Taking A Chance
Page 5
“Just so we’re clear,” she started to speak, “we’re on a mid-term break from school. I’m not cutting class.” Sucking in a breath, Ava walked up to him and held out her hand. “I’m Ava Schultz, welcome to St. Helena.”
Vance took her hand and gave it a shake. “Nice to meet you, Ava Schultz. I’m Vance Donovan. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Jordan let out a breath she’d realized that she’d been holding. “Good. Now I’m going to go and change my clothes so I can finish making breakfast. The two of you,” she gave both of them a look, “will behave until I get back.”
She started to walk away and was almost to her bedroom door when Ava turned and took a good look at Vance and the pants that were sitting a little low on his hips. “Can he go put on some clothes now?”
Jordan didn’t even bother stopping. She held up her hands in surrender. “Oh my God, deal with it, you two!”
Vance met Ava’s pointed look with one of his own.
“Just what,” Ava asked him, “are you doing here… with my mom?”
“Spending time with her, like she said.”
“And before you get the idea to ask me why I’m so upset,” she gave him a look down her nose which was pretty impressive, considering that he was taller than her by a good seven or eight inches, “I don’t need to explain myself to you.”
He shrugged. “Good enough, but I think your mom’s going to ask you that when she gets back.”
“Then we’ll let her ask me, okay?” She gave him a nod, ending that part of the conversation. “But really, if you want to know, I’m just here to make sure you’re not some asshole who’s come to take advantage of my mom.”
Vance heard the truth in her words, saw the concern in her eyes. “Well, the jury’s still out on the asshole part,” he explained, “but I’m not here to take advantage of your mom. She’s a wonderful woman and I want to get to know her better.”
Ava took in his words and gave him a once over. “Well, I’ll be happy to tell you if you’re an asshole. But if you don’t want me to go ballistic on you before we’ve even had our breakfast, you’re going to go and put on some more clothes.”
Vance heard the note of finality in her voice and gave her a smile. “You really are your mother’s daughter, aren’t you?” Laughing, he headed for the guest room and almost missed her muttered comment.
“You’re damn straight, I am.”
Chapter 6
With breakfast behind them, Jordan had gone into the office with the assurance that the ‘kiddies’ that had been left home were both going to be alive and relatively unscathed when she got back.
Jordan had done more than her fair share of work that morning, getting Vance and Ava on an even footing with each other. And Vance had been proud to see that Ava’s initial outburst had served its purpose. They’d had a rather frank discussion about just how long he'd known Jordan, and Ava, while seemingly hurt that she hadn't known about this building relationship, managed to offer up a few smiles during the meal and even volunteered to clean up after so her mother wasn't late to the office.
Even after their adult supervision had left, he and Ava seemed to fall into an odd truce of sorts. Choosing to sit on the couch that morning, and enjoy the sunlight slanting through the garden window, Vance had been surprised when Ava appeared at the side of the couch, the remote dangling from her fingers.
When he looked up at her she tilted her head toward the TV mounted to the wall. “Mind if I watch?”
Mindful of the fact that he’d just gotten on an even keel with Jordan’s daughter, he shrugged. “Sure.” He braced a foot on the base of the sofa and set the tablet against his knee. He could focus through some noise. If he could handle New York City’s ambient noise, he could handle a TV program and one college aged girl. Setting his timer for a thirty-minute limit he started in on the next chapter, but when the timer went off he was surprised that he hadn’t heard much of anything while he was writing.
Vance looked up at the television over the edge of his tablet and waited for someone to say something. Mouths were moving, but there wasn’t a bit of sound coming out of anyone’s mouths. And then, in the back of the screen, a car crashed through a police blockade. Everyone on the screen flinched and people were suddenly, running and screaming. Still no sound.
Vance looked over at Ava where she was leaning on the arm of the couch, watching with rapt attention. She giggled, or at least he thought she did. Her shoulders moved, her nose crinkled up in a gesture that was identical to her mother, but where he expected to hear laughter, he heard nothing.
Vance cleared his throat. Sound. He heard that.
He switched apps on his tablet and pressed on the first random news video that popped up. Yep, sound.
Turning it off, he twisted slightly, looking straight at Ava. “Is there something wrong with the TV?”
She waited a moment, her eyes glued to the screen as the hero finished kissing the living daylights out of the heroine. When it was over, she turned to look at him. “No. Why?” She waited half a second and then pushed the remote toward him. “You want to watch something?”
He shook his head. “No, no… I was just wondering.” Van pointed at the screen. “There’s no sound.”
Ava’s shoulders shook with a silent giggle, she tucked her legs underneath her and leaned against the back of the couch. “Mom said not to bother you. So, I turned off the sound.”
Shock. Yes, shock. Vance didn’t know what to make of the statement. Just when he felt a flood of gratitude for the gesture, Ava continued on.
“She said you can be a real grouch when you’re writing.”
Well, thanks. He saw the sly twist of a smile at the corner of her mouth. “You are good.”
Using her arm on the sofa back as leverage, Ava leaned closer. “You almost bought it.” Sitting back, she gave him a nod and a smile. “Besides, I haven’t had much of a chance to talk to her about you. But she said to be nice, so I took her request as an order. Besides,” she tilted her head toward the TV, “I’ve seen this episode like, a thousand times.” And by the vehemence in her voice, he was leaning toward taking it as gospel as well.
She was caught up in the beginning of another car chase when Vance managed to say, “thank you.”
Ava smiled, but didn’t turn back. “You’re welcome.”
Around lunchtime, Jordan’s office door opened and nearly banged off of the wall. She didn’t have to ask who it was in her doorway, there was only one person who entered in that particular fashion. Setting down her pen, she swept her gaze to the doorway. “Good afternoon, Francesca.”
“Francesca?” Frankie narrowed her eyes at Jordan. “Are you asking for me to kick your-”
“Go ahead and try, mamacita.” Jordan got out of her chair and met Frankie in the center of the room for a hug. “Seriously, one of these days you’re going to rip my door out of its hinges and you’re going to owe me one.”
“You wish,” Frankie gave Jordan a big smacking kiss on her cheek. “You and I are going to lunch.” Adjusting her purse on her shoulder, Frankie gave Jordan a look. “You’re going to buy me lunch and then you’re going to tell me all about the hot sex you’ve been having with Vance Donovan.”
Jordan stopped stock still in the center of the floor and Frankie stopped a couple of steps after, when she realized that her friend wasn’t at her side.
“Wait a minute,” Frankie turned back around and walked right up to Jordan, nose to shoulder. “Seriously? You’ve done it. With Vance Donovan?”
Jordan rolled her eyes and smiled, a hesitant little grin.
“Oh my god,” Frankie grabbed both of her arms, “you’ve done it more than once?”
“Shhh,” Jordan looked at the open door, “seriously, you’re going to get me fired-”
Now it was Frankie’s turn to roll her eyes. “Please! Like Gabe would dare!”
“Well,” Jordan laughed, “if everyone knows I’m…”
“Boinking the
boss’ best friend?”
“Stop!” Jordan laughed. “You need to stop before I-”
“Pee yourself?” Frankie leaned in with a wink. “Girl, I shouldn’t be the only one worrying about that.”
The two women were giggling something fierce when Gabe walked in and stopped short.
“Hey there,” he grinned as the two women swiveled their gazes at him. “What’s so funny?”
Frankie dissolved into laughter and then her eyes widened slightly. Jordan grabbed her arm carefully and whispered in her ear. “Down the hall, second door on the left.”
With a wink, Frankie took off, half-pushing Gabe out of the way. “Excuse me.”
Jordan made sure she heard the door click shut before she turned her attention to Gabe. “Sorry, she’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Gabe shrugged. “I’m here to see you.”
“Oh?” Jordan gestured to the chairs in front of her desk and the two of them sat down together. “Is everything okay?”
His gaze fixed on her face, Gabriel leaned on the arm of his chair. “That’s my line, I think. I saw your email request for the afternoon off. I’m pretty sure you work enough overtime that you never bill me for, so go ahead and take the afternoon off. I’m sure he’ll enjoy the chance to spend more time with you.”
Jordan tried not to fidget in front of him. “You’re asking about Vance.”
“Can you blame me?” Gabe reached up his hand and rubbed his fingers along the line of his jaw.
“We’re just going to see the Daughters of Prohibition exhibits this afternoon, I’m not doing anything wrong-”
“Hey, wait,” Gabe held out his hand to her, “don’t. I wasn’t even thinking that.”
Jordan let out a long exhale. “Oh, good.”
Gabe leaned forward in his chair, bracing his forearms on his knees. “Jordan, I’ve known Vance Donovan for a long time. He’s a really good friend and a smart business man, but more importantly, I think Vance is a good person.”
Jordan nodded. “I don’t think you’d be friends with him if he wasn’t.”
A big smile was her first answer. “But, Jordan,” Gabe sat up in the chair, his eyes focused intently on her face, “you’re family. And the DeLuca’s take care of family.”
Tears started to gather on her lashes, but Jordan couldn’t just let them loose, she was made of tougher stuff than that. “Does that mean,” she kept a smile on her lips, “that if Vance hurts me, he’ll end up in the concrete foundation of some construction site?”
Gabe laughed, a good healthy chuckle. “No, but maybe we’ll just let him fertilize one of our vineyards,” he leaned back in his chair, “from the ground up.” They laughed together until Jordan was swiping at her cheeks to brush away the tears. “Seriously though? When I introduced you two in San Francisco, I could tell there was something between you.”
“Really?” Jordan picked up a pad of paper from her desk and started to fan herself. “How?”
“When I’ve been around Vance before, the ladies always notice him. He may not be what people see as model gorgeous-”
“Like you and your brothers,” she shrugged, “you guys are dangerous…”
“Well, some would say,” he laughed and brushed it off, “but there’s never a shortage of pretty women around Vance. He has a way about him, but,” Gabe continued on, “but he’s never really shown a serious interest in them. Sure, he’ll sign some autographs, have some polite conversation, but you-”
“So, you’re saying, he’s different around me?”
Gabe nodded. “Just as much as you’re different around him.”
Jordan narrowed her eyes at her boss. “How?”
“You’re a gorgeous woman, Jordan. You’re smart and you’ve got a spark, but when we had dinner that night with Vance,” Gabe leaned forward again, his expression softening, his eyes focused on her, “you were different. And when I left you two at the restaurant, you hardly noticed.”
Sitting back in her chair, Jordan tried to process his words. Was she that different around Vance? She seemed to be just the same old Jordan, didn’t she?
“I knew you two would talk on the phone when Vance would call the office, but I didn’t know you two were talking that much.” Bracing his hands on the chair, Gabe stood and walked over to her. He placed a kiss on her forehead before he stepped back. “If this works out for you two-”
“Gabe,” Jordan stood shaking her head, “this isn’t about a long-term thing.” She blushed at the way that sounded. “We’re… enjoying our time together. We’re adults and I’m sure this kind of thing happens all the time. And I’m sure,” she drew in a short breath, “when it’s all said and done, it’ll be a great memory.”
Nodding, Gabe looked her in the eye and she swallowed, lifting her hand to her throat.
“Well, the offer still stands to kick his ass if he’s a jerk to you. I love you, Jordan Schultz. We all do.”
Jordan laughed at that, the lingering tension easing out of her shoulders. “I love you too, Gabriel DeLuca, you guys are the best.”
She watched him leave the office as Frankie darted back in. “Okay,” she gushed, “I’ve peed… now let’s go eat.”
Chapter 7
Vance stepped out of Ava’s car with a new appreciation for clowns. His spine felt like it was permanently folded in half and once free of the car, he braced his hands on his lower back and stretched backward.
“Oh wow.”
He cracked open an eye and saw Ava leaning on the top of her car and staring at him.
“Are you going to be okay?” Before he could answer she continued on, “I could call for an ambulance. There’s a hot Orthopedic Doc in town. I’ll be happy to help you limp into his office.”
He held up a hand to ward her off, but she kept going.
“Or, one quick call to 911 and I can have the firemen here in a minute.” She winked and leaned her cheek on the top of the car. “The station is just down the street and not a one of them is hard to look at.”
“Does your mother know that you know all the hot men in town?”
She gave him a look that made him cringe and chuckle at the same time. “First of all, I’m an adult! Secondly, just because I know where to find the hot guys, it doesn’t mean I’m involved with any of them.” She let out a long dramatic sigh. “I can still dream.”
Vance cringed. “I don’t know if I’m okay with that.”
Ava stood straight up and folded her arms across her chest. A quick brush of wind stirred the ends of her hair and he smiled as the blue strands brushed across her face. “You know, laughing at me after you make a comment like that, is going to get you kicked in the shins.”
Vance leaned a hand on the car. “Ava. I’m not laughing at you. I just worry about you.”
“Worry?” She scoffed. “About me?”
Turning toward the car, Vance folded his arms on the roof. “Yes, about you.” He saw her narrow her eyes at him. “Look, I know you just met me, but your mother’s been talking about you since we met.” He held up a hand to stop her from interrupting. “Before you get upset-”
Her lips pursed together and an expertly groomed eyebrow crooked up over her eye.
“Well,” he sighed, “I’m guessing that ship has sailed.”
She folded her arms over her chest, sunlight winking off the costume rings she wore across three of her knuckles. “You think? Good for you.”
“Ava, she loves you. Really loves you. And when she talks about you that’s all I hear in her voice. She’s proud of what you’ve accomplished and she knows that you’ll be amazing at whatever it is you plan to do. And all these months, listening to her talk about you, seeing the photos she’s posted on Facebook. I feel like I got to know you a little too.” He saw the tension slowly easing from her shoulders. “So, I care about you and I’m going to worry about you. How could anyone who knows you or your mom not care about you two?”
He saw the shutters slam shut and knew he’d stuck h
is foot in it.
“Ava, I-’
“No,” she jammed her hand in her pocket and yanked out her keys, “just don’t, okay?” She stared at the ring of keys in her hand. “Look, I want to believe what you’re saying is the truth.” She blinked a few times and he could have sworn he saw tears. “But in my experience, it doesn’t always work like that.” She stepped up to the car and yanked open her door. “Do me a favor. Just focus on my mom, okay. Just make her happy.” She gave him a glare. “Because if you hurt her, I’m going to eviscerate you and dance on your entrails!”
Stepping into her car she revved the engine and almost ran over his toes as she pulled away from the curb.
“Wow.” Vance smiled. “She certainly has a way with words.”
“Hey,” he felt a pair of arms circle around his waist and a kiss pressed against his neck. “What’s up with, Ava?”
Vance turned around in Jordan’s arms, ready to explain, but she kissed him on the lips. Circling his arms around her, he deepened the kiss enough to ease the tight line of his shoulders. When they pulled back Jordan turned her head down the street.
“Is she really upset with me?”
Leaving one arm around her waist, Vance walked them to the curb and up the bottom step of the Town Hall. “She’s mad at me. And I think I know why.” He saw her confusion in the crease between her brows. “I said that anyone would care for the both of you and then she shut down. It’s her father, isn’t it?”
Jordan’s face drained of color. “Probably.” She shuddered and Vance drew her closer, holding her close to his side as he brushed a kiss on her cheek. “Steve did a number on both of us, but I think he hurt her the most.”
“Jordan, I think maybe-”
“I think we should go inside.” Her tone and the smile in her eyes were a little too bright to be real, but he certainly wasn’t going to argue with her. “You wanted to see the Prohibition Exhibit for your story and that’s what we’re going to do.” She must have seen the concern written on his face. “Look, if you want to talk about Steve later, we can do that, but Mrs. Harper gets really testy if you make her miss her soaps. So, let’s get inside, okay?”