Book Read Free


Page 2

by Jeanne Harrell

  Her picture was a casual one with her head slightly leaning against her hand propped up on a table. She was smiling at someone not in the photo with her pretty brunette hair piled on top of her head, making her look sophisticated. Her arms and shoulders were bare and she was wearing what looked like a silk dress with thin straps. Twinkling brown eyes with an infectious smile… She looked sweet, wholesome and just exactly as he remembered her. He stopped breathing for a minute.

  “Are you all right?” Sylvia glanced at him as he caught his breath. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat.


  In the few minutes left before the curtain went up, Bryce closed his eyes and memories cascaded down on him. She was the sweetest and kindest person he’d ever known and they’d fallen for each other as sophomores. Why she liked him, he couldn’t guess. He was moody, sulky, and rebellious… The school’s bad boy... But all that dissipated when his father died. Bryce caught his breath again.

  This was the second time today that he found himself unwillingly thinking of Carson City. Silky sentiments swirled around him like snowflakes. Trying hard not to be overwhelmed, he concentrated on the performance that began as the lights dimmed and the curtain went up.

  Soon, smooth dulcet tones were flowing over him as the four instruments began to play so harmoniously – Violin, viola, cello and piano. The music of Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms and Schumann softly swam in his mind washing out everything else. He had forgotten how peaceful that music could make him feel.

  All the music was wonderful, but when Beth played a solo movement called ‘Joy’ by Johann Sebastian Bach, Bryce thought he was in Heaven. The piece was incredibly moving and he was close enough to the stage to see the joy on Beth’s face as she played it. Her face was simply lit up and he envied her thrill at doing what she loved. He became happy… happy to be here… happy to be listening to this inspiring music… happy… As she played the last few notes, he closed his eyes and felt the earth shift under his feet.

  Intermission came and they went for glasses of wine, while talking to a few more people they knew. But that music just kept coming back at him. Bryce would zone out for a minute while certain repetitive strains of ‘Joy’ strolled through his consciousness. Sylvia looked at him strangely. When they were walking back to their seats after intermission, she asked him.

  “Where are you?”

  “Right here…”

  “No, you’re not. You keep spacing out. I can see it in your eyes.”

  He shrugged it off. “This beautiful music just keeps reverberating in my brain.”

  She smiled. “Good…Maybe you’re getting a musical ear at last.”


  After the performance, Bryce knew he had to go backstage to say hello to Beth. He wasn’t sure how happy she would be to see him, but he needed to chance it.

  “Sylvia, I know one of the musicians in the Quartet and I want to go backstage. Do you want to come with me?”

  She paused. “Which one do you know?”

  “…The pianist.” One of two women on stage...

  “Yes, I’ll come.”

  They walked to the backstage area and someone showed them to the dressing room. The musicians were relaxing, talking and discussing where to go for dinner. Sylvia stayed at the door with an uncertain look on her face, while Bryce walked into the room. Beth was chatting with the violinist when she glanced up and saw him come in.

  Beth blinked once, then twice in utter astonishment. Her mouth dropped open until she thought to close it a few seconds later. When she gracefully stood to greet him, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end.

  She looks beautiful in that elegant black evening gown, he thought.

  He looks handsome in that expensive designer suit, she thought.

  “Beth? Is that really you?” Bryce walked up to her and reached out a hand.

  She laughed. “Yes, Bryce… My God, how are you?” She reached out to him. He shook her soft hand with both hands and hung on a minute longer than decorum allowed.

  They smiled at each other.

  “The performance was outstanding…” he gushed.

  “…Did you really like it?” She blushed a light pink.

  “Very much. I enjoyed your solo piece especially.”

  Her eyes widened. “The Bach movement, ‘Joy’? You enjoyed that?”

  “Yes, it was so beautiful and you’ve become as good a pianist as you always wanted to be…”

  “Thank you. That piece is my favorite…”

  They smiled at each other again. In the doorway, Sylvia cleared her throat. Bryce looked shyly at Sylvia and then back at Beth.

  “Oh… This is my girlfriend, Sylvia Morgan.”

  “How do you do?” smiled Beth.

  “Great… We enjoyed the performance,” said Sylvia.

  “…Thanks.” She looked down at the violinist. “And this is William Lee, my good friend.”

  Good friend? Not boyfriend?

  “Nice to meet you, William.” Bryce leaned over to shake his hand.


  He smiled again into her open face. Bryce could draw every inch of her lovely face from memory.

  “How long are you in town?”

  “We’re on tour and in Las Vegas for a few weeks. It’s all been very gratifying and we’re experiencing a great run.”

  “…Super,” beamed Bryce. “Maybe we can catch up sometime.”

  “I’d like that,” said Beth.

  “Hey, everyone,” announced the viola player. “Let’s get a move on. We need to get back to the hotel and then on to dinner.”

  “Where are you staying?” asked Bryce.

  “…The Mirage,” she answered.

  “I’ll call…”

  Beth nodded at Bryce and then smiled at Sylvia. She was under no illusion whatsoever that Bryce would make good on his promise to call. As they left, he looked back once more to grin at her. She smiled back thinking of the last time she saw that breathtaking smile of his. It had to be when he left her, some ten years ago, never to return. He was supposed to be going out for pizza – He went to California instead.

  No… Bryce Barron and reliable weren’t three words she would use together in a sentence. But she smiled again thinking of how much she’d loved him. He had certainly wound his way into her heart, that’s for sure. And if she wasn’t mistaken, he had felt the same way about her. She shook her head at him now. With his flash, polished appearance and high maintenance girlfriend, he was as far from himself as a hawk from the moon.

  Beth joined her fellow musicians as they made their way from the symphony hall to their dinner reservations at the Mirage. And she thought no more about Bryce Barron…

  * * *


  Bryce was working away at his downtown office a few days later when he received a very unexpected phone call. He was finishing the last details of the Mesquite Lumber and Supply buyout with no reservations or hesitations. Done deal. With flair, he signed the last few documents, set them aside and smiled. Fragmented thoughts of the company’s owner fleeted briefly in his mind, but were banished by the phone ringing.


  “Mr. Barron. A Mr. Dan Ibarra on the line for you,” said his secretary.

  Bryce blinked and froze.

  “Mr. Barron?” He cleared his throat.

  “…Um… Thank you, Sue. Put him through.”

  Bryce moved the phone to his other ear. He gripped the phone a little tighter… Exhaling audibly, he ran a hand through his dark hair, now as untidy as his frame of mind. Dan Ibarra…Talk about a voice from the past…


  “Hello. Bryce, is that you?”

  “Sheriff Ibarra. I’m stunned to hear from you.”

  “Dan, please. I’ve been retired for a few years now.” He laughed. “… And nope, I don’t have any outstanding warrants on you, son.”

  Bryce laughed too and relaxed a bit. “Whew… Glad
to hear that. I was getting a bit nervous…”

  “You were a bit of a hell-raiser, Bryce, but I’m sure those days are past you.”

  “Yes sir.” Bryce swallowed hard. “What can I do for you?”

  Slight pause.

  “I was going through some boxes from my office last week and I came across something interesting… Something that should belong to you.”

  Bryce gripped the phone so hard that his knuckles were now white.

  “What is it?”

  “Some old thing of your father’s. I thought you should have it.”

  He didn’t know what to make of that and said nothing.


  “Still there?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Let’s meet for lunch today. I’m in town for a retired sheriffs’ get-together and would like to see you.”

  “Today? Not sure I can make it. The paperwork on my desk is sky high.”

  “…Understandable, but maybe we can make it quick. This is important, son.”


  “All right. Where are you?”

  “I’m staying at the Excalibur Hotel on the Strip. Can we meet at the coffee shop there?”

  “Sure. When?”

  “…An hour?”

  “…I’ll be there.”

  “Thanks, Bryce.”

  “Bye, Sheriff.”

  Bryce hung up and stared off into space wondering what the hell was going on in his universe. Another Carson City contact in the last few days… The city’s tentacles seemed to be reaching out to snare him for some inexplicable reason. First, the dust was stirred from the Mesquite visit, then Beth’s soft touch at the concert and now a visit from the town’s former sheriff. Dan had been a good friend of his father’s and Bryce had known him well. What could he possibly want after all this time?

  Bryce’s mind was completely muddled by the time he had driven over to the Excalibur. His hand actually shook giving his keys to the valet to park his car. Walking through the hotel’s front entrance, Bryce glanced around at the medieval décor and smiled as costumed actors walked by – Probably getting ready for the medieval show and dinner that would be happening in a few hours. He dodged a knight in clanking armor and a lady-in-waiting, complete with tall pointed hat and long-flowing satin gown. He smiled again and almost relaxed… Then he remembered why he was there and tensed.

  Bryce located the coffee shop and saw Dan waiting at a back booth. Dan looked up, waved and motioned him over.

  “Sheriff, good to see you.” Bryce reached out to shake his hand as he reached the booth.

  Grasping Bryce’s hand, Dan laughed. “Good to see you, son. You’re looking prosperous.” Bryce laughed at that. “Sit down, please.”

  When Bryce sat down, Dan stared at him for a long minute.

  “You look so much like your father. You know that, right?”

  Bryce grinned. “Thank you, sir. I did know that. I’ve heard it all my life.”

  “Having that Basque blood running through your veins isn’t a curse.”

  “…Didn’t say it was, Sheriff.”

  Dan looked at him for another minute.

  “You’re probably wondering what the hell I’m doing here.”

  “That thought had crossed my mind.”

  “Like I said on the phone, I was going through some old boxes that came out of my office at the Sheriff’s Department in Carson and I found this.” Dan pulled an old book from a bag sitting on his bench seat. He placed it on the table in front of him.

  Bryce knit his eyebrows. “What is it?”

  “It’s a logbook that your father kept when he had his clothing business. Do you remember it?”

  Bryce blew out a breath and then took in a deeper one. The universe was definitely messing with his head. He rubbed his forehead and took a calming breath.

  “…I…I saw it a few times. He’d be writing in it when I got home from wherever. He always waited up to chew me out about something.”

  Dan laughed. “Yup, that sounds like him.” He pushed the book over to him. “Here, take it.”

  Bryce reacted like it was a coiled snake about to strike. He touched it tentatively to test its reaction to him and found only the touch of aged leather in response. He picked it up and brought it to his nose – It even smelled like rich old leather.

  “Actually, it’s sheepskin. Remember your grandfather the sheepherder?

  “I do,” Bryce smiled. “He was a wonderful old gentleman. I’d go help Dad find him occasionally to take up his supplies in the hills.”

  Dan smiled back. “An old way of life gone from Nevada now.”

  “… Gone but not forgotten.”

  “No, indeed.”

  Bryce opened the book and scanned a few pages.

  “This is more like a diary.”

  “I think so. I know there were more books, but that’s all I could find… I’ll keep looking.”

  “The date here in the front is the year he died.”

  Dan nodded. “So he probably writes about the clothing store. It might be a tough read.”

  “…Yes…” A frown came to Bryce’s face as he read an entry.

  “You’re in business, aren’t you, Bryce?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What do you do?”

  “My firm buys out other companies. It’s an investment firm and we manage money.”

  “…Well, that sounds important. I hope you’re doing well.”

  Bryce swallowed. “How long are you in town, Sheriff?”

  “Just a few days… Why?”

  “I may have a question or two for you after reading this. You were one of Dad’s best friends and he confided in you.”

  “… That he did. I’m proud to have called him my friend.”

  “Could I have your phone number?”

  Dan studied him gravely and nodded. “I thought you might need a bit of information sooner or later. I’d be happy to be of help.”

  After lunch, Dan and Bryce parted ways near the valet’s stand out in front of the hotel. Dan had given him a cell number and told him to call any time. Bryce felt he might just need to do that one of these days. It was almost like his dad was reaching out to him as well.

  Driving away, Bryce shivered. Little tingles of surprise and dread tiptoed down his spine. He knew he was now waiting for the other shoe to drop…

  * * *


  Across town, Beth and Eva, her best friend, the viola player in the Quartet, were laughing.

  “Could you believe it when William hit that A instead of C sharp? What a mistake to make and at what a critical time in the sonata…” Eva smiled.

  Beth laughed. “I know we shouldn’t be laughing, but when he played that note, he looked over at me with a Help me expression on his face. It was too funny.”

  Eva, a lovely woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes that didn’t miss much, looked around the bar at the Mirage Hotel where they found themselves this late afternoon. She glanced at Beth who was nursing her glass of Merlot.

  “You are such a flyweight, Beth. Will you finish that glass of wine tonight?”

  “Ha. You’re one to talk. You’re still on your first margarita.”

  “Okay. So I can’t drink much without falling asleep…”

  “…Then don’t complain about me,” Beth laughed again.

  Just then the young waitress in the very short skirt brought over two drinks on a tray. She smiled at Beth and Eva while putting the drinks on their small table.

  “…Ah…Miss? We didn’t order these,” said Beth.

  “…What?” Eva’s I-don’t-miss-much blue eyes scanned the room.

  The waitress tipped her head towards the bar.

  “The man in that dark suit sent these over to you.”

  “Great,” commented Beth. “Just what we don’t need.”

  Eva looked over at him. “He’s kinda cute, Beth.”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “Don’t even th
ink about it, Eva. He could be Jack the Ripper.”

  She looked him over. “He doesn’t look like a Jack the Ripper type.” She smiled at him and raised a glass to thank him.

  “I’m sure even Jack the Ripper looked like a nice guy, but this isn’t the way to meet men.”

  Eva blinked hard a few times at that comment and looked confused.

  “Then how are we to meet men?”


  “We’re either in rehearsal or on stage. And if we’re not in those two places, we’re getting our instruments repaired or buying clothes for the performances.”


  “…And I’m buying strings for my viola like they’re going out of style. I should have an affair with the guy at the music store, for Pete’s sake.”


  “Um what, Beth? When was the last time you slept with a man?”

  Beth’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. “You don’t expect me to answer that.”

  “… Please don’t tell me that you and William are hot for one another because I just won’t buy it…”

  Eva folded her arms across her chest and frowned at Beth.

  “Listen, Eva, my love life…”

  “…Leaves a lot to be desired,” Eva finished for her. They looked at each other and laughed.

  “Okay. You’ve got me there. It has been a while. William and I are only friends – Not even friends with benefits.”

  Eva laughed and then remembered something. “Hey! Who was that really cute guy in the snazzy suit who came in after our last performance? You know, the one with the hot babe at the door?”


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