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Page 9

by Jeanne Harrell

  “… You were an unusual bad boy… Coming to my orchestra rehearsals and performances. You even bought some of my sheet music for me…”

  Bryce ran a hand through his dark hair. His darker eyes searched her face… He leaned over to kiss her. “… Maybe I wasn’t so bad.”

  She kissed him back. “I never thought so.” She grinned. “Come on. Let’s go see your mother. It’s time…”

  “You’re right.” Bryce started the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot. Beth gave the school a backwards glance and smile.

  “On to our next stop on Memory Lane.”

  Bryce smiled while thinking of his last thoughts about going down Memory Lane. It hadn’t been a place he wanted to go at all. With Beth, it was the sweetest place to be.

  * * *

  Pulling into the driveway of his former home, Bryce and Beth got out of the car and looked around. It seemed too quiet, too alone. When they knocked on the door, no one answered. The whole atmosphere seemed wrong.

  A neighbor poked his head out, took a good look and called out, “Bryce! Is that you?”

  Bryce turned to look at the elderly, white-haired neighbor and shook his head. “I’m sorry… Is it Mr. Robinson?” He wasn’t too sure who it was and Beth shrugged her shoulders too.

  “Yes, it is.” He had reached them by now and stuck out his hand. “My God… Bryce Barron after all these years.” They shook hands and then the neighbor glanced at Beth. “And that wouldn’t be Beth Lane, would it?”

  Beth smiled and shook his hand. “Sam Robinson, right?”


  “Thank you for remembering me. How are you?”

  “Just fine, thanks…” He looked in confusion from one to the other. “I thought you two went your separate ways after high school.”

  They responded at the same time. “…We did.”

  Sam laughed. “Okay, spare me the details. You’re here together now. That must mean something…”

  Bryce laughed with him. “It does indeed, Sam.” Beth grinned broadly. “But where’s my mother? She must be out or something. Do you know, Sam?”

  Sam’s smile faded. “I do, son. Your mother’s had a stroke and is in the hospital.”

  Beth and Bryce gasped and their mouths dropped. He automatically reached for her hand.

  “When did this happen?”

  “Just yesterday. She’s up at Carson City Hospital, the new one, at the north end of town.”

  Bryce pumped his hand again. “Thanks, Sam. We’d better scoot. Maybe we’ll see you later.”

  They got back in the car and drove fast over to the hospital. He was practically hyperventilating by the time they reached the hospital complex. Sitting in the parking lot, Beth talked to Bryce soothingly until he was breathing relatively normally again. Then he spent several minutes mentally chastising himself for being such a rotten son.

  “Quit that…” Beth looked at him angrily.

  “… What?”

  “You’re beating yourself up and you need to stop.”


  “Probably nothing you could have done would have prevented this from happening. Whether you were here or not, she still might have had a stroke.”

  He breathed a little deeper. “…Okay… okay…I…I’ll try…”

  When she glanced over at him, there was a lump in her throat. He looked so chastened that she reached out for him and wrapped her arms around him. She heard his uneven breathing, like he might cry.

  “What… What’s the mmmatter with me, Beth?” He stammered in her hair.

  She pushed away to look in his eyes.

  “Bryce… You’ve got to pull yourself together. It may not be as bad as with your dad.” She gazed deeply into his grief-stricken face. “That’s where you’re going with this, isn’t it?”

  He nodded, eyes misting. “I swear, honey. If you hadn’t been here, I might be throwing myself off a bridge right now.”

  “I know it. Breathe, Bryce, breathe… Please?”

  She grabbed him to her again and they remained that way for several more minutes. Beth listened to him breathe in her ear until his breathing had quieted. Then she pulled his face around to hers and kissed him deeply. When he responded, she knew he was better…

  “Ready? Can we go in now?”

  Bryce swallowed hard and nodded. “I’m okay.”

  Walking into the hospital, Beth took his hand and led him towards the information desk. She found out what room Carol Barron was in. Since Bryce’s face had taken on an ashen color, she continued to lead him through the hospital and up the elevator to Carol’s floor. As they traveled in the elevator, Beth’s mind wandered to the last time she’d seen his mother.

  She had visited her a few years ago – Carol was a short woman with light gray hair, but dark twinkling eyes just like her son’s. Beth knew that Bryce resembled his father with that Basque coloring, but he had Carol’s love of the unusual and the irreverent. Carol had loved his pseudo bad boy persona as much as his father had hated it.

  When they reached her room, Bryce stopped outside the door. He tugged on Beth’s hand.

  “What, honey?”

  “You go in first, Beth. See how she is and if she could tolerate a visit from me. It might…be a shock or something…” He broke out in a sweat.

  Beth fished a tissue out of her pocket and blotted his face with it. Then she took his now cold hand.

  “It’s going to be all right. Stay here and take a few deep breaths, okay?”

  She waited until she saw him nod. “I’ll be right back.” He swallowed hard.

  Beth walked into the hospital room and recognized Carol lying on the bed asleep. She was being monitored by a few machines, but seemed peaceful and calm. Beth went up to her bedside and sat in a chair placed there for visitors. In a few minutes, Carol opened her eyes.

  * * *


  Carol smiled as recognition came over her. She reached out a hand.

  “Bethie? Beth Lane?” Her smile became brighter and brighter. Beth stood up to take her hand and bent down to kiss her cheek.

  “Yes, Carol,” she smiled. “It’s me. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, dear, but it’s so surprising to see you. I thought you lived in San Francisco.”

  “I do, but how I got here is kind of a long story. What’s happened to you?”

  Beth sat back down in the chair by her bed.

  “I guess I had a stroke, Beth. I’ve tried to get ahold of Bryce, but he’s pretty tough to reach. I don’t suppose you know where he is? He should know that I’m all right, so he doesn’t freak out like he did with his father.”

  Beth nodded. “You’re so right there… But Carol, are you sure you’re all right? I know where Bryce is.”

  “… You do?”

  “Yes, can you stand a visit from him?”

  “Oh, yes, Bethie… I miss him so much…” Carol’s eyes filled.

  Beth smiled at her, got up and went to the door. She looked out, beckoning Bryce to enter. He walked in hesitantly and Carol’s lips parted. Her eyes widened and it was obvious she was dumbstruck to see him. Tears began rolling down her cheeks. Bryce plucked up his courage to walk to her bedside and bent over to kiss her cheek. Carol grabbed his hand and held onto it for dear life.

  “… Bryce? Is that really you?”

  “Yes, Mom. How are you?”

  The last part of the scene Beth witnessed was Bryce happily sitting close to his mother’s bedside holding her hand and listening intently to her. It was a lovely sight to behold, but a private one, so she withdrew. They needed privacy, so she retreated to a row of chairs down the hall to wait for him. She yawned and leaned against a wall to rest. It had been quite a day and Beth was bushed. She knew she’d fallen asleep, when Bryce was suddenly there, kissing her cheek. She awoke to his smiling face.

  Beth straightened in the chair, rubbing her eyes.

  “Everything okay?” she asked him.

  “… Yes. It’s actually wonderful. Thank you again, dear Beth, for helping to make this happen.”

  She yawned. “You can repay me by buying me dinner.”

  He helped her up. “And so I shall… Come on. Mom needs her rest, but I promised we’d come again tomorrow.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “She gave me a house key and told me to spend the night at the house. I’ll cook something there so we can get some rest.” He looked at her. “Is that fine by you?”

  “… Absolutely. I’m about dead on my feet.”

  They walked out of the hospital holding hands. “Too much excitement?”

  “Yeah… I’m just a boring musician. Your life as a businessman is so much more exciting…”

  Bryce opened the car door for her and helped her in. “Ha. I doubt that very much. I’m basically a paper-pusher… Or I used to be.”

  When he got in the car, she asked him, “Have you called your company?”

  “No, and I don’t plan to until sometime late tomorrow. That should give the Gardnerville company enough time to get their plan in operation.”

  “… And a little reprieve for you.”

  “But it won’t last long, I assure you.”

  After dinner, Beth changed into a nightgown, brushed her teeth and headed for the guest bedroom. She could still smell the aroma from their grilled cheese sandwiches down the hallway. Bryce had cleaned up the dinner dishes and used the bathroom after her. He was shaking his head as he walked into the bedroom.


  “How did we ever make it with only one bathroom? These old homes are pretty small…”

  She laughed. “Mine across town was just as small and we turned out all right.”

  “Well, you did, sweetie…”

  He got into bed with her and she snuggled close to him. “You turned out fine too. Maybe you kinda took a detour for a while, but you’re coming back around.”

  He pulled her into his arms. They lay back on the bed trying to come down from the day. Bryce pulled the covers up around them.

  “Thank you again for coming with me today, honey.”

  She chuckled. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. You sure know how to treat a girl to a good time. First we save a company from ruin and then a sweet reunion with your dear mother…”

  He lifted her chin to gaze into her pretty brown eyes.

  “You’re so lovely, Beth.”

  When he kissed her, she felt her energy reserves being refilled and her body relaxing. He felt the tension leaving both their bodies, especially when he kissed again so sweetly. Soon he was getting a second wind, gave her a I-hope-you’re-ready-because-I-am look and lifted the lacy nightie over her head. She laughed at his antics until he began kissing down her throat and around her breasts. Then Beth started feeling her own second wind, and her body rose like the tide to meet his.

  With gleaming eyes, he wrapped her legs around him, slipping inside her. Beth arched her back in response, while a breathy groan escaped her lips. Then nothing could escape her lips, since Bryce was kissing her again for all his worth. They moved slowly together, gaining a little speed… Faster… Faster… Soon they were caught up in a whirlwind of feeling and stayed on top of that whirlwind writhing and moving… As the overwhelming feelings receded, they fell back in a tangle of arms and legs… Bryce exhaled a deep breath and pulled her back to him.

  “I’m sorry that was so quick... I guess I’m a little tired.”

  She laughed. “… It’s fine. Any act of love from you is welcome…”

  He blinked. “…Wow. What a wonderful thing to say.” Bryce tightened his arms around her. “I love you, sweetie.”

  Beth sighed from inside the warmth of his arms. “I love you too…”

  He sleepily closed his eyes. “Let’s get some sleep. My eyes are drooping.”

  “Yes,” she giggled. “That last act of love wore me out too.”

  He chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

  “Night, sweetheart.”


  And they fell asleep in Bryce’s old bedroom in a house where he’d grown up. In so many ways, Bryce had come home… With Beth beside him, maybe he could finish the rest of the journey. Maybe…but it sure wouldn’t be easy…

  * * *


  “So tell me everything you’ve been doing, Bryce. I want you to totally catch me up…” Carol Barron was sitting up in her hospital bed, looking bright-eyed and rested. She was smiling and enthusiastic… They wouldn’t be able to tell her enough about their lives.

  The doctor had been in to say she could be released as soon as arrangements had been made for a nurse to visit… To make sure she was all right every day, so Bryce was working on that. The doctor knew neither Bryce nor Beth lived in the area and who knows what their plans were. He didn’t think they’d be staying. The smell of her toast and orange juice filled the small room.

  “Mom,” Bryce laughed. “Where should I begin?”

  “Begin with Beth…” Her eyes danced over to Beth. “How did you meet up again?”

  “Well, that is a good story…” Bryce and Beth were sitting by Carol’s bed. He reached over to take Beth’s hand.

  “Are you back together again?”

  Beth laughed. “You field that one, honey.”

  “I sincerely hope so.” He glanced at her. “If Beth can stand me for another go-round.”

  “Just don’t disappear on her again, son. Or me either, for that matter.”

  His eyes became serious. “I won’t, Mom…”

  “How long can you stay?”

  Beth spoke up. “I’ll stay to help you get settled, Carol, but Bryce probably will have to get back to Las Vegas soon.”

  Her eyes slid over to Bryce who nodded. “Yes, I have a few things to take care of before making other plans…”

  “What’s going on?”

  Beth smiled. She’d always liked that about Bryce’s mother – She was quick and they never could put anything past her, but she loved them both. Many times she’d covered for them when they’d gotten in late and Bryce’s father was looking for him. Beth knew they owed her a huge debt of gratitude.

  “How about we get you home and we’ll explain everything to you once you’re comfortable? Would that be all right?”

  Carol frowned. Something was definitely going on and they were trying to stall before replying. “Only if you promise you’ll tell me what’s happening…”

  Bryce nodded as Beth rose. “I’ll see about checking you out, Carol.” And she went down the hall to the nurse’s station.

  Carol’s pleading eyes met Bryce’s. “Don’t lose her again, son. She was the best thing to ever happen to you.”


  “I don’t know what lucky circumstance happened to bring her back in your life, but don’t you dare mess it up again. Do you understand me, Bryce?”

  “… I do.” He took her hand. “I couldn’t bear to lose her again, Mom… Or you either… You’re both too precious to me.”

  She relaxed against her pillow. “Okay… That makes me feel a bit better. Now…”

  “Now what?”

  “… Get me out of here…”

  Bryce laughed and went out to find Beth. They located Carol’s doctor to approve the release and went back to the room to pack up her few belongings. She was ready and excited to go back home.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, Bryce was in another room speaking on his phone. Carol and Beth were in the kitchen putting together a nice dinner for that evening. Carol had wanted chicken, so aromas of roasting chicken filled their nostrils and most of the house. Beth was getting a short cooking lesson.

  “You see, Beth, put in a bit of rosemary and cilantro for that melts-in-your-mouth great smell. It was always Bryce’s favorite.” She looked over at Beth who was chopping vegetables. “I assume you’ll be cooking for him.”

  Beth acknowledged her
question and shrugged. “He hasn’t asked me to marry him, Carol – If that’s what you’re asking.”

  “It isn’t a foregone conclusion?”

  “With Bryce, nothing is foregone. I’ll believe it when I hear it.”

  “Then why are you still around, Bethie?”

  Beth blew out a big breath. “… An excellent question… I love him, I guess is the best answer I can come up with. You know I always have.” Carol smiled.


  “But I just know the other shoe is going to fall. It’s not always easy with Bryce or it hasn’t been so far.”

  “Your easiest time with him was in high school, wasn’t it?”

  Beth nodded. “… And we’re still working on how it should go from here.”

  “It can’t be that hard if you love each other.”

  Beth’s eyes filled with tears and she reached over to hug Carol.

  “… No, it shouldn’t, should it? You are so right…”

  “What’s going on, Beth. Tell me the problem.”

  They put the vegetables on slow cook and sat down at the kitchen table. Beth filled Carol in on what his business career has been like for the past years and what was happening now.

  “So he stopped all that, what do you call it? Corporate raiding?” Beth nodded. “He stopped it when you met again at the concert?”

  “I think he wanted to stop before then, but I gave him confidence to go through with it.”

  Carol smiled at her. “You always did, sweetie.”

  “This last project in Gardnerville has probably cost him dearly. He could lose his job.”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  “No… I want him to come back with me to San Francisco.”

  They smiled at each other. “I vote for that option as well, Bethie…”

  Bryce came around the corner then to see the beloved women in his life sitting at the kitchen table holding hands and crying. He stopped abruptly and scratched his forehead perplexed.


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