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The Slaves of New York

Page 1

by Susanna Hughes




  Published by Chimera Books

  ISBN 9781907753497

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  Copyright Susanna Hughes. The right of Susanna Hughes to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Chapter One

  In the black stretch limousine he'd made her kneel on the thick carpet in front of him. She had been totally obedient. She'd slipped onto her knees, and even grasped her hands behind her back and bowed her head in the correct position before he'd ordered her to.

  'I've never done this before,' she whispered, nervously.

  'I know,' he replied. 'But it's what you want, isn't it?'

  He'd picked her up in a bar on W48th Street and Fifth Avenue. Her name was Lisa. She was young with beautiful blonde hair, so long it almost reached to her buttocks. That is what had first attracted him. Her hair swung and swayed as she moved her head this way and that, catching the light.

  'What do I have to do?' she asked.

  'Whatever I say.'

  Jake Ashley leant forward and touched her cheek. He could see the apprehension in her eyes. But there was also lust. He'd picked up at least two dozen women like this and it was always the same. He seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to recognising the signs.

  'Take your dress off,' he said.

  Immediately she took hold of the hem of her dress. The back was trapped under her thighs and she had to raise herself on her haunches to free it. She pulled the red shift over her head. She was wearing a lacy red bra, her big spongy breasts spilling out over its low cut cups, matching tiny red panties and champagne coloured hold ups. She was dressed to undress, out for a night that would end in a man's bed.

  Jake reached into his pocket and took out a long strip of white silk. Lisa started as he wrapped the silk around her eyes. 'What are you doing?' she asked, though the answer was obvious.

  'You have to be blindfolded,' in a tone that suggested that everyone knew that and he couldn't understand why she didn't. He knotted the silk tightly at the back so it pressed on her eyelids, then reached forward and pulled the left cup of her bra down, tucking it neatly under her breast. He stroked her breast briefly with his fingers, the nipple hard as stone.

  'You know who I am, don't you?' he said.

  'Yes. You wrote those books.'

  'You've read them.'


  'So you know what will be required of you?'

  'Yes.' Her voice was vibrating with excitement.

  It had taken thirty minutes to drive to his apartment and she had remained there on her knees with the white silk banding her head, her left breast exposed and her hands clasped firmly behind her back. She hadn't moved except to sway from side to side as the car cornered. His chauffeur had helped him take her in the back entrance of the apartment block and up in his private elevator. In his apartment he'd taken her straight to his bedroom.

  'Stand where you are,' he said. 'You are not to move.'

  'What are you going to do?' Lisa asked with a note of alarm.

  He did not reply but unclipped the clasp of her bra and gently slipped the cups off her breasts. They quivered. She had small nipples that were puckered and hard. He pinched them and watched as they knotted themselves even tighter.

  'I want you to lie back on the bed.'

  'Where is it?'

  'Three steps forward.'

  He watched as the girl edged forward until her knees touched the edge of the bed. She turned, sat down, then pulled herself across the white counterpane.

  'What are you doing to me?' she asked, her voice breathy and thin.

  He could have taken her right there, stripped those slutty little red panties down her long slender legs and fucked her. She would have screamed with delight whatever he had done with her. But Jake wanted a great deal more from her than that.

  He was sure from the way her whole body seemed to be trembling with excitement that she had often fantasised about being treated like this, and used it over and over again in her masturbation rituals. That's why she'd read his books. She used them to supply the details, the trappings and paraphernalia that she could not have imagined for herself. She was a natural.

  'Stay exactly where you are,' Jake said.

  There was a video camera in the corner on a tripod. He took a quick look through the view-finder, adjusted the position slightly so the lens took in every detail of the big double bed, then locked it off and started the mechanism rolling. Tomorrow, in his study, he would play the film back. He would carefully note down everything that happened, everything she said. If there was anything unusual he had not written about before it would appear in one of his books.

  'Take your panties off,' he ordered.

  The girl did as she was told, a little awkwardly, as she could not see what she was doing.

  'Lie back and don't move, Lisa.'

  He walked out of the bedroom. He returned five minutes later. He was not alone. The woman at his side was wearing a shiny red PVC body with a halter-neck, its legs cut so high they exposed most of her flanks. Two cut-outs in the front of the garment revealed her small round breasts. Her left nipple was pierced with a gold ring. The gusset of the body had also been cut away to reveal her sex. It had been shaved and was completely hairless. Her head was covered by a red rubber helmet, stretched so tight that it fitted the contours of her face like a second skin. There were holes for her mouth and her eyes. Her wrists were bound with metal handcuffs out in front of her, and she had a thick leather collar around her neck attached to a long metal leash by which Jake led her over to the bed.

  'Undo her blindfold,' he ordered. He had taken off his clothes and was naked now except for a dark blue silk robe.

  The woman in red knelt on the bed beside Lisa, rolled her over onto her side, and unknotted the white silk. Lisa blinked as she got accustomed to the light, her eyes trying to focus on the woman.

  'Meet April. Have you ever been with a woman?'

  'No. Don't make me do that.'

  'I thought that's what you wanted, sweetness. I thought you came here because you wanted to obey.'

  'Please,' she said. 'Don't make me.' But her body language betrayed her. Jake could see her whole body seemed to be angling itself towards the other woman.

  'April's going to be good to you. Real good.'


  'You know what to do,' he said, unclipping the leash from the leather collar. He looked across at the video camera. The little red light on its right-hand side indicated it was still rolling. The tape would run for two hours.

  April leant forward. She gathered one of Lisa's big breasts in both hands and shaped it into a pyramid. Then she sawed the edge of her teeth across the nipple.

  Lisa gasped. 'Please don't let her do that,' she said. />
  Jake sat on the bed beside her. 'But you like it, sweetness. I can see you like it.'

  'No,' Lisa insisted.


  April's mouth moved to her other breast. He watched as her fingers sunk into the flesh. A little dribble of saliva ran over her lips and trailed down Lisa's breast as her teeth worked on the nipple. She followed it with her mouth, licking it up. Her lips ran down over Lisa's flat belly, her fingers playing with the girl's blonde pubes.

  'I want you to spread your legs apart, sweetness, just as far as they'll go.'

  'I can't,' Lisa said.

  'You have to, sweetness. You have to obey, remember? That's what you've always wanted, isn't it? To obey. To be a slave. Isn't it?'

  'Yes,' Lisa whispered as if it were a secret.

  'Then obey me now. If you don't open your legs then April can't go down on you. And if April can't go down on you I wouldn't be able to see you come. Don't you want to please me?'

  'Yes.' The girl looked lost and confused. He'd seen that before too. Slowly she scissored her legs apart. He looked at her sex, her soft blonde pubic hair already plastered against her labia by her juices.

  'Wider,' he ordered. 'I want you to pretend they're bound there and you're unable to move them. Will you do that for me?'

  She stretched them across the bed. Later he would tie her like that, bind her with soft white rope. He'd tie her tits and put a rope up between her legs so she could work her clit against it. But she had to prove herself first. Bondage was a privilege, not a right. A good slave should be bound by the words of command just as tight as by any bonds. Like April. April was a very good slave. Lisa may have fantasised about being a slave but fantasy and reality were two different things. If she wanted to be his slave she had to prove herself first.

  April squatted between Lisa's legs, then dipped her head and pressed her lips to the blonde's hairy sex. She parted the bush of her pubes and poked her tongue into the slit of Lisa's labia.

  'Oh God...' Lisa moaned. 'Please.' She turned to face Jake, pleading with him, 'please get her to stop.'

  'Stretch your arms up above your head,' he ordered. 'As far as they'll go. As if they were bound.'

  Lisa obeyed at once. Her slender body was stretched out across the white counterpane, her ribcage visible and her belly almost concave.

  April's tongue worked at her clit.

  'No,' Lisa sighed, but she made no attempt to close her legs or pull April away with her hands. Jake smiled. As if they were bound: she'd already learnt that lesson.

  April's tongue circled Lisa's clit, as her bound hands moved up between her legs. The handcuffs clinked as she pushed three fingers into the girl's sticky wet cunt.

  'Oh God,' Lisa whimpered, quivering.

  'Don't move,' Jake said.

  He saw her fingers spread out and her whole body shudder almost as if she'd been punched. Then her mouth opened wide and she let out a low, keening moan, and pushed herself down on April's mouth, grinding her hips from side to side to extract the last ounce of sensation from the first orgasm she'd ever had with another woman.

  'Stay as you are,' Jake warned.

  She did just that. As April raised her head, her chin and lips glistening with Lisa's copious juices, the blonde remained stretched across the bed, the blonde hair of her pubes plastered back against her sex.

  'Come on April.'

  April knew what to do. She straddled Lisa's body, facing her feet, so her sex was immediately over her mouth. Her labia smooth, hairless and glistening wet, were framed by the red PVC. Immediately she dropped onto her haunches and pressed her sex down on April's mouth.

  'Does that feel good, sweetness?'

  Lisa's reply was muffled by April's sex. 'Oh yes,' she gasped.

  He could see Lisa's body gently undulating on the bed. He congratulated himself on his perspicacity. His sixth sense never failed him. She needed this. She had needed it all her life.

  Jake opened his robe. His cock was erect, a little drop of fluid leaking from the slit. He moved around behind April. He grasped her hips and pushed himself forward, so his erection slotted between her legs, April's sleek labia on the top and Lisa's hot wet mouth beneath.

  'Suck it.'

  He felt Lisa's lips purse around his shaft, sucking the fat tube that formed his urethra. He ran his hands around April and cupped her breasts, pinching both her nipples at the same time and feeling her squirm with the pain. He pulled on the nipple ring and her whole body shuddered. Slowly he began to move his cock back and forth, all the way back until it was almost out of reach of the girl's mouth, then all the way forward until his balls were nudging against her face. Normally he would not allow himself to come so soon, but there was something special about this girl. He felt his spunk rising as he pumped his cock back and forth. He could feel April's labia throbbing against it too, the wetness from her vagina leaking over the upper surface.

  'Suck,' he ordered. He stopped moving and concentrated on feeling the blonde's mouth sucking hard at the underside of his cock. His phallus jerked and his spunk jetted out over her naked breasts, big fat hot gobs of it.

  He pulled away, slightly annoyed with himself that he'd let her get to him. Not that it mattered. The night was young. He would come again. He'd take her into the punishment room next door and have April string her up on the vertical rake and see how she responded to being whipped. He was sure she'd fantasised about that too. If she responded well, tomorrow he would ask her if she wanted to come up to the house in New England. There he could make all her fantasies come true. There she could become a slave - a slave of New York.

  Kim Holbrook sat in the window seat of the Boeing 747 watching as the plane dipped its left wing and banked over the city of New York. There was a good view of Manhattan and she could see the lake in Central Park. Further south the Staten Island Ferry left a white wake as it ploughed across the Upper Bay.

  It had been an uncomfortable flight. Her editor on the Sunday Post was not prepared to pay for club class travel on what he regarded as a wild goose chase, so she had been crammed in economy, the seats so close together they provided little room for her long legs. The flight was crowded too, which made it impossible to stretch out, or do much other than stay put and try to read and catnap.

  At least the woman in the seat to her left had not invaded her space, and had seemed content to keep conversation to the absolute minimum. And she had the advantage of the window. She had watched the plane approach the Eastern seaboard and now was able to pick out all the familiar landmarks of Manhattan; the Chrysler building and the huge Metro Life block - better known in its former incarnation when it bore the logo of PanAm - sitting squarely in the middle of Fifth Avenue.

  Kim packed her book away in her bag, the woman in the next seat giving her a quizzical look. In the last four weeks she had set herself the task of reading all eleven books in the Slaves of New York series by Jake Ashley, and The Disciple was the last.

  'Are you enjoying it?' the woman to her left said, catching sight of the cover. It featured a brunette with a dusky complexion kneeling with her hands raised in an attitude of prayer, her long hair flowing down over her shoulders. Her wrists were handcuffed together by thin steel bands and she was naked, though her elbows hid her breasts.

  'Sorry?' Kim said.

  'The Disciple, are you enjoying it?' The woman nodded at the book. She had short layered light brown hair streaked with blonde. Her legs were crossed, her nylons very sheer and shiny. Her accent was a soft East Coast American.

  'It's work, actually,' Kim explained. 'I've come to New York to interview him.'

  'Jake Ashley? Really?' The woman arched a delicately plucked eyebrow.


  'How fascinating. I've read a lot of his stuff.'

  That surprised Kim. Jake Ashley was almost a cult figure in the world of S&M, his books highly prized among the cognoscenti of such practices as being the most outrageous but perceptive of the many titles that had flooded the ma
rket. It was not the sort of material she would have expected the rather elegant woman to her left even to have heard of, let alone read.

  'And what do you think?' Kim asked.

  'What do I think?' She thought for a moment. "I think he makes it easy to understand how a woman could get involved in that world, how it could be extremely attractive and exciting, even if never fantasised about it. He makes me believe it's relevant to even the most independent of woman.'


  'Yes. Like something that affects you, personally. Come on, don't tell me you haven't got off on it?'

  Kim felt herself blushing. Since she'd first had the idea to do a story on Jake Ashley a few weeks ago his books certainly had affected her, though she did not like to admit it to herself. She had no idea that the total domination his heroines were subjected to, progressively reduced from strong independent women to sex obsessed slaves willing to obey every whim of their virile and demanding master, would have any appeal to her, but it had.

  'I suppose so.'

  'And he's attractive, isn't he? That's part of it, I suppose. Those eyes, they're sort of hypnotic.' She nodded towards Kim's bag.

  The colour photograph on the back jacket of the book was peaking out from Kim's bag. The eyes seemed to be looking directly at her. Jake was an attractive man. He had a rugged, craggy face, and dark black curly hair that flopped over his forehead. His mouth was firm and sensual and he had a long straight nose. But it was his eyes, large blue eyes, that caught and held the attention.

  'Look, we're perfect strangers, honey. We're never going to meet again in a hundred years so it isn't going to make a blind bit of difference what you tell me. Fact is they're a huge turn on for a lot of women. Sex is a whole barrel of worms. That's why Ashley is successful. It's not just weirdoes on the Upper East Side, whipping their naked buns. He makes it available to everyone. He makes you believe in it. He makes you believe that crawling around on the floor in a garter belt and stockings with your tits in nipple clamps could really be a turn on. Am I right?'


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