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Bloody Ties

Page 4

by Claire Marta

  “Slim, muscular, masculine dress. Cropped tawny hair, blue eyes I think. I wasn’t able to pull much.”

  “And the princess?”

  “Jesus Mike, were you not paying attention earlier?” I bark.

  “First off, don’t call me Mike, asshole. Secondly, nope. Not at all.”

  “Next time you better pay better attention in the damn meetings or I’ll punish you. We’re looking for a girl with long dark hair and light brown eyes. That’s all Oscar was able to pull. Seems these men are trained well enough to hide her, even from their own minds.”

  “Well that narrows it down.” He bitches.

  Before I can go over and reprimand him, my phone rings.

  “What?” I bark.

  “We might have something.”


  “Just past Yankee Stadium.”

  “We’re on our way.”

  “Keep up.” Is all the warning I give them before taking off.


  We get about halfway on foot, no use exerting all our energy in case of a fight. To be able to go places without risk of being followed we run, extra burst of strength and speed allows us to move at alarming pace.

  Jamal drives us to the stadium, at two-thirty in the morning it’s an eerie sight. Looming there in the darkness behind us.

  “Just a few blocks north from here. Rather suspicious looking car with two females. Not the first time they’ve been spotted. Some of our guys have seen the same car whizzing in and out of Manhattan the past few days.”

  “And why was I not alerted?” I ask the man. I think his name is Dane, but really, who the fuck cares?

  “Lots of people in these cities. Can’t be accountable for them all.”

  The ground shakes when my punch knocks him on his ass.

  “Was it easy to tell they were Supernatural?”

  “Yes. The lighter haired one was seen out and about. We managed to look into security footage of hotels, banks and the like. They had that air about them.”

  “Again, why am I just hearing about this now? You had time to do all of that?”

  “We were on alert as they were asking very specific questions about the whereabouts of the two covens. Seemed the light haired one knew who and what to ask.

  The darker one stayed hidden.

  We were investigating, as is our job in these types of situations.

  It wasn’t until Master Oscar released the information about the missing girl that our men put two and two together.”

  “You know, you keep saying ‘we’ and ‘our’ but I should have been informed of all this way before now.

  Yes, I know I would have told you and some of my men,” I make sure to emphasize ‘my’. “To do the exact investigation you just described. But I still should have known.”

  Phillip grabs his arms from behind.

  Dane has the good sense to look afraid when I pull out my blade.

  “Don’t worry; it’ll only hurt, a lot. But then it’ll be over.”

  With deadly precision I sink the knife into his stomach, twisting, making sure to tear up his guts so he feels every bit of pain he can.

  Then I slowly retract the blade. Staring into his eyes the entire time.

  A quick thrust under the sternum and right into the heart. A little extra twist to the organ and I watch the life drain from his eyes.

  In a matter of hours he’ll be nothing but dust. “Get rid of it.” I won’t take any chances that he’ll not be ash before the sun rises and people start returning to their lives.

  Jamal throws him over his shoulder, his impressive muscles bulging as he does so. Then he’s gone, and even my enhanced eyesight can’t find the dark man in the blackness of the night.

  “Shall we go rescue the princess?” I ask my brothers.

  Three identical malicious grins answer.


  A handful of days have passed and I feel like I’m losing my mind. Waiting for my father to find us has me on edge. Each hotel Kylie has dragged me to is nothing more than a merging blur.

  Glancing out of the car window I watch the lights of the shops in the dark as we pass them by.

  “We can’t move properly until I leave enough bread crumbs.” Kylie murmurs as she turns down the radio that’s been playing non-stop songs since we got back on the road. “Once they think we are headed to Mexico we can head for our real objective.”

  “Which is?” Raising the bottle of tequila I enjoy the burn as it courses down my throat. It’s the only thing that can stave off my hunger.

  Gnawing at my insides the thirst only grows.


  Her answer halts the edge of the bottle against my lip. “Canada?”

  Which meant no cities, people, or entertainment. My mood sours with the liquor I have been downing.

  “Plenty of wilderness to hide in. We can get lost and never be found.”

  “You really think he won’t find us out there?”

  Her tiny hesitation only confirms my fear. It won’t matter where we go.

  “You promised me a blood donor.” I tell her when she doesn’t answer.

  “I know and you’ll get one.” Glancing at the rearview mirror she checks the traffic.

  I know she’s paranoid we’re being followed. She’s been like this for days.


  “Ava, we have to be careful. If you’re recognized we’re screwed.”

  “I’m hungry.” I don’t like waiting. Kylie of all people knows that.

  “Don’t whine. I’ll get you some pig’s blood. I know it’s not perfect, but it will tide you over for a while longer.”

  Just the thought of animal’s blood makes my stomach roll. “I think I would rather starve to death.”

  The steering wheel cracks under the pressure of her irritated grip. “Quit being such a bitch.”

  “You’d be a raving bitch too, stuck in hotel rooms for days on end. I can’t even go out for some air.”

  I need some blood and I need a cock. In which order I don’t care. Taking another deep swig I let the alcohol dull the edge of my need, but I know I am just a ticking time bomb. From the expression on Kylie’s face she knows it too.

  “Right now it’s dangerous for you. It’s not just your father hunting for you now; the Rochesters got wind that you bolted.”

  “I don’t care about the fucking Rochesters. I don’t even know what this stupid feud is about.” My father has never talked about it. It’s his war not mine.

  In frustration I wedge the bottle I’m holding between my thighs.

  “You should. They’re nothing but low life thugs who would like nothing better than to get their hands on you. Your father had Lucius’s first born son murdered in his bed. The boy was seven-years-old, Ava. Nothing but a child. The revenge they would wreak on you if they find you is something I don’t dare to even think about. They will have you begging for death before it’s through.”

  Kylie’s words have the desired effect and silence me. Being at my father’s mercy is one thing. Experiencing it at the hands of others is something else.

  Cutting me up is something they wouldn’t hesitate in doing. There would be no limits to their torture.

  “Fine, I’ll find somewhere to stop for you to feed but we do this my way.” She grumbled as the silence stretches.

  Ten minutes later and we’re parked down a narrow street. If it’s even possible this part of town is even seedier than what I’ve seen so far.

  “Your arse stays in the car until I tell you to get out.” Kylie’s tone brokers no argument and right now I don’t even want to try.

  Door slamming shut I watch through the windshield as she slinks off into the dark.


  “The corner,” Phillip breathes.

  I can’t see him from my vantage point; we chose buildings on opposite sides of the narrow street.

  Swinging my gaze to the corner on the far end of the block I feel a smile curl at my lips

  Oh yes, this arrogant princess is even dumber than I first thought. Sending her companion out in the dark alone.

  We have a whole team lying in wait for them. They won’t be needed though, I don’t think. It’s been awhile since my brothers and I had some fun.

  I motion Oscar to follow me and send a message to one of our closest guys; Keep everyone the fuck away until I say so.

  Not trusting my voice so close to the target I tell my brothers, Michael and Phillip surround the car. Oscar on my signal grab the bitch.

  Within seconds I go from standing on the rooftop to standing in front of the woman matching the companion’s description perfectly.

  Oscar grabs her arm but she effortlessly tosses him off. I smile because I always love a good fight. I rush her, but she was prepared for that and easily dodges me.

  I, however, was prepared for that.

  With easy grace I double back only to find her locked in combat with my brother. I don’t doubt Oscar’s abilities but I do send him a little incentive, Lose to her and I’ll smother you in your sleep, brother.

  I’ve done it before. Would have probably killed him if his mother didn’t choose to walk in. Oh well.

  Turning to see how Michael and Phillip are fairing I’m pissed to discover it’s not going well, at all.

  Sighing I alert our other men that they are needed and jump into the fight.

  Who knew one runaway princess was going to be so hard to catch.

  A hard kick sends Michael to the floor. Phillip comes in from behind and manages to get a hand in her hair. I know if she wasn’t thrashing around so much she’d already have a knife at her throat.

  I sense Jamal near me so I motion my head to where Oscar is squaring off with the companion.

  I take a few steps forward just as the princess swings around and clips Phillip in the jaw with a well placed kick.

  Well damn.

  His hand twists, pulls her hair and she lets out a scream. Michael is there with a knife and sinks it deep into her thigh as she lets her arm fly out, catching him in the chest.

  Seems someone trained this girl well.

  But not well enough to handle three of us.

  With ease I twist her arms behind her back and in a tone that is not my norm say, “It’s okay, sweetheart, we’re here to help you.” I have to hold back a laugh.

  Phillip doesn’t stop his snort and I shoot him a glare. But her gasp causes me to look down and suddenly I’m staring into the amber eyes that for almost four days have haunted my subconscious.

  “Michael?” She whispers.

  My brothers freeze.

  “How did you get that name?” The real Michael asks.

  With a cruel smile I use my free hand to hold my blade to her throat. Pressing down I watch as the blood spills across her flesh.

  “Ava Carr,” I purr. “Such a lovely name for a lovely girl. Shall I formally introduce myself?” I ask.

  With a nod I motion for Michael to back up. He does so immediately.

  With one hand tangled in her hair Phillip clasps her wrists right above mine and I release her. Michael takes my blade from me, keeping it at her throat.

  Moving I stand directly in front of her so I can watch those amber eyes dance like they have hellfire burning in them.

  “Damien Rochester at your service, darling.” I say with a smirk and a little bow.



  LIPS PARTED I STARE AT THE FIGURE who has been at the centre of my erotic fantasies for the last four days. Rochester. The name twists inside me just as the blade had in my thigh. Then comes the rage.

  “You cock sucking bastard!” I feel the bite of the blade against my throat but I don’t care. A red haze is swimming in front of my eyes. Baring my fangs I hiss.

  “Easy now, sweetheart.” The one directly behind me whispers in my ear. “We don’t want to damage this flawless skin of yours. Not yet anyway.”

  Jerking in his grip his threat does nothing to deter me. I would rather die than be a prisoner again.

  Blood is flowing freely from the wound in my leg.

  Sticky and warm I can feel it drenching my sweatpants.

  Without feeding recently I know it won’t heal as rapidly as it should. Bleeding to death will be a quicker end than at the hand of these animals.

  Ava do not let them take you. I repeat do not let them take you from here breathing.

  My eyes lock with Kylie’s.

  They have her cornered.

  Although I know she is military trained I also know they won’t let her survive once they get her down. There are too many of them.

  I understand her message. Death is better than what they intend.

  “I had no idea what a prize you were back there at the party the other night, but I definitely won’t be letting you go now.”

  Michael, No Damien, I correct myself is wearing a look of smugness. He really is a handsome arsehole. Black curls now blond, his silver eyes pin me with a burning contempt.

  “I’d rather die.” Jutting my chin the wound he inflicted on my neck stings.

  “Oh, you don’t get to die until we’re done with you.” Reaching out he runs the back of his knuckles down my cheek.

  Gritting my teeth I try to deny the tingle his touch leaves in its wake. I know who he is now. My enemy.

  A male probably just as bad as my father. Yet my body doesn’t care.

  My insides clench in lustful need.


  Kylie’s warning is the only one I get before all hell lets loose. Gunfire blasts through the alley. Voices raised Damien and his men suddenly realise we are not alone.


  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I growl. “Grab them and get them out of here, now! And make sure they stay alive.” I glare at the fair headed one called, Kylie. Yeah, I listened in on their conversation. Wasn’t hard getting into Kylie’s head. Seems she’s not as strong as she tries to be.

  “Phillip with me.” I snap.

  Oscar and Phillip change places. Jamal has a hold on Kylie now while Oscar and Michael hold Ava.

  Can’t believe the girl I’ve been wanting to fuck is the fucking enemy. So glad my brothers don’t know that. I would have had to kill them all if so, the teasing would have driven me mad.

  Our men fire back to the unseen forces.

  I know without asking that reinforcements are already on their way, this is our territory.

  Removing my gun from its holster I vault myself onto the nearest building. Phillip follows behind.

  “They must have been tracking the girl.”

  “Don’t piss me off by saying obvious shit right now. I will shoot you, brother.”

  “Twelve o’clock.”

  “I see him.”

  Two silver bullets directly to the chest. If they don’t kill him they’ll certainly slow him down.

  Shots ring out all around. My brothers better hope they got Ava and her companion out of here.

  A shuffle comes from behind, spinning I get one asshole in the center of the forehead. The other manages to dodge Phillip’s bullet so it grazes his shoulder. He rushes at us and I sink a knife into the center of his throat. Phillip is there twisting and ripping his throat out.

  “We need to get the fuck out of here. Have them hold the bastards off as long as they can then fall back.” I order before jumping clear across the street to another building.

  I hear Phillip land behind me. We descend the fire escape and make our way seven blocks south. Past where we left the car, but hopefully my brothers were able to escape.

  Shots ring out from behind. Phillip blindly empties his clip. The sound of three bodies dropping meets our ears as we briskly walk.

  Past the stadium, sticking to the shadows. More shots and something lands in front of us.

  “I’m so tired of this shit.” I growl before taking out another knife and releasing it from my fingers. It sinks into the flesh of the man’s stomach but that
doesn’t stop him from unleashing hell on us.

  Tossing my gun to Phillip I catch the knife he throws at me in mid-air.

  The asshole is dead before I can even fully grip the blade. “There will be more on the way. I would like to be far away before then.”

  We hightail it a few more blocks before quickly “borrowing” one of the cars that line the street.

  Thankfully most people are dead asleep at four am.


  We ditched the stolen car a few miles away and walked the rest of the way to the manor. Apparently I got shot as we were escaping. Luckily vampire blood is not the same as human and even if there’s anything left in the car after our guys torch it they won’t be able to track anything to us.

  The DNA properties will just confuse them, and then a higher up will shut the investigation down because they can’t have civilians knowing about our existence. Fearful assholes.

  The manor is eerily silent. After the night we just had that is never a good sign.

  Running down the stairs to our below ground bunkers I find not only Jamal, Michael, Oscar, the princess and her companion. But Lucius. Fuck.

  Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

  “Looks like you had a very interesting night, Damien.” He sneers. “I wonder, why I wasn’t informed of this little operation?”

  “You didn’t need to be, that’s why.”

  “Really?” He raises a dark eyebrow. “This is my coven, isn’t it? My state. You spent half the night out with my men and my sons. Capturing the abomination of my enemy and you didn’t think to inform me?

  Very interesting.”

  “Nothing interesting about it, Lucius. I did what I had to do. I did my job. I would appreciate if you allowed me to finish it.” I look directly at a tied up Ava when I say the last few words.

  Bitch has the balls to hiss at me. I have to admire her spirit.

  The fist to the face has me across the room. Everyone stills. I don’t get up. The bones of my cheek ache. Motherfucker.

  “Touch me again.” I dare him.

  Lucius aims a disgusted look my way and then walks out of the room. He’ll leave this alone for now.

  “Get a handful of trustworthy men to stand guard. Anyone loyal to Lucius is not allowed near them.”

  Everyone stares at me. “Now, Michael,” I bark.


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