A New Year's Cowboy
Page 9
He bent his head and traced her lips with his tongue, snuck inside of her mouth, and explored as she grabbed his shaft. She lifted her hips, rubbing her core against him. The motion made her clit tingle and tremors climbed her spine.
“You’re so ready.” He winked. “I need inside, sweetheart.”
“Yes! Now!” Every part of her shuddered.
“It’ll take every ounce of control not to take you hard and fast,” he admitted.
“What if I want it hard and fast?”
“Hm.” He gave her a crooked grin. “Your wish would be my command.”
Her mouth watered as wet as her inner thighs were. Her breasts ached and the crisp hair on his chest rubbed her nipples, making her body feel like it could float. And then he gave her what she wanted. He slid his bulging head inside of her, meeting the resistance of her muscles. He took his time, allowing her body to adjust to him, slowly, achingly slow. Finally, he slid to his hilt.
He let out a loud groan, steadying his hips. “Damn. I can’t move or I’ll come.”
Seconds passed, then he started moving again, slow and then faster. His erection glided into her dripping folds, her slick warmth giving him ease. His shaft stretched her, molding her body to his. Twinges of bittersweet pain developed in her belly and spread to her core where their bodies were connected. She contracted her muscles, tightening her hold on him and he groaned deep in his chest. It had been too long since she’d had a man inside of her…but he was more than worth the wait.
“I’m so close. Can’t. Stop.”
She jerked her hips higher, bumping his, feeling his balls bounce against her bottom. She worked him, meeting thrust for thrust.
With a low shout, he stopped as if to control it, but it was too late. One last thrust and he stiffened, crushing his body against hers, burying his face into the V of her neck until every last shudder left his body.
Seconds later, he slid to her side, collapsing beside her. “Aw, that was amazing.”
She smiled. “Better than amazing.”
Eventually, they fell into a peaceful silence, wrapped in a post-sexual oblivion. Charlie wasn’t sure how long she’d been lying there when she’d heard a faint crashing sound. She lifted her head and looked at Storm’s profile. He was still and his breaths were even. She thought she could have been imagining the sound until it came again, this time louder.
Careful not to wake him, she slid from under the covers and climbed out of bed. She didn’t bother pulling on her robe. Instead, she reached for his shirt and tugged it on. The material felt incredible against her skin, much like his naked body. She hated to leave the bedroom, but sometimes wild animals smuck into the trash cans and scattered garbage all over the back porch. It was a mess to clean and she’d rather chase them away.
Downstairs, she quietly made her way into the kitchen and looked through the back door. The trash cans were undisturbed.
Another crashing sound came from the front of the house.
She hurried to the front window and peered out. Standing in the yard with the security light shining on his face was the one person she didn’t want to see tonight. Billy. He was going to wake up the entire house—and the neighborhood. The last thing she needed was more rumors.
Opening the door and stepping out, she came to a sudden halt. Shattered glass covered the porch. “Billy, what are you doing?”
He took a step closer and she realized he had a beer bottle in his hand, but she couldn’t see if it was empty or full. It didn’t matter, she could tell by his wobbly gait that he was drunk. And he’d shattered other bottles on the cement as if to prove something. Just like him to make a mess for her to clean up.
“Come out. I need to talk to you,” he muttered.
“No, Billy. Go home. It’s late.”
“Fine. I’ll come to you then!” He swayed his way up the stairs, finally coming to a stop in the middle of the puddle of glass.
“We’re not doing this.” She started to shut the door, but something kept it from closing. She looked down to find his worn boot blocking the path. “Move.”
“Is that his shirt you’re wearing?”
He stunk so strongly of alcohol that she feared she would get a buzz by standing this close. “It’s none of your business. We’re over. We’ve been over. We both need to move on.”
“That’s easy for you to say.” He sniffed loudly.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You let her die. Sunny. Our daughter. The only thing I had.” He wobbled but caught himself on the door frame.
She swallowed and it felt like he’d broken glass in her throat too. “That’s not true. I didn’t let her die.” Her eyes misted.
“So you think you can fall in love, marry, have a few more kids and her memory will wash away?” His nose wrinkled in disgust.
Something in her warned her not to engage with him, but another part understood the pain he was feeling. The demons that made him sad and mean. She’d been there herself. Although she didn’t have any feelings remaining for him, she did care that they had a daughter together. And they both lost her.
“Billy, I’m sorry that you’re in a bad place, but you can’t keep doing this.” She wrapped her arms around her waist. “You can’t come here anymore. If I move on it’s not to forget Sunny. That will never happen. We both deserve happiness.”
He laughed, so wicked that it made her spine clench. “Don’t kid yourself, sweetheart. Who’d want you? Especially not some country music star.” His laugh fizzled. “Whether you like it or not all you’re ever going to be is a washed up woman who let her daughter die. You look at me like I’m pathetic, well at least Sunny didn’t die on my watch.” He lifted his hand and threw the bottle at his feet.
Charlie squealed and jumped back, luckily the glass shards had missed her, yet his words were right on target.
She watched him turn and fade into the night, like a nightmare.
Who was she kidding. This was a nightmare.
The sunlight billowed in from the window onto Charlie’s beautiful naked body. She was lovely, her pale skin still glowing from what they’d shared last night.
She shifted and he picked up his guitar, thrumming his fingers along the strings lightly. Since he’d woke up that morning, he’d wanted to do something for her. Now he could.
He continued to play until her eyes fluttered open and a smile spread her lovely lips. “Hi,” she said, dragging the sheet over her.
“Hi.” He winked. “Did I wake you?”
She nodded. “The music did.” Her smile grew, reaching her dazzling eyes. “I thought I was dreaming.”
“Good. I want to play a song for you. It’s not quite finished, but a couple of lines have been playing through my head since I met you.”
“Really?” Her cheeks turned a pale pink. “Must be the atmosphere.”
“Must be a pretty lady who makes my heart sing. Now here it goes…”
“One look and I was forever changed.
An angel descended and touched my hand
She opened my eyes
To something I never knew
I have to believe I’m enough in Charlie’s eyes
No words can describe how I feel
Yet this touch tells a story
Open up and lay all your worries on these broad shoulders
Just say you will and I’ll hold you close…”
He stilled his fingers on the strings of the guitar. “That’s a sneak peek. What do you think?” he asked. She lowered her head, her shoulders jerking. Was she crying? “Charlie?”
She lifted her chin. Tears stains marred her cheeks. “That was…that was…” she hiccupped.
“No. How could you think that? It’s beautiful. That’s for me?” She sniffled loudly.
He grinned. “Being that the only other Charlie I know is a two-hundred-pound wrestler with a long scraggly beard, yes, the song’s about you.” He winked
“Storm?” She slid out of bed, pushing her fingers through her wild and messy hair. She darted her gaze lower, over her naked body and squealed. “Oh crap!” She reached for the sheet and pulled it around her body.
“Did you forget I saw everything last night?” he teased.
“And I saw you.” Her eyes twinkled. “But some modesty remains.” Her cheeks turned rosy.
“I understand.” He loved her bashful nature.
“Writing that song…I’ve never had anyone do something so sweet. I’m touched.” Her voice shook and her eyes filled with moisture again.
He set his guitar aside, stood and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “I’m a song writer and when I’m touched the creativity won’t stop. You, my lady, are good for my brain…and my heart.”
She leaned into him, sighing. “I wish you were staying longer.”
His throat constricted. For the first time in his life the draw of the stage wasn’t so strong. “I don’t want to leave either.” Did he really say those words?
She turned and faced him. “Then stay. I mean, I know you have a life and eventually will have to return to the lights and stage, but stay for a few more days. Be my date for New Year’s Eve.”
He skimmed his eyes over her bright eyes full of expectation and the crooked corner of her lovely mouth. A scorching heat pounded through his stomach, spreading through his legs. Damn, how did she do that? Make him want to stay? “You have something planned at the diner?”
“No. A friend throws a big, fancy party every New Year’s Eve. I haven’t seen her in a while and she said she wouldn’t take no for answer, that I must come and meet her fiancé. This will be the first time…well, you know. I haven’t been anywhere since Sunny.”
“You deserve a celebration,” he said.
“She knows no limits. A live band. Lights. Champagne flowing. Right up your alley.” She wagged her brows.
“Sounds like some event.” He loved seeing the twinkle in her eye and imagined her all dolled up. Nothing could beat how pretty she looked at this moment. Her lips were still swollen and pink from his kisses. Her hair had been combed by his fingers while she cried out his name. His body tightened and he sucked in a breath.
“Oh, it’s the event of the year, especially for her. I’ve been back and forth whether I’d really go. I would hate to go alone. And I have to get all dressed up.” She wrinkled her nose. “I haven’t worn a pair of heels in so long.”
He took a step back, scrubbing his jaw. How could he tell her that he had a sold out show with thousands of fans expecting him on New Year’s Eve? His chest ached and his temples throbbed. His mind searched for answers. How could he tell her no?
“I understand. It’s too much to ask. Forget I asked.” She tightened the sheet around her body.
“No it’s not. You deserve a special night. I can’t believe you’ve asked me to be there with you. I’ll go.” Max would kill him, but for the first time in his life, he wanted to make someone else happy besides himself. He wanted to be Charlie’s date.
She squealed and flew into his arms. “Thank you!” She kissed his cheeks, his chin, and his lips.
“Wow, I could get used to this.” He held her tight, inhaling her intoxicating scent. There was something he must do. “I need to see if that phone is working yet. If it’s not, I’m going to have to take a walk and knock on every house until I find a way to get a hold of my manager.”
“You don’t have to walk. If you drive ten miles south, you’ll have service.”
“Ten miles? That’s as much as a hundred without wheels.”
She laughed. “Take my truck. The roads should be passable and my keys are hanging on the hook by the door. Just keep your eye out for stray dogs,” she teased.
“You’re a funny lady, you know that.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You coming along?”
“No. I’m going to take a shower and make you a down home country breakfast. We need energy.” She opened the sheet and flashed him skin, then turned and wobbled to the dresser.
“You show me that hot little body and expect me to walk?” He lifted a brow.
“I’m hoping that’ll give you a reason to hurry back.” She chuckled. He adjusted himself behind his zipper. “I’ll be back before you can say pig three times backwards.”
“Be careful,” she said over her shoulder.
Downstairs, he found Yogi sitting by the door, eyeing him with chocolate brown eyes. Storm grabbed the keys from the hook and the dog still stared. “Sheesh, Yogi. Wanna come with me?” Yogi’s tongue came out and he whimpered. “I’ll take that as a yes. I’ll need someone to unload to after my manager dumps me.”
Charlie descended the stairs and looked at the front door, remembering Billy’s scene last night. She’d cleaned up all of the evidence and she wouldn’t allow him to dampen her excitement. She was astonished at the idea that the Storm Rich would be her date for New Year’s. Of course she was thrilled that she had a date planned with him, but it was more than just the obvious. Last night was remarkable, Storm was amazing. He was giving and kind, and she found herself doing exactly what she didn’t want to do. Falling in love. Was that possible? She didn’t know him.
She blew out a long breath. It didn’t matter what her feelings were. They would part ways after the New Year. Plain and simple. She would accept the facts. They lived in different worlds.
Rounding the staircase, she stopped dead in her tracks. Standing by the kitchen door was a stranger—a short statured man with a designer suit and red tie. When he saw her, he scooped off his black hat and held it against his chest. “Sorry, ma’am. The door was open a crack and I did knock.”
“Who are you?” Was he another lost driver?
“I’m looking for Storm Rich. I’m his manager, Max.”
Her chest tightened. “Oh.”
He smiled sheepishly. “I stopped over at the diner and the man at the counter told me I could find him here.”
She folded her arms over her waist. She wasn’t ready for the outside world to spoil the warm and cozy feelings still embedded within her. “You missed him. He left about ten minutes ago.”
“Left? As in gone?” Max’s brow popped up.
“Gone, as in he needed to find service so he could use his phone. He’ll be back.”
“Whew!” He wiped his brow in dramatic effort. “That’s good. I don’t want to chase him over any more mountains.”
“You’re welcome to stay and wait. Would you like a cup of coffee?”
He nodded. “That would be great. Thank you.”
“Have a seat. Get comfortable. I’ll make you a cup.” She left him standing by the door and went into the kitchen. She could barely get her hands to stop shaking as she poured the coffee from the carafe into a large cup. A dread like none other washed through her. The bubble was burst and reality was rushing in.
She and Max went into the living room. He took a seat on the couch and she felt obliged to also.
He pulled out his cell from his coat pocket. “We really are in the middle of nowhere,” he mumbled. “I don’t have service.”
“That’s about right, but you did find us.”
Max dropped the phone into his lap and sipped the coffee. “Smells delicious. I can’t say thank you enough for taking care of Storm. My assistant is making some calls to take care of the rental truck still wedged in the ditch. I saw it. She might be having issues with her phone too though.” He rolled his eyes. “If you’ll let me know a monetary amount, I’ll take care of your expenses for keeping Storm up for the last few days.” He reached into his pocket and took out a small leather satchel.
Her throat ached. “This isn’t a bed and breakfast. He got stuck here and my father and I took him in because he needed the help.” She could see the shock in Max’s wide eyes. He probably thought she was foolish for turning down money. What she and Storm shared, no one could understand, and certainly no money was needed.
; “That’s very kind of you.” He stood and wiped his hands down his jacket. “I’m here now and I can be sure that Storm gets to the airport unscathed and on time.”
She blinked. “On time?”
“He has commitments this afternoon and a sold out show on New Year’s Eve. Duty calls.” He placed his hat back on his head. “He’s a busy man with a full schedule.”
“Of course.” Her heart dropped. Why would he agree to be her date on New Year’s Eve when he had plans? A concert. Dizziness washed over her. “What would happen if he didn’t make the concert?”
Max’s face paled and his thin lips twisted. “Not make the concert? Why would he not make his appearance?”
She shrugged. “I’m only asking because he’s lucky the weather has improved.”
“For theories’ sake, if he doesn’t make the show, he’ll disappoint thousands of fans and we lose big bucks. We wouldn’t want that to happen, would we?” One groomed brow crawled upward.
“No, we wouldn’t.” She gave her head a quick shake, feeling her face heat up. How could she have been foolish enough to believe Storm could accompany her to the party? He had prior commitments, those that couldn’t be pushed off or forgotten. Again, they lived in separate worlds. The biggest thing she had to worry about was how many napkins to order from the supplier.
The door opened and Storm stepped in, Yogi trailing him. “I hope it was okay that I took the old dog.”
“You have company, Storm.” Charlie forced a smile on her lips.
He swiveled on boot heel and his eyes widened on his manager. “So this is why you didn’t answer, Max,” Storm said in a tight voice.
Max’s gaze narrowed. “I’ve been on a goose chase trying to find you. I have a car waiting in the diner’s lot, with Shelley inside, and tickets for a noon flight. We need to hurry.” He was already at the door, waiting.
Storm looked at Charlie, his gaze meeting hers in a way that made her heart hiccup. Then he turned back to his manager, a visible stiffness in his shoulders. “I can’t go, Max.”