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[Pack 01.0] Defying Pack Law

Page 16

by Eve Langlais

  “Oh, dear, I guess I’m last. What a shame for me,” Dana said, sauntering in, naked and proud. Then she wrinkled her nose. “Okay, I’m sorry, but first we all need a shower because the reek of evil just isn’t attractive.”

  Nathan hardened further at the sight of her happy smile. Suddenly impatient to get to the main event, he scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder. “Come on, boys. I’ve got the largest shower and bed. I think it’s time we taught our mate here just who’s in charge.”

  Dana squealed. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”

  John reached a hand over and tweaked her nipple. “Preparing to make you come last.”

  Kody chuckled. “Hot damn, this is gonna be fun.”

  Nathan slid a hand up to sit between her thighs, the heat from her core radiating hot enough to stir his lust. He gave her sex a quick stroke and felt her shuddering response. “I call dibs on her ass.”

  “My what?” she exclaimed.

  “Mouth,” Kody chimed in.

  “What a chore. I get her pussy,” John said, an evident grin in his tone.

  Reaching his bathroom, Nathan swung her down to cradle her in his arms as John adjusted the temperature. He caught her lips in a kiss that set him on fire and wondered if perhaps he should have opted for her luscious mouth. But the thought of her tight ass gripping him made him shudder.

  He stepped into the shower, glad he’d splurged on a large walk-in stall version. Although with three large men and one smaller woman, the space still ended up tight. He knew some of the body parts brushing his, skin to skin, didn’t belong to Dana, but he forgave that minor weirdness at the languorous look in Dana’s eyes. She looked drunk on bliss already.

  John and Kody rinsed off quickly and left to prepare the bed. Alone with Dana, Nathan clasped her tight to him, his erection throbbing against her belly.

  She licked her lips and gazed up at him. “I love you, Nathan. You don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.”

  Nathan chuckled as he traced her full lower lip with a finger. “Oh, I’m ready. The question is, are you afraid of me taking your ass?”

  Her eyes glazed, and she swayed into him. “Yes. No. I know you won’t hurt me.”

  “Never again,” he whispered as he leaned down to kiss her.

  Afraid he’d do her up against the wall before he’d proven himself to her, he grabbed the soap and rubbed himself. He didn’t say a word when she stole the soap from him and washed his back, her hands lingering over his buttocks. She pressed herself against his back, her pebbled nipples poking into him as her arms reached around. Her soapy hands grabbed hold of him and stroked his jutting cock, and Nathan sucked in a breath.

  Good as it felt, though, he wanted more. He wanted to sink his shaft inside of her, feel her clench around him as she came.

  He turned. Breaking her grip and holding her at arm’s length, he rinsed them. They emerged to find towels being offered by his mating brothers. Nathan dried himself but watched with glittering eyes as Kody and John shared the task of drying Dana. Their hands lingered on her body, tweaking a nipple here, stroking across her cleft there.

  Nathan waited for his enemy, jealousy, to rouse and breathed a sigh of relief when all he felt was arousal. They led her to the bedroom and the bed, stripped of its comforter and pillows, a cleared area ready for the main event.

  Without words, they laid her down and crawled onto the bed, John and Kody each to a side, while Nathan got the spot between her legs.

  Then they went to work, playing with her body, preparing her for their cocks.

  Dana basked in the attention they laved on her. What a change. She’d gone from playing alone with herself to having three men—my mates—determined to please her.

  Kody and John had each laid claim to a breast, but while they both tortured her, their technique differed, from the way John liked to swirl his tongue around her areola to Kody, who liked to nibble. She would have arched at their touch had they not held her down. She craned to find Nathan, suddenly fearing he’d left, unable to handle the situation. But she found him, kneeling between her legs, stroking his cock.

  He caught her perusal and smiled, a slow, sensuous thing that made her quiver at the promise in it.

  He let go of his rod and bent forward, his mouth hovering over her sex. Dana moaned as he blew on it. He cupped her buttocks and lifted her up. She clenched tight, waiting for his touch, but when it came, it wasn’t where she expected. He licked her anus, his wet tongue sliding across her rosette an odd sensation.

  She both feared and anticipated his claim that he would take her ass. She knew women did it, but in her inexperience, she’d never imagined she’d be one of them. But as he probed that tight ring with his tongue, that, along with all the other touches to her body, made her relax. After everything that had happened, it seemed only fitting that Nathan got to be first to claim that virgin hole.

  His mouth slid away and covered her sex. Dana moaned loudly at the hot feel then gasped as he poked a finger at her rosette.

  “Relax,” he murmured against her mound.

  Kody and John redoubled their efforts on her breasts and distracted her enough that Nathan pushed his finger in. She tightened again at the strange sensation. Nathan bit down lightly on her clit. Dana tried to thrash, but pinned, she could only tremble, the sheer pleasure overriding the strange sensation of her ass being penetrated.

  “Push out against his finger,” Kody coaxed, his lips wandering to the shell of her ear.

  Dana did as told and found the pressure lessened. Nathan pushed a second finger in, and she concentrated on pushing out, a concentration lost when Nathan began eating her pussy in earnest. His lips tugged and sucked on her sex then probed it to lap at her.

  Dana found herself thrusting her hips against his mouth and only belatedly realized her arching was in rhythm with his fingers thrusting in her ass. She also noticed that the sensation had veered from uncomfortable to strangely enjoyable. There was movement on the bed as bodies shuffled position, and she lost a mouth on her breast as a new finger penetrated her. She opened eyes, heavy with desire, to see John had joined Nathan, his fingers replacing Nathan’s in her ass and then adding one more. Nathan moved until he lay beside Dana. He pulled her face close for a kiss, and she sucked in his tongue.

  Kody lifted her and laid her atop Nathan facing away while John’s fingers kept working her anus. John removed his fingers from her and bent his mouth to lap at her cunt. The wide head of Nathan’s cock probed at her rosette, and she felt a moment’s apprehension. It was so much larger than the fingers. But John kept lapping at her pussy while Nathan crooned words of love and encouragement in her ear.

  The head of his cock popped past her tight ring, and she cried out at the pressure and stretching sensation. Kody muffled her cry by sliding the head of his own shaft across her lips.

  “Suck me,” he ordered.

  Dana needed the distraction and opened wide. Kody thrust in at the same time as Nathan pumped his hips up and seated his cock fully into her ass. Dana screamed around the rod in her mouth, not from pain but from the fullness of it.

  John bit down on her clit again and sent a spasm through her channel. She shook from all the sensations then truly quivered when John began to push his cock into her pussy.

  Surely it wouldn’t fit, but to her surprise and pleasure, it did. Her orgasm hit before they even started moving. It refused to hold off with so much going on. She wailed around Kody’s cock as he pumped her mouth. Then she screamed some more as Nathan and John started to thrust. In and out, they alternated sheathing themselves in her. Her body quivered, the muscles in her pelvis squeezing tight.

  “Holy fuck,” she heard John grunt a moment before he spurted hotly inside her.

  He withdrew his cock from her sex while Nathan kept thrusting, and Dana almost mourned its loss. Kody pulled out from her mouth, and a moment later he positioned himself between her legs. His large size made Nathan grunt under her, especiall
y when Kody thrust in time with Nathan, the pair of them seating themselves fully at the same time. In and out, their dual steel rods pummeled her flesh, and Dana rode the blissful crest of their lovemaking while another lover held her body down, lest she fall off Nathan.

  With the next orgasm, Dana literally saw stars so deeply did the waves of bliss rack her body. Her whole body pulsed with it. Within seconds Nathan and Kody each yelled as they found their own release inside her.

  Sweaty, sticky, but sated, so deliciously sated, Dana found herself sandwiched in a sea of bodies.

  She sighed, happier than she’d ever been.

  “Are you okay?” John asked in concern.

  “Mmm-hmm,” was all she could utter.

  “Hot damn, she’s speechless,” Kody crowed.

  “And all it took was a massive orgy,” Nathan added dryly.

  Dana giggled. “I do not talk that much.”

  “Really?” The skepticism in their voices made her laugh again.

  “Well, I guess you guys don’t want to hear me say just how much I love you all then.”

  Bodies went rolling, and Dana found herself on her back with John leaning over her. “I love you, Dana. Even if you do snore.”

  “I do—” Her rebuttal was muffled by John’s lips. When he let her up for air, she smiled at him softly. “I love you, John. You’re my rock.”

  A shove sent John flying, and Kody clambered over her next, his green eyes dancing. “Darling, I absolutely love you. So do you think I can get your ass next time?” He waggled his brows hopefully, and Dana choked.

  “Um, while I love you dearly and you make me laugh, I don’t think my poor ass could take that kind of abuse yet.”

  She pursed her lips for a kiss, and Kody dove in for a smooch—and added some tongue.

  She was slightly breathless when he was manhandled aside and Nathan took his place. His blue eyes peered down at her with such love that tears pricked her eyes.

  “I promise to never run again,” she whispered. “I love you, Nathan.”

  “I promise to never give you a reason to,” he murmured back, his voice thick. “I love you, Dana. And the next time you decide to defy pack law, I vow to stay by your side.”

  Then he kissed her, and Dana closed her eyes as the emotional ties that bound them came full circle.

  No matter what the future holds, I’ll face it because I am no longer alone.


  Dana lay in a tangle of limbs that made her smile. How she’d made the jump from no mate to three, all at once, still baffled her at times, but she thanked her stars she’d come to her senses.

  It had been almost a month since the showdown with Nathan’s dad, and while rogue activity had dropped, they were still constantly on guard. Dana had also taken to carrying a stake around along with her handy-dandy pistol.

  Nathan had confronted the Lycan council with the fact of his father’s state of being, and things had turned ugly. For the council, that was. A number of packs backed him when Nathan asked for the entire council’s removal and a trial for their misdoings, not that the cocky council members were admitting to anything. In the meantime, Nathan, along with some other pack leaders, had taken over interim leadership of the council. He’d already confided to her that if the post became permanent, the first thing he’d do was make changes to the pack laws to give women more rights and the ability to make their own choices.

  He’d earned himself a BJ for that. And apparently she’d done it well enough for him to gasp, as his eyes rolled back in his head, to let him know if there were any other laws he could abolish for her.

  Life truly had changed for the better. Twelve years ago, when she’d defied pack law, she’d thought she’d never find happiness again, that she was destined to wander through life alone. It turned out that her running away was the best decision she’d ever made, regardless of the bumps along that road. She still had a defiant side, but nowadays, she preferred to use it to her advantage. How could she not when her mates loved to throw her over their shoulders and punish her in delightfully wicked ways?

  Of course, they’d probably have to stop the over-the-shoulder caveman carry for a bit. With the surprise in her tummy, she could just imagine how overprotective they’d all become.

  As the bodies around her roused and hands began to grope at her, she smiled. Screw the love of one man. I’ll take three any day.

  The End…Not Quite.

  The sage continues with Betraying the Pack.

  Pack Series

  Also by Eve Langlais

  Kodiak Point Series ~ USA Today Bestselling

  A Lion’s Pride ~ New York Times Bestseller

  Furry United Coalition (F.U.C.) Series

  Freakn’ Shifters Series

  Author Bio

  Hello and thank you so much for reading my story. I hope it kept you well entertained. As you might have noticed, I enjoy blending humor in to my romance. If you like my style then I have many other wicked stories that might intrigue you. Check them out at

  Or get to know me a little more by connecting me via:


  Twitter: @evelanglais





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