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A Wonderful Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 2)

Page 13

by Krista Lakes

  “You're doing a great job,” he told her. He reached out and took her hand. “They seem happy.”

  “Thank you,” she said with a shrug. She took a sip of her wine. “You said you wanted to know something about me?”

  “Everything,” he replied.

  She smiled and played with her wine glass. “I feel like I'm failing them,” she said. “Like the universe is determined to put me in my place. I have to take the place of my parents, and I don't know what the hell I'm doing.”

  Ethan shook his head. “Laura, you're not failing them. I've seen the way they look up to you, and it's obvious how happy they are. You've been through things that most people on this earth will never have to go through and yet, you've managed to create a life for two kids who lost their parents. You are doing a fantastic job. Don't sell yourself short.”

  A tear slid down Laura's cheek, and Ethan reached forward, wiping it away with his thumb.

  “You know,” Ethan continued. “If anything, I think you need to learn to live your own life a little, too. You've spent so much time taking care of everybody's happiness, that I think you've forgotten about your own.”

  Laura's face softened, and she chuckled. “That's what Elena is always telling me, too. I'm trying, though. I just never want to take away any attention from the kids. All I care about is doing right by them because I think that's what my parents would want.”

  “Your parents would be proud of you,” Ethan said. “Their daughter is the most courageous and strong person I've ever even heard of. I mean, jeez, I'm proud just to be sitting here with you.”

  “You're way too sweet,” Laura said, with a sniffle.

  Right then, Daryl appeared back on the deck with the main course.

  “Chicken Wellington, Rack of Lamb and of course, Ruby Red Trout,” he said, as he carefully set each plate down onto the table. “Please, enjoy.”

  “We will,” Laura said, eyes widening.

  Daryl left Ethan and Laura to themselves. The main course looked even more incredible than the first and Laura could hardly wait to dig in.

  “Looks good, doesn't it?” Ethan said. “I hope you enjoy it. Before we jump in, though, I want to tell you that I have a surprise for you.”

  “More surprises?” she said. She motioned to the view.”This is already over the top. You don't need to get me anything else.”

  Ethan waved off the meal. “This is nothing. The surprise I have is much more exciting. I'll give it to you after we eat but before dessert. It will give us something to look forward to.”

  This guy sure has a way of spoiling a girl, Laura thought. I could definitely get used to this.

  Chapter 20


  The main course turned out to be just as amazing as Laura thought it would be. She especially loved the rack of lamb and couldn't believe how tender the meat was. After they'd eaten, Daryl came out and cleared the dishes then went back inside to get dessert ready.

  “I'm stuffed,” Ethan said. “However, I'm going to eat dessert one way or the other. I can't resist his toffee pudding.”

  “I'm so full, too,” Laura said. “You're right, though. Dessert is going to happen one way or the other. I have an insatiable sweet tooth.”

  Ethan's eyes lit up, and he reached for his pocket.

  “Oh, I nearly forgot,” he said. “Your surprise.”

  She smiled. “You really didn't have to, Ethan.”

  “I know I didn't have to. I wanted to.” He slid the white envelope across the table.

  Laura opened it up and pulled out a blank piece of thick stationery. It was folded in half, and something was inside of it.

  “What is it?” she asked, carefully opening the stationery.

  Two plane tickets fell out onto the table. She didn't notice anything specific about them at first glance, except for what was written underneath the line that said “Destination.”

  “The Caribbean?” she whispered, then immediately brought her gaze up to Ethan. “Ethan, I don't understand.”

  He smiled. “What's there to understand? I want to take you to the Caribbean. Everything's already paid for and arranged for us. All you need to do is pack your swimsuit.”

  “Oh, Ethan,” Laura said, glancing back down to the tickets just to make sure she had actually read it right. “You're serious.”

  “Completely,” he said casually.

  Her initial excitement and surprise quickly faded as a realization flashed into her mind. “I want to go. Oh, God, do I want to go. This is such a nice offer, Ethan. But I don't think I can take you up on it.”

  She put the tickets back into the envelope and slid it toward him.

  Ethan looked confused. “Why not?”

  “The kids,” she said, shaking her head. “There's no way I can leave them.”

  The expression on Ethan faced softened immediately. “That's why they're coming with us.”

  “Wait, what?” Laura said, raising an eyebrow.

  “My plan was to have us fly out there two days before they do,” he said. “They'll be in school for those two days, and then after that, they'll fly out to meet us.”

  She stared at him in silence for a moment, just allowing herself to soak in what he was saying. She didn't know what to say. She'd never even dreamed this could happen.

  “The kids have never seen the ocean,” Ethan continued. “I'm going to change that. I want to show it to you.”

  She could feel her heart beating in her chest as excitement flowed through her. This wasn't a dream at all. Ethan was really there, and he was going to take her to the ocean.

  “This is crazy,” she said, smiling. “You're taking us all to the Caribbean?”

  “I have all of the details planned out,” he said, gently squeezing her hands. “There's nothing you need to worry about. I'll come and pick you up that morning. You just have to have your bags ready.”

  “I don't know what to say,” she said. She was still trying to process the idea. It was so big a gesture she was having a hard time believing that it was real.

  “Just say, 'yes.'“ Ethan kept his eyes locked on hers as he spoke. He was so genuine and caring. She felt safe with him.

  “Okay,” she said, her smile widening. “We will go to the Caribbean with you.”

  “Excellent.” His eyes sparkled with excitement. “This is going to be a great trip. There's so much I want to show you. I think Dallas will love snorkeling and Ivy will have so much fun feeding the fish.”

  Laura was officially on Cloud Nine. Surprised with both a fantastic meal and a trip to the ocean all in one night had her dazed with excitement. She felt loved and adored by Ethan, a feeling she'd never experienced. It wasn't just the beautiful things he bought for her either. It was something in the way he looked at her. It made it seem like there was nowhere else in the world he'd rather be than with her.

  Daryl showed up with dessert a few minutes later. Laura and Ethan had a few spoonfuls of each dish, but it didn't take much until they were so full that they couldn't eat another bite.

  “Can I take the rest home?” she asked. “Dallas and Ivy will go crazy over these desserts.”

  “Yeah, definitely,” Ethan said. “I'll have Daryl pack it all up for you.”

  He turned in his chair and glanced toward the house, giving a nod. Almost immediately, some slow and soft music filled the air. It was a slow swing music song from their night at the museum.

  Laura's jaw dropped. “You remembered.”

  “Of course I did,” Ethan said. He stood up from his chair and held a hand out toward Laura. “Can I have this dance?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Yes, definitely.”

  She took his hand, and they walked to the far side of the deck. Moonlight poured in through the screens and over the two of them. It was almost like a spotlight had clicked on, putting them on center stage. It felt like that, too. For the moment, there was nothing else that mattered.

  Ethan took the lead and they slow danced to the son
g. Laura closed her eyes and moved her body to the rhythm. She could feel the heat radiating from Ethan's chest as she leaned in. The smell of his cologne met her nostrils, too. It was intoxicating, and she found herself wanting more than just a dance. She had a feeling that she would feel like this every time they danced to this song.

  The song began to slow down, and Ethan leaned in, giving her a kiss. He dipped her backward but kept his lips pressed against, all the way until the song finally ended. Then it was quiet as he carefully lifted her back up and broke the kiss. The only sound on the deck was their breathing and a handful of noisy crickets somewhere out in the grass.

  “You know we have the house to ourselves, right?” Ethan said.

  She knew what he was suggesting. It was like he had read her mind, or maybe he'd read her body. Still, she didn't understand how they could possibly have the house to themselves. A few minutes before, they were most definitely not alone.

  “What about Daryl?” Laura asked.

  “He left as soon as I had him turn on the music,” he explained.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because, that was the plan,” he said. “I told that him once I had cued the music, he could head out for the night.”

  “Isn't Craig still here?” she asked.

  “Don't worry, he's outside right now and will be for most of the night. He won't bother us,” Ethan said, then took her hand and led her into the house.

  How could a girl say ‘no’ to this? Laura thought.

  Chapter 21


  Laura and Ethan stepped off of the porch and into the house. She squeezed his hand as they made their way down the hall and into the large living room. When they'd first come in, she hadn't even noticed the little fireplace in the corner. Now, though, there was a warm fire burning inside, and its soft glow illuminated the entire room.

  “Was this on when we got here?” she asked.

  Ethan shook his head. “No, I told Craig to get that started after we'd sat out on the deck for dinner.”

  “Well, aren't you clever?” she said with a smile.

  Located directly in front of the fireplace was a sheep skin rug. They both kicked off their shoes and then walked over onto the rug. The warmth from the fire radiated outward against Laura's bare calves. It was so nice and cozy there, with her toes digging into the fur beneath her feet.

  She held both of Ethan's hands as they stood there for a moment, just enjoying the fire and each other's company.

  “Are you sure Craig is outside?” Laura said, glancing at the dark windows. The curtains were up to showcase the view.

  “I'm positive,” Ethan said. “Although, he might be looking in through one of those windows.”

  “Ethan! Stop that,” Laura said, playfully pushing against his chest. “That would be so creepy.”

  “Yeah, it would,” he said, laughing. “I guess if he's looking at us, then we might as well give him a show.”

  “Very funny,” she replied. “I'm going to go ahead and pretend you never even mentioned that possibility.”

  “I'm positive he's in his car sleeping, actually,” Ethan said. “Either way, though, he's not coming in, and he's not watching from the window. I promise.”

  He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and caressed her face in the process. The feel of his skin on hers ignited coals deep in the pit of her stomach. He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. Their tongues darted quickly in and out of each other's mouths, in a delicate but aggressive dance.

  Laura's hands had a mind of their own. They drifted up and down Ethan's muscular back, as though just touching him wasn't enough. She wanted to feel him, taste him and to absorb every aspect of him in one swoop.

  Her body burned with desire. The entire evening had been foreplay in a way. From the time he picked her up at home, throughout the drive and dinner, and of course the dancing, they'd been making love in a sense. It was all part of it. Laura was no dummy, and she knew that real sex, the good kind, was a lot more complicated than just their physical bodies connecting.

  Ethan broke the kiss, just long enough for Laura to noticed that his pupils had blown. It was a look she'd seen before, and she knew what it meant. He was going to take her right there in the living room. Needless to say, she wasn't about to argue.

  Without even two seconds going by, he kissed her again. With his body against hers, he took a step forward, pressing her back against the wall near the fireplace. Ethan took her hands and lifted them above her head, gently pinning her wrists against the wall.

  He brought his lips to her neck and began to nibble his way downward. A pleasurable chill filled Laura and goose bumps popped up over her skin. She loved the way he kissed her. It didn't matter where it was on her body either. The sensation of his lips against her flesh was enough to send her to the moon with pleasure.

  Ethan still had her pinned to the wall, as he eased his face down toward her cleavage. He kissed the top of her breasts, and she felt her nipples grow hard in anticipation. It was like every part of her body was reaching out to him, fighting for the attention.

  Finally, he released her wrists. He brought his hands down her sides, then slid the soft satin up her legs, pulling it upward toward her waist to reveal the upper part of her thighs.

  She moaned as his hand caressed the sensitive skin just below her hip. He kept working the dress up until it was bundled around her belly button. Her little white panties were now fully exposed. His hands were everywhere, and his kisses grew more insistent.

  She felt so needed at that moment. Ethan couldn't get enough of her. Both of his hands and his mouth were on her body, and the rest of him was pressed against her. She loved how it felt. It was safe and sexual, all at the same time.

  After a moment, Ethan pulled away from her chest. He clenched his jaw and glanced down her body. “My God, you're hot.”

  Laura blushed and giggled. The way he said it was with pure sincerity and she wasn't quite used to those type of comments.

  “You are, too,” she said, cocking her head. “Now take off that suit of yours.”

  “Oh, I like when you're bossy,” he said, with a smirk.

  He removed his suit coat and set it on a wooden bench nearby. Then he undid his tie and began getting to work on the dress shirt. One button at a time, starting at the top, he unclasped the buttons to reveal his chest. Laura watched intently, unable to take her eyes off of him, even for a second. It was like watching a male model taking his clothes off. He took his time, making her wait.

  She let her dress fall back down over her body as she chewed on her lip, watching him. She licked her lips as he undid the last button. He reached up and pulled the undershirt off in one smooth sexy motion that made Laura whimper with desire.

  Laura watched as he let it slide carelessly off of his shoulders and onto the ground behind him. Her eyes made their way down his front and just like the first time. She was shocked by the kind of shape he was in.

  He reached for his belt, but she stepped forward and stopped him.

  “Let me take that off for you,” she said with a smirk, her hand on his belt buckle.

  He grinned and lifted his hands, giving her free access.

  Slowly, with her eyes trained on his face to watch his expression, she dropped to her knees in front of him. His eyes dilated, and he swallowed hard, knowing what was coming next. She loved that she could have that kind of effect on him.

  Laura pulled the belt off, then went to work on the button and zipper for his slacks. Ethan stood in front of her, watching her intently. She looked up at him, noticing the way his abs and chest tightened with every move she made. He was holding himself back from taking her right there.

  Laura reached up and slipped her fingers into the waist of his slacks. She pulled downward, allowing them to fall into a heap around his ankles. Now the only thing left between her and what she wanted was his briefs.

  She slid her hands up the length of his thighs, all the wa
y until her fingers landed on the elastic waistband of his underwear. As soon as she had a grip on it, she pulled them down to his knees. She looked up as she took him in her hand and began to stroke.

  Ethan's head fell back, and he groaned. The muscles along his stomach tightened. His breathing was shallow as he held still for her. She grinned and brought her mouth to him, excited to see his reaction.

  He let out a low moan as his sensitive tip slid across her tongue. She allowed him in just a little and then pulled away. Ethan glanced down immediately.

  “Don't stop,” he begged.

  She dipped her head again, this time taking him just a little bit further inside. He breathed hard, tangling his fingers in her hair to help guide her as she worked her mouth.

  Each movement caused Ethan to groan in pleasure. It was like she was conducting an orchestra. She had complete control of everything. The pressure of her tongue, the pace of her movements were hers to use as she wished. And she was able to tell how he liked it based purely on the guttural sounds he made.

  He was panting when she pulled back. She smiled up at him as he opened his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Laura bit her lip flirtatiously as Ethan helped her to her feet. He pulled her close and when he did, her belly collided with his erection. It was as hard as could be and it made her smile to think that she was able to turn him on that much.

  He kissed hers, soft and slow, his fingers still in her hair. Then Ethan crawled onto the rug, positioning himself so that his back was to the flames.

  “Come lay with me,” he said, patting the floor beside him.

  “Now who's the bossy one?” Laura asked, with a flirtatious smile.

  Ethan chuckled. “I'm sorry. Will you do me the honor of laying next to me, madam?”

  “That's better,” she said, flashing a wink.

  The warmth from the fire felt wonderful, as Laura crawled up next to Ethan on the rug. The wood crackled as it burned, but the room was silent other than that. As Laura turned toward him, some of her hair fell into her face. He gently tucked the runaway strands of hair behind her ear and looked into her eyes.


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