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The Cowboy's Rules (Cowboys After Dark)

Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Oh, Chad, please, no more,” she begged.

  “One more outburst and I’ll really whip your ass. Just do as you’re told and get this over with. Got it?”

  “Okay, okay, I’ve got it!” she agreed.

  “I’m waitin’.”

  “I will,” she stammered, then grit her teeth as the spoon landed the double swats on her opposite cheek, “not smoke,” she continued, clenching her fists while he landed the next two, “on this property,” she finished, squirming wildly as he swatted the final three just as he had done previously, slowly and very hard.

  “I hate you,” she wailed.

  “No, you don’t hate me, you hate yourself for bein’ such a brat.”

  “No! I hate you.”

  “Well, maybe you do just a bit right now,” he smiled, and began gently rubbing the large red patches on her cheeks.

  “Let me up,” she demanded.

  “Oh, no, not a chance,” he chided.

  “Why not?”

  “First of all, I haven’t heard a single word of remorse, second, you’re not gettin’ up until I know you’re feelin’ better about things, and third, you broke another rule of mine, no lies, and that hasn’t been dealt with.”

  “Dammit,” she protested, and to her chagrin her outburst was met with a sound smack from the paddle, right in the center of her backside.

  “Now girl, you just stop that.”

  Cassie bit her lip.

  “You didn’t know about that last rule so I can’t be too hard on you. Usually carries a penalty of a baker’s dozen, but since I didn’t mention it I’ll let you off with six. You can take them now or later, and if it’s later it has to be within twenty-four hours. You tell me, what’s it to be.”

  “Later,” she exclaimed, without any thought.

  “Then I guess that means you’ll be over my knee again pretty darn soon.”

  “Please, let me up,” she begged. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hmmm, not sure I believe that you’re sorry, not just yet. Let’s just recap for a minute. I told you at the beginnin’ of the trip if you didn’t change your attitude I’d spank you, but you were a brat anyway, then I warned you about not wearin’ gloves, and did you listen? No, and ended up gettin’ hurt. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you’d ignore me again.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” she stammered. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I don’t know why I do these things.”

  Her voice was softer, and he could hear her sincerity.

  “Don’t your folks give you hard time about smokin’?”

  “My mother just told me not to do it in the house, and my dad thinks I quit.”

  “What would he do if he knew?”

  “I don’t think he’d do anything, but my brother…”

  “What about your brother?”

  “Troy,” she sighed. “Well, he’s not at home anymore, but when we have the odd conversation he asks about it and, well, he gets mad. He told me…”

  She paused and wriggled, then let a long sigh.

  “You can stand now,” he said tenderly, pulling her panties up and helping her to her feet. “What did Troy say?”

  She was on her feet before him, her hands holding her cheeks, looking sheepishly embarrassed, and Chad thought her utterly endearing.

  “He said that he wouldn’t date a girl who smoked. That it’s like licking an ashtray,” she breathed. “Absolutely disgusting.”

  “I agree with your brother,” he remarked, and in spite of the distasteful commentary, unexpectedly found himself wanting to do just that; take her face in his hands and kiss her.

  “You w-wouldn’t go out with a g-girl who s-smokes?” she stammered.

  He shook his head.

  “No way, and don’t let me catch you with a cigarette here again.”

  “You won’t,” she promised, “and I’m really sorry.”

  Getting to his feet he pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly.

  Poor kid, havin’ parents who don’t care.

  “I’m a terrible person,” she mumbled.

  “Why would you say a thing like that?” he queried, breaking their hug and looking down at her reddened face.

  “You’ve been so nice to me, and I couldn’t even do the one thing you asked.”

  “This is true,” he smiled, “but you’ve paid the piper. Let’s go eat, and then I’ll work with your mare a little bit.”

  “I’m starving, but my ass really hurts, and so does my finger.”

  “I’m glad about your ass, maybe it’ll keep you on the straight and narrow for a while, but I’m sorry about your finger.”

  Shit. I think I’m falling for this guy, she thought, staring into his strong, determined, warm brown eyes.

  Damn, I think I’m fallin’ for this girl, he thought, gazing down at her, and taking her uninjured hand, led her back to the kitchen.


  The long, late afternoon shadows, promised dusk was just a couple of hours away. Chad and Cassie had collected Shelby from the paddock, and Chad was leading her across to the large round pen where the truck and trailer were waiting.

  “Cassie, you can’t come in with me,” he decreed, as they approached the gate. “That’s the rule. Only the handler and the horse in the pen in a trainin’ session.”

  “But I-”

  “You remember when we were in the van and talkin’ about this mare, and you asked me why I wasn’t mad at you for gettin’ so upset?” he interrupted.

  “Yes, you said you’d tell me later.”

  “You weren’t bein’ a brat, you were just worried. You were bein’ a mama bear, and I don’t get mad at someone for carin’ about their animal,” he smiled, “but I think you know I wouldn’t do anything bad to her,” he said firmly. “You need to stay in the vewin’ platform and sit there quietly.”

  “Only if you promise you’re not going to hit her,” she frowned.

  “I never hit my horses, ever,” he said reassuringly. “This mare’s a bit smarter than you,”

  She felt herself blush and stared at the ground.

  “She won’t go in the trailer,” she said, shaking her head. “She just won’t.”

  “Cassie, I know you’re worried, but I promise you, this will all be over very soon, and there won’t be any drama.”

  “But how?” she pressed.

  “You’ll see. You just have to trust me,” he replied patiently. “Go on now, get up those steps.”

  Sighing heavily, she walked the few yards to the stairs that led up to the covered platform, and looking over her shoulder, she saw him lead Shelby into the pen and close the gate.

  Whatever he’s doing it will never work, she mumbled. He doesn’t know her.

  Nervously she sat on the hard wooden bench. It didn’t help that her bottom was still sore and her finger was throbbing, but staring down at the cowboy and her difficult mare, she started to feel a sense of relief.

  Shelby had always been a dancing, prancing, obstinate horse, but she was such a dream to ride it was something Cassie had learned to tolerate. Even her trainer had given up, discovering that any firm handling seemed to make the horse even more difficult, and while Cassie didn’t believe that Chad would get the mare into the trailer, she did believe that he was an outstanding horse handler, and maybe, just maybe, he could teach the mare some much needed ground manners.

  She had expected Chad would walk the mare up to the ramp of the trailer and try to lead her in, but he didn’t, and she wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. He had the horse moving from side to side, crossing her legs in the back, then walking her forwards and backwards.

  I don’t think that’s going to achieve anything, but at least it’s not aggressive.

  She fully expected Shelby to start her nonsense when Chad got her near the trailer, but to Cassie’s astonishment, that didn’t happen. Shockingly, when Chad led Shelby straight towards it, Shelby hesitated for just a split second, moved her front feet on to the ramp, t
hen stopped, staring inside.

  Cassie’s heart skipped a beat. She’d owned the horse for three years and had never seen anyone get the naughty mare to within ten feet of a small trailer. She watched, holding her breath, as Shelby dropped her nose, sniffed the ramp, and simply stood there.

  It took all Cassie’s self control not to jump to her feet and clap, but Chad had made it very clear she had to be quiet, and this time she was going to listen.

  A minute or two passed, Shelby backed away, and Chad started the dance again. Cassie watched, absolutely enthralled, and when he led Shelby to the ramp for the second time, to Cassie’s absolute astonishment, Shelby walked up the ramp, paused for a moment, then moved all the way in.

  OH MY GOD! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE! HOW DID HE DO THAT? her head screamed, and impulsively leapt to her feet.

  Instantly Chad turned and pointed at her, then lowered his finger. Gulping, she immediately sat back down.

  A few minutes went by before Chad backed the horse out, repeated the exercise, lead Shelby to the trailer, up the ramp, and all the way inside. Cassie looked at her watch; the whole thing had taken less than ten minutes.

  She thought he was finished, but to her surprise he continued in the same vein, leading Shelby into the trailer several more times, each time leaving her there for a few minutes. Finally, he flipped the lead rope over her neck, and the horse walked herself in. Chad looked up and smiled, giving Cassie the thumbs up gesture.

  It was too much for her. She didn’t know why, but she was suddenly overcome with emotion and tears began to spill from her eyes.

  Chad had witnessed the scene many times before, the emotional release an owner would experience when their horse became agreeable; a combination of tremendous relief and joy, but when he saw Cassie’s tears they became contagious. Feeling a lump in his own throat, he found himself longing to comfort her, and hold her, and kiss her tears away.

  But Shelby still needed him, and the mare had to remain in the trailer for several more minutes. Rarely was Chad impatient, and he took several deep breaths to stay calm, a firm believer that a handler transmitted his thoughts and feelings to the animal. Focusing his energy back on his charge, he waited, making sure the mare was completely comfortable before asking her to back out.

  “You can come down and join us now,” he called.

  “I don’t know why I’m crying,” she sobbed, standing up.

  “Come on down here and say hello to your new horse.”

  Running down the steps, she pushed open the heavy gate and walked quickly forward. He had backed Shelby out of the trailer and she was standing quietly, on the long, loose lead rope.

  “How did you do that?” she asked, completely bewildered. “Sweet mare, I’m so proud of you,” she sniffed, stroking the mare’s neck, and to her absolute delight, Shelby dropped her head and rubbed it against her chest.

  “If you want I’ll teach you how to keep her happy. This won’t last if you don’t keep up the trainin’,” he warned.

  “Chad, I would love that, thank you. I’ll pay you,” she offered.

  “Let’s get something straight, your money’s no good here. Got it?”

  “I’ve got it,” she smiled. “Thank you.”

  “She needs to relax a bit now. Have you got your gloves?”

  “Uh, no,” she said sheepishly.

  “She’ll be fine, but I have to stick to the rules, and with that finger no sense takin’ any chances.”

  “You’re right,” she smiled. Damn, you’re casting a spell on me. I’m feeling like Shelby, I want to do whatever you ask.

  “Have you made up your mind? Do you wanna leave your horses here, or take them to the stables?”

  “Oh, definitely, leave them here, if that’s still okay,” she replied. “This place is horse heaven.”

  “Happy to have them. Much better than a crowded stable and a stall,” he grinned. “After we put Shelby in her paddock, you need to write out what type of hay they’ve been getting, and their supplements. I also need your show schedule.”



  “This is your ranch, isn’ it?” she asked softly.


  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Sometimes it’s best to keep things close to the chest,” he replied.

  Amen to that, she thought.

  “If you don’t mind me saying so, you seem awfully young to have a place like this. Was it your dads?”

  Chad studied her for a moment, then smiled.

  “No, I started working very young and never stopped. Do you what you love, do it well, and success will follow, that’s the inheritance I got from my dad.”

  “I know exactly what you mean,” she smiled back.

  There was a secret in her eyes, but he chose not to push.

  “Come on, let’s get things organized, then I can take you into town and let you check into your hotel.”

  My hotel. Shoot. I wish I could stay here.

  Chad saw the flicker of disappointment, and felt the same energy pulse through his heart, but he had to meet with Marty, and then needed a quiet evening and an early night.

  “You know, Cassie, I would be very happy to have you stay here,” he admitted, “but there is something I need to take care of, and-”

  “It’s okay,” she interrupted. “I’m just really glad that my horses are in such a great place.”

  “There’s another rule you need to know about,” he said, looking at her intently.

  “Of course there is,” she retorted. “You have more rules than a second grade school room.”

  “Be that as it may,” he continued, “the rule is, you need to let the other person finish what they’re sayin’. You interrupt way too much!”

  “Sorry, yes, I know,” she sighed.

  “What I was gonna say is, I would be very happy to have you stay here as well, but there is something I need to take care of. Once it’s done, if you’d like, you’re welcome back. I’m sure your horses would like to have you here, and it would sure make things a bit easier.”


  “Yes, really,” he smiled, “but only if you promise to follow the rules, no smokin’, no tellin’ fibs, you always have gloves with you, and there’s more, but they can wait.”

  “I definitely promise,” she twinkled up at him.

  They’d reached Shelby’s paddock, and after letting her loose they stood at the fence and watched her roll.

  “Now that’s a happy horse,” Chad commented.

  “And she has an equally happy owner,” Cassie declared.

  “Let’s go get a cup of coffee and make that list,” he said, “and then I’ll get to fixin’ things so you can get back here. Truth is, I kinda liked havin’ you around here today, even if you are a brat.”

  “I am not a brat!” she jumped, “at least, not all the time.”

  “That’s true,” he chuckled, “but you’re really fun to tease!”


  After going through the wants and needs of her horses, it was well past sunset by the time Chad drove Cassie to her hotel and made sure she was checked in and settled. It had been an arduous few days, and he was ready for a quiet drink and an early night, but first he needed to meet with Marty and discuss the errant, Hannah McCloud.

  In addition to his home, there were four guest cabins on the property. Marty, being the ranch manager and senior handler, lived alone in the largest. One housed the three handlers that made up Chad’s team, another the four maintenance workers who mucked the stalls, dragged the rings, and did the ongoing repairs, and the fourth, the smallest, was empty, having just been vacated by Hannah McCloud, the sole female handler on the ranch.

  It was a two bedroom, and while Chad hired both men and women equally, he received far more male applicants than female. Since he rarely had more than two female employees at any given time, allocating the smaller cabin for women had worked out well. While it wasn’t mand
atory that the handlers live onsite, they enjoyed the lifestyle, and living rent free was a bonus.

  As he drove up to his sprawling ranch home, he noticed Cassie’s horse van had been moved, and Marty’s truck was parked in front. Pulling his Range Rover into the garage, he walked into the house and found Marty settled on the couch, drinking a beer in front of a flaming fire, Mickey curled up on the floor. The dog was still tired, and though he lifted his head in welcome, he didn’t budge from his spot.

  “I think I’ll have one of those,” Chad commented. “Glad you started that fire. It’s gettin’ nippy. Seems like McTavish thinks so too.”

  “Yep. It’ll be cold in the mornin’. We blanketed those three horses, and wouldn’t you know, that Shelby had other ideas.”

  “Did it take much to get her settled?” Chad asked.

  “Not at all, just made her move her feet a bit and she stood like an angel.”

  “She’s a thoroughbred, and she’s got that temperament for sure,” Chad nodded, “but they’re so dang sensitive and smart it’s easy to make ‘em see sense.”

  He’d pulled a bottle of beer from the small refrigerator in the living room bar, and sat down opposite his foreman.

  “So, Hannah!” Chad exclaimed. “You know I had no choice but to fire her.”

  “You didn’t, for sure,” Marty sighed. “It still baffles me.”

  “If we turn her into the police it’ll be on her record, but maybe that’s what she needs. Sometimes it takes something real serious to get someone walkin’ straight,” Chad declared.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I kinda think she needs a good a scare, but not something that’s gonna dog the rest of her days.”

  “If she’d let you, you could take a belt to her butt. That’d scare her!” Chad exclaimed.

  “Oh, I’d love to whip her ass,” Marty nodded. “I’ve thought about it…she sure deserves it.”

  “Whatever her punishment, it has to be you that passes sentence,” Chad remarked. “She sure was worried about the Sheriff gettin‘ involved. I know she’s gonna beg me not to turn her in, but that decision is yours.”

  “I just wanna do the right thing, the thing that’s best for her in the long run,” Marty said, his voice somber.


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