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Crossroads 5: Show Me What Love Is (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  Collin couldn’t take his eyes off of Bethany’s eyes. She was stunning, and her long black hair fell in glistening waves of shine along her shoulders and down her back. When she turned to look toward the windows and the falling snow, the waves of onyx bounced along her side and then back.

  She smiled when Wayne, Willie’s grandson, brought over the hot chocolates. He gave Bethany a wink.

  “So, how was the hike today?” he asked Collin.

  “It was good. I noticed less and less of the bear tracks. They must all be hunkering down for the winter by now.”

  “Definitely. It’s a good time to take the high path to Spook Rock. Have you’ve gone out toward the other side and the Devil’s Peak this month?”

  “About a week or so ago I did. It’s pretty damn treacherous. I wouldn’t risk it during this winter weather. Hikers are asking for trouble,” Collin said to him.

  “Well, these tourists come up looking for an adventure, and they find out about these hot spots of ours, and the next thing we know we’re calling you and your brothers to come out and help rescue them.”

  “Devil’s Peak? Is that on the west side of the mountain where it dips really low to the water?” Bethany asked.

  “Sure is, doll. I don’t suggest you go out there on your own, at least not until spring, but maybe with a guide like Collin here you’d be okay.”

  “Oh, really?” she asked. She took a sip from her hot chocolate as she looked over the rim of her cup at Collin. Their gazes locked, and he looked so serious yet also in tune to the attraction between them.

  “Sure thing. Any of the Cummings men are great trackers, hunters, and finders. They know these woods like the backs of their hands. I’d better get back. You two enjoy the warmth. It’s getting cold out there quick.”

  Bethany felt her heart racing. Cummings? Collin was a Cummings too? How was he related to Chancellor? To Riley, the sheriff? As she stared at him, she felt a mix of emotions. She was shocked. She felt guilty, then she felt like laughing, and then she went back to shocked again.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  She licked her lower lip and then held his gaze.

  “How are you related to Chancellor?” she asked.

  His expression changed to one of annoyance. “Who said I am, honey?” he asked with an attitude, his tone a little abrupt. His whole demeanor changed. She didn’t know why, and she felt kind of silly. Maybe he wasn’t attracted to her. Maybe she should just get the heck out of here. But then she got annoyed.

  “Did my question upset you?”

  “Yes,” he snapped at her and then looked away.



  “Because why? How are you related? It’s a simple question.”

  “Not really.”

  “Why?” she asked, pushing him. He leaned across the table and held her gaze with a very serious one.

  “Listen, my brother is a great guy, and yeah, he has a shitload of money and can get any woman he wants, and women throw themselves at him all the time. He snaps his fingers and gets chicks, so don’t think I’ll introduce you to him.”

  “Whoa. First of all, I don’t need an introduction, because I just so happen to have met your brother last night in the city at some stupid business function. My question about you being a Cummings and about how you are related to Chancellor was just my curiosity, since I met both of you at different times in a matter of twenty-four hours. Meanwhile, I’ve lived around the area for years. I don’t want you to introduce me to him, and actually, your comment and honesty about him being a lady’s man just solidifies why I didn’t take him up on his advances last night. I see that gentlemanly charm doesn’t seem to run in the Cummings family. Thanks for the hot chocolate, buddy, but I’m outta here.” She went to stand, and he grabbed her wrist as he stood up and then stared down at her.

  “You met Chancellor last night at that event and he wanted you to go home with him, and you declined his advances?”

  “Yes, so?”

  He slid into the seat right next to her. “You were attracted to him?”

  She looked down, and he reached over and touched her cheek. The skin-to-skin contact set her entire body up in flames.

  “Be honest.”

  “I guess I liked him, but I don’t date. He wanted a one-night stand, and I don’t sleep around, Collin.”

  He stared into her eyes, kind of squinting at her before he placed his arm over the back of her chair. Leaning closer.

  “That’s real good to know. It’s also really interesting how the two of us met up there on the ridge. If you were at the business party last night, it means you work in the city. Is that right?”

  “I do. I work for an advertising firm.”

  “My brother trying to hire you to do some work for him?”

  “No. We met because he knows my boss. So, the guy behind the bar…”

  “You mean Wayne?” he asked, not even looking away from her, which kind of made her nervous and feel pretty damn special to make a man as big, older, and sexy as Collin hold her gaze and not want to look away. But she didn’t want to get away from herself here. She wasn’t sure what was taking place. She just knew that the chance of meeting two brothers separately and being attracted to them in the same way was not something to take lightly.

  “Wayne mentioned that you and your brothers are great hunters, trackers, and help find missing hikers. Is that true?”

  He leaned back and still held her gaze, except now he started to play with her hair. He ran a finger through her curls at the bottom of her back and looked so relaxed and at home doing it.

  “It’s true. We grew up around here. One of my fathers worked for the sheriff’s department, and my other dad runs a lodge off of Lake Luzerne about an hour or so from here. Ever go up that way?”

  “No, I haven’t. I moved to Wellington a couple of years ago after I met Suzette Warner at a function in the city. We went to college together, but I stayed put in the city and she headed back this way to work. She loved it here, and then, of course, her sister had passed.”

  “Oh, so you’re friends with Suzette? I know her and her boyfriends, Niko and Miles. My brothers and I have known them for years.”

  “I figured as much from the story Suzette told us about Chancellor selling the storefront in town to Lacey because Stone was able to speak with Chancellor first.”

  “I remember that. He would have played hardball, but they’ve known one another for years. Chancellor has a hard time giving things up that he’s worked hard getting.”

  “Can’t blame him for that. I don’t have much, but what I do have I’ve worked hard for.”

  The door opened, and a gust of wind came inside, along with a few hikers.

  “Damn, it’s getting brutal out there. We heard that the police might be closing the road,” one of the men said as they started pulling off their gear.

  “Damn, I should probably get going or I’ll be stuck and won’t be able to drive my Jeep.”

  “Where do you live in Wellington?” he asked.

  She still felt kind of embarrassed about living in one of the small cottages outside of the lake area. They were in great condition and the owners were so nice, too, but it wasn’t exactly a house. Still, she felt it was better than living in an apartment in the city, which brought back lots of bad memories for her.

  “Oh, right outside of town on the border.”

  “I’m not sure where you mean, but worse-case scenario, the quad can get us there.”

  She finished off the hot chocolate and then wiped her mouth with the napkin.

  “That’s okay. I’ll figure it out. If I get to the Jeep, I’ll be fine. It’s great in the snow.”

  “But it must stink having to commute with it to the city.”

  “I don’t. I take mass transit. I wind up home a lot later, but I don’t have to deal with the traffic or the crappy ride.”

  “Well then, I guess we’d better start h
eading down the mountain.”

  She smiled and nodded, and Collin stood up first.

  He helped her get her jacket on, and then they waved good-bye to Wayne and headed out into the snow.

  “Damn, it sure is coming down fast.” Collin guided her along the pathway toward the back of the building. The wind was picking up, gusting snow and an icy mix right at them.

  “You should have worn warmer pants,” he said to her as he hugged her from behind and ran his hands up and down her legs. She froze in place, shocked at his move and also at the warmth his hands infused into her cold skin. She was shivering.

  He gave her ass a light tap as they got to the quad before he released her, and then pulled out a key and started up the engine. He revved the engine, and the smell of gasoline filtered through the air. He reached into his backpack. “Here, put this on.” He offered her a cool-looking black military-type face mask.

  “What about you?” she asked, closing her eyes and using her hand to block the snow smacking against her.

  “I’ve got this.” He pulled on another one, as well as a pair of riding goggles.

  “Climb on.” He straddled the seat.

  She took in the sight of Collin a moment. He looked so sexy and rugged, like some wild outdoorsman, untamed, powerful, and completely macho. She gulped, knowing that it was probably going to feel really nice to sit on the back of the quad behind him, straddling his seat and wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “Are you coming? I promise I won’t do any wheelies with you on board.”

  He gave her a wise-ass expression, and she got onto the seat. The moment her thighs touched his, she felt the shiver run under her skin. She gripped onto his shoulders, and he spoke to her loudly over the engine.

  “You can wrap your arms around my waist and hold on tight. The terrain is a bit rough.”

  “Okay,” she yelled back, and then he started to take off, and she gripped him around the waist and hugged him close.

  It was so damn cold. If she were dressed for this weather, then she would really be enjoying this winter wonderland before her, but no such luck. Her pants were getting soaked, and so was her pussy as the warmth and masculinity of Collin’s body heated through all the layers of clothing.

  She shifted every so often, trying to relieve the itch burning down there, but no such luck. Between his muscles, the scent of his cologne, and the fact that he was so big and muscular compared to her, she felt about ready to snap.

  As he got to the bottom of the hill, they began to see flashing lights as well as an ambulance. He slowed down, and they stopped right before the sheriff’s patrol truck. She could hardly take her eyes off the sight. There stood the police chief, Riley Cummings, and the moment he saw them, his eyes widened, and then he looked angry.

  She was about to try and get off to see what was happening when Collin reached back and held her leg in place with his gloved hand. Even that sent her intimate parts into chaos.

  “What’s going on, Chief?” Collins asked. The chief looked at her and then his brother.

  “You’re out in this shit? I thought you would have headed home before the first snowflakes fell.”

  “I kind of got a little sidetracked up on Spook Rock Mountain. Meet Bethany. Bethany, my brother, the chief of police, Riley.”

  He reached his hand out, and she was shaking as she placed her hand into his. He covered it with both hands and stepped closer.

  “Damn, you’re ice-cold. Why didn’t you give her something else to wear?” he asked Collins.

  “Nothing to give her to wear. We were fine until the snow really started to fall. Bethany parked her Jeep down here like the other hikers and then made her way up on foot. I was giving her a ride back to her Jeep.”

  Riley made a strange face, and she felt her gut clench.

  “Sweetie, please tell me your Jeep isn’t the black one that was parked by the set of trees in the corner of the lot.”

  “Yes, that’s where I parked it. What’s wrong?”

  He placed his hands on his hip and one on his holster. He was a big man, too, and looked even larger in the winter police parka and hat.

  “A tree fell down and smashed over the front of your Jeep and two other vehicles.”

  “Oh God.” She instantly felt sick and like crying. She couldn’t afford something like this right now. She hadn’t even gotten any money for the new position she would have at work. What would she do? How would she get home and to the commuter parking lot for the bus into the city?

  He reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder, and she was shocked at the attraction she felt. He seemed to be, too, as he squinted at her, and then they both looked at Collin. Collin’s eyes were glued to hers.

  “I’ll get you home, and my brother will take care of the Jeep. We have some good friends who own the shop in town. We’ll help you.”

  She felt the tears sting her eyes. “I can’t afford this right now. Oh, God. I really don’t need all this aggravation. Wait, why is there an ambulance there?” she thought to ask as she looked at the flashing lights again and then saw some paramedics in the back of the vehicle with someone lying down.

  “Someone was walking to the car when the tree fell. A limb knocked them down, and they got a bit cut up. The paramedics are just looking them over as a precaution.”

  “Oh, thank God. Well, at least no one was really hurt.”

  “You could have been there if we hadn’t stopped for hot chocolate,” Collin said to her. She stared at him, feeling like somehow meeting him was meant to be and that something was definitely happening here.

  “What do you need from me for your report or whatever?” she asked as she slid off the seat.

  Riley took her arm and helped her. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. Then Collin got off the quad and stood behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders, being supportive and protective.

  “Let’s get you warmed up first. Come sit in the truck where the heat is on, and I’ll get what I need from you.”

  She looked at Collin. “Thanks for the ride anyway, and the hot chocolate.”

  “No need to thank me. I had a good time. Besides, I’m not leaving you yet. I need to make sure you get home okay.”

  She saw some sort of look pass between Riley and Collin. She couldn’t help but feel that the look had something to do with her.

  Fifteen minutes later, and a hell of a lot warmer, she realized she was right on the money, as both men accompanied her home.

  * * * *

  Riley was gripping the steering wheel tightly. He kept glancing into the rearview mirror, checking out Bethany. She was stunning and very sweet. She’d mentioned working in the city and having to commute every day, and that she needed her Jeep to get to Portland Place to catch the bus to mass transit. Her home address indicated that she lived in the very small cottages outside of Wellington that used to be small lake vacation homes years back.

  Why she lived there instead of someplace nicer, he didn’t understand, but the more he thought about it, and about how she’d met Collin, he really didn’t care. He just knew that he found her attractive, too, and there was this instant feeling of protectiveness over her, almost possessiveness. Kind of like “I saw her first, she’s mine,” except he thought of him, Collin, and Chancellor as one and she could be theirs. That was a lot to digest in the ten-minute ride to her cabin.

  “It’s the one on the end toward the back corner,” she pointed out.

  His headlights didn’t do much to illuminate the dirt road or the small little cabin that came into view. It was one of the nicer cabins and looked well maintained, and even had some plantings under the two front windows and a cute walkway. She must have added some personal touches to the place, including the porch swing that none of the others they passed along the road seemed to have. He did get a funny feeling inside, knowing she lived all the way out here all alone. The closest cabin to hers was at the top of the dirt road. Wasn’t she scared, living out here
all alone?

  “It’s really private. How are your neighbors? Or do you hardly see them?” he asked.

  “I see them often, and they’re very nice. The two front cabins are rented by elderly couples, and then the other three are single guys. Two work in the city and one in Portland Place as a firefighter.”

  Riley wondered if the single guys ever hit on her or asked her out or, more importantly, if they’d slept with her. He suddenly felt jealous and angry, which was so strange for him. He was leaping from one extreme to the other, and the woman wasn’t even theirs yet.

  He pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine.

  “Well, thank you so much for the ride, Riley. I guess I’ll hear from someone about my Jeep later in the week?” She pulled her hat down over her head and grabbed her backpack.

  “I’ll stay on top of it for you, Bethany, and give you a call Monday with an update.”

  “Thanks.” She looked at Collin.

  “I’ll walk you up to you door.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to. It’s so cold out there.”

  “I want to.”

  Riley saw the serious and interested expression in his brother’s eyes and knew Collin liked Bethany. He wanted to join him in walking her inside her place, but he didn’t think he had the right to do that yet, and also, there was a concern that this interested, instant attraction could make him do something stupid like kiss her. That would probably scare the heck out of Bethany. Instead, he smiled and gave her a wave, and watched as Collin walked her to her door. He watched her unlock it and then Collin cage her in against the doorway and kiss her.

  Riley’s cock hardened beneath his pants as he watched her kiss his brother back while Collin explored her curves with his gloved hands. As their lips slowly parted, she shyly looked away and right at Riley. His heart hammered as she pulled her lip between her teeth and Collin said something to her. Her eyes widened, and then she said something back. She looked hesitant to go inside and then caressed his chest with her gloved hand before she walked into her house and closed the door. Collin came walking back, straight-faced.


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