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Tearing Down Walls (Miracle Book 5)

Page 7

by Shea Balik

  A loud screech of pain from Refugio drowned out the cheers of the crowd urging Saber on. That’s when he saw it, a flash of light in the distance. The sun hitting the metal barrel of a gun. He just prayed Chadwick would see it and get there in time, or even if Saber won, he most likely would die in this ring today.


  “Hudson, Kellach, I need your help.” Chadwick needed his friends if he had any hope of finding Refugio’s man in the surrounding woods.

  Both his friends followed him away from the challenge ring without question. It hadn’t always been easy for any of them to grow up in a pack they knew would kill them without thought if it was ever discovered they were gay. They’d all had to hide who they were and were constantly watching each other’s back. It was an exhausting existence that had left them paranoid and unable to trust anyone but each other.

  As soon as they were away from the main crowd, Chadwick turned to his friends. “Refugio has a sniper somewhere, ready to kill Saber.” The moment he’d realized what Refugio had been planning, panic raced through Chadwick, but now that he’d said it out loud, that panic turned to downright terror.

  He had to find that sniper. Saber’s life depended on it. He turned to Hudson, who had two jobs in their group, a lawyer, who had studied not only shifter law but human law as well, and as a sniper. If anyone had any hope of finding another sniper’s hidey hole, it was Hudson.

  Hudson didn’t even pause to think about it. He just pointed to six different locations. “Those are the spots that would give the best vantage.” Then he pointed to three other spots much further away. “But only the most talented would be able to make those shots and I haven’t heard of anyone on the Council’s payroll that is that good.”

  Chadwick nodded. “Fine, let’s split up and search the other areas. If you find the bastard ready to kill my mate,” Chadwick looked each of his friends in the eye, “kill him.”

  “Kill who?” Krill asked as he and Trygg, Kellach’s mate, joined them.

  Chadwick didn’t want to take the time to explain. On the other hand, with two more people to help search, it might mean finding the sneaky bastard who intended to kill Saber. Quickly, he told the pair what was happening. They split up with Harper and Chadwick taking the two most likely spots for a sniper.

  The only trouble with assuming that would be where the man, or woman, would set up, was they were assuming this person knew what in the hell they were doing. Which was possible but unlikely. Although, as Trygg pointed out, he’d been working for the Council until recently, thinking, incorrectly, that he’d been doing the right thing by working for their governing body.

  Arriving at the designated spot, Chadwick searched the area, but found no evidence of anyone using it as a hiding spot, so he moved onto the one remaining location that Harper had mentioned. He was only halfway there when he saw the reflection of the sun shine off metal.

  His heart raced as he quietly moved in closer. His mountain lion gave him a distinct advantage, even in human form, to move stealthily. The breeze wafted through the trees, stirring the leaves, allowing Chadwick to move more quickly, as the noise would cover any sound his increased pace would create.

  With one eye on the man in the tree just up ahead, Chadwick scanned the surrounding area for anyone protecting the sniper. Either Refugio was an idiot to leave a man, who clearly didn’t know what he was doing, alone, or he hadn’t thought anyone would be wise to his plan. Probably a combination of both.

  To the left of him, Hudson appeared, while Krill came around the back. A few moments later, Trygg, who’d had the furthest to travel, was padding up to the left in his wolf form. But it was Kellach who had them all beat, as he was shimmying up a tree that was less than two feet from the sniper.

  Trygg growled low in his throat. Anger rolled off the wolf that his mate was putting himself in danger, yet at the same time trying to not make enough noise that the sniper would hear and possibly be alerted to the peril he was in. Chadwick could feel for Trygg. Just the thought of Saber fighting Refugio had his hackles raised.

  Unfortunately, there was nothing Chadwick or Trygg could do about what was happening with their mates right then. They had to trust each of them knew what they were doing. Chadwick knew Kellach did, but then again, he also was aware the sniper wasn’t a well-trained soldier or he would have sensed the five shifters surrounding him.

  The binoculars the sniper was holding up were lowered and replaced with his rifle. The gun was placed to his shoulder. Chadwick’s heart dropped to the forest floor as the man lined the barrel up to shoot.

  Chadwick’s gun was already drawn when Kellach leapt from the tree he’d climbed and tackled the sniper, dislodging him from his perch nearly twenty feet off the ground. They both tumbled down. Kellach shifted mid-air and landed gracefully on his paws. The sniper hadn’t been prepared and landed in a heap.

  “Don’t you ever do something like that again,” Trygg yelled at Kellach.

  Kellach opened his mouth, most likely to tell Trygg what he could do with his orders, but before he could get a word out, Trygg hauled him into his arms, crushing him with a hug from the way Kellach’s face started to change colors.

  “You took at least a hundred years off my life with that stunt,” Trygg whispered fiercely. “Swear to me, you won’t do something that foolish again.”

  This time, Kellach didn’t bother to answer but that was most likely because Trygg had his tongue down his mate’s throat in a kiss that had Chadwick wishing he were anywhere but there.

  Hudson, who gone over to the sniper, shook his head. “He’s dead.”

  Chadwick wasn’t exactly surprised with how the man’s neck was at an odd angle to his body. Still, he’d have preferred not to have to kill the guy. Just in case Refugio somehow survived the challenge, Chadwick would have loved to be able to prove to the rest of the shifter world that their Chief Council was a cheater.

  A faint cry went up from the direction of Miracle. Chadwick’s throat closed up as he feared the worst. “Hey.” Hudson put his hand on Chadwick’s shoulder. “He’ll win. Saber is the scariest son of bitch I’ve ever met.”

  Chadwick nodded. Hudson was right. If anyone could win, it was Saber. But that didn’t mean he would. “I have to get back there,” he said.

  Hudson nodded. “I’ll clean up the body and meet you back there as soon as I’m done.”

  Krill stepped forward. “I’ll help him. We’ll be right behind you.”

  Chadwick didn’t wait around when he heard another cry of outrage. He took off running.

  Please don’t let Saber die. He didn’t know who he was praying too or even if he really believed anyone was listening. After all, what kind of Gods would allow a man like Refugio to commit such horrific atrocities? Still, he grew up learning about the Gods and Chadwick wasn’t so sure he was ready to give up on them completely.

  He kept repeating that phrase over and over as he raced across the woods. The noise of the crowd grew, sometimes cheers, sometimes sounds that tied Chadwick’s stomach into knots. The only good thing, they hadn’t stopped completely, which meant the fight was still going and Saber was still alive.

  Blood was thick in the air as Chadwick came upon the area where he’d built the ring. The crowd was packed around it as they vied for the best position to see the match. He didn’t bother to stop and ask people to move, nor did he apologize for shoving them out of his way. Chadwick needed to see his mate. Nothing and no one would get in his way to do just that.

  He finally managed to make a hole big enough for him to see the ring. Suddenly, Chadwick wished he hadn’t. Saber looked like giant bloody mess who could barely stand, much less fight. A hand on his shoulder held him from rushing forward to help his mate as he struggled to throw a punch at Refugio.

  Chadwick growled low in his throat at the person who dared to hold him back, only to turn and find Edrick and Lucca standing there, both looking like they’d hold him down if Chadwick refused to obey.

  “You can’t interfere,” Edrick warned him.

  Chadwick knew that. He did. He glanced back to the ring to see Saber’s beaten body and nearly wept with fear. “I can’t lose him,” he whispered. “Even if that means we end up running for the rest of our lives.” It wouldn’t be an easy existence, but at least he’d be with Saber.

  “I know it looks bad,” Lucca said.

  Chadwick snorted at the stupid statement. It looked more than bad. One of Saber’s eyes was completely swollen shut and the other wasn’t too far behind. His lip was cut and bleeding and the angle of his nose meant it was broken. There were cuts and bruises over just about every inch of his body and Saber was favoring his left arm as if it was broken or dislocated.

  “Refugio is still losing,” Lucca insisted.

  It was then that Chadwick glanced over at Saber’s opponent. Lucca was right. The man was barely alive. But he was alive and that still meant it was possible he’d win. Chadwick just wasn’t sure he was willing to take that chance.

  Refugio swiped with his claws extended, aiming for Saber’s jugular. Chadwick lunged forward but Edrick and Lucca had been prepared and grabbed him before he could step into the ring.

  Horror washed over Chadwick as Refugio’s claws made contact with Saber’s already bloody chest, digging deep furrows into his skin. His heart broke as Saber went down to his knees. This just couldn’t be the end. He couldn’t lose his mate.

  Refugio raised up his paw once more. If he made contact with Saber, it would be over, for there was no way Saber would survive another blow. Refugio’s paw swung downward. As much as Chadwick wanted to close his eyes, he couldn’t. If this was to the last moment of Saber’s life, he needed to not miss a moment of it.

  Refugio’s claws were but inches from Saber’s neck, when Saber tilted to the side, sliding underneath Refugio’s panther body. With his own claws extended, Saber sliced Refugio’s underbelly wide open.

  Before it even registered on Refugio’s face what had happened, he collapsed on top of Saber, who hadn’t had enough strength to move out of the way. Cheers erupted from all around. Edrick ran into the ring and checked Refugio’s pulse.

  His grin said it all. “Refugio is dead,” he called out.

  Chadwick didn’t waste a second as he dashed to his mate and helped to pull Refugio’s body away so he could make sure Saber was indeed alive. Nole was there seconds later checking his vitals and assessing his wounds.

  “We need to get him to my clinic,” Nole announced. “He’s alive, but barely.”

  Suddenly Krill was there, gently picking Saber up. It wasn’t easy, even for a man as big as Krill. Saber was heavy. Yet, Krill managed just the same. As soon as Saber was put on the examination table, Nole went to work and Chadwick took his mate’s hand and thanked whatever God was listening for saving Saber’s life.

  “I told you I’d win.” Saber’s voice was so soft, Chadwick had nearly missed it.

  A tear dripped down Chadwick’s cheek and landed on Saber’s chin. “I’m not sure you can call this a win. You look like you’ve been dead and buried for some time yourself.” Just the thought that he might still lose Saber had another fresh bout of tears streaming down his face.

  There was a faint upturn to Saber’s lips as if he were trying to smile. “Yeah, but I’m still here.” The hand Chadwick was holding squeezed just a bit tighter. “I told you I would never leave you, Kitten.”

  Nole gave a snort. “Kitten? Really?” As he stitched one of the large gaping wounds on Saber’s chest, Nole said, “That definitely isn’t a nickname I would use to describe Chadwick. Tiger, maybe, but definitely not Kitten.”

  Chadwick couldn’t agree more.

  Saber tried to laugh but ended up coughing instead. When he finally got it under control, he said, “No, Kitten describes him perfectly. Feisty and fierce, with a softness that he only allows those closest to him to see.”

  Then again, maybe Chadwick could get used to being called Kitten.

  “I know you are weak and in a lot of pain, but this would go a lot faster if you could shift,” Nole told Saber. “Do you think you’ll be able to?”

  Fur sprung out along Saber’s arms, but all too quickly receded once more. “I can’t,” he whispered before his head lolled to the side.

  Nole swore under his breath as he checked Saber’s neck for a pulse. “He passed out.” He pointed to a bucket near the sink. “Fill that with water and start cleaning him. I have a lot of work ahead of me if I’m going to stich all these wounds up and it would go a lot faster if I could see.”

  Chadwick did as Nole ordered. In the end it had taken ten buckets of water to get Saber clean. When Nole was finished, Saber looked more like a patchwork quilt than the strong shifter he was. More tears sprung to Chadwick’s eyes as it once more hit home just how close he’d been to losing this man.

  Silently he cursed himself for being so stubborn and not giving Saber a chance sooner. Now that he’d gotten his head out of his ass, Chadwick prayed he would get the chance to know this amazing man who had risked everything to save them from a monster.

  Please, just let him live.


  Fire licked its way along every single one of Saber’s nerve endings. He would have screamed in agony, except he couldn’t make his vocal cords work no matter how hard he tried. The only place that didn’t hurt was his right hand.

  Saber flexed his fingers in an effort to figure out what was different and felt soft skin touching his, soothing the ache that was just under the surface.

  “Saber,” the voice of an angel whispered. “Can you open your eyes for me?”

  He would do anything for that voice, even the impossible task that was being asked of him. For several minutes he struggled to open his eyes until, finally, he managed to crack them. Well, he could only see out of one of them, so he wasn’t entirely sure he’d managed to open them both, but at least he could see the angel that had been coaxing him to wake up.


  His heart instantly started to beat erratically at seeing his mate. The fire that had been unbearably consuming him now burned for a whole different reason. “Kitten,” he just barely managed to get out around his parched throat.

  He had to fight back the darkness that was threatening to take him under once more as Chadwick leaned over him and oh so gently touched their lips together. A pulsing throb of pain ignited from where their mouths touched, but Saber pushed it away, choosing to only feel the pleasure of his mate kissing him.

  But the darkness continued to creep into his brain and try as he might, Saber just couldn’t hold it back any longer. But at least he’d been able to kiss his mate.


  The door opened a few minutes after Saber had passed out again and Nole walked in. “How’s our patient?”

  Chadwick smiled. “He woke up. It was only for a minute, but he was awake.” Saber had been unconscious for two days. His body had healed a lot, but it still had a long way to go. He had been far closer to death than Chadwick had wanted to know, but at least he was finally on the mend.

  “Good.” Nole looked relieved as he checked Saber’s vital signs. “Did he say anything?”

  Chadwick looked down at the man he was realizing he didn’t want to live without and said, “He called me Kitten.”

  Nole shook his head and snorted. “Clearly, he is still delusional,” he muttered jokingly.

  Chadwick didn’t care. He was too damn happy that his mate had finally woken up. “Does this mean he’s out of the woods?”

  Nole nodded as he continued to listen to Saber’s chest with his stethoscope. “Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, his injuries were quite severe, especially since he couldn’t shift, so it will still be a few days before he’s up and walking, but…” Nole made a note in Saber’s chart then looked over at Chadwick. “I would definitely say he is recovering nicely.”

  Chadwick let out the breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding in. The fear of losing Saber ha
d been weighing on him and for the first time since his mate had entered that Challenge Ring, Chadwick felt as if he could finally breathe. “Thank you, Nole.”

  The doctor smiled at him. “You’re welcome. Now Jari just made breakfast. Why don’t you go down and fix yourself a plate?”

  The thought of food had Chadwick’s stomach grumbling, but as he glanced back at Saber, he wasn’t sure he wanted to leave his mate, even if it was only long enough to eat. “But he might wake up again.”

  “I’ll stay,” Nole offered. “Jari told me he’s saving an entire plate of bacon, just for you.”

  Chadwick stood up. “Bacon?” he asked. His stomach gave another loud rumble. As he started to take a step toward the door, Chadwick gave one more glance at Saber.

  “He’ll be fine,” Nole insisted. “And if he wakes up, I swear, I’ll call you.” Nole held his hand up as if he were swearing on a stack of bibles.

  The decision was more difficult than it should have been. The thing was, Saber had only been awake for maybe a minute, which meant if he had to wait for Nole to notice Saber was awake, then call him, it was very possible he wouldn’t make it back up here before Saber fell back to sleep.

  He was just about to say he would rather stay when the tantalizing aroma of bacon wafted into the room. His stomach gave another loud growl as if it were threatening to go get the savory treat for itself if Chadwick didn’t hurry the hell up. “Okay,” he said, although he wasn’t sure if he were talking to Nole or his stomach. “I’m just going to run down and grab a plate.”

  Nole nodded at him absently as he made more notes in Saber’s chart.

  “I will only be a minute,” he said again, this time he was talking to Saber, who’s hand he squeezed as he silently pleaded with his mate to understand.

  Then he took off down the stairs. He was going to pile as much food onto a plate, or maybe two, as he could, then race back up the stairs. Except as he turned the corner to enter the kitchen he hit a wall of people standing around, not giving him room to get inside.


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