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Page 5

by Jeanne Harrell

  One night he was calling Beth from home when Sylvia walked into the den. He noticed her white blonde hair with not a strand out of place and her immaculate ice-blue suit. It was her travel suit… He looked over at her as she held up a card… a business card… Beth’s card… It must have fallen on the floor.

  “Whose card is this?”

  Sylvia looked vague and he disconnected the call.

  “You can read the name…” He looked sharply back at her.

  “Yes, I can.” She looked at the card and read, “Beth Lane… Who’s that?”

  “She’s the pianist from the San Francisco Quartet that we heard last week.

  “… I thought so…” She sat down in a chair by his desk. “Is there something going on?”

  “Not in the way you’re thinking.”

  “How am I thinking?”

  He ran his hand through his dark hair. “Sylvia, I’m not having an affair.”

  She paused and carefully scrutinized his face.

  “No… it’s worse than that, isn’t it?”

  Bryce stared back at her and nodded. “Yes…”

  “… I know things aren’t going well for you at work.”

  He blinked. “What have you heard?”

  “Nick’s wife mentioned that Nick was surprised you’re taking so long to complete this latest buyout you’re working on…”

  “She actually said that?”

  Sylvia shook her head at him. “Not good, Bryce, to piss off the boss.”

  He swallowed. “Things are changing for me, that’s true.”

  She got up from the chair and walked to the door. Then she looked back at him.

  “When things get sticky, that’s when I leave. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I figured you would.”

  “And that’s all right with you?”

  Bryce shrugged. “There’s not much I can do about it. The play’s in motion and I probably couldn’t stop it if I knew how.”

  She thought about that for a minute.

  “How does Beth Lane figure into all of this?”


  “Who is she, Bryce?”

  He looked her in the eyes. “She was my girlfriend in high school. A million years ago…”

  “… And now she’s back…”

  “You’re the one who bought the concert tickets.” He gave a short laugh.

  “Nope. Nick gave them to me.” She smiled at him. “Maybe it was meant to be…”

  “Sylvia, there’s nothing going on.”

  “Maybe not yet… But I feel some sort of inevitability here.”


  “… I don’t think we’ve had a serious conversation like this in a year.”

  “No, you’re right.” Sylvia pushed a strand of hair back behind her ears. “We’re not well suited for one another. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Probably not anymore…”

  “We never were, Bryce, but it was fun.” She turned to go. “I’m going to pack.”

  “Fun? That’s all we were?”

  She turned back and nodded. “Yes…Sorry…”

  “Wait.” Bryce got up from his desk and walked a few feet from her. “Where are you going to go?”

  “I have my own place already, Bryce.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “… Already?”

  She nodded. “A friend of mine saw you out with her at the Mirage. I’ve known this was coming for a week or more. So I made plans…”

  Bryce rubbed his forehead. “Sylvia…”

  “I’ve got to pack now.” He stepped closer to her. She put up a hand. “Listen, I have plenty of money and I’ve already been out with one of Nick’s other partners.”

  His eyes widened. “…What?”

  “Sorry again…”

  He stepped back from her. “Nothing really has happened with Beth…”

  She smiled and then walked over to kiss his cheek.

  “You never could see the forest for the trees, Bryce. You’re in love with her still and don’t realize it.”

  “For Pete’s sake, Sylvia. That’s crazy…” He gave her a wide-eyed look.

  She smiled again at him and then laughed. “I just hope to hell she likes rock music…” And she turned to go pack her clothes.

  Bryce blew out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He went back to his desk and sat down. Closing his eyes, he thought about what just happened. Sylvia was right – It was inevitable and she’d made their break relatively painless. He’d thank her for that before she left…

  Another step had been taken or he’d been pushed… towards what? He couldn’t imagine, but he knew that Beth would be the guide to take him there. If she’d just answer the damn phone…

  * * *


  The symphony hall the next night was packed. There wasn’t an empty seat in the house. The concert had begun and Bryce had managed to get another ticket, right down in front. He’d lucked out – Apparently, someone got sick and turned in tickets located in the front row. He would have paid any price to hear the virtuoso pianist play…




  He’d actually read up on famous composers for the piano so he could speak with her intelligently if the subject came up. Bryce learned, for instance, that Mozart had been a child prodigy and began composing music at the age of five. He’d even performed before royalty at that age…

  Reading about Johann Sebastian Bach was more personal to him. He’d learned that Bach played many instruments and was skilled at the adaptation of rhythms, forms and textures. He composed over three hundred cantatas and his music was revered for many qualities, including artistic beauty. Bryce understood about artistic beauty… Beth would soon be playing the movement he’d heard her play before.

  The piece he loved was called ‘Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring’ from Cantata 147. Bryce read that it had been popularized when arranged for guitar and piano, and renamed ‘Joy’. And it was last on the program… He sat back in his seat.

  With just the first few bars of the movement, Bryce closed his eyes and relaxed. He could see in his mind as Beth’s skilled fingers softly touched the keys and played to his heart. The music flowed through him coming out his ears, his nose and throat. Keeping his eyes tightly closed, her notes filled him up as if she’d poured a pitcher of stardust into his soul. He smiled as the shining piece went through him again and again making him so happy that he couldn’t speak if he’d wanted to.

  With the last few notes of ‘Joy’, as with the first time he’d heard her play it, the earth shifted below his feet. He wasn’t sure anymore if it was the music or just Beth that gave him an incomparable feeling… A feeling of strength and power… She filled him up and then he ran over… The feeling was exquisite.

  After she played those last few notes, Beth looked up happily from her keyboard and out into the audience. She gracefully stood while accepting the enormous applause that swept her way and she was surprised to see him sitting in the front row. He held a bouquet of red roses, stood up and walked to the stage to offer them up to her. Beth’s eyes widened and she gasped, but she still walked over to the edge of the stage. Breathlessly, she bent down to receive them and gazed into his dark eyes. Applause was still coming in waves at her, even more so when the audience saw what Bryce was doing.

  When Beth grasped the bouquet from him, their fingers met with a little tingle of electricity and they smiled at each other. Standing with the flowers in her hands, she nodded at Bryce who sat back down, and then Beth bowed to the audience. All four musicians rose at that point, her piece being the end of the program, bowed and received a standing ovation. Eva couldn’t believe what just happened and clapped her hands when she saw how happy Beth was. It was obvious that Beth and Bryce couldn’t take their eyes off one another. Eva guessed that Beth had decided to lower the drawbridge…

  After the performance, Beth bade everyone goodnight and walked
quickly out of the dressing room. She wasn’t surprised to see Bryce, casually leaning against a wall outside the room, waiting patiently for her, hands in his pockets. He straightened when he saw her. Her brunette hair was slightly curled around her pretty face and she was wearing the same blue chiffon evening gown as last week. He smiled as he walked towards her.

  And she noticed that great gray suit again that he’d been wearing the first time she met him. He looked so handsome in it and the suit was rapidly becoming her favorite… She smiled back at him. Soon, they were close, gazing into each other’s eyes.

  Yes, she’d avoided him for as long as she could, but it was inevitable… She loved him then, she loved him now. And she knew that would never change.

  Without a word, Bryce offered his arm, which Beth took and they walked out of the symphony hall. Eva watched them go and decided she wanted some of that – She asked William out to dinner, which he was pleased to do. Beth glanced back as they left and saw Eva with William. Eva raised her eyebrows and mimed Call me with her fingers. They laughed at each other and then concentrated on their men.

  Once outside the building, Bryce and Beth walked over to his car, glancing shyly at one another. He opened the door for her to get in, but she hesitated. Beth looked up at him and he took the opportunity she was offering. He hadn’t spent his entire adult life in business just to overlook an asset offered so willingly.

  Bryce caressed her uplifted face and leaned in to kiss her. With firm lips pressed against hers, Bryce felt the passion that had once been his…hers... …theirs. His hands held her shoulders as he drew her nearer – The kiss deepened. They lingered, unwilling to break from each other. Finally and after they’d started making contented little sounds, Bryce lifted his lips… She took a deep breath and grinned up at him.

  “I’ve missed this part.”

  “… Me too.” He grinned back at her.

  She sat down in the passenger seat and Bryce arranged her flowing gown in the car for her. Then he closed her door and walked around, getting into the driver’s side.

  “Where to, miss?”

  “Can we go to your place?”

  He looked deeply into her eyes. “Is that what you want to do?”

  “Yes…” She said with all her breath coming out in a rush. “Very much…”

  “… Home it is…”


  He shook his head. “She left.”


  “Better offer…”

  Beth laughed. Dry humor…So Bryce…

  When they pulled up to his garage, Bryce touched the remote and the door smoothly opened. Sylvia’s Lexus was gone, but his motorcycle was still there.

  “You still ride a bike?”

  “Yep. Want to ride it with me?”

  “Not tonight.” She looked over at him and took his hand.

  “… No, not tonight.” He raised her hand up to his lips and kissed it.

  Bryce got out and walked around to open her door and help her out. Then he picked her up, flowing chiffon dress and all to take her into his condo.

  “Let me down…”

  “Nope. I’m carrying you across the threshold.”

  “Bryce, don’t be silly. We didn’t get… We aren’t…”

  He grinned at her. “No, not yet.” She blushed a few shades of red.

  Once in the living room by the immense spiral staircase, he put her down.

  “Want the grand tour?” he teased.

  “…Not tonight…”

  She held onto the highly varnished bannister and walked up the staircase, right into the master suite. She glanced around at the rich furnishings. When Beth turned back to him, Bryce was smiling.

  Touching her was like coming home. It had been so long since he had unzipped her in a long dress with soft folds. It had been forever since he slipped the straps off her shoulders and watched the beautiful dress fall to the floor. She stood there wearing the briefest chemise and a big smile.

  Her turn. She pushed the elegant jacket off his shoulders and let it fall. He watched her closely as she undid his tie and pulled it slowly around his neck. She playfully tugged on it finally to get it off him and then threw it on the jacket. The shirt was next and when she unzipped his trousers, he was hardly breathing. Not caring where the pants fell, he reached for her and she fell eagerly into his arms. He picked her up, placing her gently on the bed. By the time her head met the pillow, his tongue was teasing hers whipping them into a frenzy of activity. The chemise disappeared as did his boxers leaving nothing but skin between them.

  Smooth…silky…sensual…skin… It was all so familiar, yet if also felt like the first time.

  His dark, sexy eyes burned into her chocolate ones signaling all rational thought was over. She sighed and surrendered as his mouth traveled down her body exploring and kissing as it went. Her soft hands revisited his body as well and gently took ahold of his length just as his mouth found her breast. They both moaned at the same time. His hungry lips came back to hers as he slipped into her. Time stopped… A faucet in the bathroom dripped. Yet a clock chiming in the next room could barely be heard above their heightened breathing.

  His hands roamed freely as he moved faster and faster inside her, bringing her to a crescendo of feeling and sensation. He suckled her neck as they peaked together. At last… At long last… Down, down. Unwilling to move, Beth lay in Bryce’s arms taking deep breaths to normalize her breathing. He kissed her happy face over and over, and she rested there, welcoming his kisses.

  Finally she reached up to stroke his face and head. His dark eyes watched her lovingly… She outlined his lips with her finger and then reached back to stroke his muscled back. He flexed involuntarily at her soft touch.

  “Where have you been, Beth Lane?”

  “Waiting for you apparently.”

  She stayed in his arms because he wouldn’t release her. She kissed his chest over and over breathing him in. The subtle aftershave… His male smell… These were imprinted on her brain and would always be there.

  “Are you sleepy, sweetheart?”


  “Are you hungry?”


  “… We did miss dinner.”

  “Come on. I’ll scramble some eggs.”

  Even though it had been his idea, he wouldn’t let her get up without several more deep, sexy thrilling kisses.

  “Sure you don’t want to stay here?”

  “Nope. Let’s get a bite to eat. We need strength to make love.”

  She laughed and reached over to pick up his shirt.

  “Hey,” joked Bryce. “That’s mine.”

  “… Not tonight…”

  And then she put on the shirt very slowly while keeping her eyes on his. She mischievously raised an eyebrow at him. One sleeve and she leaned over to kiss him… A second sleeve and he was ready to tear the shirt off her. When she had buttoned one button, he grabbed her and flipped her over. Beneath him, she could feel his need for her growing and pushing. When she spread her legs to give him access, he breathed unevenly and with difficulty.

  “Jesus, Beth… I can’t get enough of you.”

  He slanted his lips across hers to kiss her deeply and with incredible feeling. His tongue tangled with hers as his hands tangled in her hair.

  “Really? I couldn’t tell.”

  She laughed at him until he slowly slipped inside her making her cry out. Her body arched as he went deep and filled her completely. When they began to move and sway, his lips stayed on hers ensuring that she knew exactly how he felt. His lips moved to her throat as they slowly crested and sank down together. From the warm circle of his arms, Beth nibbled at his chest.

  “…No biting…”

  “Are you trying to starve me?”

  “No, sweetheart. I just can’t seem to move far away from you.”

  She gently pushed him back to look into his handsome face. He was smiling at her while his possessive hands claimed her hips and his
lips started for hers again. She put up a hand between their mouths.

  “What?” he said into her soft hand.

  “I need a little more time before round three. How about those eggs?”

  “I could stay this way all night, Beth.”

  “And we will, honey. Let’s take a little break first.”

  She sat up and finished buttoning his shirt. Bryce sat up by her and ran a hand through his tousled hair before giving her a sexy look.

  “You look good enough to eat…”

  She laughed. “Let’s try those eggs first…”

  He grabbed his shorts and laughed. “Yes, ma’am…”

  * * *


  They were sitting at the kitchen table in his breakfast nook munching on some scrambled eggs and toast. Bryce had cooked while keeping up a running commentary about his life and also asking questions about hers. They went back and forth…

  “So what really happened with Sylvia?”

  Bryce swallowed and shrugged his shoulders. “She found your card and it all came out.”

  “What came out?”

  “She knew things at work weren’t going well for me and she was also seeing a new guy – from my company, I might add.”

  “Wait a minute. There’s a couple of questions in here. What’s going on at your work?”

  Bryce looked hard at her and began. “I’ve been instructed to conduct a hostile takeover of a company up north. My firm wants to buy it, so we can sell off the assets to another larger company coming in.”

  Beth took another bite of her eggs, chewed and swallowed while thinking that over.

  “And a hostile takeover means…”

  “They don’t want us coming in to buy them out. It’s called a leveraged buyout meaning the smaller company will have to borrow a great deal of money if they want to fend us off. It won’t work because it’ll be too expensive and they could lose their shirts trying to pay down the debt.”


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