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More than a Maid

Page 22

by Reeni Austin

  But first, he called Joe to invite him and the rest of the guys who worked today to come to the house for some food. But Ramon was relieved when Joe said he was too worn out and needed to head straight home. It was bad enough that Ramon had to secretly keep his eye on Marcy all day to make sure none of those jerks tried to hit on her. He didn't need the most eligible bachelors he knew trying to horn in on his territory.

  But was it really Ramon's territory? He knew he had no right to keep men away from her, but damn it, he couldn't take seeing her with another man. Not even for one minute at a party.

  He had his ways of knowing where she was at all times. She was never too far from his sight… or his thoughts. Right now, she was in the kitchen talking to some of the other women. He could hear the echo of her laugh as he headed upstairs.

  Shit, if only he could trust her. Then maybe he could actually talk to her again instead of playing the part of her secret stalker.

  When his boots touched down on the floor upstairs, he heard someone vomiting. Immediately, he called out, "Are you all right? Is someone here?" He quickly glanced inside each bedroom to make sure none of the guests had wandered upstairs. Then he hung outside the bathroom door. He rolled his eyes, hoping this drunk stranger hadn't completely destroyed the bathroom. This was the biggest reason why he did his best to limit alcohol consumption at the party. He wouldn't even allow the adults to drink until the majority of the children had gone home, and even then, he had a few of his guys watching the guests to keep it under control.

  Ramon knocked on the door again. "Hello? You okay? Need me to get someone?"

  "No…" A familiar voice answered. "I'm fine. Go away. Thanks."

  Eyes widening, Ramon said, "Cara? You need me to get Victor? Your mom?" Then he almost said, "Marcy."

  The toilet flushed, then he heard water running in the sink. Then finally, the door opened and Cara looked at him. In a weak voice, she said, "I'm fine."

  "Okay. You need to go to bed?"

  "No. I'm really okay."

  "Are you drunk? You sure you're okay?"

  She smirked at him, her head cocked to the side. "No. I'm not drunk." Pausing, she took a deep breath, then said, "I'm pregnant."

  Ramon's jaw dropped. "Holy shit! Are you serious? Does Victor know?"

  Chuckling, Cara said, "Yes, Victor knows. I think everyone knows but you. I'm sorry. We were afraid you'd tell Isaac."

  He grimaced. "Why would I do that?"

  "Because you're close to him. We just didn't want him to get confused. I'll be ten weeks pregnant when we get married. We're gonna try to have the talk with him after the wedding."

  Ramon nodded. "I see. So, he's gonna get that baby brother he wants so bad?"

  Cara's eyebrows pulled inward. "Or a sister."

  Ramon smiled. "Either one's fine with me. I kinda like this 'uncle' thing."

  "You're really good at it." Cara nodded. "Thanks for the party today. I'm sorry I was so upset this morning."

  "It's all right. I probably should've told you what was going on but I was afraid you'd say no."

  "I know."

  They shared a look of understanding. It was the first time in weeks that Ramon felt anything but contempt from Cara.

  He asked, "Is there anything I can do to help? To make you feel better? I hope the food didn't make you sick."

  "No. It just happens when it happens. It was the same way when I had Isaac. Only lasted a month or so."

  Ramon nodded. "Good. But if there's something I can do, let me know."

  Cara folded her hands in front of her and looked up at him, thoughtfully. In a gentle voice, she said, "You know what you could do that would help me and your brothers? Tell them what you know about Henry. I hear about it daily from Victor."

  "Uh…" Ramon gaped at her, shocked. "Uh… I meant, what could I do to help you, like, health-wise, not—"

  Cara put a hand on his arm, interrupting him. "That would help me. When Victor's upset, I'm upset. When he's worried, I'm worried. It'll be a big load off my mind if you tell them what's going on. I think Victor's especially about to lose patience with you." As he was about to speak again, Cara stopped him, saying, "It doesn't matter what it is. They're your brothers. They deserve to know the truth." Then she chuckled. "Just like that speech you gave me this morning. Isn't that what you said? Something like, it doesn't matter what the truth is. Just be honest."

  Ramon's stomach turned. "Yeah, it was something like that."

  "Then do it! Soon. Like, now. Tonight. Yesterday." She smiled.

  His head slowly shook. "I was kinda hoping to wait a while longer."

  "No. Please. For me." Tenderly, she brought her hand to her stomach. "For the health of your niece or nephew. Seriously. I can't go through this anymore."

  Ramon stared at her, hoping she would relent. "I'll think about it."

  Then Cara threw her arms around him and gave him an unexpected hug. "Thank you."

  He bent down to hug her in return.

  With her head against his shoulder, she said, "I mean it. Thank you for everything. For letting us stay here and for being so good to us."

  He whispered, "You're welcome, Cara."

  "Please, put your brothers out of their misery." She squeezed him tighter as her voice broke a little. She sniffled and continued. "No matter what it is, they'll always be your brothers. Don't be scared. You have no idea how much Victor loves you. And I know Armando does too."

  Her emotion made him choke up. In a gentle voice, he muttered, "Let me think about it."


  After Ramon let go of Cara, he rushed to his room and shut the door. When he heard her walk down the hall, he crumpled to the floor in tears.

  The time had come, and he knew it. She was right. Victor and Armando had already lost their patience with him. And how would he feel if one of them had withheld this kind of information?

  I'll wait till tomorrow, he thought. Yeah. They could have a big talk after dinner.

  But then he realized… it was better to do it now. With a house full of strangers. People to occupy Patty, Tom, Isaac… and her… while he and his brothers had a serious talk. He didn't need everyone eavesdropping outside his office.

  Summoning all of his strength, Ramon stood and lumbered over to the broken wooden panel in his wall. He was the only one who even knew it was there. In that little crevice he had stored all of his secrets since he moved into that house when he was eight years old.

  He pried it open, then reached down to the floor for the envelope he'd found months earlier. For a moment, he scanned through the pictures inside, but when he saw Mama's face smiling back at him, he stopped.

  Oh, the lies that woman told… how he wished he'd never found those pictures. Then he'd never have known his entire life was a sham.

  Ramon closed his eyes and pressed his lips together, opening them just enough to inhale one steady breath. Clutching the envelope in his hand, he shuffled to the door and down the hall.

  He couldn't let himself think about what he was doing. He just had to do it. Get it over with. He was sick of this torment.

  When he arrived downstairs, he took one glance to make sure Marcy was still in the kitchen. There was one guy near her but it looked like he had a wife close by. So, he shrugged it off and turned to the living room to see Armando on the couch in a conversation with some of the guests.

  Ramon walked up behind him and said, "Hey, 'Mando. Need to speak with you. It's important."

  Armando nodded up at him, then did a double take when he saw his brother's red eyes. "You okay?"

  Nodding, Ramon quickly swiped his eyes and said, "You know where Victor is?"

  Instantly lifting in his seat, Armando turned his head, scanning the living room as if he sensed the reason Ramon wanted to speak with them. "I think he's outside."

  Without a word, they both rushed to the front door. Outside, Armando pursed his lips, whistled, then yelled and waved, "Victor!"

  Victor stood in a clu
ster of people in the yard. He saw his brothers and quickly hurried to join them.

  On the porch, Ramon gave each of them a hard look, then said, "Come upstairs."

  Victor gave Armando an anxious glance, but neither spoke. They simply followed Ramon upstairs, stopping in Victor and Cara's bedroom.

  Ramon closed the door. "Sorry. Rather not use my office for this. Too many people downstairs. Need some privacy." He motioned toward the chairs and said, "Have a seat."

  Victor and Armando both scooted their chairs toward the bed where Ramon had just sat. Victor asked, "What is it? You all right?"

  Ramon looked at each of them, unsure where to start. So, he put his elbow against his knee and his hand on his forehead. Then he closed his eyes and shoved the envelope forward as he stared straight down at the floor.

  "What's this?" Armando asked as he took the item from Ramon's hand.

  Ramon merely shook his head, unable to answer or look at his brothers. He took slow, calming breaths as he heard them open the envelope then take out the pictures.

  Armando stared at the first picture. "Who's this?"

  Victor pulled his chair closer to Armando and took the photo from his hand. "Is that us?"

  Armando looked at a few pictures of a small boy holding a baby. "I don't know. Is it?"

  Ramon mumbled, "Yes."

  Then Armando gasped, and Ramon knew he had come to the first picture of Mama.

  Victor took it immediately. "Oh wow. She looks so young." Eyes wide, he looked at Ramon, who was still facing the floor. "Where'd you get these? What's the problem?"

  Ramon bit his lip and slid his palm across his eye as his tears started. With a shaky voice, he said, "Just keep going."

  Victor and Armando shared a frightened glance, then Armando went to the next picture. It was another of Mama with the toddler and baby. He turned the picture over where he saw a handwritten note stating: Valeria, Victor, Armando.

  Armando asked, "Are you in here somewhere, Ramon?"

  Ramon hesitantly looked up at Armando. Tears rolling down his face, he silently mouthed, "No."

  Armando went to the next picture, and his mouth fell open. "Is that… no…"

  Ramon inhaled a long, sniffling breath, then quietly said, "That's your father."

  Armando swallowed, hard, wondering what Ramon wasn't telling them. He passed the picture to Victor and said, "Finally, we have a picture."

  Wiping his face with his T-shirt, Ramon mumbled, "There's a lot more in that pile. Maybe even more somewhere else if Henry'll tell me where to find 'em."

  Victor felt his own tears filling his eyes at the sight of the only picture he had ever seen of their father. The remaining pictures they had of Mama were taken after they moved to Texas, when the boys were older. But now they had pictures of Victor and Armando, with both of their parents. Pictures that were worth more than gold to them. Victor softly asked, "Is this what you've been hiding from us? Why?"

  Ramon looked straight up at the ceiling, hoping gravity would somehow make tears roll back the other direction so his brothers wouldn't see him like this. Then he forced out a loud, unsteady breath. "Those pictures were taken here. At this house."

  Armando narrowed his eyes at the next picture, of their parents alone. "No they weren't. Wait… were they?"

  Victor took the photo from his hand. "Yeah, I think he's right. It looks a little different, but…"

  "I'm right," Ramon said. "Henry's in there, too. Keep going." Then Ramon stood and walked to his brothers, sniffling. He stopped behind them and peered down at the pictures. "Don't you get it? You guys lived here once with Mama and Papa. I didn't."

  Victor gulped and stood, rushing around the chair to put his hand on Ramon's back. "Okay. So Henry has some kind of secret connection to our family, obviously. What is it? Why'd you hide this?"

  Ramon shrugged, then tears streamed fast and hard down his face.

  Armando got up and ran around his chair to join his brothers, his hand on Ramon's shoulder. "Hey man, it's all right." He and Victor glanced at each other, both of them stunned by Ramon's rare display of emotion. In his gentlest voice, Armando said, "Ramon, everything's fine. What's going on here? Come on. You can tell us anything."

  Through his tears, Ramon gave Armando a skeptical look and said, "Really?"

  Armando nodded enthusiastically, trying to keep his frustration under control. "Yes. Really."

  Ramon sniffled and wiped his tears, then took the remaining pictures from Armando's hand. He quickly flipped through them until he found one of a young, smiling Henry on the porch steps with the two small boys on his lap. "See? There he is. In his thirties." He blinked at the picture a few times. "I found these pictures the day before he left town."

  Victor asked, "So, Henry left because of these? Why?"

  Ramon gritted his teeth, and in a tone that was angrier than he intended, he said, "I don't know why! He left to avoid my questions. Even if you ask him, he won't tell you."

  Dazed, Armando looked around the room, shaking his head. "Fuck. I'm only more confused. Maybe Dwayne'll tell us something now." He pressed his hand to temple as though he was in pain. "Shit, Ramon. We've never had a fucking picture of Papa before. Or baby pictures. You should've told us."

  Rolling his eyes, Ramon handed the pictures back to Armando. "You still don't understand." He gulped against a rock in his throat. As his eyes welled up once again, he said, "Henry's my father."

  Armando and Victor both stared at him and said, "What?"

  Victor added, "Are you sure about that?"

  Ramon nodded as tears fell down his cheeks. "Pretty sure, yeah." He sniffled. "Hell. For all I know, the woman in those pictures ain't even my mom. She lied to me till the day she died."

  Armando gasped, then stammered in confusion for a moment as he stared at her picture. "Why would you say that? I'm either slow or in shock, but I don't get it. This is a lot to process…"

  With a hand on Ramon's back, Victor said, "Let's sit down and hash this out. " Gentling his voice, he added, "Seeing these pictures… I think my head's spinning. Start at the beginning and don't leave anything out. Tell us why you're so upset because there's obviously something Armando and I don't understand."

  Ramon shook away from Victor's grasp and stared down at the floor, inhaling deep breaths until he could speak without sobbing. In a weak voice, he said, "I found those pictures in a bank in Houston. In a safe deposit box I was never supposed to find. It had those pictures and some jewelry. Nothing else."

  Victor nodded and said, "Okay."

  Still facing the carpet, Ramon continued. "I asked Henry what it meant. Had the worst feeling about it. All he'd tell me was Mama and Papa worked here for a few years then they moved back to Mexico. He wouldn't tell me why or how long they lived here. I asked him how old you guys were in the picture. He said you," he motioned toward Armando, "were a week old. And you," he looked at Victor, "were a few months away from being three. So that meant I wasn't born yet."

  Armando stared at a picture of himself with Mama.

  Ramon said, "So I asked him how long after those pictures did they move outta here? That's when he got all pissed off. Said he loved Mama and he'd never do anything to shame her." His voice cracked, and he continued in a softer tone, wiping tears from his eyes. "And then this terrible feeling came over me. Like I'd been punched in the gut. But that's when it all finally made sense…" He stopped talking and brought a hand to his stomach.

  "What made sense?" Armando asked, his eyes taking on a frantic look.

  Ramon sniffled and said, "I was never your brother." As tears poured down his cheeks, he muttered, "Wondered why I always felt like the odd man out with you guys."

  In disbelief, Victor and Armando's eyes met.

  Victor took Ramon's arm, but he flinched and pulled away. Then Victor said, "You've always been our brother, Ramon. Why the hell would you say that? Is that what Henry told you?"

  Ramon shrugged and cleared his throat, staring at the wall
as he shoved his wrist across his eyes. "He didn't have to. I flat out asked him if he was my real dad but he wouldn't answer me. Just kept yammering on about Mama and how much he loved her, and how he'd do anything to protect her. Then he peeled outta here in his truck. Didn't tell me where he was goin'." He sniffled. "The next day there's a note from Elsa. Said she left with Henry and didn't know when they'd be back."

  Armando asked, "But you've spoken to him since. And he still won't tell you?"

  Ramon shook his head at Armando. "Not a word. Said he needed time. So, I finally quit askin' about it." He took an unsteady breath. "Says he'll be back before the wedding and he'll tell us everything. I don't know if I believe him."

  Shaking his head, Victor said, "Well, I certainly don't believe him. Whatever he's hiding must be a lot worse than we thought." He widened his eyes at Armando. "We find him. Now."

  Armando sighed. "We've tried. He's apparently an expert at staying off the grid."

  Shrugging, Victor said, "We'll try harder." Then he gave Ramon a sympathetic look. "I still don't understand why you waited so long to tell us. Is there something else? If so, now's the time to put it all out there."

  Ramon said, "No." His voice trembled slightly as he added, "I didn't wanna lose you guys just yet."

  "Huh?" Victor asked. "Lose us? Is that what you said?"

  Ramon turned his gaze up to the ceiling, avoiding his brothers' stares. "I told you. I've always been the odd man out. You know what I'm talkin' about."

  "Not really…" Armando kept his eyes on Ramon, hoping he'd meet his gaze.

  Victor's eyes narrowed at Ramon. "What exactly did you mean by, didn't wanna lose us 'yet'? Like, we'd find out we're not biologically related and," he paused, "you'd somehow lose us?"

  Eyes welling up, Ramon focused on a ceiling tile, blinking. "I don't know. I guess so. Yeah."

  Victor and Armando shared a stunned look. Then they each placed a hand on one of Ramon's shoulders.

  Ramon closed his eyes as they argued with him, saying things like, "That's ridiculous!" and "Are you crazy?" and "You could never lose us." Their words lingered in the air around him but he was afraid to let them sink in.


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