Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)

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Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) Page 15

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  "That was incredible." He croaked, his voice horse and dry. Locke rolled off and grabbed his t-shirt from the floor to mop his excitement from my back and then his chest. "Are you with me babe?"

  I looked up with my eyes scrunched feeling more exhausted than I had ever felt in my life. I mumbled something inaudible before I sank my head back into the pillow.

  "I'm gonna grab a shower are you joining me." I felt Locke get out of bed but I think I was asleep before he even made it into the bathroom.

  "It's rude to stare."

  Locke sniggered, "How do you know I'm even looking at you, your eyes are closed."

  "I can sense that you are."

  "Well can you sense that it's 8.00am and you should be getting ready for work?" I heard the humour in his voice and was annoyed at how lively he was this morning. I fumbled around for the edge of the cover and pulled it up over my head. "You really aren't a morning person are you?"

  "Is that a rhetorical question?" I asked from under the duvet.

  "It's just something that I've picked up from the few mornings I've spent with you."

  "So why are you so jovial this morning? The last time we spoke you were doing the mean and moody thing." I pulled the cover from my face and opened my eyes to see that he was dressed but hadn't had a shave.

  "Well the mean and moody thing obviously turns you on." Locke wiggled his brows and I blushed at his words which made Locke snigger. "How can you get embarrassed, I've heard your mouth?"

  Now it was my turn to snigger, "Stop it!"

  "Stop what? I'm only telling it how it is."

  "I think I preferred it when you grunted rather than striking up a conversation."

  "Oh do you now!" Locke pulled back the cover and tickled me. I tried to cover myself as I was still naked but that didn't bother him, Locke dug his fingers into my sides as I wiggled around on the bed.

  "Locke get off me!" I squealed.

  Locke managed to get hold of my wrists and pinned me to the bed, "That's not what you were saying last night." Locke dipped down and kissed my neck. The cold air had already made my skin sensitive but his stubble brushing against my neck sent shock waves through my body. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer as I moaned. Locke moved from my neck down my body until he found my erect nipple, and swirled his tongue around my peak.

  I could feel the pulsating on my inner thigh as his phone vibrated in his pocket, "Oh this could get interesting." I giggled.

  Locke raised his head and smiled before he sat back on his heels so he could retrieve his mobile from his pocket.

  He pulled a face before he swiped the screen to answer the call. "Yeah...Why what's up...Yeah I'll be there in..." Locke glanced at his watch, "Half hour...Yeah..." Locke pressed the screen and returned it to his pocket.

  "Problem?" I asked moving so that I was leaning on my elbows.

  Locke shook his head, "No but I've gotta meet the guys." Locke stood, "You're more than welcome to stay and have a shower before you leave."

  "No, I'll do the walk of shame for a second time in a week." I sniggered as I rolled over to get my phone off the bedside cabinet.

  "I'll just text Declan and tell him what I'm up to and he can order me a taxi."

  Locke nodded and flicked the kettle on, "Black no sugar." He stated as way of checking that's how I took my coffee.

  "Oh baby, you remembered." I said sarcastically as Locke glanced over his shoulder smirking at my comment. I winked at him before I grabbed the dressing gown that I'd been using and stood to cover myself. I grabbed my clothes from the bedside cabinet and made my way to the bathroom, "I'll just get changed then I'll be out of your way."

  I closed the bathroom door and placed my clothes on to the vanity unit before I glanced in the mirror. I groaned at my reflection as I looked like shit from lack of sleep and too much alcohol. Removing the robe I placed it on the hook on the back of the bathroom door and shimmied quickly into my underwear. I didn't want Locke to be late for his rendezvous because I was messing about getting ready, I hated putting on last night's clothes as it would be obvious to what I'd been up to but I had no choice.

  Opening the bathroom door I caught a side profile of Locke as he gazed out of the window. He was a good looking man and I was surprised that he was actually single. He had a kind heart but I knew he had a troubled soul.

  I walked over to Locke and startled him as I wrapped my arms around his waist, "Are you still going home on Sunday?"

  He continued to look out of the window deep in his own thoughts. I was about to ask him again when he answered, "I've gotta stay for the celebrations on Saturday so yeah Sunday afternoon."

  I pursed my lips, wanting to say so much more. I really wanted to see him again but didn't want to ask through fear of rejection. He knew where I lived and worked, if he wanted to seek me out on his return he could do so but I wasn't asking.

  "A taxi just pulled up in the car park." Locke pulled me from my own thoughts as he unravelled my arms from around his waist and stepped from my embrace. "Would you mind if I didn't follow you out, I've just gotta sort a few things out here before I leave."

  I nodded but my heart sank slightly, I wasn't expecting anything from him he'd given me one night more than I expected anyway but I felt a pang of disappointment that this may be the end. I turned and walked to the other side of the room to collect my handbag.

  "Take care Locke." I smiled briefly before I made my way to the door to remove the chain and unlock the door.

  "You too babe." He shouted after me as I left the room, closing the door behind me.

  I did the walk of shame smiling sweetly to the receptionist as I left the hotel and I squinted at the daylight as I walked into the car park and gingerly made my way over to the taxi.

  The taxi driver smirked as I sat in the back seat, "Good night was it love?" he asked as he ogled me in the rear view mirror.

  "Stop being so fucking cheeky and take me to Epping high street." I snapped as I opened my compact and looked at myself in the mirror.


  "You should be a fucking comedian."

  "Well as it happens..."

  I held my hand up, "I don't care. Please can you just take me home?"

  I saw the driver roll his eyes as he started the engine and pulled out of the car park getting the hint that I didn't want to talk. Locke had given me a lot to think about over the last couple of days. It made me realise that I was actually missing something in my life. I had my dream job, family support from Declan but I was missing something else in my life, maybe I should buy a dog.

  "Well hello, I'm starting to forget what you look like." Declan stated as he glanced in my direction through a flower arrangement he was putting together.

  "I need a cuddle." I placed my handbag on the counter and stuck my lip out pouting as I made my way over to his open arms. He scooped me up and held me tightly, this is what I needed.

  "What's gone on babe? When you stayed over again I thought you were enjoying yourself."

  "I was, I did, I mean oh for goodness sake get a grip Keira!" I pulled from Declan's embrace and placed my hands on my hips as I paced the shop. I blew out a large breath and tapped my forehead with the palm of my hand.

  "You like him don't you babe?" I placed my hands on my hips again and stood facing Declan as I nodded my head. "So what you gonna do about it?"

  I looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

  "Exactly what I said, what are you gonna do about it? The Keira I know wouldn't just come away not knowing where she stood, the Keira I know would've told him that she liked him."

  "Declan it's difficult, he's leaving Sunday and lives god knows where," I stated as I flung my arms around. "I'm not going to lie, I would like to see him again but..."

  "But what?"

  "But he has a lot going on and I think I'll add to the problem."

  "Well there's no point being miserable, life's too short babe." Declan's face lit up and he walked towards m
e before changing direction to greet the young man that had just stepped through the door. "Well hello stranger, where have you been all my life?"


  "Declan leave the poor boy alone." I swatted him on the arm and turned my attention to the young man as his cheeks flushed under Declan's scrutiny. I noticed his leather cut and my heart raced hoping that he may have a message from Locke, and then I noticed the large package he was holding under his arm.

  "Are you Keira?" he asked looking me up and down. I must've looked a bloody mess as I stood here in yesterday's clothes.

  "Yes." I replied hesitantly.

  "This is for you." He held out the large package and I took it cautiously.

  Declan clapped his hands excitedly and galloped on the spot watching me walk towards the counter. I placed the package and glanced over my shoulder to see Declan and the prospect stand directly behind me willing me to continue as they were as intrigued as I was. My hands shook as I ripped the package open to reveal two pillows. I held them up and inspected the soft feathered pillows and was confused by the gift.

  "There's a card, open the card." The prospect leaned over my shoulder and grabbed the paper, "Look here it is." He pulled the envelope from the outer package and passed it me.

  I turned around to place my back against the counter and held the card against my chest, shoeing the guys away so I could have some space to read it privately. Both Declan and the prospect tutted and stepped back giving me the space I wanted.

  I wanted to give you a parting gift but because of your line of work I couldn't simply buy you flowers. So it got me thinking, what could I give you that was more personal? I brainstormed quickly considering all of the things I know about you and this still didn't help much to be honest as you're still a mystery but one thing I know for sure, is that you make lovely noises when you get excited.

  I would like to see you again but I don't want to upset your neighbours so I bought you these pillows. If I remember correctly these helped you keep the noise down when you buried your face into them.

  I look forward to our next encounter.

  Locke x

  I glanced from the note as two sets of eyes stared at me and I quickly looked back at the note to read it again. I covered my mouth with my hand as I took in his words and my stomach flipped with excitement. I grabbed the pillows firmly against my chest and held the note tightly as I walked over to place a kiss on the side of the prospects cheek, he looked taken aback by the gesture.

  "Give that to Locke." I breezed past him with a spring in my step before turning to Declan, "I'll just go and take a shower and then we better get on with that bloody wedding order."



  "Well what did the note say?" Declan asked.

  "Ain't a girl allowed to have secrets?" They looked at each other dumbfounded as I left the shop not giving them an ounce of information.

  Chapter 12


  I leaned against the wall as I sat at the bar taking everything in. I was the moody one, the one who grunted at strangers and come to think about it, I even grunted at people I knew well. I liked it that way though because more times than not I was left alone. People knew that it was hard to strike up a conversation with me and because of that I was avoided by most of the club members besides CJ, Amy and Stoney. CJ was my closest mate, had been for the past three years but even he wasn't aware of the full extent of my misery.

  "You're hitting it hard tonight." CJ stated as he sat beside me on the stool.

  I raised my glass and knocked back another shot, ignoring his comment. The liquid slid down easily, I placed the empty glass on the bar and clicked my fingers to get the attention of Tyler.

  He glanced at CJ before turning his attention to me, "Do you want another?"

  I nodded slowly, "Just keep them coming."

  "Do you wanna talk about it?" CJ asked concerned.

  "Talk about what?"

  "Why you're drinking so heavily?"

  I shook my head and took the glass from Tyler, "Nope." I stated knocking back another drink. "Leave the bottle." Tyler glanced at CJ as if asking for approval, "Don't fucking look at him golden boy, I told you to leave the mother fucking bottle." I shouted as I stood from my stool. My outburst had caught the attention of some of the guys but they didn't intervene they just continued to watch the situation from a far.

  I swiped the bottle from the bar and held it to my mouth as I downed a large amount of the strong liquid.

  "Let's go outside Locke."

  "Sorry am I embarrassing you CJ?" I asked raising my voice. I knew none of this was his fault and I shouldn't be taking it out on him but I always did. He'd put up with a lot of shit from me over the years and I couldn't understand why he'd stuck around for so long putting up with me.

  CJ stood and grabbed my arm aggressively as he pulled me close to his chest, "You're gonna ruin Maggie's day if you kick off, so do as your fucking told and come with me outside now." He whispered into my ear.

  I shrugged him off quickly, "I need to take a leak." CJ nodded and watched me as I weaved through the group making my way to the back of the clubhouse so I could take a piss.

  I leaned on the wall with one hand as I tried to focus my aim into the urinal. I swayed from side to side trying to inject some life into myself as it slowly dawned on me that I'd consumed too much alcohol. After putting my cock away I washed my hands and took the opportunity to look at myself in the mirror, "What the fuck you doing Jake?" I asked myself aloud. I didn't have time to be here getting shit faced, I needed to get it together and complete the task at hand but I was struggling. I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone vibrated and quickly dried my hands down the front of my jeans before reaching for my mobile.

  "Wes what's up?"

  "Erm...there's no easy way of saying this Saviour."

  The line went quiet, "Well fucking say it then!"

  "April's dead, she never regained consciousness Saviour. I know you two were close so I wanted to let you know before you returned."

  "When did this happen?"

  "Wednesday," he said quietly.

  "Wednesday! So why am I only finding out now?"

  "Saviour it ain't my fault, Polar didn't want you to know. He said it was easier with you out the way."

  "Fucking easier!" I hung up and shoved my mobile into my pocket as the rage built inside me. Pulling back my fist I punched the mirror, smashing it into several pieces. This made me feel a little better but I needed to do more damage, I needed to take my aggression out somehow. I stomped from the bathroom aggressively and headed for the bar. Lifting the hatch I pushed Tyler out of the way and nearly knocked him over in my pursuit to find what I was looking for.

  "What's up Locke?" I ignored CJ as I rummaged around the shelf until I found the hammer. "Locke!" he shouted trying to get my attention but I continued to ignore his calls as I stalked back to the bathroom.

  I lifted the hammer high before I slammed it down onto the porcelain sink. It smashed easily and pieces of ceramic flew around the room as I smashed the shit out of the basin. Before long there was nothing left on the wall so I turned my attention to the other sink in the opposite corner of the room. It felt just as good as I brought down the hammer making contact with the basin.

  "What the fuck's going on Locke." I ignored Stoney as he pushed open the door to see the carnage in front of him and made my way over to the urinals. One by one they fell to the floor as the hammer made contact.

  I heard the door shut and glanced over my shoulder to see that Stoney had gone but quickly turned my attention back to the urinals. As I crunched over the china, a feeling of satisfaction reigned through me, I needed to vent this anger I had and needed to do this before I took it out on someone.

  The toilets smashed just as easy but this encouraged water to piss out all over the floor.

  "Duke is gonna have a shit attack!"

  I was breathing hard and hadn't heard the guy
s enter the bathroom. Woods, Stoney and CJ watched as I turned to inspect my destruction but I wasn't done I was too hyped. I stalked through the bathroom heading for the door, "Move!" I shouted at Stoney as he side stepped allowing me to get past, I was glad as I didn't want to fight him although I would've if I needed to.

  The guys followed me out into the yard. I ran my hands over my head in frustration as I paced back and forth, "I can't do this CJ."

  I noticed how he waved for the other two guys to stay back as he approached me, "Do what Locke? I'm a little confused mate."

  "Pretend anymore." I wanted to tell him, I so wanted to tell him but then he'd have to inform Duke and that's the last thing I wanted. Duke had always blamed me for the death of his uncle, he hadn't come out and said it but I knew by the way he'd looked at me since that day. I hadn't asked him to come and look for me, they knew that I liked to take off from time to time but that day he'd tried to find me and it kept him away from the drugs run that resulted in the death of Viper.

  "Pretend? You're gonna have to do better than that by way of explanation." CJ stepped closer and stood in my path making me stop and look at him.

  I let out a long sigh as I placed my hands on my hips, "You know I can't tell you."

  "And that's the problem Locke. You're my best mate and I've had to watch you over the past three years fucking destroy yourself. Whatever it is I could help!" CJ shouted getting annoyed at my constant refusal to tell him what was on my mind.

  He was right, CJ had never judged me unlike the other guys. He'd ignored my outbursts over the years and had been there for me every time I needed him. "You know my other family..."

  "We need to go guys. That was Bear, Duke's had an accident we're meeting him on Crown Hill."

  Woods ran over to his motorcycle and I saw Stoney enter the clubhouse to rally the troops.

  "You better get going," I stated swaying back and forth. I wasn't in any fit state to ride so I thought it best to stay here out of the way.


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