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The Cowboy's Autumn Fall

Page 22

by Shanna Hatfield

“An entirely ridiculous fictional tale of love and romance suggested by Lindsay. Apparently she is quite taken with this particular genre,” Bailey said, unable to meet Brice’s eyes as she focused her attention on smoothing the sheet over her lap.

  “Does Trent know about it?” Brice asked, trying to sound serious. Trent, with his romantic tendencies, probably had Lindsay reading him a bedtime story every night. Brice knew if he continued reading the book Bailey had started there was no telling what might happen this evening.

  “That is information I am not privy to,” Bailey said, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. Thinking about the books she had available at her fingertips, she opened the cover and quickly scrolled through her options, finding what she was looking for.

  “If you’d like me to read, listen to this one,” Bailey said, sharing a collection of humorous short stories by Mark Twain.

  After one particularly funny story, Brice was laughing so hard, he had to wipe the tears from his eyes. Bailey, having forgotten the awkwardness between them earlier, was laughing as well. She was a strong, animated reader and they both enjoyed the engaging tales.

  Glancing at the bedside clock, Bailey turned off the ereader and set it on the nightstand, followed by her glasses. “I guess we should probably turn in,” she said, wondering how they would decide who got the bed.

  One of them was either going to have to sleep on the floor, which made her shudder in revulsion, or sleep in the chair, which was nearly unthinkable in the discomfort that would bring.

  The sensible thing to do would be to share the bed, but Bailey didn’t know if she could trust Brice to behave and she was afraid her own willpower wasn’t strong enough to refuse him if he didn’t.

  Before Brice could say anything, Bailey hurried into the bathroom to buy herself some time. Brushing her teeth again, she stared into the mirror, giving herself another mental pep talk before putting a generous amount of lotion in her palm and opening the bathroom door. Walking to the bed, she stood staring at it while Brice disappeared into the bathroom. When he came back out, he still had the towel around his waist and seemed to be studying her.

  Attracted to Bailey for a multitude of reasons and in any number of ways, Brice thought she was going to be his undoing as she stood by the bed, the light filtering through her nightshirt, rubbing lotion up her arms and into her hands. He didn’t know why, but that particular movement seemed so intimate and sensual, he clenched his hands into fists at his sides to keep from lunging across the bed and sweeping her into a passionate embrace.

  “Look, Bailey, we both need to sleep, there’s only one bed, so let’s be adult about this and agree to stay on our own sides. Will that work for you?” Brice said, trying to gauge her reaction. He expected the fiery blush that filled her cheeks. He wasn’t prepared for her vehement refusal, though.

  “Absolutely not,” Bailey said, crossing her arms across her chest. “It’s completely inappropriate, highly improper, and not a good idea. Not at all.”

  “Do you have any better ideas?” Brice asked, trying to remain calm. Why did she always have to be so pig-headed, argumentative and cute?

  “Well, I could…you could...” Bailey sighed in frustration. “No. I don’t.”

  “Come on. We can do this,” Brice said, motioning for Bailey to climb in bed. She did and turned off the lamp beside her. Brice turned off the lamp next to him, dropped his towel, and climbed between the blankets and the sheet, giving Bailey some small degree of separation from him.

  Feeling a dip in the bed from Brice’s weight, Bailey held her breath, waiting for Brice to scoot over and pull her against him. When he didn’t, she felt a little disappointment along with her relief.

  “Sleep tight, sugar, and have sweet dreams,” Brice said, rolling toward her and kissing her cheek. Bailey knew then he’d left the sheet between them.

  “Thank you, Brice,” she whispered, reaching out to squeeze his hand before rolling away from him to face the wall.

  They both waited quietly in the dark, listening for the other to breathe deeply in slumber. Instead, the air crackled with tension and pent-up longing.

  Finally, Bailey couldn’t take it any longer. Rolling onto her back, she lifted her arm from beneath the covers and slid her hand across the bed until it connected with Brice. She rested her hand on his shoulder, content just to touch him, when she felt the warmth of his hand on her cheek.

  “What’s wrong, sugar? Why aren’t you sleeping?” Brice asked, his voice subdued by fatigue and longing.

  “I don’t know. I feel quite unsettled,” Bailey said, annoyed with herself. She knew she’d never get to sleep unless Brice at least kissed her. Just once. Then she could relax and close her eyes. Having envisioned a day spent with him kissing and teasing her, and at least one sizzling good night kiss, all her hopes had been blown off course when the storm rolled in. Instead, they’d both been short-tempered and grumpy with one another and now Brice was acting like she was a buddy rather than his current love interest. Bailey felt frustrated and snubbed.

  “What would settle you?” Brice asked, hoping her answer wouldn’t require him to get dressed and go find somewhere to order hot tea or warm milk.

  “Perhaps if you’d hold me, just for a minute or two, it would help,” Bailey whispered, fearful of voicing her longing too loudly. There was something magical about being in Brice’s arms. Something that made her feel warm and safe and loved. She needed that right now. Needed it so badly, she could think of nothing else no matter how hard she tried.

  “I’ll hold you as long as you want, Bailey,” Brice said in a husky voice, reaching out and gently tugging Bailey closer to him. When her head settled against his chest, he pulled up the blankets and felt her relax. Although it made every nerve ending in his body stand at attention, he did feel more restful with her nestled in his arms. If only that blasted sheet wasn’t between them, he could fully enjoy the experience.

  Rather than dwell on that, Brice took a deep breath, then another as he lightly stroked his fingers along Bailey’s back and shoulders through the thin cotton of the sheet. Her breathing deepened and Brice knew she was asleep. Smiling to himself, he allowed his thoughts to still and was soon lost in his dreams.


  Bailey couldn’t remember ever sleeping so peacefully before. She snuggled into the warmth beneath her cheek and smiled. She didn’t recall her pillow being so firm before. Maybe Cady bought new ones and didn’t mention it.

  When the pillow beneath her moved, Bailey swallowed back a scream and popped open her eyes, only to find herself staring into Brice’s sparkling brown ones.

  “Brice Morgan! What do you think you’re doing?” Bailey asked in a demanding tone before she remembered being stuck in Burns for the night. She was curled up around Brice like he was her own personal body pillow. He looked at her like she’d lost what little bit was left of her mind.

  “I was enjoying a little cuddle time with you before you started yelling at me,” Brice said, the mischievous glint back in his eyes. “I let you use me all night for your pleasure and that’s the thanks I get?”

  Spluttering, Bailey thumped Brice on the chest before he caught her hand in his and kissed her cheek.

  “I think I kind of like waking up with you. You’re feisty and full of sass bright and early, just like you are the rest of the day,” Brice said, wearing a wicked grin. “You want to make this a permanent arrangement?”

  It was on the tip of Bailey’s tongue to say yes. She’d like nothing better than waking up each morning in Brice’s arms, but that was not meant to be.

  “Don’t be impertinent,” Bailey said, knowing she sounded like a school teacher scolding a student.

  “Never,” Brice said, running a hand over her tousled curls while the other was warm and comforting on her back. Brice awoke and watched Bailey sleeping until she began to rouse. Apparently, they both had either been so tired, or so content to be held in each other’s arms, they hadn’t moved all night. Com
pletely entranced with watching Bailey sleep, completely enthralled with her sleeping on his bare chest, Brice didn’t want to ever let her go.

  This feeling of love and belonging was what he’d been waiting for his entire life. Being with Bailey was like finding a part of him he hadn’t even known was missing. Despite her quirks, every day she became more important to him, more a part of him, as he fell deeper in love.

  She fit against him like she was the lone person in the world created just for that purpose.

  Pressing a kiss to her temple, he watched her slowly awaken and couldn’t help smiling when she cuddled closer against him.

  “Now you’re lying,” Bailey said, trying to sound stern, but unable to hide a smile. “You are always impertinent and quite often behave like a hooligan.”

  “Gee, and here I thought you were starting to like me,” Brice said, looking crestfallen.

  Bailey’s head jerked up and she saw a grin tugging at the corners of Brice’s mouth.

  “Not at all,” she said, stretching up and pressing a kiss to the mole at the edge of his bottom lip.

  “You best not start something we can’t finish, sugar,” Brice said, acutely aware that the only thing between him and Bailey was a measly little sheet, and his promise to himself and Trey to behave like a gentleman.

  Bailey nodded her head in understanding and started to push away from Brice.

  “No need to get in a hurry,” Brice said, glancing at the bedside clock. Even if the weather had drastically improved, he figured there was no need to get on the road before eight. It was just a little after six. He pulled her against him and continued stroking his hand across her back.

  “Well, we certainly can’t stay here like this all day,” Bailey said, wanting to do exactly that. Brice’s enticing scent, even without his cologne, has a heady fragrance. The warmth of his bare skin against her palm, the beating of his heart, strong and steady, beneath her cheek was reassuring and pleasant.

  For the first time in her life, Bailey felt completely cherished and secure, loved for who she was without exception. Brice put up with her waspish tongue, ignored her spurts of temper, overlooked her occasionally snobbish attitude, and loved her. Truly loved her.

  Sierra told her to allow herself to enjoy being young and in love, but it was so much more than that. She wasn’t just in love with Brice, she loved him to the very depths of her soul and didn’t want to think about how she would ever live without him.

  Her mind circled back around to her decision that marriage and career would never work together for her and Bailey dreaded the day when she’d have to tell Brice goodbye. The more time she spent with him, the harder it was going to be and yet, she couldn’t seem to stay away from him.

  Blocking out thoughts of what might come tomorrow, Bailey decided to enjoy the moment, to soak up every second of this quiet morning spent in Brice’s capable arms.

  Looking up at him, some of what she was feeling was conveyed in her bright eyes, drawing Brice into their ocean-blue depths.

  “Bailey,” he whispered, shifting slightly so he could cup her face in his hands before pressing his lips to hers.

  Bailey smiled against his lips when she tasted his minty breath strip on her tongue. It was so like him and the familiarity of it melted her heart.

  She ran her hands up his chest, over his shoulders and twined them behind his neck, toying with the back of his short hair.

  He moaned and pulled her closer, finding her entangled in the sheet. Bailey moved away from Brice, kicking the sheet down before he rolled her on top of him. The sensations produced from that made Bailey feel light headed while her limbs began to tingle and go weak. Their kisses grew in urgency as Bailey pressed herself against Brice, relishing the contact.

  A shiver started at her toes and worked its way to her head when Brice ran his hands along the backs of her thighs, up to the hem of the nightshirt. He suddenly stopped and she felt his forehead pressed against hers.

  “Sugar, we can’t do this. Not here. Not like this. It’s not right,” Brice said, breathing heavily as he tried to get control of himself.

  “I know, but why does it have to feel so wonderfully good?” Bailey asked, resting her head on Brice’s shoulder. Deciding to end the torment, she slid off Brice and the bed, getting to her feet. “I’m sorry,” she said, escaping to the bathroom.

  By the time she emerged, Brice was dressed and waiting for her.

  After eating breakfast, they started the drive home, grateful the temperature had risen and the roads were clear. Lost in their own thoughts, it was a quiet trip back to Grass Valley.

  When Brice parked the Jeep at the Triple T later that morning, Trey sauntered over from the barn and gave them both a look, trying to surmise if any damage had been done. Grinning, he thumped Brice on the back and thanked him for getting Bailey home safely.

  Brice nodded, not willing to admit, even to himself, how close he came to breaking his promise.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “So go ahead. Fall down.

  The world looks different from the ground.”

  Oprah Winfrey

  “Who needs gas in their car?” Tess asked as she barreled into the kitchen at the Triple T.

  Back for more than a week from their honeymoon, Tess and Travis were settling into the routine of daily work while enjoying life as newlyweds in their new home.

  Since Tess was often late in the evenings and Lindsay didn’t cook, Cady continued to feed everyone dinner at the big ranch house. Brice often joined them so he could spend time with Bailey as well as torment Tess and Travis.

  Tonight was no exception as Brice teased Travis relentlessly. Trey and Trent, along with the ranch hands joined in while Bailey and Cady visited. Lindsay picked at her food, still suffering from flu-like symptoms that had plagued her for the last week and Cass carried on her own conversation in her seat next to Trey.

  At Tess’ abrupt arrival and unexpected question, all eyes turned her direction in surprise.

  When no one answered, Tess looked at the female occupants of the table. “Cady, do you need gas?”

  “No. Trey filled my car yesterday,” Cady said, wondering what had spurred Tess’ sudden interest in the level of their gas tanks.

  “Bailey?” Tess asked hopefully.

  Shaking her head in response, Tess turned her gaze to Lindsay.

  “I was going to fill the tank after school tomorrow,” Lindsay said, staring at Tess. The girl was acting odd.

  “Great!” Tess said, grabbing Lindsay and Bailey by the hands, since they were sitting side by side, and tugging them out of their chairs. “Grab your keys and let’s go.”

  “Go where?” Lindsay asked, looking confused as Tess motioned for Cady to join them.

  “To the gas station. Pronto,” Tess said, kissing Travis on the cheek. He grabbed her arm and held on.

  “Honeybee, why are you in such an all-fired hurry to get to the gas station? What’s going on?” Travis asked, noting the mischief dancing in his bride’s eyes.

  “The new owner of the gas station is out pumping gas himself,” Tess said, grinning broadly. “You girls have got to go see him. He looks exactly, and I mean exactly, like Jon Bon Jovi.”

  “You’re kidding?” Lindsay said, snatching her purse off the floor by the kitchen counter as she and Cady hurried toward the door, dragging Bailey with them.

  “Hey, where are you girls going?” Trey asked, half-rising from his chair at the far end of the table.

  “Didn’t you hear the woman? Lindsay’s car needs gas,” Cady said with a grin and a wink as the four women hustled out the door.

  “Well, boys, I think we’ve just been abandoned for greener pastures,” Trey said, looking around the table, noting the frowns on the faces of his brothers as well as Brice.

  “I got bandonized, too, Daddy. Mama didn’t take me either,” Cass said, standing up in her chair and stepping over to Trey’s lap.

  “She sure didn’t, honey,” Trey said, runn
ing his big hand over the top of his daughter’s curly head.

  “What’s a Jovi?” Cass asked, looking at Trey as she jiggled her foot from her seat on his lap.

  “Bon Jovi was a very popular singer and actor a few years ago. Some women think he’s quite handsome,” Trey explained to the little girl as she looked from her father to her uncles.

  “Even handsomer than you, Daddy?” Cass asked, staring adoringly at her father.

  “Apparently,” Trey grumbled, wishing the girls had at least taken Cass so he wouldn’t have to answer her million questions.

  “Even handsomer than Uncle Trent and Uncle Travis and Brice and all the guys?” Cass asked looking around the big dining room table filled with men.

  “Absolutely not,” Brice said with a wicked grin. “Nobody’s that handsome.”

  The hands started laughing as they all pitched in to do the dishes and set the kitchen to rights. When the girls failed to return nearly an hour later, their husbands began to worry.

  “It shouldn’t take more than fifteen minutes to go fill the car with gas. What do you suppose they are doing?” Travis said, staring at his watch for the sixth time in the last ten minutes.

  “Who knows?” Brice said, leaning against the counter. “If it makes you feel better, I met the man. He bought the gas station and owns the new house and barn we’ve been building. We’re just finishing up with the project and he came by yesterday to check it out.”

  “And?” Trey and Travis both asked, wanting more information.

  “He seems pretty nice. Must have some money because that house and barn are really something,” Brice said taking out his knife and picking at his already clean fingernails.

  “But what does he look like?” Trent asked, joining the questioning.

  “About like Tess said. I thought at first it was Bon Jovi, but then realized there was no way he’d be hanging out in Grass Valley,” Brice said, noticing the hard looks that settled on the faces of the Thompson brothers.

  “You guys haven’t got a thing to worry about,” Brice said reassuringly, trying to act calm, knowing Bailey was along for the ride with the other three women. He was as tied in knots as his friends, but he sure wasn’t going to admit it.


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