Attack State Red
Page 54
Operation Silicon 44, 45, 52, 53, 54, 63, 79–83, 85, 86–7, 90, 94, 95, 96, 98
Operation Lastay Kulang 212, 213
at Sangin DC 214, 215, 277
Operation Ghartse Ghar 216, 217, 221, 227, 246–7
Jusulay irrigation project 249
Sangin cart bomb 252
nickname (‘The Fighting Ninth’) 254
air assault mission 254–76
and the attack on Inkerman 321, 324
and aid to the people of Sangin 371
Operation Palk Ghar 375, 376, 386
1 Platoon 13, 14, 17, 18, 24, 29, 30, 31, 54, 82, 214
Operation Palk Ghar 382, 388, 396, 397
2 Platoon 9, 17–18, 24, 29, 30, 31, 82, 95, 255
air assault mission 257, 258
Operation Palk Ghar 388, 389, 391, 392, 396
3 Platoon 12, 18, 29, 30, 82
Operation Palk Ghar 389–92
Anti-Tank Platoon 39, 61, 68, 330
B (Suffolk) Company 136, 403
commanded by Maj Aston 38, 133, 331
operates from Camp Bastion and FOB Robinson 38
Operation Silicon 44–9, 52–5, 59, 62, 63, 64, 66–9, 74, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89–90
enters Zumberlay and Pasab 137
in Heyderabad 143–78
minestrike 179–85
at Waterloo patrol base 189–93
enters Sangin 194
ambushed (17 May 2007) 194–208, 253
Davey’s death 209
Operation Ghartse Ghar 215–16, 217, 221–6, 227, 231–2, 233, 236, 237, 246
moves to COP Zeebrugge 277, 283, 340
Mazdurak patrol (August 2007) 340–43, 347–53
F15 ‘friendly fire’ attack 353–62, 380, 406
repatriation service for three dead comrades 373
in major battle at Mazdurak (6 October 2007) 401
5 Platoon 135–6, 179, 209
Operation Silicon 49–51, 55, 73, 74, 77–9, 85, 86
Heyderabad 143–4, 146, 148, 152, 153, 154, 163, 173, 175
and the ambush of 17 May 2007 200–201
Operation Ghartse Ghar 221, 223, 226, 228, 235, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242, 245–6
Mazdurak patrol 341
and the search for Foster 361
6 Platoon 135, 200
Operation Silicon 51, 55, 73, 74, 77–9, 85, 86
Heyderabad 177
Operation Ghartse Ghar 218, 219, 221, 223, 226, 228, 229, 231–5, 237, 240, 241, 245
Mazdurak patrol 341, 348–51
F15 ‘friendly fire’ attack 356, 357, 359, 361
and the search for Foster 360
7 Platoon 136, 138, 187, 189, 340
Operation Silicon 51, 55, 58, 64, 67, 68, 71, 73–6, 85, 86, 92
Heyderabad 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 153, 160, 161, 175, 176
Operation Ghartse Ghar 219
Mazdurak patrol 348, 349, 351, 352
F15 ‘friendly fire’ attack 357, 385
Operation Palk Ghar 385–6
C (Essex) Company commanded by Maj Phil Messenger 38, 99, 101
in Kajaki 38, 42, 99, 281, 403
strategic role 38, 99
first Royal Anglian soldier wounded during the tour 38–9
manning of ‘The Peaks’ 101
Taliban fire on base and observation posts 103
mine incident 104–11
Mazdurak raid 111–30, 279
weakens the Taliban’s grip on their Mazdurak stronghold 131
replaced by B Company at COP Zeebrugge 277
new home at Inkerman 277, 280–83
fighting at Putay 297–304
fighting at Regay 306–17
response to the attack on Inkerman 331, 338
successful patrol out of Inkerman 363–70
Operation Palk Ghar 375, 376, 384, 397
battles in the desert and Green Zone 400
flushing out of Taliban IED team 401
9 Platoon 111, 113, 121, 277, 281
10 Platoon 111–15, 116, 121, 123, 125, 126, 128, 377
observation role 284
and Taliban attack on FSG 288–9
at Putay 297, 303
at Regay 306, 308, 312, 315, 316
in Calder’s patrol to Putay 334, 335, 337
a successful patrol from Inkerman 363–70
11 Platoon 103, 112, 113, 114, 116, 123, 126, 128, 277, 281, 304
observation role 284
and Taliban attack on FSB 288–9
at Putay 297, 300–303
at Regay 306, 308, 309, 310, 312, 316
D (Cambridgeshire) Company 93
commanded by Maj Charlie Calder 39, 330
Operation Silicon 52
Drums Platoon 281
Echelon Company 39
Gun Group 48
Machine–gun Platoon 39, 330
Mortar Platoon 39, 64, 125, 330, 397
Orders Group (O Group) 45, 48, 50, 52, 81, 254–7
Reconnaissance Platoon 39, 45, 47, 48, 52, 81, 83, 85, 88, 218, 330
Sniper Platoon 39, 202, 330, 400, 401
1st Battalion The Worcestershire and Sherwood Forester Regiment 97, 253
A Company 131, 187
2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment 305, 332, 407, 408
2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment Battle Group 39
Point Company 336
3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment 101, 269
8 Armoured Engineer Squadron Royal Engineers 40
9th Regiment of Foot 254
12 Brigade 160
12th Regiment of Foot 321
13 Going on 30 (film) 344, 345
16th Air Assault Brigade HQ 8
22nd Special Air Service Regiment 340
28/143 Battery (Tombs’s Troop) Royal Artillery 40, 48, 95, 329
40 Commando, Royal Marines 401
42 Commando, Royal Marines 40
44th Regiment of Foot 130
Ablett, Pte GA 421
Adlington, Cpl Joel W 418, 429
Operation Silicon 78, 79
Operation Ghartse Ghar 223, 224, 237
Afghan National Army (ANA) 135, 152, 177, 331, 406
patrol bases 42, 94, 97, 187
Green Zone 43
Operation Silicon 45, 47, 63, 64, 87, 91
fighting spirit 64
and Sangin 131, 134, 187, 208
at Waterloo base 190
in Sangin DC 214
Operation Ghartse Ghar 247
Operation Silver 250
IED attacks on 256
air attack mission 260
occupation of FOB Inkerman 277
Taliban attack on Inkerman 324, 329
Calder’s patrol 334
Mazurak patrol 341
Operation Palk Ghar 386, 396
and suicide bomb attack on governor’s bodyguard 400
deaths of ANA soldiers on Route 611 400
Afghan National Security Forces 45
Afghan police 331
Afghan wars (nineteenth century) 39
Agha, Shir 253
Aghlegh, Afghanistan target area of the A Company air assault mission 255–7
the local community 257
Taliban bombing team compound filmed 258
Objective A 256, 257, 258, 260–65
Objective B 256, 257
Ahmad (interpreter) 31, 32, 252, 253, 269
air assault mission (11 July 2007) 254–66
Alden, Pte Wayne 116, 419
Aldred, Ch3 P 423
Aldridge, LCpl RV 419
Alexander, Capt Baz 107–8, 109, 127
Alexander, Cpl Ryan C 19, 414, 417, 429
anti-infiltration 18
friendship with Holmes 21
air assault mission 257–65
Operation Palk Ghar 388, 389–90, 392, 396
on Royal Anglians 411–12
Alford, Pte D 421
ANA see Afghan National Army
Anderson, Dr Duncan 410
r /> Anderson, Pte MD 418
Andrews, Pte L 422
ANP Hill 9, 11, 30
Ant Hill 115
Appleton, Pte M 417
Archer, Pte Andrew F 224, 232, 242, 418
Armon, Sgt Steve 297, 414, 419, 429
and Woollard’s mine injury 106–7, 108
Mazdurak raid 117, 120–24, 127, 128
reputation for staying calm 120
efforts to save Hawkins 290, 291
a successful patrol 365, 368, 369, 370
Armstrong, Dmr FS 420
Armstrong, LCpl Mark W 414, 422
Army Air Corps 64
Arnhem, Battle of (1944) 177, 340
Arnott, Pte RT 418
Arsenal FC 151, 219
Ashby, LCpl Levi D 229, 241, 242, 243–4, 414, 418
Aston, Maj Michael 142, 143, 193, 349, 414, 417, 429
background 46
commands B Company 38, 46, 133, 331, 340
Operation Silicon 44–7, 51–4, 57, 58, 64–7, 73–4, 79, 80, 85–90, 93
Sangin plan 134, 135
gets to know Heyderabad area 136
in Heyderbad 144, 145–6, 148, 149, 151, 153, 159, 160, 172–4
radio problems 158–9, 160, 163, 166
uses Iridium satellite handset 160–61
proud of his men’s achievements at Heyderabad 177–8
the anti-tank mine incident 182–4
circuitous route to FOB Robinson 184, 185
Sangin plan 187
at Waterloo patrol base 189
the ambush of 17 May 2007 197, 199, 206, 207–8
and Davey’s death 209
Operation Ghartse Ghar 221, 226–31, 235–8, 240, 241, 245, 246, 406
commands the BRF 331
Aston, Tanya 46
Athorn, Pte LD 4198
Auckland, LCpl MP 68, 69, 419
Australian Army 46, 179
Bailey, LCpl Dean 194, 419, 429
Operation Silicon 93
under attack in Heyderabad 148, 160
as a sniper 149, 160, 193, 365
army career 193–4
the ambush (17 May 2007) 194–8, 201–7, 408
severe injuries 408
Bailey, Pte Oliver J 6, 7, 8, 365, 371, 390, 391, 392, 414, 417, 429
Baker, Cpl BJ 421
Bale, LCpl O 422
Balkans, the 330, 407
Bangham, Gdsm CJ 419
Barak zai Kalay 94, 95
Barke, Pte Richie W 341, 418, 429
in Heyderabad 162–3, 164, 165, 344
the ambush of 17 May 2007 195, 196
leaves the army 344–7
Barker, Pte Aaron J ‘Ronnie’ 418, 429
in Heyderabad 150–51, 161–2, 164–5, 166, 167, 412
Waterloo patrol base 189, 190
the ambush of 17 May 2007 197
and the Taliban sniper 342
Mazdurak patrol 352
‘friendly fire’ attack 355–6
Operation Palk Ghar 386
Barnes–Taylor, Maj 205
Barrett, Maj RC 421
Barritt, Pte DMT 423
Bassingbourn, Cambridgeshire 103
Bates, Pte D 129, 420
Battison, Pte PMR 418
Battle Group Centre 97
Baxter, LCpl NS 419
Bayley, Pte CA 419
Beal, WO2 DP 423
Becala, Pte MS 419
Begay, Afghanistan 316
Beighton, SSgt John 414
Belfast 340
Bell, Cpl C 416
Bell, Maj HR 421
Berenger, Tom 364
Bevin, Capt Mark J 414, 421
Biddick, Maj Dominic SJ, MBE 13, 37, 269, 400, 405–6, 414, 416, 429
army career 8
and Holmes’ pinned down situation 2–3, 10, 11, 12, 24, 27, 30
engages the Taliban with mortars 8–9, 22
measures against Taliban infiltration 9
decides to extract back to Nowzad DC 17–18, 24, 29
super–fit 33
and Gray’s death 34–5
Operation Silicon 44, 45, 53, 80–81, 82, 83, 87, 88, 93–6, 98
reconstruction in Sangin 215
Operation Ghartse Ghar 247
Jusulay irrigation project 249
air assault mission 254–8, 264–6
at a Sangin shura 266
Operation Palk Ghar 376–7, 383, 386, 388, 392, 394, 396, 397–8
and Hornigold 378–9, 380
and contact with local population 381
humanitarian aid to Sangin 403
Biekes, Marine 181, 182, 184
Bigmore, Pte MS 417
Bin Laden, Osama 40
Bird, Cfn S 422
Blanchfield, Capt Phillip N 39, 414, 421
Blewett, LCpl BW 418
Blowes, Pte DDJ 420
Bogarde, Dirk 177
Boila, Pte L 423
Bonnell, Pte JJ 420
Bonner, Cpl Darren (Daz) 5, 212, 399, 416, 429
death of 212–13, 256, 258, 264, 265
his funeral 407–8
Booth, Sgt Dale S 323, 326, 327, 328, 414, 420
Booth, Pte JL 140, 168, 171, 418
Borgnis, Maj AHC (Tony) 340, 417, 429
personality 340
military background 340
Mazdurak patrol 341, 342, 349–51
and ‘friendly fire’ attack 358, 359–60, 362
and the search for Foster 361
repatriation service for three dead comrades 373
major battle at Mazdurak 401, 406
Bosnia 295, 336, 340
Bourne Identity, The (film) 346
Bowadin, Haji 270–71, 272, 275
Bowman, Pte JA 417
Bowyer, Pte MA 422
Boyle, Pte C 420
Boyle, LCpl Matthew 414, 422, 429
military background and career 102–3
Woollard’s mine injury 104–11, 412
Mazdurak raid 114, 123, 124, 125, 128, 129–30
Brace, Pte NB 119, 417
Brace, Pte Thomas D 95, 414, 416
Bradbury, Pte M 418
Bramman, Pte Scott SC 232, 418
exercises 149, 222
Platoon Commanders’ Battle Course 49
BRF see Brigade Reconnaissance Force
Bridges, Pte MJ 417
Brigade Reconnaissance Force (BRF) 360
Operation Silicon 42, 45, 63
aims to take the heat off Inkerman 331
Operation Palk Ghar 375
Briscoe, 2Lt HJ 422
Brize Norton, RAF, Carterton, Oxfordshire 407
Broadsword secure landing site 108, 109, 110, 130
Brooks, Cpl Chris A 416
takes cover under heavy fire 12
extraction of Holmes 25, 27
Operation Palk Ghar 385, 387, 389, 392–6
Brooks, Pte JC 421
Broom, Pte Craig 393–4, 416
Broomfield, Lt, later Capt Dave N 418, 429
Operation Silicon 51, 55, 58, 73, 78, 79
looks after FOB Robinson 135, 200
and the ambush of 17 May 2007 200–201, 203–4
Operation Ghartse Ghar 221, 223–30, 232–6, 238, 239, 241, 244, 245, 246
Brown, Pte A 420
Brown, LCpl AD 422
Brown, Pte AJ 416
Brown, Cpl Andrew (‘Bomber’) 414, 419, 429
Mazdurak raid 114–15, 116, 117, 119, 120, 122, 130, 412
efforts to save Hawkins 289–90, 291
at Putay 297–304
Brown, Pte DB 419
Brown, Gordon 94
Brown, LCpl Ian 414
Brown, Cpl N 422
Browne, Pte SR 421
Browning, Sgt Ben B 418, 429
Operation Silicon 73–4, 78, 79
Operation Ghartse Ghar 232, 234, 242, 244, 245
Mazdurak patrol 350, 351
and the search for Foster 361
Browning, Sgt Willia
m 414
Bryant, Pte MPB 4232
Budd, Cpl Bryan, VC 269
Budd, Pte James D 127, 312, 313, 420
Buff, WO1 AL 4232
Buff, Cpl DL 4221
Bulivou, Gdsm TDN 421
Burgess, Pte Dan A 416, 429
extraction of Holmes 25, 26, 27, 28
a PlayStation fanatic 26
Operation Palk Ghar 398, 399
Burkard, Pte AET 417
Burrnell, Pte CM 417
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk 90
Butcher, Sgt Michael J 18, 20, 414, 417, 429
and the wounded Fisher 32
air assault mission 263
Buxton, Capt AJ 421
Cadd, Cfn BM 422
Cadman, LCpl David P 84, 85, 420
Cain, Pte Matthew 306, 309–14, 413
Calder, Maj Charlie S 420, 429
military career 330
commands D Company 39, 330
takes temporary command of Inkerman 330–31
priority at Inkerman 331
decides to use Mastiffs 333
Mastiff assault to Putay 334–8, 375
Calder, Maj Johnny 330
Calder, Brig Tony 330
Callaghan, Sig A 422
Camp, Cpl SE 422
Camp Bastion, Afghanistan 110, 187, 205, 251, 258, 283, 286, 295, 358, 407
described 37, 41–2
field hospital 23, 33, 176–7, 238, 292, 293, 328
B Company operates from 38, 133
Echelon Company operates from 39
Operation Silicon planned 41–2, 45
Joint Operations Centre 41, 45, 133, 237
mock–up village 44
Operation Silicon 47
Carver plans Operation Ghartse Ghar 215–17
battle group headquarters 295
Weapons Intelligence Section 343
Helmand Reaction Force 360
mortuary 372–3
Canepa, Sgt R 418
Card 429A 319
Card A 319
Carruthers, Pte MC 419, 421
Carter, Pte C 417, 423
Carter, LCpl Jason C 157, 168, 348–9, 419
Cartwright, Cpl G 422
Cartwright, Pte G 421
Cartwright, Cpl GM 423
Carver, Lt Col Stuart W 33, 253, 292, 330, 332, 410, 414, 420, 429
and confirmed enemy dead 35, 402
his headquarters 37, 200
background and military career 37
takes command of the Royal Anglians 37–8
plans Operation Silicon 41–6
Operation Silicon 47, 48, 54, 62–3, 64, 79–80, 86, 87, 89–90, 93, 94, 97
Sangin plans 134–5, 187, 211–12
B Company to reassure the Sangin population 208
plan for Operation Ghartse Ghar 215–17, 247
Operation Ghartse Ghar 227, 228, 240, 246
and the cart bomb 254
at a Sangin shura 266–9
Taliban mortar attack on Sangin 273, 274, 276
expects an attack on Inkerman 279, 296–7, 325
Hawkins’s death 293
allocated the Helmand Reaction Force 360
Colours on parade at memorial ceremony 372
hands over to the Royal Marines 401