The Pink Rose: Secrets, Love and Betrayal
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The Pink Rose: Secrets, Love and Betrayal
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
The Pink Rose: Secrets, Love and Betrayal
Alicia Roberts
Copyright 2012 by Alicia Roberts
Smashwords Edition
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Adult Reading Material
The Pink Rose: Secrets, Love and Betrayal
Max Wilson is CEO and majority shareholder of Zetta Corp. Ever since he first noticed his shy accountant Amy Sanders, he's been trying to get her attention. So when she finally agrees to be his escort to an important gala, he knows exactly what he wants from her.
What he doesn't know is that Amy's cousin is Nicky Dunn, his business rival. Soon, it seems as though there's a mole inside the company, leaking important information to Nicky…
The Pink Rose is the first story in The Wilson's series. It's a sexy, contemporary romance.
Chapter One
"What do you mean, we should end this? You're supposed to be asking me to move in with you and make tabloid headlines, not asking to end this!"
Chloe's chilly voice ricocheted through his mind. He'd finally broken up with her over dinner last night. He wasn't going to be a coward and do it over the phone, and Chloe was classy enough not to create a scene in a popular restaurant. She stuck to hissed threats and would presumably leave him alone now.
"Classy" - yes, that was one way to describe her, since she was from one of the oldest families in America and was elegant and well-educated. But she was also ruthless, clingy and ambitious. The spark between them had long since died out, she'd started demanding expensive "gifts" more frequently than before, and her not-so-subtle hints for moving the relationship forward had finally pushed Max to ask for a break.
Sighing, Max ran one hand through his dark hair.
It was late and he should get home. Instead, he was sitting in his leather and mahogany furnished corner office, staring at his laptop and pretending to work. Not that working would make much difference - Nicky Dunn, a ruthless competitor, had been nipping at his heels for a few weeks now, bidding up the prices of companies he wanted to buy, and nothing Max did seemed to make a difference.
Max wasn't thrilled about breaking things off with Chloe either. Just a few years ago, he'd been hopping from one girl to another, unable to stay with the same person for too long. But that got old faster than he'd predicted, and though he didn't believe in love, he'd wanted to be with someone he could trust and whose company he could enjoy, not someone who was just with him to get into the tabloids as the escort of a billionaire playboy or to get some pretty, expensive trinkets from him. But being with Chloe had changed his mind about longer term things - he'd better stick to short-term flings for now.
And of course, his break-up timing had been perfect. Tomorrow night was the big charity gala, and as CEO and majority owner of the multi-conglomerate Zetta Corp he was expected to attend - but now he had nobody to take as his date. He knew a number of socialites, models and starlets who'd be happy to be seen on his arm, but he rejected the thought of taking any of them.
"I'll deal with this tomorrow, along with the rest of my business mess," he muttered to himself, as he finally packed his things and headed towards the exit. The floor was empty, except for the one cubicle in the accounting department.
He found himself walking towards it, and Amy lifted her head to give him a quick smile. His breath caught briefly, but he forced himself to walk up to her. Brown haired and dark-eyed, Amy dressed in demure outfits and seemed to spend most of her time trying to avoid eye contact with him. At least she couldn't run off suddenly this time.
"Burning the midnight oil?" He gave a rakish smile and made a mock disapproving noise. "Why aren't you home yet or out partying and having fun?"
Amy's smile was polite, and she mumbled something vague about work.
Even though Amy had been here for almost a year now, he didn't know much about her. She'd been so good at fading into the background that he hadn't really noticed her until a few months ago, when their eyes met during a meeting and he hadn't been able to look away for what seemed like ages.
The current that had flowed between them at that moment was unmistakable, and he wondered why she was so insistent on avoiding him. He'd never been so attracted to an employee - and despite the fact that she never tried to flirt with him or even seemed impressed by his jokes, he was tempted to get to know her better.
But he was the CEO, and his HR department would have a fit if they found out he'd propositioned an employee. So of course he acted like a good boss around her, even when he was tempted to peek at her shapely behind if she ever dropped something on the floor.
As he watched her slim fingers fiddle with various papers, the idea popped into his mind.
"Why don't you come with me to the charity gala tomorrow night?"
Amy stopped working with her files and looked up at him. Her surprise was obvious, and before she could object, Max went on, "I'll be representing the Zetta Corp and I need an escort; it's nothing personal."
"Of course." And then after a pause, "But what about Chloe?"
Max winced. "That's over. We weren't right for each other."
It was close to the truth, at least. Despite Chloe's beauty and elegance, there was something cold and dark inside her that frightened him. So he'd keep looking.
"And what about…" Amy let her voice trail off. She didn't need to name names.
Max smiled. "I'm not interested in pampering some socialite right now. I just need someone to stand by my side while we say a quick hello to some folks and we'll be done."
"I see." Amy nodded and Max felt a surge of satisfaction. Yes, he'd done a good job of making it sound like a business outing. Which was all it would be - he'd turn up dutifully and then leave as soon as he could. It would be a relief to go with someone who didn't need to constantly hog the limelight and stay out as long as possible. Surely HR couldn't frown upon this - Amy would be representing the Zetta Corp and it would be all about business.
But she still seemed to be hesitating. It wasn't in her job description, that much was true.
"I'll tell HR to give you the day off tomorrow, and have my assistant set up an appointment for you at the spa and stylist. This is for work, so it's all on the company's expense account. She'll give you a buzz tomorrow, and then I'll pick you up at six."
He watched as the last of her defenses melted away. He was right, what girl could resist a day off from work and being pampered and spoiled.
"I'll see you then," he said, turning around and walking away before she could protest or say something to change his mind.
When Max left, Amy allowed herself to breathe again.
So, this was real. This was happening. Just breathe - in, out, and repeat.
Max had just asked her to go to an exclusive gala with him. Sure, it was just business, and it
had nothing to do with her at all. As he'd explained, he needed an escort for a little while, someone who wouldn't bother him or get on his nerves while he fulfilled his official role of representing Zetta Corp.
She gulped, as she closed the files, switched off the PC and packed her bag. Since she had the day off tomorrow, she should probably work a bit more. But she'd already done more than her share, and she was distracted by the prospect of being with Max tomorrow night.
He was handsome, dark and alluring. She'd had a tiny crush on him from the first moment she saw him, but she'd made sure not to show it. He was her boss, after all, and he was with a different girl every other month.
And of course, there was the not-so-tiny matter of her cousin Nicky, something she'd always hidden. She knew that as soon as her employers found out, she'd be fired. Avoiding Max seemed like a good way of protecting her secret.
Nicky had offered her a job when she'd graduated, but she wanted to carve out her career path on her own, and that path had ironically led her to Zetta Corp. Amy was determined to do well at work and that her success would be dependant on her efforts and intelligence and would have nothing to do with depending on her family.
Going to the charity gala as the CEO's escort would mean looking like she belonged, so when Adele Harris, Max's assistant called her the next morning with details of the spa and boutique she was to visit, she nodded and took down the details. Adele didn't mention that the head of HR wasn't too pleased with Max for asking Amy to the gala and that his brother Matt, who was head of Acquisitions, had sneered at his choice.
Her first appointment was at eleven, and she was surprised Max had gotten an appointment at the exclusive spa on such short notice. But then again, what had she expected - a cheap corner place offering quick pedicures? No, Max had pulled out all the stops, she learned, as the sleek brunette who offered her green tea infused with the essence of kafir leaves explained her treatments. In the following hours, she received waxes, pedicures and manicures, a body wrap, and finally a scalp massage and a full-body massage.
When she emerged from the spa's inner sanctum, her skin was glowing and she felt relaxed and happy. So this was what a good spa treatment felt like, Amy thought deciding to do it once a month. And then she laughed - no, she needed to save her cash and she knew how expensive all this was. As she admired her newly shaped and painted nails, the brunette who'd greeted her informed her that Matt had sent a limo to take her to the stylist.
She was slightly taken aback to hear that he'd sent her a limo, but a long, dark car was parked outside for her and the chauffeur opened the door and waited till she settled in. Amy wanted to ask what was going on, but figured that Max had rented the car for the whole day and probably had no use for it.
When she arrived at the boutique, her stylist, Kara greeted her warmly, complimenting her figure and glowing skin.
"Oh, I've just come from the spa," she said, trying to evade the compliment, and then blushed, wondering if she sounded spoilt and pretentious.
But Kara didn't seem to disapprove and merely nodded, telling her that she'd look great in a number of dresses. "What's your favorite color, hon?"
"Pink," said Amy immediately, and then frowned. "But blue, green and grey are good too. Or maybe black would be more suitable?"
She wanted to fit into the crowd, maybe black would make her disappear into the background. Pink was a frivolous, girly color that she rarely wore, preferring muted colors that helped her fade away.
But Kara picked out a floaty baby-pink gown, a backless number with a deep neckline. It skimmed her curves, tight around the top and then flaring out gently below the knees. After she tried it on, she gasped and protested - this was far too daring, far too bold. She'd prefer a little black dress, something demure and conservative. But Kara was relentless, and told Amy she looked comfortable in the dress.
"I guess that's something," Amy said, considering. It was true that she didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable in this dress, and maybe a more formal one would make her feel ill at ease.
Once she agreed to it, strappy Louboutins that were surprising comfy and a cute purse appeared for her, and Kara introduced her to the makeup artist, Cynthia, who did her hair in artful waves and created a flawless, barely-there look with her makeup.
When it was over, Amy stood up and stared at herself in the mirror. She looked so different, all glowing skin, happy eyes and floaty pink.
Kara and Cynthia exchanged glances and Cynthia said softly, "I hope you have a fun night; you look stunning."
Amy laughed, and hugged them both. "Live a little," said Kara, and gave her a quick wink, "But don't break too many hearts."
Amy smiled and shook her head, and got back into the limo. Tonight wasn't about fun and excitement, and definitely not about breaking hearts. It was just business, just a quick walk around a room with Max, while he said hello to his associates, and then it would be over. From Monday, her boring life would go on as usual.
Chapter Two
From the moment she'd entered the limo, up until right now, Max hadn't been able to take his eyes off Amy.
Swathed in some kind of pink gauzy fabric, she was a vision of beauty. Her eyes were sparkling, looking darker than usual, and her hair cascaded down in dark waves. And of course that dress - it was killing him. Tight in all the right places, and devoid of fabric in the right areas… her smooth, pale back was exposed and so were the rounded tops of her breasts, just a hint but enough to make him want to rip off her clothes right there in the limo.
Of course, that wasn't happening, he told himself. He was the CEO, and Louise, the grey-haired head of HR, had given him a stern lecture about asking employees to non-work events. He'd protested that he was representing Zetta Corp, and Amy was doing the same so it was a work event, but his words had fallen on deaf ears, and he'd agreed to ask Amy to see her on Monday morning.
Even his younger brother Matt had laughed at him. Boring, conservative Matt, who abhorred any kind of attention or flashiness, someone he'd expected to approve of Amy as his escort. But Matt had simply taunted him for not finding a more appropriate date, and then warned him against trying to charm Amy. "Don't say anything to upset her," he'd said, "We need our employees to stay happy."
Max had smiled, secretly thinking of things he could do with Amy to make her very, very happy.
He and Amy made small talk till the limo pulled up to the event, and the driver opened his door. He stepped out and held out his hand to Amy, and she accepted it gratefully. The cold autumn air hit him like a slap, even as Amy's hand felt warm against him.
As soon as she was out, the light bulbs started flashing, the paparazzi yelling questions too fast for them to answer.
"Who's the sexy new girl, Max? Where's Chloe? Are you two the new couple?"
He felt Amy turn to him, a dazed look on her face. "What's going on?"
"Photographers, they seem to think you'd look good in tomorrow's tabloids."
She shuddered. "Please, can't we get away?"
He raised an eyebrow as the light bulbs continued to flash. "Most of my girlfriends think this a perk of dating me."
As soon as he mentioned "girlfriends", plural, he regretted it. But then again, Amy surely knew of his reputation.
"Not me," she said.
He noticed she'd turned slightly pale and hurriedly walked her forwards. "That's enough, guys, I hear Lindsay Lohan's on her way."
The photographers were thrown into confusion, craning their necks in case they missed Lindsay, and let them slip by.
"Do you always go through this?" Amy seemed to be slightly shaken, and Max cocked his head slightly.
"I take it you're not a fan."
"I prefer my privacy."
Max made an understanding noise, and thought that his brother would've approved; she was the opposite of everyone who dated him for fame.
"Time to mingle," he murmured, "The sooner we do this, the sooner we're out."
Amy nodded, and allowed hi
m to lead her to the host of the event, a grey-haired, mustachioed gentleman.
"Max," he boomed, a hint of a southern accent in his voice, "So good to see you. And thank you for that generous contribution."
"My pleasure Ian," he replied smoothly, "And thank you for hosting this gala to raise awareness."
Ian turned to Amy, and Max made the appropriate introductions.
"Charmed, I'm sure," Ian said. "I'll leave you two to meet the others."
As he disappeared, Max noticed the other men eying Amy. His blood boiled - he knew exactly what they were thinking. She had that perfect 1950's Marilyn Monroe figure, and all the half-starved women looked like dry sticks beside her beauty and curves.
He wanted to growl at the men staring at Amy, do something to make them go away, but instead there were people coming over to talk to them.
He satisfied himself by holding her arm gently and standing behind her as he greeted other guests and made introductions. Her feminine scent wafted up to him - pink, he thought, sweet like vanilla and rose. Her hair gleamed under the lights and he stood close behind her, her bare skin tantalizingly close to him.
In a daze, he shook hands with other people and engaged in polite chit-chat. He wondered if Amy could feel him through the thin fabric of her gown. It was hard not to get excited, just standing there, smelling her delicate scent, having a great view down her cleavage, wondering what her breasts would taste like. He was going crazy slowly, desperate to possess her, to have her writhing under him.
"Don't upset her," Matt had said, and as he remembered the warning, Max stepped back slightly.
When he moved away, Amy looked up at him in surprise. "Are you going somewhere?"
Oh, so she had expected him to stand close to her.