazing.”

  Whitney smiled and squeezed my hand. “Well regardless, last night we were up for most of the night talking. Talking about our marriage. Talking about how much he liked watching me dancing with you.”

  “And I’m just going to come out and say it,” I said, picking up where my wife left off. She’d opened her mouth but seemed to short-circuit as well.
It made me want to smile seeing her suffering from the same sudden reservations as I was.

  “I want to watch you with her,” I said.

  Claude laughed. “Well, that would be fun, but I don’t think it would be a good idea for you to come back to the club however fun it was dancing with you.”

  “That’s not what he means Claude,” Whitney said.

  “That’s not what I mean at all. I wanted to watch you with my wife,” I said. I made sure to add extra emphasis to the words this time. I knew English wasn’t his first language, but I also figured there’d be absolutely no missing the hidden subtext to what I was telling him.

  He looked between the two of us for a moment and I could tell the exact moment that what I was saying finally sank in. The moment he realized exactly what we were saying. His eyes went wide and he looked down to Whitney first. His eyes ran up and down her body in a way that made my cock twitch. He licked his lips as though already thinking about the implications of that offer. Already thinking about how much fun he’d have taking us up on that offer.

  Then he looked to me and raised both eyebrows. It was obvious he didn’t believe us. It was obvious he thought we were putting him on from the way he hesitated, from the way he almost smiled and then frowned. Almost as though he was trying to decide whether or not he should laugh or take us up on the offer.

  Whitney reached out and took his hand. He nearly jumped at her touch. It was actually kind of funny to see him acting like that. It was funny seeing him losing some of that cocky swagger he’d exhibited on the beach yesterday and while he was dancing with my wife last night. He looked down to where her hand was encircling his. A grin split his face.

  He looked up at me and then frowned again. I wanted to roll my eyes. There were obviously some conflicting emotions going on with Claude. He obviously still couldn’t decide whether he was one of the luckiest sons of bitches in the world or if he was just being put on by a couple of tourists who wanted to have some fun with a local.

  “Nothing funny, right?” Claude asked.

  I didn’t quite understand what he was saying, but a moment later the way he stared at me intently made me realize exactly what he meant. Now it was my turn to throw my head back and laugh. A laugh that was loud enough to draw the attention of several other people sitting near us at the beach.

  “No, none of that,” I said. “I’m only interested in watching you with Whitney here. Nothing else.”

  The frown disappeared. A grin split his face. He finally looked relaxed and at ease. He glanced up towards the bar and then back to us.

  “We’ll have to keep this quiet, yes? I could lose my job…”

  Once more his eyes ran up and down my wife’s body. As he drank in the sight of her oiled body, her incredible tits, her petite frame, it was clear that the possibility of getting fired was more than balanced by the possibility of getting with my wife.

  “Of course,” I said.

  “When do you get off work?” Whitney asked.

  “In the evening,” he said. “No set time, but I can sneak back to your cabana after I finish.”

  I grinned. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  I looked down to Whitney and she grinned up at both of us. Took both of our hands in her own. “Sounds like a plan to me too.”

  14: Getting Ready

  Back at the cabana I was a nervous wreck. I was ridiculously aroused. I paced back and forth in our bedroom as Whitney got ready for her night. For her night with another man.

  I still couldn’t believe we were actually doing this. That we were actually going through with it. The thought terrified me as much as it excited me. The thought made me sick to my stomach. The thought made so much blood pump to my cock that I worried I might lose consciousness because it was being pulled away from other areas that also needed blood to function.

  And all through the afternoon I saw flashes of Whitney as she got ready which didn’t help with my arousal situation.

  As soon as we’d turned in from the beach Whitney stepped out of her bikini looking amazing oiled up in the light of our cabana. I took a step towards her, but she held a finger out to me as I approached her.

  “This is one night when you don’t get to touch yet naughty boy,” she said. “I need to get ready for tonight.”

  I hated it, but at the same time I knew she was right. I didn’t want to spoil the fun. If I fucked her we might decide to back out. If I fucked her then I might go into one of those honest moments where I wasn’t being fueled by my arousal. I might decide to back out, and with the way my cock was roaring, the way this fantasy had taken hold of my imagination and had it going, there was no way I was going to back out now by accidentally blowing a load in my wife, however delightful that might be.

  I tried to watch TV. I tried to read a book. I tried to find something to distract me while the shower was running, but it was difficult. All I could think about was my wife in there with water running down her perfect body. Her incredible tits. Her slim stomach. On more than one occasion I reached down and started stroking my cock as I thought of her in the shower, and I had to actually reach out and pull my hand away with my other hand to prevent myself from jerking off. To prevent myself from having a little too much fun.

  I’m sure she’d be more pissed off about me jerking off than she’d been about that dishonorable discharge against her while we were dry humping in the ocean yesterday.

  Another flash of Whitney. She walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her head and another around her body. I cocked an eyebrow at her as she looked at me and rolled her eyes. She let the towel around her body drop. Revealed her gorgeous body to me, squeaky clean and freshly scrubbed from her shower. Only as I looked at her I knew she wasn’t going to stay squeaky clean and freshly scrubbed for very long. Not with Claude due here any time.

  Whitney glanced down at me and my hard on obviously jutting out from my swim trunks.

  “Are you being good in here?” she asked.

  I held up both hands and put the most innocent look on my face I could muster. “I’m being good!”

  “Good, because I’m going to be very upset if you decide to take things into your own hands before he gets here,” she said.

  Then she was back in the bathroom. I briefly considered going in there and watching her while she got ready but decided against it for two reasons. The first was I knew just how much it annoyed her when I got in her way while she was trying to get ready for a night out. This wasn’t exactly a night out, it was one hell of a night in, but I wasn’t going to risk annoying her or getting in her way.

  The other reason was the same reason why I wasn’t jerking my cock. The same reason I hadn’t joined her in the shower, for that matter. I worried that if I spent too much time around my naked wife right now it would lead to sexy times. That was the last thing I needed right now, for reasons I’ve already explained.

  Whitney reappeared and my mouth dropped. She was completely made up and her hair was done as well. It looked silky smooth and shined in the light of our cabana. She was, in a word, gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. And the other reason why my mouth dropped open was what she wore. A bright purple bra up top and a matching thong down below. She looked mouthwatering. She looked delicious. I made a move on the bed to go and grab her, but she held a finger out and wagged it at me once more. It was as though she could read my mind.

  I leaned back on the bed and watched, forced myself to stillness. Forced myself to not make a move, however much I wanted to.

  “Is that what you’re wearing?” I asked.

  “No, why do you ask?”

  I blinked. “Really?”

  “Of course not!” she said. “You think I’m just going to wear a bra and a thong for tonight? What kind of girl do you think I am?”

  I thought she was the kind of girl who was planning on stepping out on her husband. Granted, it was with her husband’s permission, but still. Not that it was a fair thought. And it was a thought that came wi
th fondness and love. She was doing this partly because of her fantasy and partly because of mine after all. Either way, that was one thought better not voiced at all.

  “So what are you planning on wearing?”

  “You’ll see,” she said.

  Whitney leaned down and rummaged in a drawer. I leaned forward and tried to catch a look, but then I was distracted by the hypnotic sight of her ass sticking up in that thong. God did it look amazing. I could stare at her ass all day long and I’d never get tired of it. I wanted to walk over there, keep her bent over her drawers, and ram my cock inside her.

  Then she was moving back across the room to the bathroom with something under her arms. I tried to get a look at it but she kept it out of view. And suddenly her motive for wearing that bra and thong occurred to me. She was just using that to distract me while she grabbed whatever it was she planned on wearing tonight! That sexy, clever little minx.

  I glanced down at my watch and then at the door. I had a feeling I was going to be glancing at my watch and then to the door every couple of minutes until Claude finally arrived. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I thought of him arriving. Butterflies in my stomach as I thought of my gorgeous petite wife greeting him at the door.

  I forced those thoughts out of my mind. That was the last thing I needed to be thinking if I wanted to prevent myself from getting too turned on. If I wanted to prevent myself from getting carried away.

  Whitney came out one final time and my breath caught. Up above she wore a sheer black négligée that revealed everything while showing off nothing. I could clearly see the outline of her nipples under that thing. And down below she wore a black thong that was the same. As I looked at her in the cabana light I could clearly see her pussy lips on display through that lingerie.


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