Attack State Red
Page 57
Mazdurak patrol 351
a successful patrol 365–6, 367
Perry, Pte Jamie ‘Pez’ 238–9, 242, 243, 418
Peyton, Cpl Ian J 179, 181, 182, 204, 290–91, 292, 314–15, 322, 324, 327–8, 414, 422, 430
Phoenix, LCpl SA 423
Pimm, LCpl S 420
Pindar, Cpl Aaron N 115, 127, 419
Pirbright 150, 151, 221, 291, 304, 305, 346, 347, 365, 382
Potential NCOs’ Cadre 282
Rear Party 377
Porter, Pte D 419
Potter, Sgt Alex 322, 329, 330
Powell, 2Lt C 420
Powell, LCpl SA 423
Poxon, Cpl MPJ 423
Pozo, Pte Norman PR 5, 416
Pozo, Lt D 416
Pratt, Cpl JI 423
Price, Pte GRW 423
Prinns, Pte RL 421
Prior, Dmr Dean 415, 420
Prior, Pte WM 420
Pritchard, Pte JM 118, 420
Proctor, LCpl Alistair M 322, 326, 414, 421
Prodigy 190, 192–3
Pryke, Pte KJ 357, 423
Pudwell, Pte AJ 420
Purcell, Pte Tony 244, 418
Putay 213, 218
mass exodus of citizens from 297–8
vicious contact with the enemy at (7 August 2007) 298–304
BRF goes into the area 331
Calder’s Mastiff assault 334–8, 375
Qalah–ye Gaz, Afghanistan 134
Qalam, Haji 371
Qiutakira, Pte SN 423
Quick, Pte TQ 422
Rackham, WO2 MR 422
Rage Against the Machine 106
Railton, Dmr JB 371, 372, 417
Ramm, WO2 Peter 415, 419, 430
and Woollard’s mine injury 109, 110
Mazdurak raid 111, 125, 127, 128–9
Ranns, Pte Richard S 23, 24, 416
Rasool, Col. (local ANA commander) 266, 267
Rawson, Pte TA (Tony) 290, 304–6, 420, 430
nicknames 304
personality 304, 317, 318
at Regay 306, 308–9
killed at Regay 310–11, 313–17, 319, 331, 371, 413
eulogies for 318, 332
Rayfield, Cpl I 422
Rayner, Pte SJ 423
Read, Pte G 419
Red Fort 58, 81, 86
Redford, Pte SC 25, 28, 416, 423
Regay, Afghanistan 306–17, 413
described 307
controlled by hard–core Taliban 307
regimental system 410–11
Reilly, LCpl L 422
Report Line Purple 45–6, 86–7, 88, 89
Reynolds, Pte KL 421
Richardson, Sgt I 422
Richardson, Pte RM 417
Ridley, Capt Peter 160, 173, 174, 229
Rifles, The 126
Rix, Pte Joseph 50, 418
Rizaji, Afghanistan 342, 350, 353
Roberts, Pte Ben L 390, 417, 422
Roberts, Sgt GP 422
Roberts, Pte SDL 423
Roberts, Cpl William 414
Roberts, Cpl WJ 420
Robinson, Capt Dave J 135, 159, 183, 417, 431
Operation Silicon 51
the ambush of 17 May 2007 200–4
memorial service for three dead comrades 373
Robinson, WO1, later Captain Ian John 415, 420, 431
a respected RSM 90–91
Operation Silicon 90, 91
private visit to three dead soldiers 372–3
and Royal Anglian success in Helmand 412
and the battle group’s aggressive approach 412
Robinson, LCpl Michael L 298–302, 328–9, 336, 415, 420
Rogers, Pte AJ 418
Rogers, Pte SM 418
Rogers, Pte WV 421
Rolph, Pte Ian J 4, 5, 417
Ronaldo, Cristiano 346
Rooney, Wayne 109
Rose, Lt Bjorn ES 12–13, 16, 17, 415, 417, 431
and the wounded Gray 22, 23, 24
and the wounded Moore 25
return to Nowzad DC 29, 30
Rouse, LCpl C 421
Route 611 190, 193, 194, 231, 365, 400
Rowley, Pte JA 420
Royal Air Force (RAF) 216, 245, 259
Royal Anglian Battle Group (Battle Group North) 40, 46, 63
see also 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment Battle Group; 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment Battle Group; Territorial Army, Royal Anglian Regiment
Royal Anglian Regiment forebears of 39
formed from county regiments in the 1960s 38, 254
base of 39
Colours 39
Royal Armoured Corps 333
Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) 107, 327
Royal Artillery fire support 38, 111, 333
Royal Australian Corps of Signals 46
Royal Engineers 38, 75, 93, 97, 164, 178, 213, 245, 257, 277, 382
Royal Engineers Search Adviser (RESA) 257, 262
Royal Engineers search team (REST) 257, 262
Royal Horse Artillery: 7th Regiment 13
Royal Marines 44, 214, 220, 239, 250, 368
armoured troops 38
42 Commando 40
Royal Anglians handover to 40 Commando (October 2007) 401
Royal Marines Armoured Support Company 40
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst 49, 73, 330, 380
Royal Military College, Duntroon 46
Royal Norfolk Regiment 102, 103, 254
Royal Pioneer Corps 99
Royal Regiment of Scotland 314
Ruecker, LCpl Oliver S 142, 143, 259, 414, 419, 431
military career 59
Operation Silicon 59–62, 92, 93, 169
as a sniper 59–60, 144, 148, 149, 365
and enemy attack in Heyderabad 145, 148, 151
competitiveness 149
and Gillmore’s wound 157–8
in the irrigation ditch 168, 171
kills three Taliban 169
the ambush of 17 May 2007 195–8, 203, 206–7, 412
and the Taliban sniper 343
Mazdurak patrol 348–9
‘friendly fire’ attack 357–9
Ruecker, Scott 59
Rules of Engagement 319, 320
Rumsey, Sgt SJ 422
Rushen-Smith, Pte P 418
Ryan, LCpl James 84, 420
Ryan, Pte TJP 417
Salaam (Sangin taxi driver) 269–73
Sample, Pte D 418
Sangin, Helmand Province 42, 99, 131, 135, 190, 284, 398
a strategically important town 131, 211
Karzai’s comment on 131, 403
siege (2006) 131, 133
Operation Silver 133, 187, 249, 250
Wasifi installed as district governor 131–3
Lorimer and 131, 133, 211
patrol bases built 187
District Centre (DC) 187, 199, 209, 214, 251, 252, 254–5, 265, 272, 274, 276, 331, 378
B Company enters 194
described 194, 211, 249
the ambush of 17 May 2007 194–208
B Company returns to (19 May) 208–9
Taliban domination 211
Carver’s plan 211–12
Taliban stranglehold loosened 214–15
the market 249, 267–8, 276, 382
cart bomb of 7 July 2007 250–53, 267–8, 276
shura in the governor’s compound 254, 266–9, 269
Sangin DC hotline number 268
local community’s changing attitude towards the troops 276
humanitarian aid to 371–2, 403
and Taliban build–up 375
Operation Minimise 380
A Company in 381–2
C Company temporarily in 385–6
reduced attacks against 400
suicide bomb attack on governor’s bodyguard 400
Saumi, Pte Suly 316, 421
Saunders–Jones, Pte DC 421
Sawasdee, Cpl Niphit 82, 417
Sawyer, LCpl C 423<
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Sawyer, Pte MJ 420
Sayce, Pte Neil A 415, 422
Scott, Sgt GP 422
Scott, Pte JS 418
Scrivener, Pte BD 417
Seager, Cpl DJ 419
Seal, Sgt BA 423
Seal–Coon, Lt, later Capt, George EB 138–41, 193, 340, 414, 418, 431
Operation Silicon 51, 55, 57, 67, 68, 71, 73, 76, 77
gets to know Hyderabad area 136
in Heyderabad 144, 145, 147–8, 150, 151–2
efforts to secure the bridge 152, 153–4
radio problems 158–9, 160, 163, 170, 173
and extraction of his men from the bridge 173, 174–5, 176
commands move round Sangin patrol bases 187–9
the ambush of 17 May 2007 196–7
deployment of a sniper 342
Mazdurak patrol 340, 341, 342, 349, 350, 351, 352–3
‘friendly fire’ attack 354–5, 356, 359
and the search for Foster 360, 361
carries the Colour at a repatriation ceremony 372
Second World War 407
Self, WO2 James E 91, 415, 421
Sellers, Pte MN 420
Selly Oak Hospital, near Birmingham 39, 408
Seringapatam, Battle of 321
Sessions, Pte N 421
Seymour, Dmr D 420
Shand, CSgt CS 417
Sharpe’s Tiger (Bernard Cornwell) 321
Shea, Pte D 418
Sheppard, Pte Allen J 72, 98, 415, 418
Shirley, Pte CB 4187, 423
Shorthouse, SSgt Graham 415, 422
Sianakevi, Pte R 421
Sierra Leone 101
Silvey, LCpl RW 417
Simons, Pte 416
Sivewright, Pte C 416
Skyers, LCpl NC 423
Slater, Pte Matthew 4, 5, 11, 12, 417
Sloan, Pte ARR (Pingu) 346, 352, 419
Small, Pte A 423
Smethwick, LCpl 190–91, 192, 194
Smit, Capt Robert A 415, 421
Smith, Pte ATH 421
Smith, Cpl BI 421
Smith, Pte Dan 222, 418
Smith, Pte KAG 261, 417
Smith, Pte Michael J 286, 287, 293, 419, 421
Smith, LCpl NAJ 419
Smith, Cpl PA 417
Smith, WO2 S 416
Smits, Pte SPD 417
Sniper (film) 364
Snow, WO2 Ivan J 135, 142, 177, 419, 431
Operation Silicon 51, 52, 54, 58–9, 60, 63
in Heyderabad 144, 146, 152, 153, 170
warns of a suspicious truck 185
and the ambush of 17 May 2007 197, 198–9, 202
Mazdurak patrol 348, 350, 353
Snow, Pte Johnathon 312, 314–15, 316, 317, 420
Sones, Pte MT 423
Sorkhani (eastern section of Nowzad town) 2, 8, 9, 372
‘The Park’ 12
Southall, WO2 JJ 422
Southend recruiting office 102
Soviet Union: occupation of Afghanistan (1980s) 47, 101, 133, 153, 194, 267
Spanton, Pte BR 420
Standen, Cpl DS 422
Steel, Capt Paul R 9, 33, 415, 416, 431
Operation Silicon 81
Stefanetti, Maj Dean J 305, 306, 409, 415, 423
Stephens, Pte MTC 417
Stephens, Dmr WN 421
Stevens, Pte Mark 20–21, 259
Stevens, Pte Nicholas 322, 323–4, 326, 329
Stevens, LCpl SD 422
Stevenson, Pte IJ 420
Stones, Pte MT 422
Strachan, Ch4 AE 421
Strike, Pte IK 419
Stringer, CSgt G 422
Stringer, Pte M 417
Stuczynski, LCpl DG 418
Stuczynski, LCpl PA 419
Suffolk Regiment 330
Sullivian, Pte DJ 423
Swindells, LCpl SJ 418
Swinney, Sgt TT 423
Sword Beach, Dunkirk 410
Symonds, Pte LA 417
Tac HQ 8, 10, 24
the company commander’s command team 6
indirect fire specialists and signallers in 6
Operation Silicon 58, 62, 64, 73, 83, 86, 88, 89, 94
Mazdurak raid 115
in Heyderabad 144, 159, 172
Operation Ghartse Ghar 226, 227, 228, 240, 245
explosion incident 286, 287, 288
at Regay 309
Mazdurak patrol 348, 349, 350
and the search for Foster 360
Taff (an engineer corporal) 71–2, 75, 168, 171
Taliban rumours about 3
infiltration by 7, 9, 10, 13, 18, 87, 306, 351, 383
clothing 10, 14, 19, 20, 366
confirmed deaths after battle with A Company 35
and the local population 35, 55
in control of most of Helmand (2001) 40
strong grouping in Zumberlay 63
bloody battle with the BRF 63
resourcefulness and fighting ability 67
modus operandi 76
Habibollah Kalay 80
identified through BGTI sights 96
deaths in Operation Silicon 97, 208
caught sleeping at Mazdurak by C Company 116–17
sends for reinforcements at Mazdurak 121
grip on Mazdurak stronghold weakened 131
use of Type 63–2 107mm rockets 153
ambush of 17 May 2007 194–201, 205, 207
deaths in Heyderabad and the May ambush 208
domination of Sangin 211
deaths in Operation Lastay Kulang 213
attacks on FOB Fox 213, 215
stranglehold on Sangin loosened 214–15
kidnap and murder of Sangin’s police chief’s son 215
Tor Jan’s plans 215
deaths in Operation Ghartse Ghar 223, 246, 247
and return of normal life to Sangin 250
cart bomb 250–54
A Company’s air assault mission against a bomb–making factory 254–66
bombing team compound in Aghlegh filmed 258
Salaam reveals their mortar plan 269–74
mortar attack foiled by Coleman 274–6
attack on FSG 286–93
vicious contact at Putay 298–304
fighting at Regay 308–16
attack on Inkerman 321–30
surprised by Calder’s patrol 337–8
C Company hits back after Inkerman 338
successfully ambushed 365–70
build–up despite setbacks 375
and Operation Palk Ghar 389–97, 400
IED team flushed out by C Company 401
‘spring offensive’ 402
increasing use of mines, roadside bombs and other IEDs 402
Tangy village, Afghanistan 113, 114, 348
Tanner Tremaine, Pte JJ 4198
Task Force Helmand 40, 41, 45, 63, 86, 97–8, 160, 211, 254, 360, 375–6, 402–3
Task Force Helmand Reserve 131
Tate, Cfn G 422
Taylor, Pte AR 417
Taylor, Capt Mark OG 113, 121, 415, 420
Taylor, Pte RI 421
Taylor, Sgt Maj T 284, 285, 290, 291, 293, 302, 311, 314, 315, 317, 328, 331, 420
Tennyson, Pte K 423
Territorial Army Battalion, Royal Anglian Regiment 39
Terry, LCpl AJ 417
Theobald, Pte G 416
Thomas, Gdsm BD 419
Thomas, LCpl GD 120, 121, 303, 337, 419
Thomas, Gdsm ME 419
Thompson, Cpl AT 416
Thompson, Pte J 420
Thompson, Pte Jason ‘Jiz’ 218–19, 238–9, 242–6, 408, 418, 431
Thomson, Cpl KR 314, 420
Thorne, Cpl Simon J 50, 56, 67–8, 75, 76, 89, 418
Thorpe, Pte CS 420
Thrumble, Pte John 138–9, 140, 206, 386, 398, 419, 431
Operation Silicon 92
Heyderabad 167, 171–2, 174–7
and Prodigy 190, 192–3
and the ambush of 17 May
2007 198, 203, 204–5
finds an unusual bullet head 343
parcels from his mother 344–5
and Sloan 346
Mazdurak patrol 352
killed in F15 ‘friendly fire’ attack 355, 357, 358–9, 380, 408
repatriation ceremonies 372–3
his funeral 408
and Oliviero 380, 385
Thrumble, Pearl 344
Thurlow, Pte BC 423
Thurston, CSgt Al 420, 431
Operation Silicon 48, 82, 83, 84
Tilbury, Pte NR 423
Tinkler, Sgt AP 142, 146, 152, 420
Tipping, Gdsm B 417
Titchener, Lt J 419
Todd, Pte RM 420
Tomlin, Pte S 419
Tottenham Hotspur FC 212, 219
Toublie, Pte GK 423
Tower, LCpl Jason 75, 76, 89, 353, 418
Townsend, Cpl Nick G 315, 316, 317, 420, 431
wounded in Mazdurak raid 126, 127, 130, 315
Townsley, Pte JS 423
Toynton, Cpl Peter M 415, 419
Tredget, Maj Andrew D 166–7, 183, 184, 198, 201, 202, 203, 422
Trussler, Pte SJL 419
Tshuma, Cpl ZW 422
Turner, Pte BN 416
Turner, Pte Brian K 61–2, 419
Turner, Pte DB 422
Tuttle, Pte C 422
Tyrell, Pte ML 421
US 82nd Airborne Division 86, 131, 136, 156, 212, 216, 250
US Air Force 121, 220, 401
F15 squadron 341, 362
US Army detachments, 186, 203, 205, 208–9, 360
US Task Force 1
Fury 42, 86, 135, 136, 212, 213
van der Merwe, LCpl Werner J 7, 8, 31–2, 265, 417
Van Hinsberg, Pte D 421
Vaughan, Pte TDC 420
Veal, LCpl Stevie P 137, 152, 154, 157–8, 168–71, 177, 191, 207, 345, 418
Mazdurak patrol 341
Vickery, Cpl R 420
Vietnam 41
Waddell, Sgt SM 422
Wade, Pte B 421
Waghorne, Pte GA 418
Walker, LCpl LE 419
Walker, Cpl M 416
Walker, Pte Steve D 102, 420
Wallace, Pte DW 417
Wallis, Pte 423
Wallis, Sgt C 422
Wanjau, Pte E 418
Ward, Pte AJ 417
Ward, Pte ALW 417
Ward, Pte DF 421
Warner, LCpl GJ 422
Warner, LCpl GW 421
Warwick, LCpl Antony 229, 238, 415, 421
Wasifi, Isatullah 131–3
Waterloo patrol base, Sangin 189–93
Waters, Sgt Matthew 103, 304–6, 415, 420, 431
and Woollard’s mine injury 104, 106–7, 108, 111, 112
a strong leader 112
Mazdurak raid 114, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130
at Regay 309–10, 311, 313, 315, 316, 317
and the Taliban attack on Inkerman 325, 327
eulogy for Hicks 332
in Calder’s patrol to Putay 334, 336, 337
Watkinson, LCpl D 423
Watkinson, Pte F 423
Watson, LCpl Dale W 308, 309, 311, 313, 315, 316, 420
Watson, Pte Luke 228, 229–30, 233, 234, 236, 239, 418
Watson, Cfn MDN 422