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The Slaves of New York

Page 18

by Susanna Hughes

  'Oh, that's good,' Kate sighed, sitting up again, her sex pressing down against Kim's chin.

  'Can you come like that?' Jake asked.

  'Mmm... I think so. Feels so dirty, doing this with a woman.'

  'Naughty but nice.'

  'Naughty but great.'

  A weight moved on the bed. Kim felt Jake settling behind her. His gnarled cock slid over Kim's face. As Kate tipped forward, supporting herself on her hands, Kim watched him sliding into the entrance of her vagina. How much would she have given to feel him doing that to her? He pushed deep, grinding his pubic bone against her sex.

  'I - I can't believe I'm doing this...' Kate panted dreamily, her back dipping in unison with his penetration.

  'Does it feel good?'

  'It feels fantastic.'

  Kim tapped the tip of her tongue against the blonde's clit, trying to concentrate on her and exclude all other feelings. This was what Jake wanted for her and she had to prove to him that she could be a good slave. That was all that mattered. Her feelings, the terrible jealousy she was beginning to feel as this uncomplicated girl who was quite clearly right outside the system, was given what Kim wanted so desperately, had to be set aside. Perhaps after the girl had been exhausted Jake would turn to her.

  The girl was moaning loudly now, Kim's tongue and the sawing movement of Jake's cock bringing her off. Quite suddenly she felt the girl's glowing face drop between her thighs and her mouth fell to her sex, her lips crushing against her and kissing hungrily. Her wicked tongue found Kim's clit and began tapping at it exactly as Kim was doing to her.

  Kim could feel the blonde's orgasm mounting rapidly. Her mouth seemed to melt against Kim's sex, moulding to it, and she could feel her hard nipples pressing down against her belly. Then she reared her head up, crushed her bottom back against Jake's body, gave a piercing cry, and came, her sex clenched tightly around the rod of flesh invading it.

  'Very needy,' Jake said quietly.

  He pulled her back and they fell together in a heap, his arms wrapping around her, his mouth nestling against her throat.

  'Oh, I'm so turned on,' Kate sighed. 'What have you done to me?'

  'Just taught you what's available,' he said.

  'You're still hard,' the girl giggled.

  'Mmm... I've been saving myself.'

  'Let me do you then,' she suggested eagerly.

  'Have you finished with her?' Jake asked.

  'But I want you,' the girl pouted.

  Jake sat up. 'Get to your feet,' he said to Kim, emphasising the order by nudging her with a foot. 'Stand here, by the bed.' His tone was suddenly cold and impersonal.

  Kim struggled to her feet, the bondage making it difficult. Was he really not even going to touch her?

  'She's really something,' Kate said, her voice full of admiration.

  'You can have her again tomorrow, if you want to stay.'

  'Stay? You're not turning me into one of your little slaves.'

  'Don't worry, you're not a submissive. But I have a feeling about you. Perhaps you might like to be on the other side.'

  'The other side?'

  'A dominant. Some of the masters like to have overseers; girls who help them keep the slaves under control.'

  'And you think I could do that?'

  'My instincts are usually sound,' he said, a little smugly. 'Stick around here for a couple of days and find out.'

  'There's something I want to find out before that,' she said. She kissed him, pulling him back down onto the bed.

  Kim had to watch as the young blonde newcomer writhed against the man she was besotted with. Then the girl rolled off him and gripped his penis in both hands, milking it with evident adoration. 'Like this?' she cooed sexily. 'Or do you want to come in my mouth?'

  Jake looked at Kim, his eyes showing no warmth whatsoever. Now she knew exactly why she was there. It was to teach her a lesson. He had lost control in the annex two days before. She had made him lose control. That's why he'd been angry. But this performance with Kate was designed to teach her, like her two days of solitary confinement, that she must never come to expect any special treatment from him because of that. For a brief moment, alone with him in his bedroom, she knew she had touched him and established a special bond. What he was doing now was making sure that bond was broken. However much he wanted her, however much she had made him lose control, she was just another slave. And he was the master.

  Her whole body ached with need. The pain of her bondage and of the whip was nothing to the emptiness she felt inside. How she wanted to sink onto that rigid phallus and feel it riding up inside her.

  'Your hands feel good,' he said, arching his back and pushing his cock up, his challenging stare still fixed on Kim.

  The blonde squeezed his shaft with one hand and ran the other down to his scrotum, cupping his balls. She worked her fist up and down. Kim watched with total fascination. She had never felt so jealous of anyone in her life. She watched Jake's cock begin to twitch, the shaft swelling even more. As Kate rubbed the ring of her fingers across the ridge at the bottom of the glans the little slit of the urethra opened and a string of pearly spunk jetted up in an arc which spattered down on Jake's belly and chest. Kate squeezed and pumped his cock to produce a second less energetic spending, then continued until every last drop had oozed out over her fingers. She dipped her face and began to lap the spunk off her hand with the tip of her tongue, making enthusiastic moans as she did so.

  He had done that, Kim knew, to show her exactly what she was missing, to point out to her that he was allowing another woman to give him pleasure, but not her.

  'You know, I think you may be right,' Kate purred, straightening up.

  'Right about what?' he asked.

  'About being dominant. Seeing her like that, it's had a strange effect on me.'

  'Like what?'

  'She's into being whipped, right?'

  'She's into being obedient. Part of that is being whipped, if required.'

  'Can I whip her?'

  'Here you can do anything you want.'

  'That's what I want. I want to whip her and have her go down on me again.'

  Jake laughed. 'You're getting the hang of this pretty quickly.'

  'So it looks as though your instincts were right.'

  'Yah, it looks that way.' Jake chuckled and reached for a tissue. 'There's a whip over there,' he nodded towards a wardrobe. 'Just tell her what to do.'

  Kate rose sexily. She stood in front of Kim and gripped the long chain that still hung from the collar. She used it to pull their faces closer together. 'This is going to be fun,' she said.

  It was impossible to sleep. Kim's mind turned over everything that had happened. Marsha had delivered her back to the cell at midnight, according to the clock in the hall, and had waited while she stripped off the PVC body and boots, before locking her in.

  After a shower Kim lay on the bed, finding she had to sleep on her side, the weals the whip had left stinging painfully if she ventured onto her back, her bottom pink and raw from Kate's enthusiastic, if untutored use of a thin horse whip. For the first time the pain did not provoke a sexual response.

  She supposed she should just accept her punishment, even though she hadn't deserved it. But it was difficult to deal with the jealousy she felt. After having shared an intimacy with Jake Ashley, it was hard to go back to realising that she was only one of many. He might show favouritism from time to time but in the end he was a master, like the others he had referred to, and would do exactly as he wished. And ultimately, if Kim was to be a slave she would have to do more than just accept seeing him with other women, whoever they were, she would have to relish it. In a sense the episode had been a test of her submissiveness.

  It was a test she had failed.

  It was not the whipping the girl had subjected her to. Nor the fact that the girl used her afterwards, squatting on her face while she indulged herself and came at least twice more. It was Jake's attitude; Jake's obvious pleasu
re in her emotional discomfort, and what she perceived as his callousness. She supposed, as her master it was up to him how he behaved, but she found it hard to accept.

  For the first time since she'd arrived at the house she began to feel that she wouldn't regret leaving. Being a slave was too demanding, and required a commitment she clearly didn't have. She wanted to be with Jake Ashley to do and be whatever he wanted, but was beginning to realise exactly what that entailed.

  She could get back to New York and file her story, then fly back to London and resume her life. Three days ago that prospect had seemed bleak; now it was almost welcome.


  She supposed there would always be a part of her that hankered after what she'd found in New York. Perhaps there was a club for submissives in London, a place where she could go every so often to experience the sort of pleasures she had experienced here. Or perhaps the needs would just dissipate and eventually be forgotten.


  Of course, there was still the question of getting away. In theory all she needed to do was refuse to obey Marsha when she next came to the cell. She would then be asked to accept a punishment, which she would also refuse, and be sent back to New York. That was the theory. But though all the other slaves at the house seemed to be willing enough, it was possible that in practice Marsha and ultimately Jake might choose not to let her go until her allotted time was up. What's more, having alerted them to her lack of cooperation they might make sure her bondage was increased and confine her to the cell, making it impossible to escape. It was better all round if she said nothing, appeared perfectly cooperative, and tried to find the right moment to make a run for it.

  Having made that decision, having decided she would look for a means of escape, she immediately regretted it. Forgetting herself for a moment she rolled onto her back, the sting in her buttocks reminding her of how Kate had whipped her with relish. A few minutes before the stinging in her bottom had been irritating; now it began to generate quite different feelings. She rubbed her buttocks across the sheet deliberately, producing a new wave of pain, quickly followed by a surge of pleasure...

  'No!' she said aloud, rolling onto her side... but she rolled back again. If Jake was no longer her master, if she was heading for the outside world, it didn't matter if she masturbated. She pressed her sore buttocks against the sheet and snaked a hand down between her legs. She hadn't touched herself since she'd done it for Jake. Well, this time she was doing it for herself.

  Kim saw Nina Berry arrive. She was driving a red Ferrari, which she brought to a halt by the front door. She got out, her lithe body dressed in a black catsuit and thigh length black leather boots, and strode to the house as if she owned it. It was just getting dark, an orange sun setting behind a bank of beech trees to the west.

  Kim and two of the other slaves were washing windows on the first floor, though they were perfectly clean. She had seen Jake leaving with Kate in a black stretch limousine about an hour before, probably taking her home. So she guessed Nina's visit was not planned.

  Marsha opened the front door to her in. As she was right above the hall area, Kim could hear their conversation.

  'Where's Jake?' Nina demanded.

  'Sorry, Ms Berry, he's just gone out.'

  'Out where?'

  'Back to New York, Ms Berry.' Marsha retained her cool.

  'So he won't be back tonight?'

  'No. Not until tomorrow.'

  'All right, you'd better make the arrangements for me.'

  'What arrangements?'

  'Marsha, I haven't come here for the sake of my health. Jake said I could use the slaves whenever I choose. So I'm choosing now. And I need a drink. Get me bourbon rocks.' The film star strode into the sitting room. Marsha followed and Kim heard the sitting room door being closed.

  Ten minutes later Marsha came out and climbed the stairs. 'Follow me,' she said to Kim.

  She was led along the corridor towards the master's bedroom. Marsha opened one of the other doors on the left and ushered Kim inside. 'Wait here,' she said.

  The guest bedroom was decorated in shades of toning blue and green, with flounced curtains, a thick blue carpet and a large double bed. There was a nineteenth century French style walnut wardrobe with a curved entablature, a chest of drawers in the same style and a comfortable sofa. At the foot of the bed was a chest, a bigger version of the one Marsha had produced at the party, though this had elaborately curved panels that looked as if they were Indian in origin. There was a large mirror hanging on the wall above the head of the bed, and Kim stood looking at her reflection. The denim shorts were tight and cut into the top of her thighs. Her breasts rode high on her chest, jutting proudly, her nipples for once smoothed back in the surrounding flesh.

  Her resolve to try and escape was still strong. At least it was at the moment. When she'd seen Jake getting in the car it had wavered. For a moment she thought he'd looked up at her, caught her eye and smiled, a knowing smile that to her had suggested there was still something special between them, a smile that said he hoped she had learned her lesson. She sensed he had lingered a moment too long, looking at her with undisguised lust. Was she being ridiculous? Was she reading her own feelings into a blank and uncaring stare? She had no idea. But she decided, after a great deal of deliberation, that she couldn't base her actions on a single look. She wanted to be Jake's slave, but she could not face being one of many. That was the bottom line.

  The bedroom door opened again and Adam shuffled in, like her dressed only in denim shorts. He was not alone. Behind him Marsha was pushing the other male slave into the room. Kim had seen him several times but didn't know his name.

  'There's a bathroom over there,' Marsha said. 'Get showered, all of you.' She unlocked the metal cuffs at their ankles, then went to the chest of drawers. She took out a lacy white garment and a pair of white stockings with wide lacy welts. 'And you put these on when you're finished,' she said to Kim. 'There's shoes in the wardrobe.' She turned to Adam. 'When she's dressed put the manacles on her again - just her. Do you understand?'

  'Yes, Ms Marsha,' Adam said respectfully.

  Marsha picked up the other two sets of manacles and the key, and walked out. They heard the bedroom door being locked. 'Better do as she says,' Adam said. 'Did you see Nina arrive?'

  'No talking,' the second male whispered, putting a finger to his lips. 'There's probably a video camera. You know Nina likes to get all her performances taped.'

  They trooped into the bathroom and the men allowed Kim to shower first. Stripping off the denim shorts she caught them eyeing her body as she stepped into the glass shower cubicle and stood under the stream of hot water and lathered herself. There was nothing she could do to stop them. In any case, after what she'd been through in the last week shyness would have been ridiculous.

  She dried herself on a large white towel, then walked back into the bedroom while the men used the shower. She picked up the lingerie Marsha had left out for her. It consisted of a three-quarter cup bra with a deep bodice that reached down almost to her belly. Hanging from the hem was four satin suspenders. She fastened the garment around her body. The bra cups were extremely snug and her soft breasts were squeezed together and threatened to spill from them. Her cleavage became a deep inviting shadow.

  She sat on the bed and rolled on the stockings. They were woven with lycra to give them a glossy shine and were long, the lacy tops almost touching her sex.

  Kim opened the wardrobe. The interior space had been partitioned into square sections. Some contained wig blocks with blonde and brunette wigs, others glass fronted drawers containing lingerie, while towards the bottom there was a selection of shoes, all with spiky heels. Kim chose a pair in white leather. As she climbed into them Adam held up the chain and the manacles. He looked regretful as he knelt in front of Kim and clipped them around her nylon-sheathed ankles. Just as he disappeared back into the bathroom the bedroom door opened and Nina Berry walked in.

  'Good evening,'
she said. 'There's no need for all that obeisance crap,' she added, stopping Kim from kneeling. 'I'm not in the mood.

  'Now, don't you look pretty.' She raised a hand and stroked Kim's long hair. 'Where are the men?'

  'In the bathroom, Ms Berry,' Kim answered instantly.

  'Playing with each other, I expect.' She strode to the bathroom door. 'Get out here now,' she ordered.

  Adam appeared first, the other one following.

  'I gather your master is out,' Nina said. 'But as he's always told me I could make myself right at home, I intend to do just that. You, what's your name?' She was looking at the larger of the two.

  'Bill, Ms Nina.'

  'Take off my boots, Bill,' she said.

  The man fell to his knees. The black leather thigh boots had a long zip all the way down the inside. Bill unzipped it, then pulled the boot off as Nina raised her foot. He did the same to the other one. Nina pushed her toes into the man's lap, prodding his flaccid cock. 'Not very impressive,' she said thoughtfully. 'I hope you're going to do better than that. Look at Adam here. He clearly finds me extremely beautiful.'

  Adam was already displaying an impressive erection.

  'Perhaps you need some encouragement, Bill. Shall I get Adam here to give you a good suck?'

  'No, mistress, please.' The suggestion clearly repulsed the man.

  'Then you'd better get yourself hard. Come on, stand up. Let's see what you can do.'

  Bill leapt to his feet and began pumping his cock vigorously. Kim saw his eyes fixing on her. His cock began to engorge and he visibly relaxed, clearly happy to have avoided the threat of having another man fellate him.

  The black catsuit had a long zip running from the high neck right down to the crotch. Nina caught hold of it and slowly pulled it down, her breasts immediately spilling forth. She pulled her arms out of the sleeves then wriggled the catsuit over her hips and down her long legs. She wasn't wearing a bra and her breasts swayed firmly as she straightened up. A small pair of black satin panties covered her sex.


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