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[Pack 01.0] Defying Pack Law

Page 7

by Eve Langlais

  “She did miscarry, but it wasn’t the babe that killed her but Dana’s father. Dana was the only babe that made it. Her mother lost almost a dozen babes after her. Ted blamed her. Claimed she was doing something to kill them in her womb.”

  John snorted with disgust. “Sounds more like they didn’t give her body time to heal before trying again.”

  “Could be. Anyway, her dad beat Dana’s mother after the last one, bad enough she never recovered and died.”

  The horror in John’s eyes mirrored the ache in his heart. “Does she know?”

  “I don’t think so, but she might have suspected. Her dad wasn’t one to hide the fact he was a dick.”

  John rubbed his face. “Well, this would certainly explain her attitude. We’re going to have our work cut out trying to convince her it can work.”

  “It’d be easier if you and Kody butted out.” Nathan threw it out there, even as he knew the answer. Once a man’s wolf caught scent of his mate, nobody else would do.

  John grinned at him. “You wish. What’s wrong? Afraid of a little competition?”

  Nathan wanted to be pissed that his friend found the situation so funny, but instead of hitting him, a chuckle burst free. “Ha, you don’t stand a chance. I know her weak spot.”

  John held his hand out, and Nathan clasped it then yanked the man who was like a brother to him for a hug. It lasted only a moment. They were, after all, men.

  John laughed. “Good thing we like each other because if we can convince her to stay, we’re going to be together a long time. Think we’ll ever get her to open up enough for her to take more than one of us at once?”

  Nathan, who’d have said never in a million years a few days ago, now had to wonder. Dana had changed, and he could no longer say with certainty what she would or wouldn’t do.

  As for him, the idea of a ménage intrigued him. While he was a true lover of the female form, there was something to be said about the eroticism of a group orgy that made him hope that one day Dana would be open enough to try.

  “If we do ever get that lucky, that puppy Kody better not be there. If what I hear is true, he’d put us both to shame.”

  John looked down at his crotch ruefully. “Damn. That would explain the number of ladies always hanging about looking for him.”

  Nathan laughed. Maybe things wouldn’t turn out so badly, so long as he was first to mark her and claim her with his cock. That wasn’t something he was willing to relinquish.

  Chapter Eight

  Dana paced the bedroom, torn between annoyance and anticipation. After her failed escape attempt and titillating exam by John, she’d napped. A nap that left her hot and bothered and, even worse, more confused than ever. Her dreams were filled with men, familiar ones bent on seducing her, touching her, pleasing her—all at once. And damned if she didn’t find it hot. But at the same time, she didn’t know what to do about it.

  Dana was fast approaching thirty-one, and yet she embarrassingly lacked sexual experience. Her maiden voyage, so to speak, with Nathan was her one and only attempt at lovemaking. Not because she didn’t desire sex or intimacy,. She just hadn’t found anyone else who drew her in the twelve years she’d hidden. Inexperience, however, didn’t mean she was completely clueless. She’d taken to reading romance novels and erotica. She became quite adept at masturbation, touching herself in a quick frenzy that didn’t completely satisfy her. However, a self-induced orgasm was one thing, a mind-shattering experience like the one she remembered at Nathan’s hands a whole other. Despite her misgivings, despite her confusion and, yes, even fear, she longed to taste that passion again. The most shocking part, she didn’t just desire Nathan. She’d jumped to the extreme and found herself wanting three men—possibly at once.

  Dana had never understood the whole ménage thing in the bedroom. In her world, it was one man, one woman at a time. She’d avoided books of that type due to her pack experience. But ever since John had spoken to her, she couldn’t stop thinking about it, wondering how it would feel. To end up the focus of so many hands, tongues, and cocks . . .

  Her train of thought appalled her, yet it also excited her. Could she find pleasure in such a naughty scenario? How would the mechanics of it work? Who would put what where? How could she even contemplate it?

  Could I try it without binding myself as their mate? A trial run, so to speak? She bit her lip at the naughty thought.

  She wore a path in the rug with her back-and-forth pacing. So intent was she with her inner dialogue that she didn’t hear someone enter.

  “Thinking of me, darling?” said a voice from right behind her.

  Dana screamed and whirled. With a survival instinct cultivated over twelve years on the run, she thrust and kicked without pause. And both her shots connected. The blond pup who had snuck up on her folded over and hit the floor groaning.

  Dana immediately felt contrite and dropped to the floor beside him. “I’m sorry. You scared the hell out of me.”

  A heart-stopping moment later, she found herself yanked on top of him. She peered at him in shock and saw him watching her back with a wide grin. He was also very happy to see her, judging by the thickness that nudged the apex of her thighs. If the tingling that raced through her body at his proximity was any indication, her body didn’t mind and, in fact, rejoiced.

  “I’ll forgive you for a kiss,” he said.

  Dana almost laughed. His outrageous claim should have put her hackles up, but he truly did look adorable lying there with his blond hair in disarray and twinkling green eyes. His lips quirked at her perusal, and she found herself unconsciously moving closer, caving in to his request. As soon as she realized it, twelve years of habit kicked in. She halted herself and smiled sweetly. “Not likely.” Then, offering a mental apology, she kneed him.

  She didn’t stop to admire his lovely shade of purple, although she did cringe as she heard him gasp for air as she fled out the open bedroom door and ran smack-dab into an implacable chest.

  “Caught you. Again.”

  Dana sighed as she looked up at Nathan, who steadied her with hands that kept the sizzle in her body going. Damned hormones. She expected to see storm clouds in his eyes at her impromptu flight, but instead, he met her gaze with a smile so sweet it made her knees wobble. He mistook her sudden swaying for something else and tightened his grasp on her.

  “Are you all right?”

  She couldn’t answer with words but did blush as her action of the previous moment caught up to her.

  “Where’s Kody?” he asked, his smile fading. “Did he do something?”

  “Who?” Then she clicked in. “Oh, if you mean Blondie, he’s having a private moment with his nuts right now.” Nathan winced, and she grinned. “Care to join him?”

  He dropped his hands from her and stepped back. Dana could almost see him mentally debating whether to cup his hands over his groin or not. “I thought I’d give him a hand escorting you down to dinner. I’m beginning to think I should have brought John too.”

  “Wimp.” She pushed past him, shivering at the electricity that coursed through her body at the simple touch.

  “Hot damn, Nathan. I think she broke me.”

  Dana bit her lip as she heard Kody moaning he’d never make love again. Well, that would be a shame, because, by the feel of him, he’s got a lot of love to give.

  She made it down the stairs and then stopped dead at the view. Floor-to-ceiling windows spanned the two stories of the home and looked out over a forest. The house, perched on some kind of bluff, had a fantastic view, which somehow seemed familiar. But I don’t remember ever being in a house like this.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Nathan’s breath tickled her ear. He’d snuck up on her, and she barely held in a startled shriek. “I had it built specifically for you. I remember how you used to love coming to this spot and holding out your arms and claiming that, when you stood there, you felt like the queen of the forest.”

  Dana turned to look at him. “You rememb
er that? God, I was only, like, eight when I used to play that game. I didn’t even think you knew I existed back then.”

  “Oh, I knew. I might not have shown it until you were older, but I always kept an eye on you.”

  His confession disturbed her, and Dana turned away again to move closer to the windows. Now that he’d pointed it out, she could recognize some landmarks while other areas looked alien. The forest had grown considerably in her absence, and the realization of their location made tears prick her eyes. “You brought me back to the compound.”

  “I brought you home,” he corrected.

  Dana couldn’t face him with her eyes wet. Instead, she reached a hand out and touched the cold glass. “Home for you, maybe. But to me it was a hell I couldn’t wait to escape.” Especially once Nathan betrayed her.

  “I can’t change the past, Dana. I wish I could if it would make things right between us.”

  “Yeah, well, you know what my dad used to say about wishes. Speaking of whom, where is that old bastard? I’m surprised he’s not here with a silver leash to make sure I do his bidding.” Dana couldn’t help the bitterness when she thought of her father. She’d had years to realize his treatment of her was unhealthy and abusive. Even now, as a grown woman, she shivered at the fear he’d trap her and force her to do his bidding, make her life a living hell.

  “He’s dead, Dana. He died of liver disease about three years after you left. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

  Dana had speculated on what had happened to her father over the years she’d lived in hiding and woken up more than once in a cold sweat thinking he’d found her and brought his thick leather belt. She’d also asked herself many a time how she’d feel if he died. With Nathan’s announcement, she queried her emotions—and felt . . . nothing. Wait, that’s not true. I’m glad that miserable bastard died.

  “Well, that’s the first bit of good news I’ve heard,” she announced a tad too brightly.

  “Dana—” Nathan reached to grab her, but she spun away from him. She didn’t need comforting.

  “I’m fine, Nathan.”

  “I know you guys didn’t always get along, but it’s okay to mourn him.”

  Dana gaped at him. “Didn’t get along? The man was a sick pig. Remember how your dad used to beat you? Well, guess what. So did mine.”

  Nathan frowned. “What are you talking about? I know he was strict, but I would have remembered seeing bruises.”

  Dana laughed, the shrill sound a little crazed. “My father knew better than to mark a female Lycan where others would see. Even a dormant one. He did it where people wouldn’t see, using his fists or his belt depending on his mood. A shirt and pants cover backs and asses. It didn’t make his abuse any less real.”

  The pity in Nathan’s eyes made her want to cry. “I didn’t know.”

  “And so what if you had? What would you have done?”

  “Killed him,” he said in a dark voice.

  “Too late. The alcohol beat you to it. So, now maybe you understand why I think the world is a better place with him gone. Thanks for making my day. Are we done hashing the past? I’m starved. Where’s the food? I assume you Neanderthals ordered in.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you are a feminist? Just because we’re men doesn’t mean we can’t handle ourselves in a kitchen.” John’s soothing voice from behind her somehow sucked some of her anger away. The man is like walking Prozac.

  Dana turned to see John enter the living room brandishing a wooden spoon. She couldn’t help but smile at him, thankful for his timely interruption. “Oh please, don’t tell me you’re a doctor and you cook?”

  John brandished the spoon with mock menace then smiled sheepishly. “Actually, I just stir. Nathan there is the true chef while Kody is the pastry king.”

  Dana pivoted back to Nathan, who shrugged. “I needed a hobby to occupy me when you left. Apparently I can’t bash heads in every day.”

  Dana shook her head. Nathan just kept surprising her and reminded her just how little she’d truly known about him. Actually, how little they’d known about each other.

  Kody, who’d made it down the stairs, if somewhat ashen-faced, waved at her and even managed a smile.

  Chagrin enveloped her, especially when she realized he wasn’t going to yell at her for hurting him so badly. “I’m sorry. Instincts, you know.” She shrugged and gave him a small smile.

  “Forget it, darling. As one of your chosen, I count myself lucky because I know you held back from causing permanent damage. Although, if you insist on kissing it better, I won’t argue.”

  Dana’s mouth rounded into an O of surprise, and before she knew it, she’d grabbed a carved figurine from a side table and whipped it at Kody, who caught it without batting an eye.

  “I hope we get this mating thing over with quick because I’m beginning to doubt my ability to survive the courtship,” Kody said, turning the statue over in his hands.

  Dana knew the right thing at that moment was to tell Kody, and even John, for that matter, that she had no intention of taking any of them as a mate, including Nathan, but she didn’t want to. Not just yet at least.

  She didn’t want to analyze her reasons too closely, but one thing became glaringly obvious. This was the most fun she’d had in years. Even stranger, even though she had three Lycans vying for her affection, she didn’t feel threatened in any way. Actually, the knot of tension from always being on the lookout had loosened since she’d woken in their care.

  Oh, fuck me, don’t tell I’m going to cave to my hormones and let all three of them mark me. Although, if she took all three as her mates at once, it would make for an interesting wedding night.

  Looking around at the three guys, she frowned. “What happened to the fourth guy?”

  “That other guy is called Jeff, and he’s graciously declined your offer, given he’s just about engaged to someone else,” John replied, tucking her hand in his arm to lead her to the dining area.

  Dana held in her sigh of relief at the news. She had enough troubles trying to figure a way out of the mess she found herself in—and imagine ways for it to get more twisted and naked—to worry about a fourth possible suitor. But she didn’t let them know that. “Oh. Well, I’m sure I’ll find someone else to complete our happy little family.”

  Nathan growled. Kody laughed, and John just patted her hand. “See, I knew you’d come around to the whole multi-mate thing. The more, the merrier. Just think of all the tongues in play.”

  And with those shocking words from the doctor she’d mistaken for calm, she was seated. Now if only I was hungry for food instead of the picture he just painted in my mind.

  Kody hung back as Nathan and John flanked Dana, enjoying the swaying view of Dana’s ass. Hot damn, I can’t wait to sink into that.

  Kody refused to view his throbbing cock from her earlier attempt to incapacitate him as a setback. A lesson, yes, but one well worth it given what he’d learned. One, Dana wasn’t as immune to him as she pretended. Two, she felt bad about hurting him. Three, she had the cutest blush when embarrassed, and he couldn’t wait to see it on her face when he fucked her for the first time. And four, not only did she ooze with beauty she also possessed a deadly side to her that didn’t take any shit.

  Other men might have shied from her violent side or, worse, tried to beat it out of her. Kody, however, liked that she had spirit and didn’t fear standing up for herself. He’d seen too many women who thought nothing of letting men walk all over them. Not that she needed to worry about that with him. Kody had only the greatest of respect for women, in and out of bed, despite his naughty innuendos. He’d never imagined getting collared so young, but from the moment he’d laid eyes on Dana, an urge to claim her and protect her had almost overwhelmed him—and made his usually placid wolf pace in his mind. Folks talked about love at first sight—or the mating instinct at first scent—and Kody had laughed. No longer.

  He and his inner wolf couldn’t wait to put their mark on Dana
and sink his cock into her glorious heat. Sure, given her prickly nature, they would probably butt heads on a regular basis, but he could almost guarantee the makeup sex after would rock both their worlds.

  The fact that he’d have to share her with Nathan and John didn’t bother him. Raised in a pack to the west that religiously followed pack law in regards to multi-partner matings, he had always expected if he found the one that he’d end up one of several. He counted himself lucky that he both liked and respected the men he’d share the mating bond with. While he was a few years younger than Nathan and John, they’d still become good friends, and if he was to become part of a polyamorous group, they were the men he most trusted to share that intimate joining.

  Kody did have some reservations, though. He knew Dana had previously run because she didn’t want to adhere to the pack law stating Lycan females had to take more than one male to mate. He also knew she’d initially chosen him out of revenge against Nathan. However, she’d had time since to change her mind. He hoped she didn’t, but he’d respect her choice. He had enough cocky self-assurance, though, to think that, while she might hem and haw initially, she eventually just wouldn’t be able to help herself.

  Dana aside, though, there were other issues with the whole multi-mate scenario. John was on board, and Kody knew that he wouldn’t run into issues in that quarter. But Nathan . . . Nathan was a whole other ball game. He’d tried to warn Kody away earlier in the day, claiming Dana had said she’d only chosen him out of anger. Kody had only to remember the kiss when he’d caught her outside to know, whatever her initial intention, she wanted him. So regardless of what Nathan wanted or said, Kody considered himself one of her mates-in-waiting until she said otherwise. He’d suffer the bruises Nathan would bestow for that privilege. Besides, he’d probably end up getting them kissed better.

  Once Dana did make up her mind to exchange marks with them and everyone got on board, they’d get to the fun part—hot and sweaty sex. Kody wondered if she’d only indulge in the one-on-one type of fun or if she would be more adventurous and allow them to love her as a group. Kody himself had only ever participated in ménages with human girls, so his experience was somewhat limited. He was game to try, though, with men, so long as everyone kept their dicks and hands on Dana. Else he’d have to reassert his masculinity by punching a few faces.


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