Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)

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Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) Page 14

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  So honey now

  Take me into your loving arms

  Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars

  Place your hand on my beating heart

  I’m thinking out loud

  That maybe we found love right where we are

  “Taylor where have you been?” Maggie asked clearly drunk as she swayed.

  Savannah laughed, “Don’t say a word!” Taylor held up her finger indicating for Savannah to keep quiet which I found amusing, she obviously knew more than she was letting on.

  “Where’s Chanel?” Taylor asked protectively as she looked around the club trying to locate her.

  “Buster took her home earlier and Amy’s gone home with James. Chloe went home upset, Paige went home on her own for a change and Louise went home with Spike. Harlow went home with Diesel and it looks like Locke will be getting it on with Keira, which leaves us five!” Savannah slumped in her chair out of breath from her little rant and disdain of not being with anyone.

  “Well I’m going home on my own but I need a lift. See you girls Saturday.” Taylor walked off towards the exit to the sound of goodbyes.

  "What's going on with you and Skinner?" I asked Savannah. I'd seen the heated looks between them all night as I sat observing the group. It was like an episode of Eastenders with all the drama playing out in front of me.

  Her eyes widened as she sat up straight in her chair, "There's nothing going on."

  "That may be true but you both want it to." I stated pushing her to see the shocked faces of the women around me, who weren't privy to this news.

  "Ave I totally missed something?" Maggie slurred.

  "It seems that our new friend is very observant." Savannah lifted her glass to salute me before standing to link arms with Maggie. "Come on they'll play a song when Locke finishes singing, let's go and dance before it gets too late." They made their way through the crowd in the direction of the dance floor.

  Locke finished to a huge round of applause and he lapped it up by giving a bow before jumping from the stage and strutting in my direction.

  "Good evening beautiful are you enjoying your evening?" he asked sitting beside me.

  "I was but they've just had some bloody awful singer on stage." I sniggered.

  He bumped me with his shoulder, "I told you I could sing."

  "You certainly did but then you're full of surprises."

  "Are you ready to leave?" he asked.

  "Why? Are you taking me home?"

  Locke stood and held out his hand, I smiled and shuffled along the seat before I stood and took his hand. I was surprised that he held it firmly and walked with me towards the group at the bar. CJ smiled as we approached him, "We're going back to my hotel. I'm gonna stay a couple more days so that I can go to Hound's party but I've gotta head back Sunday afternoon at the latest."

  CJ nodded and gave him a hug bringing his mouth close to Locke's ear, "I know you'll be preoccupied tonight but if you need me for anything, and I mean anything just give me a call."

  Locke patted CJ on the back several times before he pulled away, "Cheers mate." He squeezed my hand and turned leading me through the club until we exited into the car park.

  Locke spun me around and pushed me against the wall covering my body with his. I felt his arousal push against my stomach and yearned for him to touch me. Locke brushed his light stubble against my neck as he breathed in my scent heightening my senses then moved slowly towards my ear to nip it between his teeth.

  I moaned and he released my ear, I could feel his smile as he kissed down my cheek to take my mouth. His expert tongue massaged the inside of my mouth, I moved my arms so that I could touch the back of his neck pulling him closer towards me.

  Locke tried to gently pull away but I didn't want to break the kiss, I applied a little more force to keep him close. My feeble arms were no match for Locke's and he moved again, this time moving my arms from the back of his neck.

  Locke leaned his head against mine, "I've gotta get you home babe."

  A smile spread across my face, "What are you waiting for?"

  I saw the twinkle in his eye as he took my hand and led me towards his bike. "Shit!" Locke looked at his motorcycle then back at my attire.

  "It's fine, I can hike it up." I ruffled the material of my long dress up to my knees and cocked my leg over the seat. It wasn't the most lady like of manoeuvres but I managed to sit fairly comfortably on the seat and fastened my lightweight jacket. I knew that I was going to be cold but it was only a short drive to his hotel.

  I turned when I heard a zip, "Here take this." Locke handed me his jacket, "It's gonna be too big but I'll adjust the straps on the side which will help a little." I sat like a child as he busied himself around me trying to do the best he could with his jacket. When he'd finished he stood back assessing his master piece and nodded to himself at his approval that at least the top half of my body was covered.

  Locke grabbed his helmet and placed it on my head, "I can't take this as well, you'll have nothing to protect you if we come off." He stopped what he was doing and placed his hands on my shoulders while he looked at me intently, before leaning down to give me a brief kiss.

  "What was that for?" I asked confused at the gesture.

  "For caring." He stated quietly as he mounted his motorcycle. "If we ride slowly we'll be fine."

  I positioned my feet securely and wrapped my arms around his waist, I'd never been on a motorcycle before but I didn't want to come across nervous.

  We took a slow ride to his hotel and I could feel the nervous excitement bubbling away inside me. I didn't think I'd be here again that was for sure but I was glad that I was. Locke parked his motorcycle close to the doors of the hotel and cocked his leg to get off before helping me. Locke grabbed my hand and walked beside me as we strolled into the hotel feeling the anticipation building.

  "Mr Dixon!" Locke released my hand and turned to see the receptionist wave an envelope at him. I watched him stroll towards her and smile as he took the letter from her hand. Locked stuffed the envelope into his pocket and walked back over to clasp my hand and direct me down the corridor. I noticed that his earlier excitement had disappeared as we entered his room and began to wonder what may be in that envelope.

  "I'll leave you alone while you read the letter." I stated leaving his side and making my way towards the bathroom but stopped when Locke grabbed my arm.

  "Don't be silly, I'll look at it later." Locke said as he led me to the bedroom.

  I bent down to remove my shoes and sat comfortably on the bed, "Your moods changed, please just read the letter."

  Locke glanced in my direction and I could see him pondering briefly on what I'd just said before removing the envelope from his pocket. He sat on the bed with his back towards me, I heard how he tore at the envelope aggressively and unfold the paper. I watched as he read the letter before he screwed it in his palm and stuffed it into his pocket. I was in a quandary, I didn't know whether to comfort him or leave him to deal with whatever information the letter held.

  Locke clasped his face in his hands and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees but I couldn't just sit there and leave him, I needed to give him comfort. I crawled over the mattress towards Locke and wrapped my arms around his waist as I rested my head on his back. Locke moved one arm and rested his hand over mine, squeezing it gently to let me know that he appreciated my gesture. I wanted him to know I was here, I knew that after he returned home I wouldn't see him again but here in this moment in time I was here if he needed me.

  We stayed like this for a while, I felt Locke's breathing slowly return to a normal pace and the tension left his body as he calmed down. Locke eventually sat upright and I slowly removed my arms from his waist to move into a lying position on the bed with my head resting on the pillow.

  "That's a sight for sore eyes." A small smile flashed on his face briefly and he moved onto the bed to lie beside me and pull me into his embrace. "Sorry babe but I'm not feeling
it now."

  I felt a pang of disappointment but I couldn't be selfish, I didn't know what was in that letter or what he was dealing with. "That's fine but I'd still like to spend the night" I asked hopefully.

  Locke's pulled me in closer and kissed the top of my head, "I'd like that."

  We lay in silence deep in our own thoughts but as time ticked by. I felt his grip around me loosen and his breaths become shallow as he fell asleep beside me. I slowly unwrapped myself from his embrace and moved off the bed trying not to disturb him as he obviously needed to rest. I took my phone from my hand bag and sent a quick text to Declan. I didn't want him to worry about me so I let him know where I was although I would meet a barrage of questions again in the morning, I sniggered at the thought and placed the phone back into my bag.

  I felt a little thirsty and knew that I needed to drink some water to hydrate myself otherwise I'd have an almighty hangover in the morning, and opened the mini bar searching for a cold drink. I removed a bottle of water and closed the fridge quietly as to not wake Locke. Walking over to the table I sat on a chair in front of the window and opened the bottle. I gulped the cold liquid and placed the half empty bottle on the table before turning towards the window. The main lights were off in the room making it easier to see out into the car park below but something caught my eye at the rear of the car park. I sat still and watched two figures moving around near the trees, it seemed strange that people were loitering at this time of night but they could've been taking a leak on a journey home from the pub for all I knew.

  I took another sip of my water and noticed the letter sticking out from Locke's jacket. I was in two minds whether to read it or not but curiosity got the better of me and I leaned over to take the note from his pocket. I took my time to open the piece of paper from its crunched state and flattened it on the table.


  I wanted to let you know that those two men that were waiting for you the other day, were snooping around here yesterday asking questions. They managed to get into the reception area and pretended to be a relation of yours so that they could see your aunt.

  They were told that she was asleep and that she was not to be disturbed and they seemed satisfied with our response.

  I just thought you should know. Please keep yourself safe and if there's anything I can do then please let me know.

  Margaret x

  Two men! Could they possibly be the two men that came here the other day? What kind of trouble was he in?

  Locke stirred in his sleep which made me jump, I quickly folded the paper and placed it into his jacket pocket. I was now a little scared as to how much danger he was in and if I'd now be in danger to by association.

  I walked briskly to the door and pushed down the lock and fastened the metal chain, it wouldn't keep anyone out but it would possibly give us enough time to be alerted of their presence. I made my way over to the bed and stood folding my arms as I watched his chest rise and fall peacefully. What had he got himself into? I wasn't in any position to ask but I hoped whatever it was, that he would be able to protect himself.

  Locke stirred again and grabbed for something under his pillow. I screamed and raised my hands scared that he may pull the trigger as he pointed his gun directly at me, "Locke it's me."

  It took him a while to register his surroundings in the dimly lit room but I slowly saw the tension leave his shoulders and he lowered the gun. "Shit! I thought you were a fucking burglar or something. What you doing sneaking around?" he asked clearly annoyed.

  I walked closer to the bed and perched on the edge, "I just went to the bathroom." I stated trying to calm the situation. It was late and I didn't want to get a taxi home especially if there were men wondering around in the car park but I didn't want to stay here if I was unwelcome.

  Locke stared at me taking every inch of me in before moving so that he was sitting up on the bed. He glanced at his watch and stood so that he could remove his clothes. "It's late, strip off and get in." He pulled back the covers and got into the bed looking at me expectantly as he lay with his hands behind his head. I nodded and removed my dress by pulling it up and over my head, I shivered as the cold air greeted my body and rubbed my hands up and down my arms. Locke patted the bed encouraging me over, and I moved my arms behind me so that I could unclasp my bra and remove it from my body.

  Locke whistled in appreciation, "Funny!" I said dryly as I shimmied from my panties and placed them on the chair.

  I joined him in the bed and snuggled up to his body trying to get warm. Locke lowered his hand and brushed the hair from my face but kept his hand firmly on my cheek, "What are you thinking?" I whispered.

  "You don't want to know." Locke continued to stroke my cheek.

  "But that's where you're wrong, maybe I can help." Locke removed his hand and rolled on to his back resting his hands behind his head again. "Locke look at me please." He continued to ignore me, "Locke!"

  "What Keira?" He glared at me aggressively but he didn't scare me. "Believe me babe, you don't want to know what goes on in my head."

  "Try me!"

  Locke rolled on his side and I notice his demeanour change slightly as he became a little agitated obviously dealing with his own demons. I kept quiet, if he was to share some information I needed him to do that without me railroading him but I saw an essence of vulnerability.

  I leaned forward and brushed my lips over his, the whole time watching his eyes search mine. Locke wrapped his arm around the back of my head and pulled me closer taking my mouth. I opened wide matching his pace, he was a good kisser and my stomach flipped as the excitement built inside me.

  Locke moved his hand to grab my thigh kneading my skin as he brought my leg over his and moved his hand to cup my pussy.

  His eyes searched mine looking for approval, "Are you okay with this?" he whispered in a low deep voice, the lust clearly evident in his tone as a soft moan left my mouth which was the only response I could manage. My body had betrayed me as I moved my hips closer to him and a warm tingle built in my groin.

  Locke caressed me, rubbing my outer lips in a deep circular motion. I couldn't help but let out a series of satisfied moans. Locke moved his finger down the length of my slit between my folds and traced it back again stopping at my clit to apply just the correct amount of pressure as I bucked my hips wanting him to take me. My enthusiasm was like a green light to his libido, Locke quickly moved his hand and pushed his fingers inside me. The room was silent apart from my now heavy breathing and the noise from how wet I'd become. Locke worked me with his expert fingers until a powerful orgasm overwhelmed me, I tried to contain it but I instantly shivered and trembled wildly as he continued to pump me.

  Just when I thought I could gain some control over the erotic sensations that had consumed me, Locke removed his fingers and slipped them down the groove of my arse. I gasped as he sank a finger deep inside my hole and I surprised myself by pushing back encouraging him further. Locke inserted another and slid his fingers in and out as I thrashed around at the sensation.

  Unexpectedly Locke removed his fingers sharply and rolled me over on to my front, sinking down on top of my body.

  " Try not to wake up the other guests, we don't want management knocking again." He insisted. "Bite the pillow if you have to babe."

  Locke spread my thighs wide and sunk beneath the sheets, kissing his way down my sensitive body. He immediately returned to my arse, slipping two fingers back inside my hole as I moaned aloud. With his free hand he slapped my arse, "Keep it down!"

  Before I could catch my breath and respond Locke inserted another finger, as they plunged in and out Locke's other hand moved to my clit. His expert touch sent shivers down my body and the pleasure deepened as Locke teased me relentlessly.

  Deeper and deeper he shoved his fingers inside my hole. In and out, faster and harder, he finger fucked me until my body accepted all that he had to give, stretching me with every stroke. Locke could sense that I was close as I thrashed around ex
citedly. An orgasm was fast approaching which encouraged Locke to suddenly pull his fingers from my tiny pucker and claim it with his mouth. I gasped with shock, the feel of Locke's velvety tongue gliding over my sensitive rim was so overwhelming that I nearly came from the sensation. This was filthy, I instantly felt naughty like I shouldn't be doing it but it felt so good.

  I clutched at the sheet below me as I felt his warm breath on my arse, Locke's tongue rolled gently around my hole while he held my arse cheeks wide open, licking along my deep grove. I groaned at the sensation and instinctively grinded my arse up towards Locke's hungry mouth as he thrust his tongue deep into my hot wet hole.

  The sensation was too much and a rush of pleasure returned. "Oh Locke," I moaned, pulling the pillow to my face to muffle my voice.

  Locke increased his tempo on my clit and moved his thick muscular body so that it covered my slim frame, he positioned his head against my hot entrance as I quivered with need. Locke rubbed his head around my sopping hole a few times to wet it with his premature juices, then slowly pressed it against my opening.

  I clenched my teeth and willed myself to relax as he slowly pushed inside, stretching me with his fat head. Taking a deep breath I acclimatised to his size, the pain was almost more than I could take but the thought of Locke taking me in such a taboo area filled me with excitement.

  Locke paused as my breath hitched from the pain but I wanted him to continue, "I'm fine, please!" I heard the pleading in my voice. I bit my lip to stop myself from yelling while inch by inch, Locke buried his massive member inside me.

  When I thought the sensation was too much Locke pulled out slowly letting me catch my breath. He pushed in again and this time my slick opening was ready for him, that he was able to glide deeper inside with ease. I groaned as the pain slowly turned to pleasure as Locke began a steady rhythm of slow strokes, inching deeper and deeper into my entrance.

  My body was awakened with desire. Locke pounded me faster and harder, he began to grunt behind me. I took every inch as it ignited sparks of pleasure before I had the most powerful orgasm of my life. My hole contracted around him as he swelled and pulsed inside and finally the erotic sensation sent Locke over the edge. He pulled out and exploded over my back, I hardly had time to catch my breath before Locke collapsed on my back sending me deep into the mattress.


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