The Strange Case of Dr. Couney
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preemie twins Jane (Umbarger) and Jean (Harrison), 78–80
program theme, 51–53, 52
radio reports, 6, 10, 15, 19, 185–86
Cermak, Anton, 176–77
Champion, Jerome, 31, 174
Chicago Lying-in Hospital, 62, 114–15, 125, 181–82
Chicago Tribune, 114
Chicago World’s Fair (1933–1934). See Century of Progress, A
chicken hatcheries at Jardin d’Acclimatation (Paris), 27–29
Child Health Committee of Kings County (New York), 139
Children’s Incubation Institute (Berlin Industrial Exposition), 44
Clark, Margaret, 132
Coe, Norma Johnson, 196
Cohn, Alfons. See Couney, Alfons
Cohn, Fredericke (Martin Couney’s mother), 23–24, 35
Cohn, Hermann (Martin Couney’s father), 23–24
Cohn, Michael. See Couney, Martin
Cohn, Rebecca (Betty; sister), 140–42, 184
Coney Island (New York), 34, 35, 37, 53–54, 84–86, 85, 121–22, 165–66, 220
Coney Island Oral History Project, 90–91
Conlin, Lucille. See Horn, Lucille Conlin
Conlin, Marion, 1
Conlin, Woolsey, 1–2
Cornell New York Hospital, 218
Cosmopolitan, 66–67
Couney, Alfons (brother), 35, 47, 87, 111, 113, 137, 148
Couney, Hildegarde (daughter), 3, 17
birth, 107–8, 136–37
death and will, 76, 111, 130–31, 195, 223
financial standing, 110–11, 149, 170, 195, 218
and parents, 110, 117–18, 203
physical characteristics, 172, 206, 257n172
work with preemies, 18, 172–73, 138, 173, 186–87, 190–91, 202–4, 203
Couney, Martin, 37, 65, 89, 203
beer advertisements, 58, 58–59, 69
belief in physical contact for babies, 91–92, 219–20
birth of Hildegarde, 107–8
childhood as Michael Cohn, 23–24, 32, 34–35, 84
compared with Julius Hess, 115–17
complaints about “impostor” competitors, 45–46, 102–4
credentials, 156–57, 167, 199, 201, 209
culinary skills, 14, 179–80, 195
difficulty fitting in with others, 167–70
extravagance of, 13–15, 21–22, 155–56, 168, 170, 195, 199–200, 215
immigration assistance for refugees, 193–94
impact on modern preemie care, 219
lack of scientific records, 22, 174, 178, 223
legal and financial troubles, 74, 83, 95–98, 169–70, 199–201, 209, 213–14, 215, 218
London shows, 39–41, 45–47
at Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis), 95–106
and Maye, 87, 201, 203, 214
mysteries surrounding, 22, 32, 37–38, 76–78, 80–81, 115, 135–37, 139–42, 195n
name changes, 35, 76, 86–87, 136, 236n34
obituary and burial, 21–22, 76–77, 81, 92, 223
at Pan-American Exposition (Buffalo), 62–66, 65
pride in his work with babies, 12–13, 19, 40, 89, 137, 205
Qbata, 61–63, 74
reputation, 9–11, 63, 95, 112–13, 177–78, 222
retirement, 217, 217–18
William Silverman’s fascination with, 20–22, 30–32, 36–38
success in Coney Island and Atlantic City, 155–56, 172–75
travels of, 15–16, 39
U.S. citizenship, 59
at World of Tomorrow (New York), 199–201
Couney, Maye Segner (wife)
death, 192, 199
financial standing, 74, 109–11, 149–51
and Hildegarde, 107–8, 110
life with Martin, 18, 87
relationship with her family, 184, 254n150
work with preemies, 11–13, 17, 63–64, 148–49, 175, 191
“Couney buffs,” 31–32, 37, 60, 119, 135–39
“Couney Newsletter, The: A Journal Devoted to Making a Great Deal of the Very Little,” 135–36
Courtelyou, George B., 71
couveuse, 28, 28–29
Credé, Carl, 27–28, 40
cultural undercurrent about disabled and unhealthy babies, 157–59
Cypress Hills Cemetery (Brooklyn/Queens), 75–76, 81
Czerny, Vincenz, 140–42
Czolgosz, Leon, 71, 73
Dalí, Salvador, 198
Darkness and Dawn (concession, Trans-Mississippi Exposition), 69
DeLee, Joseph Bolivar, 114–15, 125, 181
delivery of babies in early 1900s, 155
Denver, 143–44
Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria (1897), 15, 39–41, 44–47
Dionne quintuplets, 18–19, 186–87, 233n18
Dipsea Race, 87, 148
Dreamland (Coney Island), 93–94, 94, 121–28, 124
Dubinsky, David, 160
Duboid, Anna, 124
Dundy, Elmer, 69–70, 82–84, 85–86, 148
Dunnavant, John, 98
Earl’s Court (London). See Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria (1897)
Egan, Belle, 129
Egan, Christopher, 129
Einstein, Albert, 197
elephant (Topsy) execution, 82–83
Elephant Hotel (Coney Island), 34, 35, 84
Elkins, Mrs. Richard, 168
Embryology of Behavior, The (Gesell with Amatruda), 208
Ephraim, Alfred, 141, 193–94, 195
Ephraim, Ilsa, 140–41, 141, 184, 193–94, 218
Ephraim, Ruth. See Freudenthal, Ruth Ephraim
ethical implications of technology, 36–37, 67–68
eugenics, 11–12, 33–34, 67–68, 134, 143–44, 157–59, 178–79, 193
Every Child a Lion (Klaus), 134
evidence-based medicine, 20–21
Exposition Universelle (Paris)
of 1878, 25–26
of 1900, 61, 62
Family Circle, 202
famous-preemies list, 156, 185
feeding of preemies, 41, 42, 43, 58–59, 64–65, 100, 104–5, 137, 164, 206. See also breastfeeding
at Dreamland, 123–25, 124
at Luna Park, 159
prevention strategies at World of Tomorrow (New York), 201
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, 122
Fischel, Solomon, 113–14, 123–28, 136, 143, 145–46
Fishbein, Barbara, 15, 179–80
Fishbein, Morris, 15, 19, 117, 179
Foley, William M., 191
birth rate, 26
Exposition Universelle (Paris), 25–26
Jardin d’Acclimatation (Paris), 26–27
Paris Maternité, 15–16, 26, 28, 41, 43
Francis, David R., 101–2
Freed, Frederick, 199, 217
Freudenthal, Ruth Ephraim, 194–95
Gartner, Carol, 135
Gartner, Lawrence, 31–32, 90, 92, 119–20, 135–40, 173–74, 195n, 250n119
gavage feeding, 43
Gellert (ship), 33–35
generational differences in sharing health information, 89–90
Gerber, Barbara, 181–82, 220, 221
Gesell, Arnold, 207–8
Givan, Thurman, 137, 139, 199
Gladys (infant patient), 31, 136
Goldstein, Moe, 205–6, 207, 209, 213, 215, 217–18
Good Old Coney Island (McCullough), 122
Graf, Miss (nurse), 123
Grand Toyland, The (concession, Panama-Pacific Exposition), 148
bsp; Grant, Cary (Archibald Leach), 165–66
Great Industrial Exposition (Berlin), 15, 37–38, 39, 44, 96
Greenfield, Mollie, 19
Grimley, John, 209
Gumpertz, Samuel, 122, 170
Haiselden, Harry J., 157–59, 163
hand hygiene, importance of, 219
Hansin family grave marker, 129–31, 130
Hardy, Joseph, 98, 100, 105
Harpers Magazine, 177
Harrison, Jean, 78–80
Hearst, William Randolph, 18
Heinisch, Carol Boyce, 216–17, 220, 221
Hell Gate (concession, Dreamland), 123
Hess, Clara, 15, 116
Hess, Julius
compared with Martin Couney, 115–17
friendship with Couneys, 15, 203–4
heated bed invention, 146–47, 147, 206
professional accomplishments, 10, 115–16, 116, 134, 148–49, 155, 163–64, 185–86, 223
support for Martin Couney, 11, 137, 167, 175, 177–78, 203–4
Hess beds, 146–47, 147, 206
Hitler, Adolf, 176–77, 183
Holy Cross Cemetery (Brooklyn), 129–31, 130
Horn, Barbara, 220, 221
Horn, Lucille Conlin, 1–2, 205, 221, 222, 223
hospitalism, 106, 126
Humane Society investigation at Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis), 101–2
Ikishupaw, Princess, and baby, 66
incubators, xiii
brooder, 41
concessions committee control of, at Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis), 95–98
couveuse, 28, 28–29
design requirements, 41–42
disbursement of, 150, 189
Hess’s heated bed, 146–47, 147, 206
imitations of, 45–47
invention of, 15–16
placement of, 46–47
professional support for, 10, 40, 86
Qbata, 61–63, 74
successful “graduates,” 19. See also survival rates for preemies
thermosiphon boiler, 29
Wärmewanne, 27–29
“warming tubs,” 27
See also specific fairs and expositions
Industrial Exposition (Berlin). See Great Industrial Exposition (Berlin)
Infant Aid Society of Chicago, 164, 185
Infant Incubator Charity (Paris), 42, 43
Infant Incubator Company, 14, 113–14, 168
infant patients, 65–66, 76–80, 88–92, 94–95, 136–37, 152, 160–62, 168–69, 174–75, 205, 218
infanticide, 157–58
involuntary sterilization, 157
Jardin d’Acclimatation (Paris), 26–27
Jewish immigration to United States, 193–94, 261n193
Johnson, George, 196
Johnson, Norma. See Coe, Norma Johnson
Joseph, Hortense Schoen, 164
Journal of the American Medical Association, The, 156, 215
Justice, Anna Rasmussen, 148–49, 152
Justice, Nedra, 152
Kahl, Fred (“The Great Fredini”), 121
Keeley, James, 114
Keller, Helen, 158
Kinderbrutanstalt (“child hatchery”), 15
Klaus, Alisa, 134
Krotoschin, Prussia (now Krotoszyn, Poland), 23–24
Lakeside Amusement Park (Denver), 143
Lancet, The, 40, 44, 45–47
Leach, Archibald (Cary Grant), 165–66
Leipzig Maternity Hospital, 27–28
Lewisohn, Ludwig, 177
Liebling, A. J., 201–2
“Life” (concession, World of Tomorrow), 179
Lillian (infant patient), 94–95
Lindsay, John D., 125, 126
Lion, Alexandre, 41–45, 58, 61–62, 62, 155, 238n44
Little Hip (elephant), 126–28
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis World’s Fair), 93, 95–106, 99
incubator exhibit, 98, 101–6
Luna Park (Coney Island), 82, 84, 93–94, 121–22, 148, 159
Lundeen, Evelyn, 30–31, 164, 177
lying-in hospitals, 125–26. See also specific hospitals
Magic Whirlpool (concession, Louisiana Purchase Exposition), 98
Mallon, Mary (“Typhoid Mary”), 149
Mann, Matthew D., 68–69, 72, 115
Marx, Felix, 37–38, 60
Mason, Paul, 112–13
Mastanka, Carolina, 112–13
Maternité de Paris. See Paris Maternité
McConnell, Emmett W., 63, 74, 83, 98
McCullough, Edo, 122, 123
McKinley, Ida, 70–71
McKinley, William, 57, 70–73
media coverage
The Brooklyn Eagle, 86
The Buffalo News, 66
Chicago Tribune, 114
Cosmopolitan, 66–67
Family Circle, 202
The New York Times, 123–24, 128
The New Yorker, 201–2
The Omaha Bee, 57
Scientific American, 66
evidence-based, 20–21
oxygen as cause of blindness, 21, 212, 217–18, 219
postpartum complications, 26
Meigs, Rozier G., 101–2
Meyer, Katherine Ashe, 9, 210–12, 211, 220, 221
midgets, 6, 7, 86, 91, 94, 122, 194
midway entertainment, 21, 37, 56, 69–70
modern preemie care practices, Martin Couney’s impact on, 219
Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital at New York-Presbyterian, 126, 219–20
mortality rates for preemies, 66, 97, 100–05, 215
Musselwhite, Harold S., Jr., 76–78
Musselwhite, Joy, 77–78
Mussolini, Benito, 185
Mystic Garden (concession, Trans-Mississippi Exposition), 69
Nazi rise to power
approach to eugenics, 157, 178–79
Night of the Long Knives, 183–84
neonatology, Hess’s 1922 book on, 163–64
New York Evening Journal, 102–4
New York Infant Asylum, 126
New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 125
New York Times, The, 123–24, 128, 160
New York World’s Fair (1939–1940). See World of Tomorrow
New Yorker, The, 201–2
Newborn Dinner, 30–32, 138–39
Nickman, E. Harrison, 173–74
nineteenth century as time of transformation, 33–34
nurses, 8, 9, 13, 18, 30, 39, 41, 42, 63, 73, 98, 105, 123, 124, 126, 127, 138, 164, 173, 174, 182, 188, 189, 200, 201, 203, 213, 215, 218, 233
Omaha World’s Fair. See Trans-Mississippi Exposition
Omaha Bee, The, 57
calibration, 219
as cause of blindness, 21, 212, 217–18
Panama-Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco World’s Fair), 145–46, 150
Pan-American Exposition (Buffalo World’s Fair), 49, 62–74, 64, 65, 67, 85
parental bonding, 219–20
Paris Maternité, 15–16, 26, 28, 41, 43
Park, Roswell, 71–72
patients of Martin Couney, 65–66, 76–80, 88–92, 94–95, 136–37, 152, 160–62, 168–69, 174–75, 205, 218
Pediatrics, 36, 60, 66, 139
people of color, 188
physical contact with babies, 91–92, 219–20
Pierce, John, 124
Polin, Richard A., 219–20
“preemie” vs. “weakling,” 163
Premature and Conge
nitally Diseased Infants (Hess), 163–64
Premature Infant Station at Sarah Morris Hospital (Chicago), 164
premature infants, feeding of. See feeding of preemies; breastfeeding; wet nurses
prematurity, causes of, 163–64
“propaganda for preemies,” 18, 157, 178, 187, 189
Qbata, 61–63, 74
race relations, 188
Raffel, Dawn, 51–54, 60, 76–81, 109, 119–20, 129–31, 160, 195n, 221
Raffel, Mark, 51
Rand, Sally, 178, 185
Rasmussen, Anna. See Justice, Anna Rasmussen
Rasmussen, Karen Steinicke, 148–49
Rasmussen, Peter, 148–49
Recht, Amelie Louise (“Madame”)
death, 129–31, 130, 223
financial standing, 109–10, 151
and Fischel, 128, 136
later years, 217
tricks to entice public, 9, 11, 30–31, 137, 202–3
work with preemies, 12–13, 16–18, 41, 57, 63, 84, 113–14, 137, 159, 168, 188, 204, 206
Reese, Michael, 10
retrolental fibroplasia, 21, 217–18
reunions of infant patients, 94, 185–86, 214, 220–22, 221
Reynolds, William H., 93–94, 121–22
Ripley’s Odditorium (Chicago), 183
Riverview (Chicago), 114
Röntgen, Wilhelm, 72
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 176–77
Roosevelt, Theodore, 73
Rotch, Thomas Morgan, 41, 105
rumors about infant patients, 168–69
Russ, Isabella, 149
Sanfilippo, Biagio, 190–91
Sanfilippo, Emanuel (b. 1934), 186, 186–87, 189, 190–91
Sanfilippo, Emanuel (b. 1937), 190
Sanfilippo, Mary, 190–91
San Francisco World’s Fair. See Panama-Pacific International Exposition
Sarah Morris Hospital (Chicago), 164, 177–78, 181–82, 189, 258n175
Schenkein, Samuel (Sam), 15, 39–41, 45–47, 61–63, 73–74, 83–84, 95–96, 98, 168
Schulz, Isador, 109–10, 151, 168, 178, 192–93
Scientific American, 66
Sea Gate (Brooklyn), 150–51, 217
Sea Lion Park (Coney Island), 82, 84–86
seasonal factors and preemie survival, 115
Segner, Annabelle Maye (Maye). See Couney, Maye Segner
Segner, Charles A., 150, 184, 254n150
Segner, Mary Isabella (Belle), 87, 149–50
Sehnsucht, 121
Silverman, Terry, 90–91, 91
Silverman, William, 20–22, 30–32, 36–38, 60, 136, 139
Sloane Hospital (New York), 125–26, 149, 241n62
St. Louis World’s Fair. See Louisiana Purchase Exposition
St. Louis Courier of Medicine, 104
Steeplechase Park (Coney Island), 56, 84–85