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The Cowboy's Rules (Cowboys After Dark)

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  The heat in her throat had been growing into a lump, but when his arms went around her and pulled her into his chest, when his bear hug engulfed her and his warm breath touched her face, she let go, sinking into his loving reassurance.

  “We better now?” he whispered.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I just get so, I don’t know how to explain it, worried about things.”

  “When you get worried, you talk to me, okay?”

  “Okay,” she sighed.


  “I promise.”

  And one of these days, he vowed, I’ll find out where all this fear comes from.


  Later than afternoon, as Cassie was announced as the Show Champion for her division, and accepted the large silver trophy, Chad was watching and couldn’t have been prouder. Randy was beside him, clapping and cheering as the trophy was presented.

  “She deserves it,” Randy declared, as the photographers stepped up to take her picture.

  “I’m sure she does,” Chad replied, “but bein’ able to buy expensive horses like Rembrandt has to help.”

  “What makes you think her horses were expensive?” Randy frowned. “She bought Shelby off the race track for a dollar. The horse had two speeds when she brought it in, stop, and go really fast.”

  “I thought-”

  “A lot of people think Cassandra has expensive horses because her family is so wealthy. Cassandra bought all three horses herself, and believe me, she paid pennies.”

  “Even Dominic? He carries her around like a push-button, highly trained, European import.”

  “He might have been at one time, but Dominic she found alone in a field on the other side of town. The people who owned him had turned him out because he had an injury. When she found out they were going to send him to slaughter she rescued him. Took her over a year to make him sound again.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Chad muttered, “and Rembrandt there?” he asked, watching Cassie dismount to stand and pose next to her horse, holding the silver cup.

  “Ah, well, Rembrandt belonged to a teenager in my barn and she simply couldn’t ride him. Cassandra showed him for her, and did really well. When the girl went off to college Cassandra convinced the girl’s parents to sell her the horse, promising a forever home. He cost the most, but she still stole him. Bought him for $2500, but it was promising the forever home that did the trick, and of course the girl can see him whenever she’s back for holidays and such.”

  Why didn’t she tell me any of this?

  “That’s why she deserves it,” Randy continued, as they watched her leading Rembrandt slowly from the ring. “She’s really dedicated and it hasn’t been easy for her. Hey, I’m the first to complain about her being spoiled and difficult, but that’s only one side of her.”

  Dumbfounded, Chad opened his arms as she walked through the exit gate.

  “I’m so proud of you,” he smiled, doing his best to hug her in spite of the large trophy.

  “Thanks. Mr. Rembrandt gets extra carrots tonight,” she beamed.

  “He’s not the only one,” Chad winked.

  “I’m so glad you were able to get here,” she smiled, leaning against him. “It makes the win so much more special, no offense Randy.”

  “None taken,” Randy grinned. “I need to get over to the dressage arena. Be here early tomorrow, we need to school Shelby a bit before the class.”

  “For sure,” Cassie replied, handing the trophy to Chad so she could loosen her horse’s girth.

  As they meandered back to the stables, Chad’s mind was swirling with the startling information Randy had just given him.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” Cassie remarked, as they entered the barn aisle and placed the horse in the grooming area.

  “I’m tryin’ to make sense of some things Randy just told me,” he replied.

  “Like what?” she asked, pulling the saddle off.

  “Like, how you came to have your horses.”

  “Oh, that,” she remarked.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “What’s to tell?”

  “A lot!” he exclaimed. “Do you know what you are?”

  “What am I?” Cassie asked, picking up a grooming brush.

  “You are a walking dichotomy, and I want to know the whole story. The van, your barn at the estate, everything.”

  She stopped her work and looked at him.

  “It’s not terribly interesting,” she remarked.

  “It sure as hell is,” he protested. “Now let’s get this boy loaded and home. After we get cleaned up, we’re gonna sit in front of the fire and drink Irish Coffee’s, and you’re gonna talk and I’m gonna listen.”

  “Okay, Mr. Douglas,” she smiled. “If that’s what you want.”

  “Yes, it is, Princess, that’s what I want.”

  The light traffic made the drive back to the ranch an easy one, and Cassie was effervescent with the thrill of her win, chatting the entire way about how the ranch had relaxed Rembrandt to the point of making their jumping round a dream, and how she couldn’t wait to get on Shelby the following day.

  “I’m going for a clean sweep,” she announced. “I’m determined to win the Jumper Classic tomorrow. There’s a $15,000 purse.”

  “Don’t go doin’ anything foolish now,“ Chad warned.

  “Don’t worry, Shelby has springs for feet and sprouts wings when she’s on course.”

  They pulled into the driveway, and as they neared the house, Chad saw Marty sitting on the bench outside the front door. Chad slowed the trailer to a stop and Marty came jogging up.

  “Everything ok?” Chad asked.

  “Yep, just need a private word when you’ve got a second.”

  “Come on down, I’ll unload and then we can chat.”

  “Great, thanks, boss.”

  Chad moved the trailer forward, pulled up outside the barn, and he and Cassie unloaded her horse as Marty walked down the road to join them.

  “I’ll take him into the round pen for a roll, then out to his pasture so you can talk to Marty,” she smiled, seeing the tall, lumbering ranch manager approach.

  “Okay, I’ll meet you up at the house,” Chad replied, and leaving the trailer to be cleaned up, he joined his friend.

  As Cassie led Rembrandt into the round pen, and stood back to watch him drop down and loll about in the sand, she glanced across at the two men standing by the trailer. They were deep in conversation, and a moment later they began walking up to Chad’s home. Though not sure why, she was curious, and didn’t take her eyes off the back door. It was only a few minutes before Marty reappeared, carrying what looked like a long case, the kind that would hold a musical instrument, or perhaps a pool cue.

  Depositing Rembrandt in his paddock, she walked quickly to the house and into the kitchen, only to find it empty, and as she walked down the hallway to the bedrooms she could hear the sound of Chad’s shower. Deciding to follow suit she made her way to the guest room.

  After spending most of the day at the dusty show grounds, and not having had time to shower when she was home at lunch, the steaming water felt glorious, and toweling off, she slipped into a pair of leggings and a tunic sweater.

  As she made her way towards the living room, she could smell the coffee, and found Chad sitting on the sofa in front of a blazing fire, McTavis curled up next to him.

  “Is that for me?” she smiled, pointing to a full mug of coffee, a large dollop of whipped cream floating on the top.

  “It sure is,” he declared.

  “Man, it’s good to be here,” she declared, flopping on the couch. “It’s been quite a day.”

  “It has,” he agreed.

  “Here’s to Rembrandt, my champion,” she smiled, clinking her mug against his. “Like I said, having you there made it extra special.”

  “Do your folks ever watch you show?” he asked.

  “Hardly. My dad thinks horses are a ridiculous waste of mo
ney, and my mother isn’t interested in anything except her glass sculptures and her dinner parties, and she can’t stand a speck of dust anywhere in the house.”

  “Glass sculptures?”

  “She has a room dedicated to them. It has all kinds of special lighting and alarms, even a combination lock on the door. It’s like a room in a museum,” she answered, and Chad was sure he detected a shadow of sadness behind her words.

  “I don’t understand, if your dad thinks that way, why do you have the barn, why did he buy you the horse van?” he asked.

  “What makes you think he bought me the horse van?” she frowned.

  “It’s not an inexpensive item,” he replied, raising his eyebrows. “I just assumed-”

  “You assumed he did, probably like you assumed my horses cost an arm and a leg, right?”

  “It is a natural conclusion,” he said, feeling uncomfortably defensive.

  “When dad bought the estate, the barn was already on it. It wasn’t in a terrible state of disrepair, but it certainly didn’t look like it does now.”

  Cassie paused, looking down at Mickey who had chosen to lay next to her rather than his master.

  “When I was growing up I had nothing to do after school, then I found the pony club down the street. Turned out I could ride, and I absolutely loved it. Dad refused to buy me a pony, and my mother was appalled until she found out that several of her friends had daughters who belonged, so she sanctioned it, but I was only able to ride school horses.”

  “So what happened? How did you-”

  “When I went to college, I made sure it was a school that had an equestrian team, and that’s when I became completely hooked. When I got back I asked my parents if I could fix up the barn myself, and keep a horse there. They said yes, but I had to pay for everything, thinking I’d never be able to do it.”

  “But you did? How?”

  “I designed and sold jewelry,” she said simply.

  “Those sketches, I saw some sketches you drew on my note pad.”

  “Oh, yes, those. I didn’t have anything to do waiting for you to get back from taking Mandy to the vet clinic, and ideas for your logo were running around my head so I started sketching for you.”

  “They were excellent,” he smiled. “No wonder you did well, but you must have designed an awful lot,” he declared.

  “I did. I started making pieces out of beads and crystals and selling them on the internet. A friend of my mother’s saw me wearing one of my necklaces and went crazy for it. She had it made up with real stones, and when her jeweler asked where she got the mockup, which was actually my necklace, she told him. He started buying my work, and that’s how it all began. I ended up signing an exclusive deal with the Johnston Jewelry company.”

  “The Johnston Jewelry Company? You’re kiddin’? They’re one of the biggest chains in the country,” Chad exclaimed.

  “What you said earlier is true. Do what you love, and all of that,” she smiled. “The day I brought Dominic and Shelby home my parents were shocked. Anyway, that’s what I do. I get a monthly retainer and royalties. That’s how I get to ride, and go to shows, and have the van,” she declared. “See, simple, nothing really.”

  “Nothin’? That’s incredible. You don’t live at home, though, isn’t that what you told me?”

  “God no, I hate it there. I lease a condo in town.”

  “Like I said, you’re walkin’ dichotomy,” he exclaimed, shaking his head.

  “Why? What makes you say that?”

  “You’re a spoiled, willful young woman absolutely beggin’ to be taken in hand, but you’re also a strong, independent, successful designer, incredibly self-sufficient and determined,” he grinned, “and that makes you absolutely irresistible.”

  “It does? I thought maybe it might turn you off,” she said quietly.

  “Not at all. Why would you think that?”

  “Honestly, most guys seem uneasy when they find out.”

  “I am not, most guys,” he chuckled, putting his coffee mug on the table and reaching for her. “I think you are one of the most amazing women I’ve ever met, and I mean that.”

  “Seriously?” she asked, staring at him.

  “Seriously,” he replied, and dropping his mouth on to hers, he kissed her warmly, luxuriating in her lips, gently lingering, finally lifting his head and staring at her, his eyes exuding his admiration.

  “Wow,” she breathed, “that was some kiss.”

  “You are some woman,” he whispered, “and let’s not forget, also a girl who still has part two of a punishment pendin’.”

  “Ooooh, Chad,” she groaned. “Can’t we let that just go away? Make it a celebration of my victorious day?”

  “My goodness, listen to you, tryin’ to wiggle out of trouble,” he remarked, shaking his finger at her.

  “But you’ve spanked me already,” she protested.

  “You’re not actually gonna debate this with me, are you?” he queried, raising one, wicked eyebrow.

  “Um, well…”

  “I would suggest you do exactly what I tell you,” he warned.

  “And that is?” she asked, sighing dramatically.

  “That is, go into the bedroom, put some pillows in the middle of the bed, then lay across them, naked, spread-eagled, eyes closed, and wait for me.”

  “What? Noooo, you’re going to spank me again?”

  “That depends,” he smiled.

  “On what?”

  “On how long you stay here arguin’ with me.”

  “Sh-shoot!” she pouted. “This isn’t fair.”

  “Okay, now the count starts.”

  “I’m going!” she exclaimed, jumping up.

  “Just as well,” he declared, slapping her rump as she turned to leave.

  “Ouch!” she blurted out. “Are you sure we can’t talk about this?”

  “Two, three, four…” he replied.

  Cassie stood, staring at him for a moment as his count continued, then hurried down the hallway.

  “She’s a remarkable lady, isn’t she Mickey?” he grinned at his dog.

  Mickey sat up, yawned, then jumped from the sofa and trotted down the hallway after her.

  “I guess that answers that question,” he chuckled, and picking up his mug, downed the last of the coffee.

  Feeling vulnerable and nervous, Cassie stripped, then stretched herself across the pillow, spreading her arms and legs as he had requested.

  What is wrong with me? Why do I love this? she wondered, closing her eyes. This isn’t normal.

  The sound of his approaching footfalls stopped all thought, and she listened intently, heart pounding, as she heard him cross the room and open a drawer.

  “I’m gonna place a blindfold over your eyes,” he said softly, sitting on the edge of the bed next to her.


  “You are too funny” he chuckled. “Because I choose to.”

  Slipping the black satin in place, he secured it behind her head, then using some soft cotton rope he’d filed away in the same drawer earlier that day, tied her ankles and wrists to the four corner posts of the bed. As Cassie felt the strain of the cord, the first inklings of helplessness washed over her

  I seriously love this. Oh, my God, I think I’d come right now if he touched me.

  Moving into his large, walk-in closet, he pulled a bag from a high shelf, dialed the combination lock, and withdrew an oval, wooden paddle.

  “A few swats to remind you why you’re here,” he declared, returning to the bed, “with a few added for debatin’ my instructions.”

  She felt a cool, hard surface slide over her skin before it slapped down, landing with a fierce heat.

  “Chad, that really hurts!” she exclaimed.

  “As I told you before, that is the point of punishment,” he replied patiently, smacking the mahogany wooden paddle on the opposite cheek.

  Burying her head in the mattress, she muffled her cries of pain as he continued to slowly
spank the paddle across her bottom.

  “Just a few more, then four good ones because of the debate,” he announced.

  Receiving no response, he continued his work, giving the last two on each cheek, an extra zing.

  “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked gently, rubbing his hand over her burnt skin.

  “I guess not,” she mumbled.

  “But if you hadn’t told me about what happened with Hannah, it would have been much harder,” he reminded her.

  “I believe you,” she stammered.

  “And now for the second part of your punishment,” he announced.

  “Not more spanking?” she whimpered hopefully.

  “No, the spankin’ is over,” he promised, tenderly tapping her.

  Rising from the bed, he ambled back into his closet, stripped, and dropping the paddle back in the bag, smiled down at the many decadent toys and implements. Retrieving a wide Velcro band and a large vibrating dildo, he returned to the bed, pausing to admire the waiting, wanton woman in front of him.

  “You are truly gorgeous,” he murmured.

  “Th-thank you,” she stammered, this is weird, but weird in a really awesome way. I never want it to end.

  Settling next to her, he touched her satin slit, smiling at the hot wetness his fingers discovered as he nestled them between her lips.

  “Are we feeling a little hungry, young lady?”

  “Yes,” she breathed. “I don’t know why spanking does that to me.”

  He smiled knowingly, and positioning the dildo against her inner thigh, the tip lightly touching her clit, he wrapped the Velcro band around her leg to hold it in place.

  “What’s that?” she whispered.

  Ignoring her query and flicking the switch, he brought the teasing, buzzing dildo to life, eliciting a squeal.

  “Ooooh, Chad, press it against me.”

  “No, it’s gonna stay exactly where it is for a while. It will titillate you, but not quite enough to let you come.”

  “Ooooh, please,” she wailed, wriggling as much as her binds would allow.

  “Stop that,” he said sharply, smacking her butt, “just accept it. If you’re a good girl I might just let you have your release.”


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