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Forever in Haven's Crossing

Page 2

by Kyleigh Drake

She tried to sit up, but Caleb stopped her. “Hold on, sugar, you’ve got a nasty cut on your head. Are you hurting anywhere else?” he asked.

  “My, uh, arm is hurting, but I think that’s it. Thank you for stopping. I thought I could make it, but apparently I was wrong,” she stammered.

  “And where the hell were you planning on going?” Logan asked sharply, after checking out her car. “It’s five miles from our house and fifteen to town.”

  “Well, Mr. Smartass, I didn’t know that, number one, and number two, I thought it would be better than just sitting and waiting for God knows how long.” Caleb smiled at her sarcasm toward Logan, but Logan wasn’t so amused.

  “We’ll take you to our house and Doc can come check you out,” Caleb said.

  She started looking around and replied, “Uh, I really think I should go to town and find a hotel. I’ll be okay. I just hit my head on the steering wheel and I’m sure my arm is just bruised or sprained. I don’t need to see a doctor.” I can’t afford a doctor, she thought.

  “There’s no discussion, sweetheart,” Caleb said, picking her up and walking toward the truck. “You’re going home with us and you’re seeing the doctor.”

  Oh God, he’s carrying me! “Put me down!” she yelled as she tried to get out of his arms.

  “I’ll put you down in the truck, now stop fighting me.” Caleb’s voice was stern and his tone clearly said “no arguing.” Logan opened the door for him and Caleb gently put her in the middle of the seat. Caleb got in after her and Logan went over and got in on the driver’s side.

  She hadn’t really looked at them until now. Oh my gosh, they’re gorgeous. And I’m right in the middle of them. As she came out of her thought, she noticed Logan looking at her. “Are you okay, little one?” he asked, concerned.

  “Uh, yeah, I’m okay. Thank you.” Little one? I am anything but little.

  “Good,” he continued. “We’ve got about five miles to go. Caleb, why don’t you go ahead and call Doc so he can meet us there.” Kim again started to protest until Caleb cocked his head and raised his eyebrow. She then swallowed hard and sat there quietly. For some reason, she started to feel warm inside—and she didn’t think it had anything to do with her injuries.

  He had been watching from the road. He saw her car spin out of control, saw her finally get out and then try to walk. She looked like all the others. He was going to have fun with this one first though. The others he had taken too quickly and then it was over, causing the pain to come back too soon. The only time the pain ever went away was when he had them, making them cry and beg. He needed to make the pain go away, and soon. They always thought they were better than him, better than all men. He could hear his father’s voice in his head. “They’re all fucking whores, every last one of them—they don’t deserve to live.” That voice never went away, ever.

  When he saw her stagger and lie down on the ground, he had started to get her then. He inched close, waiting to see if she had already died. Fucking bitch better not be dead yet, he thought. That was when he heard the truck. He waited, hidden in the trees, until it could pass. But it didn’t pass—it stopped. No! He wanted to scream, but didn’t. He just watched as they picked her up and carried her away. Damn fools. Why can’t they see?

  Kim’s head was throbbing again, and she was having a hard time sitting up. Caleb was looking at her. Why in the hell do they keep watching me? she wondered. He then, without asking her, picked her up. Okay, he really needs to quit doing that. He then sat her on his lap sideways so her head could lean against his chest. Holy crap, I can’t believe this is happening. He smelled so good, but it wasn’t cologne—it was him. He smelled like he had been working, but at the same time there was a clean scent as well. That must be some damn fine soap. The warmness in her body started to slowly travel down below. Am I getting wet? Oh, God. She felt the need to shut her eyes, knowing she just couldn’t stay awake any longer.

  Kim vaguely heard talking, the pickup door shutting, and her body being moved. “I just want to go to sleep,” she mumbled and then heard, “I know, little one.” Logan? Her head hurt when she opened her eyes, so she kept them shut. If they would just put her down, then she could go to sleep.

  The pain she felt caused her to wake up quickly and then she tried to move. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but we have to get this cleaned up. I’ll try not to hurt you, okay?” Caleb’s voice was soothing. She noticed Logan sitting beside her, rubbing her arm with one hand, while the other arm was around her waist. She wasn’t sure, but she thought he might be there to hold her down, so she decided to test out her little theory. She moaned a little and tried to get up, but Logan’s arm tightened around her and he forced her back down. I knew it. If I had more strength I might be able to fight him, but not right now.

  “Easy, darlin’, Caleb’s not gonna hurt ya,” Logan said. They both sound so nice. I’m going to shut my eyes, just for a little while. They can handle this.

  Chapter 3

  Kim woke up again to Logan speaking to some man, telling him what had happened. She then noticed that he was an older gentleman, with gray hair and very kind eyes. “Well hello there, young lady. I’m Doc Bailey, but everyone around here just calls me ‘Doc.’ It seems you’ve got yourself a nasty little cut on your head, so I’m gonna take a look and see if we need stitches, okay?” Stitches? No, no stitches. I hate needles. I can’t do this! She felt the panic starting to set in. Just the thought of needles would make her have a panic attack. “No needles, no stitches,” she managed to say as she tried again to get up. “Let me go, dammit!” she yelled, as Logan again pushed her back down.

  “Kimberlee, that’s enough! Doc’s just gonna look at ya right now, so you need to lie back and be a good girl.” Logan’s voice was firm, but also strangely comforting, and knowing he was going to be there made her relax a little. Kimberlee? How in the hell does he know my name?

  Doc was very gentle and sweet. He looked her over carefully and decided her arm was not broken, but only sprained. He didn’t say anything else about the cut on her head, but she did hear him tell Logan and Caleb she could possibly have a slight concussion and would need to be woken up two to three times during the night. Kim saw Logan glance at Caleb and then Caleb nodded his head “yes.” They didn’t even talk. How did they do that?

  Doc stepped over to the table and all she could hear was paper or something being ripped open. His back was blocking her view. Caleb, without saying anything to her, gently lifted her up into a sitting position so that her back was off the couch. He then slid in behind her so that she was sitting in between his legs. What the hell? she thought, as she watched Logan scoot her legs over against the back of the couch and then lean his body in that same direction. It all happened so fast. She didn’t even realize what was going on until it was too late. She saw Doc with a needle. Oh God, stitches! Panic immediately took over, and she started to fight. “Get the fuck off me, you son of a bitch!” she yelled, trying to push Caleb’s arms off and kick Logan at the same time.

  “You’ve got quite the mouth on ya, sweetheart. We’re gonna have to work on that.” What? They both acted like it was normal to be holding her down and her words did nothing to deter them.

  She couldn’t move at all. Caleb had her arms secured with one hand and her head held against his chest with the other. He could feel her heart racing as she attempted to fight, but he just let her keep going, knowing she would give out soon. When she finally did, he began to whisper in her ear, soothing words, like she were a little girl.

  “Shhh, it’s okay, sugar. Everything’s gonna be okay. I got ya. I know you’re scared, but Doc is really good and is gonna make this as painless as possible.” Kim was surprised at how his words made her feel. She felt safe like this, in their arms. Her eyelids started getting heavy again. Maybe I’ll just shut them for a little while.

  “Hey, darlin’,” Logan whispered, as he shook her gently. “You need to open your eyes for me just for a few minutes and then you can go back
to sleep.” Kim blinked, forcing herself to keep her eyes open. “Good girl, that’s it. Are you hungry?” he asked. She shook her head and readjusted her body on the couch. “Okay, well here’s some water. Go ahead and take a few drinks for me.” As she drank, he said, “That’s it—you’re doing just fine.” So he can be nice. “Can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?” he asked, watching her closely. She went on to tell him about the deer and losing control of her car. When he asked her where she was going, she looked down and didn’t say anything else. “That’s okay, you don’t have to tell me right now,” he said, as he put the blanket over her body and tucked her in. Now? I don’t guess I have to tell you at all, mister. Now why am I being so rude to these men? They’ve only tried to help me. Because they’re men, that’s why.

  Kim started to doze off again as she tried to figure out why she was so damn sleepy. She was awakened two more times during the night. Apparently Caleb had the second watch and he was just as gentle as Logan had been. After the last time, however, she started to get aggravated because all she wanted was to be left alone. “No!” she whined, trying to turn over on her side. A swat to her bottom immediately got her attention. She sat straight up and he was right there, looking at her, challenging her with his eyes. When she glared back at him, he grinned.

  “You sure are a feisty one, aren’t ya?”

  “I am when you hit me, you son of a—”

  “Uh, uh, uh,” he said, waving his finger and shaking his head, wearing a smirk on his lips. “I’m warning you right now, sweetheart. There’s gonna be no more name calling or cussin’ out of you. If either one of us hear another inappropriate word—or gesture—then you’ll be getting more than just one swat. You’ll go over my knee and get a real spanking. And that’s not hitting—no man in Haven’s Crossing would ever hit a woman, but you can be damn sure a spanking is another story. So have I made myself clear?”

  Kim was in shock, but she nodded.

  “No, ma’am—I want to hear you say it.”

  “Yes, it’s clear,” she mumbled, not looking him in the eyes.

  “Good girl. Now do you want something to eat? Logan said you didn’t eat anything earlier.”

  “No, I’m fine, thank you,” she respectfully replied, making Caleb chuckle.

  “Well, I do appreciate the good manners, sugar, but I’m fixin’ you a sandwich anyway, ’cause you need to eat. Is ham and cheese okay?”


  “Mustard or Mayo?”

  “Mayo, please.”

  “Do you like tea?”

  “You mean like hot tea? No, not so much.”

  “Sweetheart, this is Texas. We drink iced tea around here.”

  “Okay, I’ll try that, thank you.”

  Caleb brought her a sandwich and glass of tea and she started to eat. “I guess I was hungrier than I thought,” she said between bites. “The tea is really good, too. Thank you.” When he smiled at her she thought, God, you’ve got a nice face.

  “You’re welcome, little one.”

  She looked down at the tea glass she was holding. “Why do you call me ‘little one,’ when I’m not really little?”

  “Well, compared to us, you are little. Does it bother you to be called that?”

  “I guess not. It’s just that nobody has ever called me that before. So, are you and Logan brothers?”

  Another smile. “You sure are curious all of a sudden.”

  “I guess I’m feeling better. My head isn’t hurting anymore, either. I’m really sorry for being so much trouble. And I’m sorry for calling you names. I usually don’t act like that.”

  The way he watched her made her want to talk more. It was like he had some hypnotic powers and she couldn’t resist. He asked her why she was on the road so late at night and she started to blab everything from the time she walked in on Michael, up to waking up in the ditch. She then noticed Logan, now standing in the doorway, listening. She saw sadness in their eyes when she finished. Well, that’s just great, Kim. I’m sure they wanted to know your whole life story. She suddenly felt very self-conscious and embarrassed. Now they’re going to feel obligated to help me—Stupid, stupid, stupid! “Uh, I just want to thank you both for all you’ve done and I see the sun coming up now, so could you call a cab or give me a ride to town so I can find a hotel and look for a mechanic?” She threw back the blanket and started to stand. The dizziness hit her so fast she fell backward before she could even fully get up. Both Caleb and Logan were at her side in a second.

  “You’re not goin’ a damn place, darlin’,” Logan said, as he laid her back against the pillow.

  She heard Caleb on the phone with Doc and then heard him say “Will three days be enough?” Three days? I can’t stay here three days!

  “Logan, I can’t stay here three days. Tell him, I can’t.” She could feel the panic flushing her body again. What the hell is wrong with me? I never get this many panic attacks at once. It’s them. I feel so damn flustered around those two. I’ve got to get out of here. Myka—I need to talk to Myka.

  “If Doc says you need to stay here, Kimberlee, I’m sorry, but that’s what’s gonna happen. We have plenty of room. It’s not a problem,” Logan said.

  “How do you know my name?” she asked, looking at him cautiously as he got up and took something off the table.

  “My purse! You got my purse for me?”

  “I did. And I also looked at your driver’s license and got your name. Kimberlee. That’s a real pretty name, darlin’.”

  “Th–thank you. My friends call me Kim, though. You can call me Kim if you want.” Oh, that was smooth.

  “So, we’re friends now? I’m not just ‘son of a bitch’?”

  “Uh, I’m sorry about that, Logan. It won’t happen again.”

  “I hope not,” he said, raising his eyebrow, just like Caleb had done earlier.

  “You didn’t happen to see my phone, did you? I really need to call my friend and let her know I’m okay.”

  “It wasn’t in your purse?” he asked.

  “No, I had it with me when I started to walk, I think.” She started looking through her purse just to make sure. Her cigarettes were missing, too. “You didn’t see my cigarettes, did you?” When he didn’t answer, she looked up to see if he had heard her.

  “I threw them away. You don’t need to be smokin’ anymore,” he replied, taking her purse and handing her a phone.

  “What do you mean, you threw them away?” she said raising her voice and putting the phone back down. “They weren’t yours to throw away, number one, and number two, you don’t have a right to tell me whether I can smoke or not!” She was really starting to get pissed off now. “Who the hell do you think you are—you bas—” Caleb was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. “I didn’t say it, okay!” She made sure she sat up first before attempting to stand and then started for the door. “I’m getting the hell out of here.”

  Chapter 4

  Logan stepped forward, blocking her escape. As he towered over her, he tilted her chin up with his finger, grabbed her around the waist, pulling her closer, and then kissed her. Not a “yeah, we’re just gonna get to know ya” kiss, but a “holy hell, his tongue’s in my mouth and I think I’m gonna pass out” kiss. Kim tried to step back, but his arm tightened around her waist. She felt another body behind her. Caleb?

  “Just relax, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear while kissing the side of her neck. When he started moving to her back, to that sweet little spot between her shoulder blades that always drove her wild, she felt a warm tingle all over her body, causing her nipples to harden. Caleb felt her reaction and reached his hand around to cup her breast. Kim couldn’t think straight. What was happening? They were three grown adults, not some impulsive, sex-driven teenagers.

  She was finally able to break her lips away from Logan. “We have to stop this,” she protested.

  “Do we, now?” he replied, with a devilish little grin.

  “Yes, we do—thi
s is crazy!” she yelled.

  “And why is this crazy?” Caleb asked. They had both looked at her, expecting an answer. She tried to ignore them, looking for a way to get out, but they kept watching her. “I asked you a question, Kim—and I expect an answer.” She couldn’t tell them what she really thought. Because you’re both hot and you could have any woman you want—so why me?

  “Because I’m not interested, dammit!” she yelled.

  “You’re lyin’,” they answered in unison.

  Now how the hell do they know that?

  Logan looked down at her. “We don’t tolerate lyin’, darlin’, so I suggest you start telling us what’s goin’ on in that pretty little head of yours.” She wasn’t sure what to say, so she just stood there, looking away from their eyes. Caleb reached over and lifted her chin with his finger.

  “He means right now, sugar.” It felt like they were looking straight down into her soul. This wasn’t comfortable at all. No man had ever cared what she thought and they sure as hell didn’t know when she was lying. How many orgasms had she faked over the years?

  “I–I really don’t want to talk about this,” she said, hoping that would suffice. It didn’t.

  “I know this may be difficult for ya, but you need to at least try. None of us are moving from this spot till ya do, by the way.” Caleb’s words were soft, but the intent was clear.

  “Fine!” she said, glaring at both of them, knowing she had no choice. “We have to stop—because…” She couldn’t look at them when she said this and her voice was now close to a whisper. “Because you’re you and you could be with any women you choose…and, I’m just…me, so why would you even bother?”

  Neither man spoke, which caused her to slowly raise her head. Both of them had such kind eyes, but she really couldn’t tell what they were thinking. “Let’s go sit at the table, darlin’,” Logan said, with his hand on her back guiding her in that direction. “It looks like we have some issues we need to discuss.” Caleb pulled out her chair. Such gentlemen.


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