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Shattered Vows

Page 22

by Maggie Price

  She pulled more folded, bloodstained pages from her pocket. “I didn’t know you were carrying the divorce papers around.”

  “I stuck them in there the night I agreed to meet you at the library. Feels like a hundred years ago.”

  “At least.” She angled her chin. “How about we start right now making the most of our second chance? Together.”

  “Works for me.”

  Her mouth curving, she held up the papers. He gripped one side. They ripped them down the center. Together.

  “That’s a good start,” she said, dropping her half into the trash can beside the desk.

  His half followed. “The best.”

  She pressed a hand to his chest. “Now, you hardheaded, macho Scotsman, will you please let me take you to the hospital?”

  “Yeah.” He lifted a hand to the one she held pressed to his heart. He could feel his own thundering beat. “So, Mrs. McCall, do you have a plan on where we go after my side gets stitched?”

  “Home, Mr. McCall,” she murmured, brushing her mouth against his. “I’m taking you home.”

  “I love you, Tory. Now….” Bran tightened his hold on her and turned her brushing kiss into a long, deep, slow one that had her swaying. “And forever.”

  She held him close, heartbeat to heartbeat. She felt love, trust, hope. There were second chances in life, and they’d found theirs.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7370-6


  Copyright © 2004 by Margaret Price

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