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Bought for the Billionaire

Page 2

by Lacy Dae

  Releasing my hair with a jerk, he rose to his feet and strode to the hall door. "I'll be back in an hour. Be ready." The door closed behind him as I gasped for air, rubbing my throat and utterly shocked at the sudden changes in his behavior. The urge to escape the moody lunatic rose, but I fought it down. I really needed the money, and besides, I didn't even know where I was! It's just for one night. I can handle this! I hugged myself for a long moment before dragging myself to my feet and walking to the bathroom door. It opened at a touch, and I flicked the light switch.

  Gleaming marble spread out before me. The bathroom was huge, with a sunken tub and walk-in shower. Cold and sterile, it was done entirely in icy white. I shivered, and started to undress. Or at least tried to. Sitting on the cold floor, I scowled at the gauzy harem pants, now bunched up and dangling from the chain between my legs. The polyester fabric was tough, and I hadn't been able to tear it free. As my ass slowly froze to the tiles, it finally occurred to me that there might be scissors around somewhere. Waddling awkwardly, I searched the drawers until I found nail-clippers and used them to painstakingly free myself from the stupid costume. I left it in a pathetic heap of cheap emerald fabric on the floor. Great. Now I'm lost and I have no clothes.

  After the cold floor, I was grateful for the hot water of the shower. I scrubbed myself, carefully washing all trace of the auction house away. Discovering body wash in my favorite scent cheered me, a happy coincidence. Finally feeling clean, I turned off the water and wrapped myself in a huge soft towel. Methodically, I brushed and dried my hair, the familiar actions soothing my ragged nerves. I took as long as I dared to, and by the time I was ready to leave the bathroom, I felt calm and in control of myself once more.

  As my thoughts cleared, the face of my 'owner' kept reappearing. For some reason he seemed familiar. Dark hair and eyes, a proud nose, the faint accent when he spoke... where had I seen him before? There had been no clues to his true identity in the rooms I'd seen. But especially when he smiled, I was sure that I'd seen him before, somewhere. Wracking my mind, I left the bathroom.

  The nerves the shower had soothed flared back into jangling life at the sight of the bed. After the bright lights of the bathroom, I could barely make out its bulk in the dark bedroom. Truly massive, it had four thick pillars holding up a heavy velvet canopy. As my eyes adjusted, I saw the flickers of firelight glinting off of satin sheets, and how the lush bedspread was turned down invitingly. It was a bed made for romance, but I'd only be having sex in it, my virginity sold for hard cash to an unscrupulous man. If only I hadn't needed the money so very badly, I'd have run right then, despite being lost and naked. But I didn't.

  I took a strangled breath and gathered my courage. "Hello?" In the dim light I couldn't see if I was alone or not. There was no response. Maybe he hadn't returned yet? Barely daring to hope, I crossed the room. The bed was empty. A relieved sigh escaped me, and I sat down abruptly as my trembling knees gave out. After another long moment passed in silence, I took a deep breath and laid down, sliding in between the cool sheets. I couldn't bring myself to take off the towel and kept its dubious protection tightly wrapped around me. I was stiff with nerves, lying flat on my back but as more quiet minutes ticked past, I gradually relaxed. It had been a long and stressful day, and the bed was so soft. I sank into it, curling onto my side and cuddling a down pillow close. Darkness rose around me and, despite my lingering fears, my eyes drifted shut.

  I woke slowly, sleepily resisting a tug on my towel. Warm fingers were gently coaxing it down my body, but the sheets were chilly, and I grumbled a drowsy complaint, slapping the hands away. Full awareness returned with a rush, though, when the blanket was abruptly thrown back and my towel painfully yanked out from under me, tumbling me onto my back. "Hey!" I shivered as cool air swept around my sleep-flushed limbs and turned to glare at my tormentor. He sat beside me on the bed, legs crossed and bare-chested, his hair charmingly ruffled. I scowled at him, but his serene expression didn't even flicker.

  "Now what did I say about resisting me? I believe you've earned yourself another correction, darling." His deep voice was soothing, almost hypnotic, but then his meaning sank in. I hadn't resisted anything but being cold! I opened my mouth to argue the point, but an eager glint in his eye convinced me to bite my tongue instead. He seemed entirely too eager to find reasons to punish me! His eyes drifted downwards, and I blushed, realizing that I was naked in front of a man for the first time. I wrapped my arms around my breasts, suddenly shy. He arched an eyebrow at this attempt at modesty, but thankfully didn't take it as further 'resistance' to his whims. "Roll onto your stomach."

  I stared at him for a long moment, considering genuine resistance and he arched that damned eyebrow again. Then I sighed and obeyed his command, turning over to lay face-down on the soft bed, arms at my sides. I told myself that I was just trying to avoid additional punishment, but the truth was that a wicked flicker of curiosity had sprung to life in me. Exactly what sort of punishment did he have in mind? Surely he wouldn't actually hurt me!

  Excited and nervous, I closed my eyes and held perfectly still as he moved to straddle my bare legs. His silken boxers slid across my thighs, a warm weight that pinned my upper legs to the bed. My breath rushed out in a sigh as he ran his fingers down my back, lightly brushing my skin, and I shivered as goose-bumps rose in response to that teasing touch. As his warm hands massaged my back, I slowly relaxed under him, enjoying the sensuous caress, a rising tide of warmth filling me. "You are so beautiful, darling. Untouched and innocent..."

  I gasped as his finger ran down the cleft of my ass. The foreign sensation made me want to squirm but I forced myself to hold still as he smoothed his hands over my ass, gently squeezing the soft flesh. When his fingers returned to gently probe the soft cleft between my cheeks, the growing warmth inside me twisted, a curious tension starting to build. I tried to ignore the strange feelings and relax, but I yelped when his flat palm smacked hard against my ass.

  "Hey!" My ass stung as another heavy slap fell across both cheeks. "Ouch!" I twisted around to glare at him, indignant.

  "The more you protest, the more I have to punish you, darling. Surely that's obvious by now?" I sputtered at this bit of condescension and he grinned down at me tauntingly. Even as I glared at him, though, I couldn't help but appreciate the sexy picture he presented. His wide shoulders and his muscled chest glowed warmly in the firelight and the urge to run my hands all over that smooth tanned flesh was nearly undeniable.

  Another hard slap on my ass, however, reminded me of my role in this odd game he was playing. With a muffled groan, I forced myself to lie back down on the bed, and he ran a pleased hand down my back. "Hold still for me, darling."

  He spanked me slowly at first, clearly relishing each slap he laid on my poor ass. My skin grew hot under his palm, flushed and rosy as each careful blow made me flinch, my hands knotting in the silky sheets. It hurt, but I stayed silent as long as possible, until a sharp strike where in the tender crease where my ass met my leg made me yelp. He ran a soothing hand down my back once more. "I know it hurts, darling. Be as loud as you want."

  As he picked up the pace, I soon lost all self-control, twisting and sobbing under his sharp slaps. The reddened skin on my abused ass became incredibly sensitive and the pain of the spanking began to transform into a curious pleasure, sharp-edged and hot. As I squirmed and whimpered, my pussy began to throb in time with his punishing slaps, moist heat pooling between my legs. Sensing the change in my response, he began to alternate spanks with soothing caresses, fingers dipping shallowly between my ass-cheeks and tracing down my thighs.

  "You like this, don't you." He murmured, running his fingers even lower, for the first time brushing against the glistening folds of my pussy. I gasped as a surge of pleasure shot through me at that teasing touch. He chuckled, wiping his fingers on my flaming ass, painting it with my nectar. "What a naughty girl you are."

  Thinking he had finally finished punishing me, I relaxed, and
his last slap surprised a pained squeal from me. I couldn't help turning for a reproachful stare, and he smiled down at me. "You wear my handprints beautifully, darling. And your response is delightful." I flushed at his words, ashamed of my arousal and yet oddly proud of it.

  He framed my ass with strong hands, spreading my ass-cheeks wide. I trembled underneath him as he ran his thumb down my cleft, brushing against the tender ring newly exposed. His hand continued tracing downward, spreading the slick folds of my throbbing pussy until I moaned. He probed gently, sliding a finger-tip into my virgin entrance, and I clenched reflexively at the intrusion. He chuckled, flexing his finger until I gasped. "Are you ready for me?" I whimpered as he slid in another finger, stretching my tight pussy painfully. "Actually, I have a better idea."

  Pulling his finger free, he slid down my body until I could feel his breath against the hot skin of my ass. I jerked when he kissed one reddened cheek, his slight stubble abrading my sensitized skin. He smoothed a hand over the base of my spine calmingly, and then spread my ass-cheeks once more. I felt totally exposed and vulnerable, my most private areas exposed between the hard hands pinning me in place. Panting, I forced myself to remain still when every nerve screamed to push him away. To my surprise, though, he spoke, his warm breath tickling my ass. "Tell me why you're still a virgin."

  I froze for a second, and his hands tightened on my ass, long fingers biting into my tender skin in clear warning. "I-I wanted to wait for marriage." I mumbled into the bed. He laid a kiss on my ass for that bit of honesty. Expecting more questions, I gasped as he instead began to lick and nibble the sensitized skin of my ass. The heat of his mouth on my skin started to knot the strange tension inside me once more as he worked his way down to the puckered ring of my asshole. I wanted to stop him, dismayed at being touched that way, but the surging pleasure that filled me as his firm tongue slid down my cleft kept me silent. He pulled back before reaching it, though, and a strange disappointment filled me as he sat up.

  "How romantic. What changed your mind?" His voice was casual, but the tight grip of the hands squeezing my ass told a different story. He really wanted to know. Why does he care? My mind seemed sluggish, thoroughly distracted by the feel of his strong hands on me, and the wicked explorations of his tongue. Words tumbled from my mouth without thought.

  "I caught my boyfriend with his room-mate." I tried to be matter-of-fact, but the pain of that discovery colored my voice, and his hands loosened, caressing my bruised flesh. "He was gay. No wonder he didn't... We never..." My voice trailed off. I'd loved him whole-heartedly, had planned to marry him, but he'd used me as a disguise, a shield between his true desires and the world's disapproval. He'd never really wanted me. The cold of that betrayal dissipated the warm cloud of physical pleasure I'd been floating on, and I shivered.

  "So why the auction?" My buyer's next question drifted up from below and I almost laughed. Here I was, naked, with a stranger face-down between my legs, and now he wanted to talk. It was surreal. Somehow that made it easier to be honest.

  "Money, of course." He slapped my ass in remonstrance to my off-handed tone, and I yelped, and then shrugged. "Well, what did you expect? I finished college but couldn't find work. I'm in graphic design, but nobody wanted my skills, not even free-lance. It seemed like the only value I had was between my legs." I tried to keep the bitterness out, without much success. I'd been on the edge of homelessness, but the real kicker had been when my family called... but he didn't need to know about that.

  My brooding thoughts were lost as his hot tongue finally slid over my tender asshole, and I moaned as liquid heat flooded through me again, driving out the cold. "Maybe you should learn some new skills." His voice was muffled as he pressed his face against my ass. My biting rejoinder to this helpful bit of advice was lost as the pointed tip of his tongue gently probed my puckered ring. Wicked pleasure spread through me from that forbidden touch and I squirmed underneath him as he licked and teased my asshole. He gently stretched me with his tongue and then began to tease me with a finger, nudging against that virgin territory.

  He shifted to kneel between my legs, one hand on the flat of my back pinning me to the bed. His fingertip slid gradually slid deeper into my ass as he rhythmically penetrated, each thrust sinking a bit further. A strange, stretchy pleasure began to spread through me, knotting in my belly, and I moaned, rocking my hips against his hand as his finger flexed deep inside of me. As the tight ring of my asshole loosened around him, he added a second finger, gently working it into my ass along-side the first.

  My asshole burned as it was stretched, but once more the fiery pain transformed into a sharp-edged pleasure. I shoved harder against his hand as a desperate tension began to grow inside of me, panting for breath. He responded by thrusting more forcefully, sinking his fingers deeply into my ass with each gliding stroke. His free hand rubbed gentle circles on my back, a confusing bit of tenderness, even as his fingers sank roughly into my loosened asshole, shoved in as far as they'd go again and again, bruisingly deep. I quivered and shook under him as the muscles of my legs and belly tightened, clenching from the twisted pleasure filling me.

  He suddenly pulled his fingers completely out of my ass, leaving me empty and moaning with need. Then he tugged on my hips, raising me to my knees before him. He pulled me back against him and I felt the broad head of his cock press the tight ring his fingers had loosened. His cock felt huge, much larger than the fingers it was attempting to replace, and I shuddered in sudden fear. "Try to relax, darling."

  The firm head of his cock shoved against my asshole, the closed ring resisting the growing pressure until it painfully gave way. I gasped as the head of his cock suddenly sank into my ass, stretching the tender flesh as never before. The burning pain of his intrusion drowned any chance of pleasure, and I clawed at the sheets, panting. Ignoring my whimpers, he shoved his cock deeper into me, inch by inch, until he had fully sheathed his hard cock in my aching ass.

  He paused there for a long moment, hands comfortingly rubbing my back as I sobbed for breath, nearly in tears from the searing pain. Gradually it faded into a dull ache, an uncomfortable feeling of fullness. I made a tentative motion to pull free of him, in the dim hope that he was done, but he chuckled, his hands on my hips holding me still. "We're not finished yet, darling."

  He slowly slid his cock out of me, before sinking it deeply back into my ass. I clenched around him reflexively, and he shuddered, gasping. "Easy, darling." As he stroked in and out of my throbbing asshole, gradually gaining speed, the dull ache of his cock stretching me transformed into pleasure. Each thrust sent a wave of sharp-edged sensation through me, tension once again knotting in my core. It built more quickly this time, tightening my body around his pounding dick as I moaned and shoved my ass against him, urging him to fuck me harder.

  He reached one arm around me, jamming a rough finger against my clit. I gasped as pure pleasure rippled out from that grinding contact. The coiling pleasure inside of me tightened even further, leaving me nearly crazed with desperation. He fucked me roughly, slamming his cock into me faster and faster, his finger on clit pulsing in time. I clawed at the sheets, moaning and panting, until one last thrust of his cock into my shuddering ass finally fractured the knotted tension inside of me.

  I froze, gasping, as an intense wave of pleasure swept through me, wiping away all thought and reason, whiting out my mind. Rippling aftershocks followed that first surge, repeated lesser peaks that left me moaning, my legs and feet tingling in their wake. He groaned too as my ass clenched tightly around his cock with each surge, thrusting wildly into me as I quaked in the throes of my first orgasm. As the over-whelming pleasure faded into warm bliss, he stiffened over me, jerking and shaking, groaning as his swollen cock pumped its hot load deep inside my throbbing ass.

  He leaned into me, panting, his hard cock buried deep in my ravaged ass. After a few moments to catch his breath, he pulled free and rolled over onto his back, tugging me in close under his arm. Adrif
t on a sea of warmth, mind utterly blank, I quickly fell asleep with my head on his chest.

  The morning light woke me painfully early, and I pried open bleary eyes, staring up the rich velvet canopy. Utter confusion reigned for a long moment before I recalled the auction, and events of the previous night. Well, at least it's over now. My buyer still lay sleeping, one arm over his eyes to block out the encroaching day, but as I scooted away from him, he grunted and rolled onto his side. Sharp recognition slammed through me as I saw his face in full light for the first time. Miles Sinclair. The programming wizard who had revolutionized the computing world with his innovative search algorithms, forever changing the very nature of the Internet. A reclusive billionaire, he had rarely been seen after losing control of his company in a bitter divorce.

  I must have made some sound, as he suddenly awoke, blinking and yawning. Spotting me, he smiled and reached out to tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear. I just stared at him, still struggling with the realization that I'd been so thoroughly fucked by one of the wealthiest men in the nation. His hand fell away and he frowned at my rudeness, eyes narrowing. Before he could say anything, though, I scrambled off the bed and out of his reach.

  The towel I'd gone to bed with was on the floor, and I snatched it up, wrapping it around myself with trembling hands. My thoughts were a jumbled mess and I babbled off the first thing that came to mind. "I need clothes." As the bright light glinted off the metal shackles circling my wrists, I added. "And that key."

  Miles sat up slowly, the covers falling to his waist. A handsome man in his late thirties, he was trim and fit, his thick dark hair just starting to silver at the temples. I looked away, ashamed at the surge of lust that flickered though me. An awkward silence built, as he frowned thoughtfully at me and I avoided his eyes, staring at the bedspread instead.


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