Attack State Red
Page 52
Pte Geater LJ
Pte Green RC
Pte Greenland DR
Pte Hare OH
Pte Harper S
Pte Harrison RF
Pte Hastings RF
Pte Hill DJ
Pte Hlubi Y
Pte Kushinga S
Pte Lee NA
Pte Lowe GJ
Pte Muley J
Pte Perry J
Pte Purcell T
Pte Rogers AJ
Pte Sample D
Pte Thompson J
Pte Wanjau E
Pte Watson L
Pte Whatley TS
Pte White B
7 Platoon
Lt GEB Seal-Coon
Lt Luff AK
Sgt Martin S
Sgt Woodrow ML
Cpl Murphy J
Cpl Parker SW
LCpl Knowles DAH
LCpl Lockley JA (Gren Gds)
Lcpl Mann GS (Gren Gds)
LCpl Veal SP
Pte Barke RW
Pte Barker AJ
Pte Booth JL
Pte Cress JDC
Gdsm Davidson M (Gren Gds)
Pte Doherty RJ
Pte Dowd SL
Pte Ensinger ML
Pte Foster R (Killed in Action) Gdsm Freiss (Gren Gds)
Pte Gillmore P
Pte Goddard D
Gdsm Heavens (Gren Gds)
Gdsm Hogg ST (Gren Gds)
Pte Lee JO
Pte Lewis J
Pte McClure A (Killed in Action)
Pte Medlock JC
Pte Merlo AL
Pte Nurse GA
Pte Pearson MA
Pte Perkins KD
Pte Porter D
Pte Sloan ARR
Pte Smith 14 MJ
Gdsm Thomas BD (Gren Gds)
Gdsm Thomas ME (Gren Gds)
Pte Thrumble J (Killed in Action)
WO2 Snow IJ
Cpl Toynton PM
LCpl Auckland MP
LCpl Bailey D
LCpl Carter JC
LCpl Dowles AJ
LCpl Farrar A
LCpl Owusu GO
LCpl Ruecker OS
Pte Carruthers MC
Dmr Curtis KP
Pte Davis JP
Pte Fryer SC
Pte Lambell JS
Pte McKelvie A
Pte Read G
Pte Strike IK
Pte Tanner Tremaine JJ
Pte Turner BK
C (Essex) Company Company Headquarters
Maj PJ Messenger
Capt DC Hicks (Killed in Action)
Capt DJ Haggar
Lt J Titchener (PWRR)
WO2 Ramm PA
CSgt Culshaw P
Sgt Duffy JG
Cpl Fosker S
Cpl Seager DJ (R Sigs)
LCpl Baxter NS
LCpl Ehret KH
LCpl James BL
LCpl Stuczynski PA (Gren Gds)
LCpl Walker LE
LCpl Wilson R
Pte Athorn LD
Pte Cobb SD
Pte Emmett BJ
Pte Ford TM
Pte Juby SP
Pte Langton A
Pte Trussler SJL
9 Platoon
Lt TA Clarke
Sgt Hassan JR
Cpl Everitt MP
Cpl Johnson A (RRF)
Cpl Milam (PWRR)
LCpl Aldridge RV
LCpl Kerrin ARP
LCpl Kirby AK
Pte Dexter MS
Pte Dunster JJ
Pte Gamadze AS
Pte Ghazalli SJ
Pte Harman A
Pte Hill JF
Pte Hines DG
Pte Jacks MA
Pte Johnson MW
Pte Khan MTS
Pte Hilton B
Pte Holland RJW
Pte Howard SL
Pte Tomlin S
Pte Wells W
10 Platoon
Lt SED Perrin
Sgt Armon S
Cpl Brown A
Cpl Ferrand TL
Cpl Pindar AN
LCpl Drinkwater WG
LCpl Howe AJ
LCpl Smith NAJ (Gren Gds)
LCpl Thomas GD (Gren Gds)
Pte Alden W
Gdsm Bangham CJ (Gren Gds)
Pte Bayley CA
Pte Becala MS
Pte Brace NB
Pte Brown DB
Pte Cooper LB
Gdsm Emery CR (Gren Gds)
Pte Facal KJF
Gdsm Foxall LA (Gren Gds)
Pte Garner EW
Pte Gibbs J
Pte Gordon CR
Pte Gough BAA
Pte Harris L
Pte Harris SL
Gdsm Harrison AEB (Gren Gds)
Pte Hyett ML
Pte Jeary RP
Gdsm Jones DA (Gren Gds)
Pte Kent PM
Pte Langridge
G Gdsm Matai JB (Gren Gds)
Pte McDermott S
Pte Murray SE
Pte Pritchard JM
Pte Spanton BR
Pte Stevenson IJ
Pte Thompson J
Pte Wright CD
Pte Wright P
11 Platoon
Lt HJJ Olivier (R Sigs)
2Lt C Powell
Sgt Waters M
Cpl Farrugia DJ
Cpl Thomson KR (Scots)
Cpl Townsend NG (Rifles)
Cpl Willan M
LCpl Lake B
LCpl Watson DW
Pte Bates D
Pte Blowes DDJ
Pte Bonnell JJ
Pte Budd JD
Pte Cain M
Pte Cumberbatch CWD
Pte Davitt CA
Pte Garrett SM
Pte Jones RA
Pte Joseph D
Pte Kemp JAK
Pte O’Connor LK
Pte Olen LM
Pte Palmer A
Pte Peacock SM
Pte Rawson TA (Killed in Action)
Pte Sellers MN
Pte Snow J
Pte Thorpe CS
Pte Todd RM
Pte Vaughan TDC
Pte Walker SD
Pte Webb CS
Pte Woollard MD
Capt MOG Taylor
Sgt Head ST
Cpl Eastwood M
Cpl Gayler LD
LCpl Chadwick DW
LCpl Corner E
LCpl Henty SR
LCpl Highton KJ
LCpl Mann TM
LCpl McPhee SM
LCpl Mercer S
LCpl Robinson ML
Dmr Armstrong FS
Pte Casburn A
Dmr Gent DT
Dmr Meiring D
Pte Moore SP
Dmr Prior DA
Dmr Seymour D
Dmr Wright RJ
D (Cambridgeshire) Company
Company Headquarters
Maj CS Calder
WO2 Taylor T
CSgt Hopkin C
Cpl Groves LL
Cpl Moore MJ
Cpl Nicholls MB
Pte Pudwell AJ
Recce Platoon
Capt APT Wilde
Sgt Hill JJ
Sgt Thurston A
Cpl Hill AR
Cpl Kearney PM
Cpl Eggleton JS
Cpl Ling DW
Cpl Roberts WJ
Cpl Vickery R
LCpl Cadman DP
LCpl Eggleton PMG
LCpl Green JM
LCpl Pimm S
LCpl Ryan J
Pte Boyle C
Pte Brown A
Pte Cook N
Pte Cooper WP
Pte Freeman ADA
Pte Greenfield WJ
Pte Hancock GM
Pte Hautfleisch GUR
Pte Mazariel SC
Pte Prior WM
Pte Rowley JA
Pte Sawyer MJ
Pte Webster PA
Pte Worsley CD
Mortar Platoon
Capt PMJ Kelly CSgt Grice JA
Sgt Booth DS
Sgt Duggan B
Sgt Evans AM
Sgt Tinkler AP
Cpl Baker BJ
Cpl Duncan AN
Cpl Fay DJ
Cpl Johnson D
Cpl Mataceva A
Cpl Smith BI
Cpl Wilsher MI
LCpl Grange Cook D
LCpl Jackson NJ
LCpl Kingsey MJ
LCpl Owens D
LCpl Warwick T
Pte Ablett GA
Pte Alford D
Pte Brooks JC
Pte Browne SR
Pte Carruthers MC
Pte Dare RA
Pte Dean B
Pte Dowsett DJ
Pte Edwards DL
Pte Fox TC
Pte Frampton TS
Pte Gould WJ
Pte Green JM
Pte Griffiths MS
Pte Jakes M
Pte Johnson JG (PWRR)
Pte Kneller C
Pte Lappage JS
Pte Malembe KV
Pte McLaughlin RH
Pte Penny S
Pte Perridge M (PWRR)
Pte Reynolds KL
Pte Rogers WV
Pte Saumi S
Pte Sessions N
Pte Sianakevi R
Pte Smith ATH
Pty Taylor RI
Pte Tyrell ML
Pte Van Hinsberg D
Pte Wade B Gdsm Bulivou TDN (Gren Gds)
Gdsm Goggin JD (Gren Gds)
Gdsm Mann AJ (Gren Gds)
Gdsm Mati ET (Gren Gds)
Gdsm Mulholland RM (Gren Gds)
Gdsm Pendlebury GM (Gren Gds)
Capt OB Ormiston
Sgt Love NJ
Cpl Metcalf SH
Cpl Morris MJ
LCpl Goodship IW
LCpl Hawkins A (Killed in Action)
LCpl King J
LCpl Proctor AM
LCpl Rouse C
Dmr Cucciniello MJ
Pte Henning PL
Pte Howell PJ
Pte McCabe HR
Pte Prinns RL
Pte Saunders-Jones DC
Pte Smith MJ
Dmr Stephens WN
Pte Ward DF
Dmr Williamson MN
Echelon Company
Battalion Headquarters
Maj HR Bell (PWRR)
Maj RC Barrett (AGC) (SPS)
Maj FR Landrigin (AGC) (ETS)
Maj IL Hall
Maj MA Nicholas
Capt MJ Bevin
Capt AJ Buxton
Capt AM Firmin (AGC) (ETS)
Capt K Fisher (R Sigs)
Capt DJ Glover
Capt PC Moxey
Ch4 AE Strachan (RAChD)
Capt RA Smit
Capt RA Wicks (Coldm Gds)
Lt GR Cromie (R Irish)
Lt AK Luff (RLC)
WO2 Coleing DGF (Gib Regt)
WO2 Self JE
Sgt Hodgson J (AGC) (SPS)
Cpl Durdle BA (AGC) (SPS)
Cpl McGowan Griffin VC (AGC) (SPS)
LCpl Oaks GD (AGC) (SPS)
Pte Fairclough LM
Pte Harris Barnett WR (AGC) (SPS)
Echelon Company HQ
Capt PN Blanchfield
WO2 Freeman MA
CSgt Collins IL
Cpl Jackson S
Cpl McDonald RDG
LCpl Bale O
Quartermaster’s Department
WO2 Granfield D
WO2 Jay L CSgt Holly D (PWRR)
Sgt Hardy A
Sgt Magee K
Sgt Richardson I
Cpl Brown N
Cpl Gomer W
LCpl Bale O
Pte Tuttle C
Rover Group
Sgt Waddell SM (APTC)
Cpl Buff DL
Cpl Heal MJ
Cpl Rayfield I
LCpl Mayer B
LCpl Murton T
LCpl Warner GJ
Pte Mavin CR
Regimental Aid Post
Maj AD Tredget (RAMC)
Cpl Clarke DAV (RAMC)
Cpl Horn SC
Cpl Lewis S (RAMC)
Cpl McLaughlan RB
Cpl Peyton IJ
LCpl Boyle M
LCpl Linsley S (RAMC)
Pte O’Reilly L
Pte Quick TQ
Intelligence Cell
Capt TGBP Coleman
2Lt HJ Briscoe (Int Corp)
CSgt Neal S
Sgt Gardner S
Sgt Wallis C
Cpl Guy A
Cpl Wood RL
Pte Himfen J
Pte Hood M
Pte Long T
Communications and Information Systems Platoon
Capt AI Maclay
WO2 Rackham MR
CSgt Stringer G
Sgt Mitchell DJ
Sgt Rumsey SJ
Sgt Scott GP (R Sigs)
Cpl Cartwright G
Cpl Cole W
Cpl Haley NP (R Sigs)
Cpl Heal MJ
Cpl Overton C LD
LCpl Elgumaty HI (R Sigs)
LCpl Ellis L
LCpl Freebairn C
LCpl Reilly L
Pte Bowyer MA
Sig Callaghan A (R Sigs)
Pte Garcia RL
Pte Hughes M
Sig Kane J (R Sigs)
Pte Kerner S
Pte Mavin CR
Pte Patmore R
Pte Turner DB
Mechanical Transport Platoon
Capt T Jones
CSgt Neal T
Sgt Penny C
Cpl Chandler DW
Cpl Goodchild S
Cpl Griffiths J
Cpl Lomas GJ
LCpl Jones TW
LCpl Murton T
LCpl Stevens SD
Pte Andrews L
Pte Cartwright G
Pte Donner TID
Pte Howard S
Pte Kenny E
Pte Lawrence B
Pte Pearson M
Pte Sayce NA
Pte Wymark TCG
Pte Roberts B
Light Aid Detachment (REME)
Capt DJ Fallowfield
WO2 Southall JJ SSgt Shorthouse G
Sgt Horrocks A
Sgt Roberts GP
Cpl Camp SE
Cpl Tshuma ZW
LCpl Armstrong MW
LCpl Brown AD
LCpl Evans D
LCpl Keen RA
LCpl Henson RJ
LCpl Masiwini D
LCpl Weatherall TC
Cfn Bird S
Cfn Cadd BM
Cfn Curtis LJ
Cfn Healey C
Cfn Madams A
Cfn Tate G
Cfn Watson MDN
Cfn Wilkes B
Catering Platoon (RLC)
WO2 (RCWO) Beal DP
SSgt Oldfield RM
Sgt Swinney TT
Cpl Freeman MJ
Cpl Jordan S
Cpl Langdon MR
Cpl Standen DS
LCpl Powell SA
LCpl Sawyer C
LCpl Watkinson D
Pte Boila L
Pte Daniels AGI
Pte Gurung D
Pte Gurung I
Pte Mall J
Pte Mensa F
Pte Owen-Bridge L
Pte Qiutakira SN
Rear Party (Pirbright)
Company Headquarters
Major DJ Stefanetti
Ch3 P Aldred (RAChD)
Capt DJ Glover
Capt G Leek
WO1 Buff AL
WO2 Clark S
Sgt Day MR
Cpl Filipo KT
Cpl Hogston DJ
Cpl Marshall MH
Cpl Williams RIJ
LCpl Owen DD
LCpl Phoenix SA
LCpl Skyers NC
Pte Bryant MPB
nbsp; Pte Findley SD
Pte Flounders C
Pte McRoberts M
Pte Sullivian DJ
Pte Townsley JS
Pte Watkinson F
Families Office
CSgt Woods M
Cpl Franklin A
Pte Dindyal ADS
Pte Pemberton C
Pte Toublic GK
Regimental Career Management Office
CSgt Garvie A
Cpl Jones R
Pte Emmitt SP
Pte Jones LC
Mechanical Transport Detachment
Cpl McKenna JK
Cpl Pratt JI
LCpl Dennis SWJ
Pte Down C
Pte Firmin R
Pte Hubbard B
Pte James TD
Pte Lawrence B
Pte Neil AR
Pte Pearce JA
Pte Small A
Pte Sones MT
Pte Webster
Training Wing
CSgt Wright K
Sgt Johnson SM
Quartermaster’s Department
Sgt Lovett L
Cpl Coding P
Light Aid Detachment (REME)
Cpl Poxon MPJ
Catering Platoon (RLC)
Sgt Hay A
Sgt Seal BA
Cpl Jordan S
LCpl Powell SA
Pte Webb CM
Guard Force
Cpl Cartwright GM
Cpl Debuc RP
LCpl Cornish PMG
LCpl Ferrand JWC
LCpl Jarvis NC
Pte Barritt DMT
Pte Carter C
Pte Coruchen MAGR
Pte Dodds O
Pte Fenn
Pte Fisher C
Pte Fletcher J
Pte Gilchrist T
Pte Graves A
Pte Green RC
Pte Johnson GP
Pte Jones DR
Pte Kent NPL
Pte Pearce
Pte Price GRW
Pte Pryke KJ
Pte Rayner SJ
Pte Redford SC
Pte Roberts SDL
Pte Shirley CB
Pte Tennyson K
Pte Thurlow BC
Pte Tilbury NR
Pte Wallis
Glossary of Military Terms
105mm light gun: British Army’s standard light artillery gun, firing 105mm shells out to 16 kilometres. Either towed by Pinzgauer or airlifted by Chinook. Often referred to as ‘105’.
107: An 18.8kg 107mm rocket. Contains an 8.3kg TNT fragmentation warhead. Used by the Taliban in Afghanistan.
2IC: Second-in command.
.338: See long-range rifle.
.50 cal: Browning heavy machine-gun. Fires a half-inch-diameter (.50 calibre) bullet. Pronounced ‘fifty cal’ and normally mounted in sangars or on certain vehicles.
51mm mortar: Also referred to as the ‘51’. A hand-held mortar that fires high-explosive, smoke and illuminating shells out to 800 metres. Provides each rifle platoon its own indirect fire support. Normally controlled by the platoon sergeant.
5.56mm: Standard calibre of ammunition for the British Army SA80 rifle, light support weapon (LSW) and Minimi.
7.62mm: Standard calibre ammunition for GPMG. Also used by PKM.
81mm: British Army medium mortar. The main form of indirect fire support available to infantry troops in Afghanistan. Fires HE, smoke and illuminating rounds out to 5,650 metres.
A10: United States Air Force ground attack jet. Also known as the ‘tank buster’ or ‘warthog’. Equipped with a 30mm Gatling gun and capable of delivering a variety of guided munitions.
AK47: Soviet-designed assault rifle, firing 7.62mm short round. Used by the ANA and the Taliban.
ANA: Afghan National Army.
Apache: AH64D attack helicopter. Used by NATO forces including British and American. Armed with rockets, Hellfire missiles and a 30mm cannon. Also referred to as ‘AH’.