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Talon (Ashes & Embers Book 4)

Page 10

by Carian Cole

  "I can't have a cat in the bed."

  "She's not in the bed, she's on the bed. She weighs two pounds. How is she bothering you?"

  "I don't want her looking at me or jumping on me when we start to get into it."

  I stare at him in the dim light. "Get into it? Into what, exactly?"

  "You know, when we start to have sex."

  I flop back down against my pillow. "The cat stays. She's not going to bother us when we get into it. You'll probably scare her away anyway."

  He flops back down too. "I didn't sign up for a cat in the bedroom."

  "You'll learn to love her. Can we please go to sleep now?"

  Again he turns onto his side to face me. "What happened to the last guy?" he blurts out.

  "What last guy?"

  "The last guy you had sex with. How long were you together?"

  I screw my eyes shut, not wanting to think about Danny. "We were together for two years. We broke up because he got a job offer in another state.”

  "Was he a nice guy?"

  "Yes." Until he left.

  "Did you love him?" His voice is softer now, with a hint of curiosity coming through.


  "Do you still?"

  I turn my head to him. "No. It was a long time ago."

  "Why didn't he take you with him?"

  Good question. "He thought it was better if we just parted. He wasn't ready to make a commitment like that, I guess."

  "That kinda sucks."

  "Yeah, it did."

  "I'm going to take you everywhere with me."

  I laugh and turn toward the wall. "That sounds seriously creepy."

  He leans his chin against my shoulder, his hair falling over my arm. "Don't you want to go everywhere with me? When I'm here and not on tour?" he asks, sounding a little bit worried that I might not want to.

  "Are you serious or teasing me again?"

  His lips press against my shoulder, sending a warm shiver throughout my body. "I'm totally serious. I want what my grandparents had and my parents have. And my brother Storm and Evie. They do everything together."

  That's what I've always wanted. Except I only saw that sort of relationship on television shows. Talon's actually grown up with it and experienced it around him. It seems to run in his family. Maybe it's in his blood.

  Did we finally find something we both wanted in this? Togetherness. A life partner.

  I turn so I'm lying on my back again, and although I can't see him in the dark, his face is mere inches from mine, his hair now tickling my cheek. I reach up and gently push it behind his ear. A gesture I never thought I'd be doing with a man.

  "Do you really mean that?" I ask softly. "That's what you really want?"

  "Yeah. It is. No lie."

  I want to believe him so badly, and I have no reason not to, other than the fact he's never had a real relationship before. But even a rock star can settle down, right? The team must have interrogated him about this, just like they questioned the heck out of me.

  "What are you thinking, Asia? You got quiet."

  "I'm thinking I want to kiss you like I own you right now." For once my voice comes out like it belongs to a sensual woman, with no cracking or shakiness or nervous giggling. He quickly sucks in a surprised breath and touches my cheek.

  "Well, have at it, baby. I'm all yours," he whispers, his lips lightly brushing against mine. My hand clutches the back of his neck as I hold his mouth to mine. He doesn't move, but he lets me kiss him softly, tasting him. His lips part slightly and his tongue licks my lips, coaxing me to kiss him deeper. My fingers curl into his hair and a small whimper sounds in the back of my throat when our tongues finally touch, our lips mashing together hungrily. I wasn't expecting my heart to pound like this from kissing him, but damn, it's beating double time like a drum, my breath quickening. His hand gently skims over my stomach and grips my hip as he pulls his head back a few inches, his lips leaving mine, his breath coming out ragged. I pull him back down to my waiting mouth, knowing that's what he wants—to feel me wanting him.

  "Are you ready for me now?" he whispers between breaths, moving his lips to my cheek.

  Yes. No. "Not yet," I whisper back, turning my head to meet his lips again.

  "Damn," he groans, kissing me deeper, his tongue dancing with mine. "You're killin' me."

  "I'm sorry."

  His mouth pulls away, but his hand squeezes my hip. "It's okay. We'll stop now, before I can't."

  "Thank you," I whisper, our lips wandering back to each other’s for a moment. "For being patient with me."

  "Thanks for showing me what I can look forward to." He kisses me once more then pulls away and rolls over onto his side of the bed. "Now, go to sleep."

  Sleep? How can I possibly sleep now when my heart is racing and my thighs are burning and I have a sudden empty ache deep inside me that he's woken up?

  In the darkness, his huge foot rubs up against mine under the covers and then stays there, nestled against mine. It feels nice and oddly affectionate. An unspoken connection.

  Rock star husband footsies.

  My heart swoons.

  Chapter 15


  I'm woken up by the sound of a woman moaning in ecstasy, as if it's the most epic orgasm of her life. I roll over and all I can see is a tangle of long, dirty-blond hair on the pillow next to me. But the sound is coming from his side of the room, and for a moment in my sleepy haze, I wonder if he's got someone in the bed with us.

  The woman continues to moan and scream and his arm reaches out to the nightstand, groping for his cell phone. He slides his finger across the screen without lifting his head up and the orgasmic howling stops.

  "That's your alarm tone?" I ask in disbelief. "I am not waking up to that every day."

  Rolling onto his back, he eyes me sleepily, while his telltale naughty grin curves his lips. "That could be you, baby."

  "I have never made sounds like that. She sounded like a cat being tortured."

  "I bet I can make you moan and scream like that."

  "In terror, maybe. Please tell me that's not a real girl you did. If it is, I'm going to throw up in my own mouth."

  "No, silly. It's a sound thing Mikah put on my phone as a joke. I'll change it."

  "Thank you. I'd rather wake up to something a little less dramatic."

  He sits up and stretches, giving me a perfect view of his wide, sculpted back, which is covered in even more tattoos.

  "We should start to get ready so we're not late." He peers down at me. "And did I just catch you lusting over my back?"

  "No…" I say, looking away.

  "Yes, I did."

  "I was looking at your tattoos. I didn't realize they were everywhere."

  "Not quite everywhere, yet. But I have a lot more I want to get."

  "Why? You're pretty much covered already."

  He shrugs and puts his e-cig in his mouth. "I like them. And I like getting them—it's kinda therapeutic."

  "You could get acupuncture if you like the feeling of pointy things in you. It has lots of health benefits."

  Princess Pixie rises from her place at the end of the bed and slowly walks up Talon's leg, stopping to stare up at the puff of vapor he just blew toward the ceiling.

  He rubs her tiny head. "You're lucky you're cute, Thing. Or you'd be outside right now."

  "She's irresistibly cute," I add.

  "Like her owner?"

  "Am I?" I ask, wondering if that's good or bad.

  He picks up the cat and gently places her on top of me before he climbs out of the bed. "You're both definitely growing on me." I try not to gawk at him as he stands next to the bed with nothing on but a pair of black boxers. Holy moly, does he have a nice body. I wish I could sneak a picture and show Kat. Or maybe not. I kind of don't want to share his hotness.

  "Come on, jelly bean. We gotta go find our dream home."

  * * *

  On our way to meet the Realtor, we stop at Talon's condo so
we can switch from his truck to his BMW. I wait in the car while he runs inside to grab a few things, and I feel like I'm sitting in the cockpit of a spaceship. I have never seen so many buttons or a tiny screen in a car before. I'm wondering what exactly the screen is for when he gets back in the car. He proceeds to type the address onto that little screen and a map pops up.

  "That's so cool," I say.

  "What? The GPS?" he asks, backing out of his driveway. The car then tells him which way to go, and I try to hide my surprise. I seriously need to get out more.


  "So…you don't have a car?" he asks casually.

  "No. I haven't had one in about two years."

  "What?" he exclaims, swerving the car erratically as he turns to face me. "Two years? That's almost as bad as not having sex for three years. Why don't you have a car?"

  "The one I had kinda died, and I couldn't afford to get it fixed or to get another one."

  "So how do you get anywhere?"

  "I walk or take the bus, or Kat drives me sometimes if she can."

  He takes a long, glowing drag on his e-cig, then turns the volume down a little on the radio and GPS voice. "Asia, there is no way I'm letting that go on. Tomorrow, we're getting you a car. A new one."

  I immediately start to protest. "Tal—"

  "No," he says loudly. "No debating on this. I'm not letting my wife hoof around. Fuck that."

  "I can't afford a new car."

  "Didn't we go over this? I'm getting you a car. You want this one? You can have it, and I'll buy a new one."

  "I don't want this thing. It's like a UFO in here."

  Shaking his head, he pulls onto the highway. "How the hell does someone not have a car? I can't even wrap my head around it."

  "Because you've never been poor," I mutter.

  "No, I haven't. Tomorrow, we'll get you a new SUV. Something with four-wheel drive. And something low so you can get your midget ass into it."

  I stare out the window, torn by my feelings. Part of me is excited about getting a car and part of me is mad at him for flinging his money around at me like it's nothing. I don't want to be bought.

  "I don't even go anywhere," I tell him, still looking out the window.

  "I don't care. You're an adult; you should have a car. It's not safe not to have the means to get around."

  "Fine. But if we split up, I'm not keeping it."

  His hands white-knuckle the steering wheel. "I swear to fuck, if you say that again, I'm spanking you."

  We don't talk for the rest of the drive, and I have to bite my tongue practically in half when we pull into the driveway of a huge, two-story brick house. Sandra, the Realtor, is already there and comes out to meet us as we approach the front door. I don't say much because I am simply in awe as she hands us each a laminated piece of paper detailing the house and then gives us a tour. Five bathrooms, six bedrooms, and a huge in-ground pool are some of the highlights that jump out at me. I don't even know how to swim.

  "Six bedrooms?" I ask. "Are we going to hire people to come live with us?"

  Talon and Sandra both laugh. "Oh, Talon, she's adorable!" Sandra says, as if I'm a child. "Honey, you can never have enough bedrooms!"

  "Um, yeah, you can. There's only two of us. And a tiny cat."

  Talon puts his arm around me. "Think ahead, babe. Kids, guest rooms for family. I have a big family."

  "Kids?" I repeat. How many kids is he thinking I'm having?

  "Yeah. I was thinking two. So they each get their own room, plus our room, that's three bedrooms right there."

  "And then three more extras?"

  "Excuse us for a second," he says to Sandra and gently pulls me to the side. "Baby, it's okay if you don't like it," he whispers, turning me to face him, his hands on my shoulders.

  "This place is like a hotel. It's too big."

  "Then you don't like it?"

  I shake my head. "No. It doesn't feel homey or cozy at all. It’s so big and…dismal."

  He looks around at all the tile floors and stark-white walls. "It is kinda cold and too contemporary, huh?"

  "Yes. It feels like a hospital or an office building to me."

  "You're right. Even your cool decorating skills aren't gonna make this place feel like home."

  He guides me back over to Sandra. "We don't like it," he says. "It has no character. We want something cozier. And more in the woods."

  "I like trees," I add, happy that Talon is on board with where I want to live. If I have to live in a place like this, I'll never feel like I belong here.

  "Oh, and we need a porch with a swing," he advises. "Or a porch big enough for a swing." He grabs my hand as Sandra shuffles through her folder of papers.

  "Well, all right then. But this house is in a wonderful location. I really thought it would be perfect for you."

  "It's just not us," he says. "Let's move on to the next one."

  Us. What is us?

  The next house is almost as bad, and I'm starting to feel like this entire day is going to be spent viewing mansion after cold mansion, until we follow Sandra up a long, uphill driveway surrounded by trees. We can't even see the house from the street, but when we finally pull in front of it, my heart leaps.

  "Oh, wow! Look at this!" I exclaim.

  I can't get out of the car fast enough to see the house up close. It's simply magical, with a big oak and white banister porch off the front of the house, surrounded by lots of flowers all in hues of pink and purple, a rock garden with a tiny bridge, and stone birdbath that I'm sure Pixie would love to watch. The house itself is sage green with all-white trim, and the view from the porch is amazing. The house is so far up on the hill that we can see the tops of the trees below us and the mountains not too far off. It's breathtaking.

  I grab Talon's hand excitedly. "Look at this view! It's gorgeous!"

  "I love how quiet it is too. No traffic and no crazy neighbors to bother us."

  "This house is the smallest on our list," Sandra says, unlocking the front door. "It only has four bedrooms, but there is a finished basement with a small suite that would be great for a guest or just extra living space."

  As soon as we walk inside, I fall even further in love with its light, earth-tone painted walls, vaulted ceilings, lots of windows for Pixie, another porch on the back of the house, and a small balcony off the master bedroom. It's gorgeous but comfy and doesn't scream, "Hey, I'm rich and obnoxious," like the other houses we looked at did.

  "I love it!" I whisper excitedly to Talon as we browse the rooms.

  "I do too. No swing…but we can get one."

  "The view makes up for the lack of swing."

  "Can you give us a second alone?" Talon asks Sandra.

  "Of course! I'll wait downstairs. Take your time."

  As soon as she's out of earshot, he pulls me into his arms. "I'm guessing you can decorate this place really cool, huh?" he teases.

  "I could. I love the colors, and I really love the openness of it."

  "And that den downstairs would be a great room for you to work in and have all your craft stuff."

  "Really? My own room?" That room is almost bigger than my entire apartment, and it has built-in shelves and drawers. It's perfect.

  "To work in. Not to sleep in. Doctor's orders, remember?"

  "Of course," I laugh, tightening my grasp on his arms. "I really do love it. Do you?"

  "Yeah. It's perfect. Not too far from my family either. Asher's house is only about twenty minutes away, and Lukas is about fifteen minutes away. Everyone else, less than forty minutes."

  "Even better." I have no idea how far away it is from my apartment, and I don't even care. This is the kind of home I've always fantasized about living in.

  "Do you want it?" he asks softly. "Could you be happy here?"

  I jump a little from excitement. "Talon! Of course I will be. This is like a dream. Is it too much money?"

  He shakes his head. "No, actually it's the cheapest one on the list. And stop w
orrying about money. Let's go tell Sandra this is the one."

  "Oh my God!" I squeal. "I can't believe this!" I hug him tightly, and he lifts me off my feet for a second. "Thank you so much," I say into his neck. "You have no idea how much this means to me."

  We find Sandra waiting for us in the kitchen, where she's looking over her folder of papers and other listings.

  "We'd like to make an offer."

  She looks up at us in surprise. "We have more to see. Don't you want to see the others first? This one is the smallest and doesn't have a pool. The next two have more square footage, pools, and are closer to town."

  "This is the one my girl wants, so no need to see the others." My heart skips a beat when he says my girl. Sometimes he really can say the most charming things.

  Sandra closes up her folder with a big smile. "Okay, then. It's a beautiful home, I agree. The owners are not currently living here. They had it built as a vacation home but rarely had the time to stay, so they are open to you renting it until the close can be completed, which could happen very quickly. They are also including all window and floor treatments and will entertain offers for all of the furniture, except the bedroom sets. If you'd like, we can go back to my office now to draw up all the paperwork and contact their agent. If all goes well, you could be moved in pretty quickly."

  "Perfect," Talon says. "We'll follow you to your office, then."

  As we pull out of the driveway, I look back at the house wistfully, wishing we could stay here right now, sit on that porch and look at the view forever. My hand clutches Talon's tightly during the drive to the Realtor's office, afraid if I let him go, everything will disappear.

  Everything that's happening is overwhelming, and I don't want to confuse these material things with actual feelings. Of course the house has made me incredibly happy, but I want us to have those same feelings of excitement for each other, because that's what matters to me the most. I don't want to get all caught up in the Cinderella syndrome.

  Chapter 16


  I go through the next week in a sort of surreal daze. I am now living in a beautiful home my new husband bought for us that cost three hundred thousand dollars. Then he spent another hundred thousand dollars on work-out equipment so he could turn part of the basement into a gym. Sitting in our driveway is his monster truck, and in the three-car garage is a BMW, a brand-new four-wheel-drive BMW SUV he bought for me, and his two motorcycles.


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