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Charlotte & Nate (Royals of Valleria #4)

Page 6

by Marianne Knightly

  “I rather would.”

  “Then I would say we’re at an impasse.”

  “And I say that everything’s negotiable.”

  Charlie sighed. “I’m a woman working in a professional kitchen. Sometimes, the men I work with think that means they can try something they shouldn’t. It doesn’t mean I let them get away with it. Why are you really here?”

  “I can’t seem to stay away.”

  She huffed a laugh and crossed her arms over her chest. “Does that line really work?”

  “It’s not a line, not with you, Charlotte.”

  “And does that line really work?”

  He ran frustrated hands through his hair. “I just can’t win with you.”

  Anger bubbled. “I’m not some prize to be won.”

  He gave her an assessing look. “You’re absolutely right. You’re not just ‘some’ prize, Charlotte.” Why did his words – which did agree with hers – make her feel sad and unworthy?

  “May I come inside?”

  That he asked meant a lot to her. “No funny business.”

  “I promise you, I won’t be laughing. Is that a yes?” She nodded and he stepped inside. When he left the door a sliver open, she felt relief; she wasn’t ready to be behind completely closed doors with him.

  He walked up to her and cupped her face, rubbing his thumbs idly over her cheeks. “You’re beautiful, did you know that?”

  She never knew what to do with personal compliments; she’d gotten so few of them in her life. Professional ones, she could handle. Personal ones, however, she really couldn’t handle them from a man, much less a prince. “Prince Nathaniel.”

  “You can call me ‘Nate’ if you want to.”

  “I couldn’t.” Especially if she got Coco’s job. “I can’t.”

  “Won’t, more like.”

  “What are you doing?” Her body was remaining still, even while her hands itched to run through his hair. “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I want to kiss you, Charlotte.”

  She tangled her hands in the end of her robe. Holy hell, she was only in a robe. “Don’t.”

  His dark brown eyes searched hers. “Don’t kiss you?”

  One of the hardest things she did was shake her head and say, “I don’t want this.”

  “Don’t want men?”


  He winced. “You really know how to hurt a guy, don’t you?”

  “I’m not trying to hurt you. I’m trying to keep myself from being hurt.”

  “You think I’ll hurt you?”

  “Maybe not intentionally, but, I, uh, I know your reputation. That’s not what I’m looking for.”

  “What reputation is that?”

  She tried to pull away, but he held on, forcing her to face him. “I just don’t want to be a notch on your bedpost, okay?” She needed more than a casual fuck, even if it would be with a prince. She needed someone who wanted her, not just a body that didn’t seem to work right in bed. “I mean I work at the palace, and you’re a prince who wants to kiss me. I mean, is this even real?”

  “Oh, yes, Charlotte. It’s definitely fucking real.” He pulled her face towards his.

  She expected him to take what he wanted, but he didn’t, not like Pierre. Instead, his full lips brushed softly against hers, asking, maybe even pleading for permission. He was close, so close. His scent, expensive and addictive, whirled around her while his taste taunted her. She sighed, giving up or giving into the kiss, she wasn’t sure which.

  His angle shifted and his lips pressed firmly against hers. His hands still held her head, but it was a loose hold; she knew she could step back and he wouldn’t stop her. When his tongue licked the seam of her lips, she opened for him, and she tasted her cake on his tongue. Blueberry buttercream had never tasted so damn good.

  Her hands tentatively touched his bare arms, caressing the soft hair and unmoving tattoos. He was warm, so warm. She’d never felt so much warmth from a man before.

  His lips left hers to trail kisses down her neck while his hands slid to her hips. She arched her head back while her breath caught, giving him more room. Her hands shifted up to his shoulders and toyed with the ends of his silky, damp hair.

  “Was that real enough for you, Charlotte?” he whispered against her ear, his low voice sending a shiver through her.

  She started to say his name, but realized she wasn’t sure what to call him. Prince? Your Highness? Nate didn’t seem quite right. It felt as though a bucket of cold water had just been poured over her.

  She pushed away and turned her back towards him. “Please leave.”

  An unexpected hand on her back caused her to jump. “I’m sorry, Charlotte. Did I hurt you?”

  Not yet. “No. I just don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Kissing each other?”

  “Any of it.”

  His hand rubbed her back in small circles; she wished she didn’t find it so soothing. “I like you, Charlotte.”

  “Why?” she couldn’t help but asking.

  “Because you’re talented and beautiful and a hundred other things. I’m physically attracted to you, I’ve made no secret about that.” He stepped closer and whispered in her ear. “I’d love to slide this soft robe off your body and kiss every exposed inch of you before I watch you orgasm over and over again.”

  She swallowed, knowing multiple orgasms were practically impossible for her, except in dreams.

  “Besides the physical, I want to know more about you. I realize a relationship between us puts you in a more precarious position than me.”

  Relationship? He considered casual fucking a relationship? She was so confused. Shaking her head, she said, “I don’t understand. Aren’t you just looking for a warm body? Somebody to fuck?” Though she’d never winced when cursing before, cursing now, to a prince, she did.

  He turned her gently to face him. He didn’t look upset at her language, just a little sad. “I might have been looking for a casual fuck before, but now I know that I’m looking for more. I think that more might be with you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Is this another line?”

  “No,” he said firmly. “I’ve been with other women, I won’t deny that, but I never treated them with disrespect. I would never treat you that way, either. You fascinate me, Charlotte Wyler.”

  “I do?”

  “I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”

  To her, that statement cut deep to the bone. She’d been singled out her whole life when she couldn’t quite fit in, and by men when they realized they had to work for her passion. “I guess I can say I’ve never met anyone like you, either.”

  “Because I’m a prince?”

  “Well, yes, partly. Look, I just don’t see the point in pursuing this.”

  “You don’t trust me.”

  “No.” She didn’t add that she rarely trusted anyone. “Do you trust me? Who’s to say I won’t just go to the press and tell them I was propositioned by a prince?”

  His gaze was even when he spoke. “You could. You’d have every right to. The papers would print it, because they’ve printed things like that before. If you did go to the press, though, I’d realize I’m not as good a judge of character as I think I am.”

  “So, you think I’m trustworthy?”

  He reached for her hands and them loosely in his. “I do. So does Coco, and a kitchen full of staff. A lot of people trust you, Charlotte. I’m just asking you to give me a chance, that’s all.”

  If she was honest with herself, she’d liked the way he held her, as if she were something fragile that deserved extra care, and she really liked the way he kissed her. “We’d have to keep this a secret, though, right? I mean I don’t want anyone thinking I’m sleeping to the top, and I’m sure you don’t want to be seen with me.”

  His hands tightened on hers. “That’s where you’re wrong. I do want to be seen with you, but I can understand if you don’t want to be seen with me. My
past will, unfortunately, reflect poorly on you.”

  “Do you regret how you’ve lived your life?” It was a bold question, but she wanted the answer.

  “Some parts, yes, very much. Other parts, definitely not. I regret how the women I’ve been with were treated by others for being seen with me. So, you see, I can understand if you want to keep things between us for now. Just know that I’m not hiding anything.”

  It was tempting. He was tempting. She wanted more than casual, that was true. She’d been so lonely her whole life, she wanted forever, wanted it maybe too much. She was beginning to doubt she’d ever find it. So why not spend a little time with Prince Nathaniel?

  “I’m still not sure what to call you.”

  He smiled, a dimpled grin that was as sexy as it was genuine. “Try ‘Nate’. See how you like it.”

  “I don’t know. It seems wrong.”

  He stepped closer, gently pressing his body against hers. He pressed a soft kiss just beneath her ear and whispered, “Say it.”

  How was she expected to think clearly when he was doing that?

  Another kiss and a quick bite to her earlobe. “Say it. Nate.”


  She felt him smile against her skin. “Was that so difficult, Charlotte?”

  “Charlie. Call me Charlie.”

  He shifted to her other ear. “I prefer Charlotte.”

  Unable to resist any longer, her deft fingers slid into his long hair and gripped tight, forcing him to face her. “Charlie. Say it.”

  “Charlie.” His eyes bored into hers. Why were they both breathing more heavily? “Charlie.” He groaned. “God, Charlie.”

  This time his lips weren’t soft, they were firm and unforgiving. She moaned as his mouth and tongue took what they wanted, as his hold on her body tightened. She could feel almost every ridge of muscle along his abdomen, and she definitely felt something long and hard against her. They might have kissed for hours or only moments before they pulled away from each other.

  It cut her deep to realize that even his skillful mouth had barely raised her temperature. She could appreciate his kisses – and, by God, that man could kiss – but she knew from experience her body needed more. She sighed; there was no point in worrying about something she couldn’t change.

  “Charlie. God, Charlie.” He buried his head in her still damp hair and took a deep breath. “I could kiss you all night.”

  Though the idea appealed to her, she’d had a very long day and had another long one ahead of her. “Nate.”

  “I know. I know. We’ll plan that for another time.” He lifted his head and locked eyes with her. His eyes had become pools of a rich, dark brown, the color of chocolate. “I want to see you tomorrow. What time are you off work?”

  “Around nine in the evening, unless they need more help.”

  “Do you feel like going out?”

  She stiffened. “I thought we decided to keep this private.”

  “I just meant outside. We could have a late night picnic on the grounds. It’s still private. We can find a spot in the gardens. No one would find us.”

  “It’s November. Besides the fact that most of gardens have gone away for the season, the nights are getting colder.”

  “I’ll bring a blanket. If you’d rather do something else, just let me know. We could have dinner in my apartment.”

  Her eyes bugged out. “Your apartment? In the Royal Wing? I’m not allowed up there.”

  “As my guest, you would be, but you don’t have to use the hallways if you don’t want to.”

  “How else would I get up there?”

  He smiled conspiratorially. “Can you keep a secret?” She nodded. “There are secret passages running all through the palace. I can take one from here to the Royal Wing, though it’s quite a distance.”

  “There’s a secret door in my room?”

  “Yes, in all the rooms, though I don’t know where yours is offhand. Some of our forefathers had them built in with the palace. No one but the royal family and their designees can access them.”

  “So, I’m safe?”

  He hugged her tighter. “You’re always safe. If you don’t feel safe, you need to let me know.”

  The problem was that she felt all too safe in his arms. “I’m fine.”

  “Hmm. All right.” He dropped another kiss on her lips before pulling away. “I’ll meet you by the northeast entrance around half past nine. I promise to find you a well-sheltered garden. Or would you rather try my rooms?”

  “No, no. The garden is fine.”

  “I’ll take care of the food.” He laughed at the look of trepidation on her face. “I didn’t say I’d cook it myself, just that I’d arrange it. Dress warmly, Charlotte.”

  “Call me Charlie.”

  “Bye, Charlie.” With another devastating smile, he walked out of her room.

  Charlie just stared at the door, wondering what the hell had just happened, and what the hell she was going to do about it.

  Chapter 5

  Nate woke the next morning after little sleep. Dreams of Charlotte had left him painfully aroused, while nightmares about Valleria’s debt had left him with night sweats and a painful ache in his chest.

  Needless to say, his body felt a little unsteady.

  To clear away the cobwebs and help him focus, he spent an hour working out in his personal gym, rather than the larger one shared by everyone in the Royal Wing; he didn’t want to see anyone just yet.

  When he stepped out from his shower some time later, his mind was clearer and ready to tackle the grueling day of work ahead of him. What he was not ready for, however, was to find one of his brothers waiting for him when he entered his bedroom wearing only a towel.

  “Jesus, Marcello, what the hell? Skulking in shadows again?”

  Marcello merely smiled from his perch in a comfy chair in the corner. His dark blond hair was styled back and he wore jeans and a simple shirt on his svelte but toned frame. “You know how I love to surprise my brothers.”

  “I’ve heard the horror stories from Alex.” Nate took off the towel and threw it in Marcello’s direction, but Marcello deftly caught it and threw it back in one swift movement; it was a classic Marcello maneuver.

  “Then you shouldn’t be surprised.”

  Nate strode into his walk-in closet and spoke as he dressed. “I am surprised to see you, though. Weren’t you supposed to be in England?” Marcello’s lady love, Grace, was English; the pair often spent weeks in England when Grace was needed there.

  “Grace just sold her worthless husband’s estate and we finalized things a couple days ago. She’s only got her family’s estate now, which she’ll keep.” Grace was a widow whose abusive, controlling husband had died in a car accident over a year ago. “We were going to just pop in for family dinner, then go back to England for a little while. When I got a call from Papa last night, though, we changed our plans and decided to stay in Valleria through the holidays.”

  Nate came out of the closet half-dressed. Though his pants were on, his shirt remained unbuttoned and his tie was draped around his neck. “So you know?”

  Marcello nodded gravely. “I got the basics. Why don’t we head to my office to discuss the rest?”

  Nate shook his head while he buttoned and tucked in his shirt. “I don’t want people to know you’re involved, not yet. If the wrong person sees, it could put us all in danger.”

  “You think it’s that dangerous?”

  “You don’t? You’re the former spy. Besides which, someone has siphoned billions from the national accounts, and they’ve apparently done it over the span of at least two years, if not more. Not only that, they managed to keep it covered up.”

  “So, we’re looking at someone who has been with the government for at least that long then.”

  Nate finished with his tie and reached back into his closet for his suit jacket. “I don’t just want you to look only at the agency heads and department employees. It could be anyone,
so look at everyone with government credentials and access.”

  “That’s going to be a long list. Fortunately, we don’t have a high turnover in government offices, or it would be longer.”

  “That’s because the benefits are good. I don’t know who else to look at.” Nate plucked a small strip of leather from atop his dresser and used it to tie his hair back.

  Marcello finally stood as Nate made his way out of his bedroom and towards his kitchen. “There are a few groups out there.”


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